Photo story: Palestinians march in Tulkarem to defend their right of return

31th May 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus team | Tulkarem, Occupied Palestine

On the morning of the 31st of May, several buses filled with Palestinian and international activists from across the West Bank gathered in Tulkarem to march towards the Natanya checkpoint, used only by the Israeli military forces.

Political groups, Palestinian civil society and Popular Resistance Committees named this action as the “March of Return”. Their aim was to defend their right of return and were united under the following slogan: “Our return is inevitable: Freedom for Al Aqsa (Jerusalem) and the prisoners”.

Once the buses arrived in Tulkarem, the activists marched several hundred meters to arrive at the checkpoint. Several protesters gathered at the gates of the checkpoint and began chanting, others spray-painted messages onto the apartheid wall [declared illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004], while other activists used heavy craft hammers to damage it.

A few tear gas canisters were shot soon after the demonstration reached the gates of the checkpoint, enough to break up the protesters into two groups. One of these tear gas canisters caused a fire in a nearby field. Then, several “warning” shots were fired into the air with live ammunition and Israeli forces then fired large amounts of tear gas canisters. Tear gas projectiles were fired at the crowd.

Political groups, Palestinian civil society and Popular Resistance Committees marched together to defend the right of return (photo by ISM).
Political groups, Palestinian civil society and Popular Resistance Committees marched together to defend the right of return (photo by ISM).
Among the organizations involved there were also women's unions (photo by ISM).
Among the organizations involved there were also women’s unions (photo by ISM).
Activist carries a heavy craft hammer that was later used to damage the apartheid wall (photo by ISM).
Activist carries a heavy craft hammer that was later used to damage the apartheid wall (photo by ISM).
Public speeches and chanting in front of the military checkpoint (photo by ISM).
Public speeches and chanting in front of the military checkpoint (photo by ISM).
Palestinian women and men chanting at the gates of Natanya military checkpoint (photo by ISM).
Palestinian women and men chanting at the gates of Natanya military checkpoint (photo by ISM).

Two heavy craft hammers were used during the action to damage the apartheid wall near the checkpoint. Other protesters also had enough time to spray-paint messages onto the wall (photo by ISM).
Two heavy craft hammers were used during the action to damage the apartheid wall near the checkpoint. Other protesters also had enough time to spray-paint messages onto the wall (photo by ISM).
Israeli soldiers leave their positions at the checkpoint to fire teargas projectiles and canisters at the demonstrators. At least two people received a direct impact from teargas projectiles that were fired at the crowd (photo by ISM).
Israeli soldiers leave their positions at the checkpoint to fire teargas projectiles and canisters at the demonstrators. At least two people received a direct impact from teargas projectiles that were fired at the crowd (photo by ISM).
Highly concentrated teargas was fired frequently during the demonstration. Eye irritation was commonplace and as many as 20 people had to be attended by paramedics due to suffocation (photo by ISM).
Highly concentrated teargas was fired frequently during the demonstration. Eye irritation was commonplace and as many as 20 people had to be attended by paramedics due to suffocation (photo by ISM).
Tear gas canisters being shot at protesters (photo by ISM).
Tear gas canisters being shot at protesters (photo by ISM).
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Protesters regrouping after a first attack by Israeli soldiers. The man on the left is holding an “ice pack” underneath his arm, he was shot with a tear gas projectile and his arm was visibly swollen after the demonstration (photo by ISM).
Protesters regrouping after a first attack by Israeli soldiers. The man on the left is holding an “ice pack” underneath his arm, he was shot with a tear gas projectile and his arm was visibly swollen after the demonstration (photo by ISM).
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Palestinian youth attempted to build tire barricades but were soon ambushed by Israeli soldiers. Jeeps and armored vehicles drove at high speed from behind and surrounded some protesters, at that point one youth (20 years old) was arrested (photo by ISM).
Palestinian youth attempted to build tire barricades but were soon ambushed by Israeli soldiers. Jeeps and armored vehicles drove at high speed from behind and surrounded some protesters, at that point one youth (20 years old) was arrested (photo by ISM).

Photo story: Nablus rally in solidarity with political prisoners

On the 26th of May, more than 500 people joined a demonstration in Nablus in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners and hunger strikers. Starting from the city’s main square, they then marched through some of the main streets of Nablus.

