Olive harvest and Colonialism in expansion in Kafr ad Dik

12th November 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Huwwara team | Kafr Qalil, occupied Palestine

For the past six days, international activists joined a Palestinian farmer, Fares Deek, in the harvest of his olives outside Kafr ad Dik village, located inside Salfit governate. For the past 16 years, the area has been a target of expanding illegal Israeli settlements.

Fares field is today surrounded at the north, east and west sides by Lashem settlement, started in 2010, with 700 units inhabited and another large number under construction.

Military check-point at the metal road gate
Military check-point at the metal road gate

“They surrounded all my land and cut my road coming to my land. When they finish, I think I cannot come to my land.” Fares explained about the situation he is living in.

Fares reported that until now, Israelies, have stolen 700 dunums to build Lashem, leaving seven families that own fields in the same hill, without their land, only to establish this illegal settlement.

“They stole all my neighbors lands from the north and the east. In the future maybe in the south, maybe me.”

Bulldozer expanding Lashem colony
Bulldozer expanding Lashem colony

Eight months ago, bulldozers destroyed the agriculture road that used to lead up to Fares field.

Lashem has also cut him off the road to another field he owns, now on the north of Lashem illegal colony.

It used to take Fares 5 minutes to drive from Kafr ad Dik to the land, but to reach it now he has to cross a valley, after driving through Der Ballut and Rafat villages, then he needs to climb for half an hour to the top of the mountain where the field is. The last time he visited that field for the harvest was in 2013. The time and the money needed makes it hardly worth the out-put anymore.

Fare’s mother watching the destruction of her land
Fare’s mother watching the destruction of her land

Two other settlements, Pedu’el to the south and Ale Zahav, behind Lashem, to the east complete to enclose his field. Just like Lashem, the illegal colony of Pedu’el, is also being expanded. Also to the north of Kafr ad Dik, the village Fares lives in, the new illegal settlement of “Sahar” is being formed on top of the mountain that Palestinians know as, Daher Subeh.

The area is being advertised as a quiet, peaceful place for Israelis to move to, according to Fares Deek.

“Israeli wants to encourage people to live here. As living cost is less, all the water you want is available, good for factories and no taxes!

maybe in the future in Salfit area all the mountains will become settlements.”

Bulldozer working in Pedu’el illegal settlement
Bulldozer working in Pedu’el illegal settlement

“They work quickly, building new units, they look carefully at Salfit area. Compare Jerusalem area and Salfit area, they are doing the same.”

During the first day of the harvest, many settler colonists showed up at Fares field. Some of the colonists where openly carrying firearms and monitored the family while picking their olives.

“I have a bad feel about zionism. About anyone who came to take your land, to take your freedom, and take your hope. How would anyone in the world feel if he had to go through all this?

What that can make people feel? A bad feeling”

There is a well in Fares land that he used to use for drinking water, but 6 years ago after settlerers started to throw down big rocks and to take baths inside it, he couldn’t use it any more.

Dust is being spread from the bulldozers working on Lashem, causing damages for the olive trees.

Bulldozer working at the edge of Farres land at the place where they cut his agricultural road.
Bulldozer working at the edge of Farres land at the place where they cut his agricultural road.

“All the years the harvest suffers because of the dust. The olive trees cannot breath good air because of the dust. They are between life and death.”

As we drove with the family towards the field the second morning harvesting, the Israeli army had put up a check-point at a metal road gate in the exit of Kafr ad Dik. The team was stopped for a total of 28 minutes by the four soldiers that were operating this checkpoint. Even though Fares said that he was going to pick his olives, the soldiers demanded to check IDs and kept asking questions.

When we finally got told to leave, Fares said that this was a common occurrence.

“They are doing this only to stress the people.”

This road gate was closed for 5 years between 2000 and 2005, forcing the people of Kafr al Dik to take an alternative route in order to exit the village, Fares explained.

Fares also reported that he has frequent visits from the Israeli forces while working in his field. He explained that there is a military tower in Pedu’el and sometimes the army will arrive very quickly after he enters the field.

“They tell me I have to have a permit to bring people here. I tell them that this is my land I’ll bring people here anytime I want. Sometimes they tell me you have to go back before the sunset. This makes me afraid about the future, about the land, what will happen in the future. I’m not having big problem now, but they will finish the units and come to live here in Lashem, they will tell me “you have no permit to come here”. Maybe they will put gates, fences. That is the future”

Also he thinks that Lashem will be finished in one to two years and that he is not sure if he will be able to harvest the olives next year.

“I’m afraid about the future, about the situation in Palestine, about Salfit, about my village. Israel is building more and more units in all settlements and started to build three new settlements since 2010 till now. That means cut more and more land, making new streets. Where is the solutions if they build more and more? The idea of a Palestinian state will die. And the pressure on Palestinians is always more. That is very bad”

“I want to tell people that we suffer and I invite people to visit Palestine to see with their own eyes to know who has the right to live here. I want to encourage Palestinian people to stay in the land as well.”

