Israeli forces arrest three youth in Hebron

06th January 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine

The four youth detained by the checkpoint (photo by ISM).
The four youth detained by the checkpoint (photo by ISM).

This morning in Khalil (Hebon), a large group of Israeli border police and soldiers gathered outside checkpoint 29. Israeli forces fired several tear gas grenades towards a school, detained four Palestinian youth and arrested three of them, taking them to Kiryat Arba police station.

At approximately 10:30am, at least 30 Israeli border police and soldiers stood outside checkpoint 29 and fired one tear gas grenade. The grenade was aimed towards a school; there were no children in the streets and no youth throwing stones. Israeli forces entered through the checkpoint and proceeded towards the school.  A further tear gas grenade was fired seemingly without purpose and away from any people. A group of young Palestinians, all under the age of 10, were forced to hide in a local shop due to fear at the aggressive border police. Israeli forces fired a final tear gas grenade towards the school before heading back towards checkpoint 29.

Israeli border police detained four Palestinian youth, all of which were held for approximately 30 minutes and searched by Israeli forces. During this time, one of the international activists present at the checkpoint was kicked by a border police officer and then pushed to the ground. Israeli border police then confiscated the passports of three international activists, including two members of Christian Peacemakers Team. The border police refused to explain why the passports were taken or answer any questions about the detained youth. After approximately 20 minutes, an Israeli border police officer stated that he would return the passports if the activists left the area, which they agreed to, moving away from the checkpoint though still able to monitor the actions of the Israeli forces.

One of the detained youth was released, before leaving the area he stated to an international activist that one border police officer kicked and slapped him during his detention. The remaining youth were transferred to Kiryat Arba police station and their situation is now unknown.

Children and youth are regularly harassed at checkpoint 29, often whilst on their way to school in the morning. For example, this morning several children, some who were under the age of 12, threw stones at the checkpoint and Israeli forces responded by firing a tear gas grenade.

Clashes for two days in the Palestinian city of Hebron

03rd January 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine

At approximately 11.30am yesterday morning, Israeli forces detained a 13-year-old boy at Bab Al-Baladiyye in Khalil (Hebron). After a short period of time the young boy was released and a group of Israeli soldiers invaded the old city of Hebron, harassing residents and demanding identification from a number of Palestinians.

The group of Israeli soldiers started to walk down New Al-Shallalah street detaining a 14-year-old Palestinian for an unknown period of time before releasing him shortly after international activists arrived. Israeli forces continued to harass people in the area before heading towards Bab Al-Zawiye, the city center, where residents had started to gather after the anniversary party for Fatah’s founding ended.

The Palestinian youth present reacted to these series of events by throwing stones at the Israeli soldiers. The stone throwing and military presence began a clash between Israeli forces and Palestinian youth, with Israeli soldiers and border police throwing stun grenades and tear gas grenades from the street and from a rooftop as they backed down on to New Al-Shallalah street. During the clashes the Israeli forces repeatedly invaded the old city of Hebron, apparently searching shops for male Palestinian youth.

The clashes continued for many hours and became more violent as Israeli soldiers and border police positioned themselves at checkpoint 56 [an entrance to H2] and on nearby rooftops. Israeli forces fired a large amount of stun grenades, rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas grenades and canisters. Many shops and businesses where forced to close because of the tear gas and the violent interruption in the city.

One Palestinian was shot with unknown ammunition as Israeli soldiers were sniping demonstrators from various points in the city. Once shot, the young man lost consciousness, he was carried away from the clash and taken to a nearby hospital.

The clashes continued until late in the evening.

Today, Friday 3rd January, clashes began at approximately 2pm when five Israeli soldiers invaded a house in the H1 area of Hebron and positioned themselves on the roof. Palestinian youth began to gather between the house and Bab Al-Zawiye before eventually throwing stones at the invading soldiers.

During the clash, Israeli forces fired stun grenades, tear gas canisters and a large amount of rubber-coated steel bullets.  One Palestinian youth was shot in the leg with a rubber-coated steel bullet but did not require hospital treatment. Another youth was evacuated by ambulance to a local hospital after losing consciousness due to tear gas inhalation.

Daily brutality towards Palestinians in occupied Al-Khalil

2 December 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine

Israeli forces regularly exercise brutal and irrational behaviour in the H2 area of Khalil (Hebron), which is under military control.

Israeli soldiers marching a Palestinian to Tel Rumeida military base (photo by ISM)

An example of this treatment took place on Saturday 30th November, when 7 Israeli soldiers reacted to a group of Palestinian youth throwing stones at an illegal settlement by launching stun grenades through the souk (market). International activists witnessed the Israeli soldiers running into the market and indiscriminately throwing stun grenades, causing panic and distress amongst people in the street.