On the 24th of April, over 100 Palestinian political prisoners, many of whom are held under administrative detention, started an open-ended hunger strike. Their hunger strike continues and is entering the 33rd day. More prisoners have joined the campaign, adding up to 125 Palestinian political prisoners currently in hunger strike. Palestinian prisoners are protesting in order to stop the practice of administrative detention, which involves detention orders that can range up to six months and renewed indefinitely. These orders are based on secret information that neither the detainee nor the lawyer have access to, and the widespread use of this practice is against international standards.

Protesters march handcuffed through the streets of Nablus
Protesters march handcuffed through the streets of Nablus. (Photo by ISM)
Many children participated in the march, handcuffed and blindfolded to symbolize the brutality of Israeli authorities. (Photo by ISM)
Many children participated in the march, handcuffed and blindfolded to symbolize the brutality of Israeli authorities. (Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
Mothers, sisters and wives. Almost every Palestinian woman has or has had at least one relative in jail. (Photo by ISM)
Mothers, sisters and wives. Almost every Palestinian woman has or has had at least one relative in jail. (Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
According to Addameer (Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association) there are currently over 5,200 political prisoners under Israeli custody, 186 of them are held under administrative detention. The hunger strike is a protest aimed at ending the use of administrative detention. (Photo by ISM)
According to Addameer (Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association) there are currently over 5,200 political prisoners under Israeli custody, 186 of them are held under administrative detention. The hunger strike is a protest aimed at ending the use of administrative detention. (Photo by ISM)
“Water and salt”. These are the essential elements necessary for prisoners to undergo a hunger strike. However the Israeli authorities refused to give salt to them for the first three weeks of the strike. (Photo by ISM)
“Water and salt”. These are the essential elements necessary for prisoners to undergo a hunger strike. However the Israeli authorities refused to give salt to them for the first three weeks of the strike. (Photo by ISM)
People carrying a coffin. As many prisoners said, they will lead their protest until the Israeli government ends the practice of administrative detention, even if this means death. According to Palestinian media, several detainees have already been taken to hospitals due to critical health conditions.  (Photo by ISM)
People carrying a coffin. As many prisoners said, they will lead their protest until the Israeli government ends the practice of administrative detention, even if this means death. According to Palestinian media, several detainees have already been taken to hospitals due to critical health conditions. (Photo by ISM)

In the city of Nablus, a tent was erected several weeks ago as a permanent sit-in protest in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners and hunger strikers. Protests are held almost on a daily basis and provide a forum for both relatives and political parties to have their voices heard.

Photo story: Al-Fwar refugee camp shows support for the political prisoners on hunger strike

25th May 2014 |International Solidarity Movement, Khalil team | Al-Fwar, Occupied Palestine

On the 24th of May, approximately 40 protesters gathered at Al-Fwar refugee camp. The protest was to support the 5,000 political prisoners of whom more than a 180, are on their 30th day of hunger strike.

The protesters walk toward highway 16 (photo by ISM).
The protesters walk toward road 60 (photo by ISM).
An Israeli soldier is about to throw a tear gas granade at the feet of the protesters, to stop them from going further (photo by ISM).
An Israeli soldier is about to throw a tear gas grenade at the feet of the protesters, to stop them from going further (photo by ISM).
Protesters retreat after a tear gas grenade is thrown (photo by ISM).
Protesters retreat after a tear gas grenade is thrown (Photo by ISM).
Photo by ISM
(Photo by ISM)
The demonstrators gathering behind the gate, continuing the protest (photo by ISM).
The demonstrators gathering behind the gate, continuing the protest (photo by ISM).
Even after the protesters were following the soldiers' instructions to stand behind the gate, the soldiers continued to throw tear gas and stun grenades at their feet (photo by ISM).
Even after the protesters were following the soldiers’ instructions to stand behind the gate, the soldiers continued to throw tear gas and stun grenades at their feet. (Photo by ISM)
Photo by ISM
(Photo by ISM)
Protesters running away from a stun-grenade. Standing too close to a stun-grenade when it explodes, can result in hearing loss, concussion and loss of balance. (Photo by ISM)
Protesters running away from a stun grenade. Standing too close to a stun grenade when it explodes, can result in hearing loss, concussion, and loss of balance.
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
(Photo by ISM)
Throughout the protest the soldiers were firing tear gas, some grenades aimed directly towards the protesters. Being hit by a tear gas canister in the head or other parts of the body, can be fatal. (Photo by ISM)
Throughout the protest the soldiers were firing tear gas canisters and throwing tear gas grenades, some of them aimed directly towards the protesters. Being hit by a tear gas canister in the head or other parts of the body, can be fatal.
(Photo by ISM)
One man was hit in the ankle by a tear gas canister, and treated at the scene. (Photo by ISM)
One man was hit in the ankle by a tear gas canister, and treated at the scene.
(Photo by ISM)