End medical apartheid: Israel banning entry of Gaza patient Abd al-Kareem

10th November 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza team | Gaza, occupied Palestine

Abd al-Kareem Nahid Abu Halloub, a 32 year old paitent had a heart attack on 6/10/2016 and is in a coma for about 36 days now as a result of a sudden fall to the floor. He was convulsed. His health condition is extremely serious as the doctors stated and has to get his treatment in the West Bank. Though, the paitent was denied access through Erez crossing twice.

“We took him directly to Al-Awda hospital and they made him Artificial ventilation to assist him to breath until his heart worked again. In the evening, we took him to the Indonesian hospital in Tal al-Za’tar – north Gaza and the doctors there helped my son with all what they can possibly do. But they advised us to treat him in the West Bank.” Explained the paitents father.

The hospitals in Gaza have limited medical equipment that the medical device needed for treating the paitent Abu Halloub, is not found in Gaza. The paitent needs to get his treatment in a hospital where all medical devices needed for his situation in available as the doctors explained to the paitent’s family.

“We waited 72 hours as the doctors requires and then we sent his medical reports to hospitals in the West Bank and we got an approval from al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron on the reception of the patient. We also had an approval from Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, we received a denial from entry from the Israeli side, they refused to give the patient permission to enter through Erez crossing.” The father added.

The paitent Abd al-Kareem Abu Halloub while in the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza
The paitent Abd al-Kareem Abu Halloub while in the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza

After a week, the family received another refusal for the paitents entry through Erez crossing to get his treatment. However, they are looking for any other ways to make him travel for treatment.

It’s worth mentioning that the Israeli seige of the Gaza Strip that began in mid 2007 has serious repercussion on the Palestinian health sector, resulting in an aggravation of the humanitarian situation facing Gaza’s 2 million people.

According to the International Hummaitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, Israel is obliged to protect civilian people, the wounded and sick in times of armed conflicts. It must prevent the deterioration of the humanitarian situation and allow the free passage of all consignment of medical stores with a decent medical care. However, the Israeli occupation continues to violate these rights. Consequently, the request for permits to recieve treatment outside the Gaza Strip increased.

UNWRA: Update on Israeli forces use of live ammo in refugee camps

22th September 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

UNRWA is concerned about the Israeli forces’ increased use of live ammunition against Palestinian civilian demonstrators in Palestine refugee camps since July 2016.

Since July 2016, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of live fire against Palestinian civilian demonstrators, especially in refugee camps. According to figures gathered by the UN, while the total number of Palestinian civilian injuries across the West Bank went up from 328 cases (April-June) to 408 (July and August), the  number of injured Palestinians in refugee camps increased from 34 (April – June) to 130 (July and August). Further, among these 130 injuries, 91 people, or 70 percent, were shot with live ammunition, this is extremely high, given that the average of live ammunition injuries among all injuries from previous three years combined (2013-2015) had been approximately 20 percent.

Most of the 91 injuries by live ammunition from July and August occurred in three refugee camps: Fawwar Camp (33 injuries), Qalandia Camp (23), and Dheisheh Camp (19).

On 16 August, Israeli forces conducted a large scale military operation in Fawwar Refugee Camp, south of Hebron. A large number of Israeli troops entered the camp in the early morning between approximately 3 to 4 am. The forces occupied a number of homes to use them as vantage points, searched dozens of houses and remained in the camp until after 8 pm. A large number of tear gas and stun grenades were used during the operation. Much of the teargas was deployed in narrow alleyways among residential areas, causing refugees to suffer from tear gas inhalation inside their houses.  
During intensive house searches, Israeli forces caused extensive damage to residents’ homes and private property, including six recorded incidents where security forces, including snipers, made holes in the walls of homes to use as cover to fire from. Camp residents told UNRWA that it was the largest operation in years, possibly since the second intifada. More than 30 camp residents were shot and injured, and a 18 year-old male was killed. At least 16 people were shot with live ammunition, and 3 by rubber coated steel bullets. 18 people were shot in the lower limbs. Many of the injured were shot in the inner side of their lower legs, either right under their knees or near their ankles.

Dheisheh Refugee Camp has continuously been a area of multiple operations carried out by Israeli forces, which has resulted in many live ammunition injuries. In July and August 2016 alone, Israeli forces carried out at least seven search operations in the camp, all of which turned into violent confrontations between Palestinian youths and Israeli troops.  At least 20 youth were shot by live ammunition, the majority in the lower limbs. UNRWA is still in the process of collecting and verifying further information in the camp.

It is important to put this information into context. The first half of 2016 saw a reduction in the number of searches and arrest operations conducted in the West Bank compared with the second half of 2015, as well as a substantial decrease in the number of Palestinians who were injured mainly during confrontations with Israeli forces in the course of such operations.

UNRWA continues to raise its concerns on the alarming use of live ammunition with the Israeli authorities.

Israeli authorities, as the occupying power, have a responsibility first to protect the civilian population in the West Bank, including the Palestine refugees residing there. In conducting “security” or “law enforcement” operations international legal standards require that Israeli forces exercise restraint, act in proportion to the legitimate objective to be achieved, minimize damage and injury and most importantly respect and preserve human life.

