Israeli Soldiers: “Death to Arabs”

“Death to Arabs”
by ISM Hebron, 28 April 2007

Next to Rian Mosque, a new Palestinian school is under construction, Jab al Rachme Girls High School. At 3pm on Saturday, the guard saw a squad of Israeli soldiers enter the building and go upstairs. When they left, the guard discovered that they had written “Death to Arabs – Arabs must die” in Hebrew in permanent marker on one of the new white boards. The construction manager did not inform the police as from experience he said he had no expectation that they would respond.

Israeli forces detain Palestinian men
1st May 07

Yesterday a Palestinian Human Rights Worker, Issa Amro, was detained for over an hour at the checkpoint near Abraham’s Mosque. He was abused, forced to lift all his clothes and show bare skin. The soldiers then tried to get him to empty all his bag into the dirt. he called out to a passing Palestinian friend and asked him to call International human rights workers (HRWs) for support. The soldiers called him back and tried to stop him but he left anyway and came back with 2 HRW’s. The soldiers were much less abusive once they realized they were being watched and recorded. Eventually they let him go.

The next day, the same soldiers were at Checkpoint 56 on Shuhada St. They recognized the Palestinian who had gone for help and as a punishment they detained him for over an hour. They took his mobile phone from him and erased all the photos of the previous day’s abuse.