The protest was successful in the sense that their message was expressed strongly and non-violently, despite the extreme violence of the Israeli soldiers and border police.

A local resident of Al-Fwar refugee camp told ISM, that three teenagers aged 13-14 were arrested in the past week. Their parents haven’t been allowed to see them or speak with them since, although a lawyer had told the parents that they are in Ofer prison. According to the lawyer there have been eight child arrests recently.

Photo story: Palestinians protest the deaths of two martyrs

17th May 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Ofer, Occupied Palestine

On the 16th May, Palestinians protest on the road to Ofer prison, following the murder of two Palestinian youths on the same road on the previous day during the Nakba Day protest. The youths, 22-year-old Muhammad Audah Abu al-Thahir and 17-year-old Nadim Siyam Nuwarah, were both shot with live ammunition.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

The Israeli army launch another round of tear gas. Several protesters were carried from the scene by medical staff with breathing problems due to the amount of tear gas used.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

Some protesters came prepared with gas masks.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

A protester is treated for tear gas inhalation.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

Another protester is treated for tear gas inhalation.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

The tear gas canisters are hot. When they land on something flammable it will ignite. Here, the fire brigade try to extinguish a fire that had taken hold in a grassy field next to the protesters.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

To protect themselves from being shot, the protesters use a metal skip. Israeli soldiers and border police were using live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets throughout the protest.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

As the Israeli army use more tear gas canisters, another protester is carried away for treatment.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

Protesters retreat following yet another round of tear gas.

Photo by ISM


Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

A photojournalist makes his way back through the tear gas.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

Protesters take cover as the Israeli army fires more rubber-coated steel bullets and live ammunition.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM


Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

A protester fixes flags to a scaffold. The black flag represents the Palestinian refugees’ right to return following their expulsion in the Nakba of 1948.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

Israeli soldiers take position on a nearby hill. The soldier in the middle is lining up to shoot rubber-coated steel bullets at the protesters.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

A protester is shot in the leg with a rubber-coated steel bullet. Wounds from these bullets, if taken to the head or from shorter range to other parts of the body can be fatal.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

Another protester is taken away for treatment after being shot in the foot with a rubber-coated steel bullet.

In all, four protesters were shot yesterday with rubber-coated steel bullets, one protester was hit with a tear gas canister in the face, another protester was shot in the face at close range with a foam-tipped projectile and one 16-year-old boy was shot in the leg with live ammunition.

PHOTO STORY: Israeli soldiers continue harassment of schoolchildren in Hebron

15th May 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine

This morning in al-Khalil (Hebron), one young child threw one stone towards the checkpoint. Four Israeli soldiers then entered through checkpoint 29, provoking the children who were gathered to go to school. Several children then threw approximately four stones towards the soldiers, who then threw one stun grenade.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM


Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

One of the Israeli soldiers repeatedly aimed his gun at the passing children, some as young as four-years-old.


Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM


'I want peace' photo by ISM
‘I want peace’ photo by ISM

One of the Israeli soldiers drew the Star of David (symbol of Judaism) and a crescent moon (possibly symbolizing Islam), and then wrote, ‘I want peace’.

Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

Then same soldier who wrote ‘I want peace’, then threw a stun grenade at the children as they gathered to go to school.

The Israeli military regularly uses their weapons against school children in al-Khalil (Hebron), especially in the mornings. Yesterday, 14th May, the same Israeli soldiers at the same checkpoint [checkpoint 29] threw two stun grenades and fired one tear gas grenade at the children at approximately 7:30 am. Children are also targeted for detentions and arrests, which ISM has previously documented, some as young as six-years-old.