Source: UNWRA

Call to action: Olive Harvest 2016

9th September 2016 | International Solidarity Movement | Ramallah, occupied Palestine

At a time of increasing settler violence in the West Bank, the International Solidarity Movement is issuing an urgent call for volunteers to participate in the 2016 olive-harvest on the invitation of Palestinian communities.
The olive tree, a national symbol for Palestinians, is an affirmation of Palestinians historical connection to their lands. Israeli Forces and settlers have tried in numerous occasions to disrupt this special relationsship between the Palestinians and this thousand-year old crop. Thousands of olive trees have been bulldozed, uprooted and burned by Israeli settlers and the military, but Palestinians farmers refuse to be intimidated – under the Israeli occupation harvesting has become more than a source of livelihood; it has become a form of resistance.
Despite efforts by Israeli settlers and soldiers to prevent them from accessing their land, Palestinian communities have remained steadfast in refusing to give up their olive harvest.
Palestinian farmer and internationals discussing picking permit with Israeli forces.
Palestinian farmer and internationals discussing picking permit with Israeli forces.
In solidarity with Palestinians farmers, ISM volunteers help with the olive harvest each year. If you join ISM over the olive harvest you will work with other ISM’ers in Palestinian olive groves especially exposed to violence and harassment from Israeli settlers and military. Our presence can make a big difference. It has been proven in the past to deter the number and severity of attacks as well as harassment, hence supporting the Palestinians universal right to be and work on their lands. International solidarity activists engage in non-violent intervention and documentation and this practical support enables many families to pick their olives. In addition, The olive harvest also provides a wonderful opportunity to spend time with Palestinian families in their olive groves and homes, there is nothing like sipping tea under a olive tree after a long days work.
The harvest will begin in start-October and run until  mid-November.  We request a minimum 2 week commitment from volunteers but stress that long-termers are needed as well.  We kindly ask that volunteers start arriving in the first week of October, so we are prepared when the harvest begins.
Nablus: Olive tree cut down by settlers
Nablus: Olive tree cut down by settlers
The ISM will be holding mandatory two day training sessions which will run weekly on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact palreports@gmail.com for further information.
Ongoing campaigns
In addition to the olive harvest, there will be opportunities to participate in grass-roots, non-violent resistance in Palestine.
ISM maintains a constant presence in Hebron, where settler harassment and violence is a regular occurrence. Lately, Israeli army violence has escalated for Palestinians living in proximity to the illegal inner-city settlement. Israeli forces have used the Palestinian neighborhoods for military training. Harassment, humiliations and violence is an almost daily occurrence. A valuable part of the ISM’s work in Hebron is to monitor checkpoints near Palestinian schools. In the morning and afternoon schoolchildren have to pass through the checkpoints, which often lead to violent situations. From time to time young Palestinian boys throw stones on the occupying forces, which leads to collective punishment by the Israeli Forces as they lob dozens of teargas canisters and stun grenades, onto the schoolchildren. ISM is present at these checkpoints to document these extremely violent responses to boys throwing pepples, and to serve as an protective presence.
ISM also has an apartment in Nablus from where we work on a number of projects including resisting demolitions in various villages, and supporting Palestinians resisting settler theft of their lands.  In addition to these activities, we participate in the weekly demonstration in Kafr Qaddum, where protesters face excessive force by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).
Come! Bear witness to the suffering, courage and generosity of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation.
Experiencing the situation for yourself is vital to adequately convey the reality of life in Palestine to your home communities and to re-frame the debate in a way that will expose Israel’s apartheid policies; creeping ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem as well as collective punishment and genocidal practices in Gaza.
In Solidarity,
ISM Palestine

Letter of affirmation to Black Lives Matter

The world watches as Black and Brown bodies continue to be gunned down by a racialized, hyper-militarized US police force. And we are indignant.

We affirm Palestinian solidarity with Black liberation and support their struggle for the swift and long absent application of justice against police officers who commit heinous, extrajudicial murders of Black people and the systems that create and overpower policing systems.

We affirm Palestinian solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives as they protest in the streets against the rising count of marginalized bodies at the hands of police who kill with impunity. We further call for a complete disinvestment in weapons and the business of war and in investment in human rights of Black, Brown, indigenous and Palestinian people anywhere on this planet.

We affirm Palestinian solidarity with the families of the victims of racist police violence and with the communities that struggle to rebuild after these murders.

As Palestinians continue to live under and resist the Israeli occupation, siege, and racial violence by an army that trains the US police force, border control, and homeland security agencies, we affirm our intersectionality and our common struggle with The Movement for Black Lives.

We who believe in Freedom will not rest.

Palestinian solidarity with Black liberation.

Your struggle is our struggle
‪#‎SayTheirNames‬ #‎BlackLivesMatter‬ #NoDAPL

In solidarity

  • The Nabi Saleh committee  against the wall and settlements
  • African community old city Jerusalem
  • The Bil’in committee against the wall and settlements
  • The Hebron Defence Committee
  • International Solidarity Movement Palestine
  • The One democratic state group – Gaza
  • Palestinian student campaign for the Cultural and Academic Boycott of Israel
  • Youth against Settlements