When questioned by internationals, Israeli soldiers admitted that it was a “mistake” to use their weapons in this way and said they do not “enjoy” their actions. However this does not alter the reality for Palestinians living in Khalil, who are subjected to these excessive reactions on a regular basis.

This behaviour is consistent with other recent events, for example the treatment Palestinians often experience on arrest. On Friday 29th November two Palestinians were arrested, supposedly accused of throwing stones. They were held at a checkpoint, blindfolded, handcuffed and marched to Tel Rumeida military base. It is understood that the two men have yet to be released.

Conversely, when Israeli Border Police witness settler violence they readily ignore it. This was highlighted by an incident on Saturday 30th November when a police officer looked on as an international activist was kicked by an illegal settler.

The regularity of this unjust behaviour towards Palestinians by Israeli forces serves to intensify the daily impact of the Occupation.

Settlement expansion in Hebron encroaches on Palestinian land

10th November 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine

This is the newest settler house to be constructed on what was previously Palestinian farming land (Photo by ISM)
This is the newest settler house to be constructed on what was previously Palestinian farming land (Photo by ISM).

The attempted expansion of Kiryat Arba, the largest settlement in Khalil (Hebron), threatens to further reassign land boundaries. This would affect the livelihoods of several Palestinian families who have long been subject to harassment and violence.

On Tuesday 5th November, international activists were called to the Tamimi family olive groves in Khaled Abudee, which are located in a valley just north east of Kiryat Arba. Settlers from Havat Gal, the outpost of Kiryat Arba, had entered the land which belongs to three Palestinian families. They had brought with them equipment to cut down olive trees, but fortunately the Tamimi family managed to prevent any damage being done to the trees. The family called upon Israeli soldiers to remove the settlers but they persistently refused, claiming that they had a right to the land.

Israeli authorities arrived on Thursday 7th November in order to mark out the land boundaries, and a high ranked military officer came and confiscated a proportion of the land for governance use, which in practice means that settlers can build there without Israeli government intervention. Fortunately for the settlers, the house they are currently building is located on this piece of land. The families are very upset with this decision made by the Israeli military, and a lawyer from the Israeli NGO Taayush is taking the case to the Israeli court.

The conflict over this piece of land has been relentlessly affecting the families for more than six years. Every year fruit trees have been cut down and poison has also been used to prevent their full harvest. In 2008, eight children were hospitalized after drinking the milk of a goat which had been feeding on these poisoned grounds. Further physical violence has occurred several times, including children being beaten (most recently yesterday) and the use of pepper spray against an elder member of the Tamimi family. Despite the settlers’ aggressive behaviour, the Israeli authorities have only ever arrested Palestinians on the land. Three of the Tamimi sons were arrested last month for filming settlers entering the family grounds. Approximately half a year ago Shakir, Shukri and Shihab Tamimi were interrogated in Ofer Prison for supposedly hitting settler children, but were released after 24 hours when a video of the incident proved that in fact it was the settler children who attacked the Palestinians. The settlers received no repercussions for their offences, which is typical of the protection of these extremist illegal settlers by soldiers and police, even when acting outside of the law. The families now hope for some justice in the Israeli court.

VIDEO: Mornings in Khalil: child and adult detention

30th October 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine

This morning, Wednesday 30th October, as children made their way to school Israeli soldiers burst from an alleyway firing stun grenades and detained two 10-year-old boys. In a separate incident nearby, a Palestinian was detained and taken to a military base for unknown reasons.

This morning international activists were monitoring checkpoint 29 where many children pass through on their way to school, when approximately 6 Israeli soldiers ran from an alley, firing stun grenades directly at a group of children. The soldiers immediately grabbed one child (10-year-old) Nor and another (10-year-old) Mohammed, before firing another stun grenade towards the rest of the school children causing them to flee in panic.

Israeli soldiers marched the two young children to a nearby police station, refusing to answer why they were being taken when questioned by international activists. When a relative attempted to communicate with the boys, Israeli soldiers forcibly pushed him away and refused to answer his questions.

The children were detained inside the police station for approximately 45 minutes before being transferred to the Palestinian District Coordination Office (DCO) at 9:30.

Shortly after the young children were released, a Palestinian was questioned at a checkpoint on his way to work when he was aggressively pushed, handcuffed and taken to Tel Rumeida military base. No reason was given for this detention and the Palestinian was released shortly after.

Children in Khalil are routinely harassed on their way to school in this way; arrests and stun grenades are commonly used against them. Palestinians living under occupation experience regular detentions and arrests which are executed without just cause or reason.