Settler violence sharply escalates in Hebron during Sukkot holiday

30th September 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On the second day of the Jewish Sukkot holiday, hundreds of settlers continued filing into al-Khalil (Hebron) creating mass restrictions and sharp escalations in violence against Palestinians living here. Over a period of two hours dozens of them continuously invaded the roof of the Palestinian Abu Shamsiyye family home where several small children live.

Israeli soldier stands idly by as settlers invade Palestinian roof, attack female monitor.
Israeli soldier stands idly by as settlers invade Palestinian roof, attack female monitor.

Laughing and trying to gain vantage point to view Israeli forces teargassing, stun grenading and firing rubber coated steel bullet projectiles into crowds of Palestinians in the Bab al-Zawiya area of H-1 Hebron, the settlers spit and cursed at the children, darted towards them to frighten them, called them “Arab terrorists” and one male settler charged at and punched a female ISM international human rights monitor as she filmed him trespassing on the roof. The settler was allowed to leave the scene without incident as Israeli forces stood present but did nothing.

Shortly thereafter, as a Palestinian man and his two young sons tried to exit the gate fronting their home, a crowd of a dozen settler boys sat and stood in front of the gate blocking his exit as he politely asked to be allowed to pass. For fifteen minutes the boys kept the man and his sons trapped until an Israeli soldier finally came and told them to move.

Through the sounds of stun grenading and the blasts of high powered rubber coated steel bullets being showered onto Palestinians by Israeli forces just past checkpoint 56, the settlers, of all ages, took turns standing in the Israeli military post where they posed for photos, shouted curses and racial abuses at Palestinians and international human rights monitors and cheered each time a blast rang out.

Settlers boys pose jovially for photos after spitting and cursing at human rights monitors and shouting racial slurs about Arabs.
Settlers boys pose jovially for photos after spitting and cursing at human rights monitors and shouting racial slurs about Arabs.

This was the situation just outside the Abu Shamsiyye family home alone. But hundreds of Palestinian families have been literally under siege during the Jewish Sukkot holiday began yesterday as their roads have been closed, their businesses have been attacked, their children have been arrested and their streets have undergone hours of endless assault by heavily armed Israeli forces both on roofs as well as in the streets to allow for settlers to move freely through Palestinian governed areas it is illegal for them to be, in so they could pray in the streets.

The misery continues for Palestinians existing in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron).

The fog of war: remembering Muhammad al-Durrah

30th September 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Gaza, occupied Palestine

Chaos in the streets of Gaza.  Israeli forces showered the strip with gunfire while Palestinian medics ran frantically to evacuate those crumpled on the ground with blood rushing from holes in their bodies before racing for cover themselves. Running from the violent, precision Israeli military assault, some were felled in the act as lethal and non lethal projectiles met with their skin. …And behind a waist-high concrete cylinder a Palestinian father and his 12 year old son Muhammad took cover.

It is the second day of the second intifada and it was fifteen years ago today.

The spark of the furious uprising was lit by then Israeli opposition leader, Ariel Sharon, after visiting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. Violence saturated Jerusalem, soon racing through the West Bank and Gaza. A second mass uprising, an intensified Palestinian resistance to Israel’s criminal subjugation of them. Four and a half years of shaking off.

Photo of Mohammed hiding behind his father Photo credit: France 2
Photo of Mohammed hiding behind his father
Photo credit: France 2

If any image were to encapsulate the tragedies of what was termed in the report following the incident, where Israel issued an apology for the boy’s murder, describing it as a ‘fog of war,’ it would be a young Palestinian boy and his father kneeling on the ground, eyes wide in terror just seconds before the unthinkable happened. Filmed by Talal Abu Rahma, a Palestinian cameraman freelancing for France 2, Jamal al-Durrah and his 12-year-old son Muhammad are seen, backs pressed against the wall, Jamal’s arm shielding his young son whose mouth is oval with what must have been a paralyzing fear. And then the shots.

When the cloud of dust cleared, the boy is on his side, draped over his father’s lap.

Throughout an enduing four and a half year widespread Palestinian resistance, with all of its gut wrenching failures, and with the solace and strengths of solidarity en masse coming from both the history before the second intifada and the aftermath in its’s wake, the slaughter of Muhammad al-Durrah continues to be a defining moment. A young boy viewed guilty through the eyes of the Israeli military due only to the origin of his birth.

In the investigation to follow, an Israeli-initiated tug of war of blame across the grave of and over Muhammad’s murder ensued. Where initially the Israeli government took blame and expressed public relational regret with an apology, that space soon became occupied with denials, accusations and disturbing tales of Palestinian’s faking the boy’s death. If only Palestinians weren’t so busy mourning the actual mass murders of their children in order to be able to spontaneously arrange for the staged murder of one, a second intifada might not have been necessary, nor a third or a fourth for that matter.

Without politicizing the end of a human life, in a 67 year crime drenched in politics; fifteen years ago today a terrified little boy was shot to death while he hid beside his father. And the world should remember his name.


Warning graphic content! Raw footage of Mohammed ad-Durrah’s final moments of his life:


Senseless violence against Palestinian demonstrators in al-Khalil (Hebron)

29th September 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestin

Today in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron), Israeli forces ruthlessly attacked a peaceful demonstration.
The demonstration was organised against the Israeli forces deadly shooting of 18 year old martyr Hadeel Hashlamoun at a Tel Rumeida checkpoint yawning into segregated Shuhada Street.
Israeli forces started shooting endless rounds of stun-grenades at the protestors. An ISMer present there explains: “The sound of stun grenades kept echoing throughout most of the day.” Many of the stun grenades were also directly targeted at Palesinian family homes’ roofes as well as fruit stands in the neighbourhood around the checkpoint.

Israeli soldier shooting rubber-coated steel bullet from a Palesitnian house
Israeli soldier shooting rubber-coated steel bullet from a Palesitnian house

In the evening, rubber coated steel bullets were shot by Israeli forces at the youth. At least two persons were injured, one in the arm, and another one in the leg.

Israeli forces targeting demonstrators with rubber-coated steel bullets
Israeli forces targeting demonstrators with rubber-coated steel bullets

Unproportional use of force against Palestinian demonstrators is widespread throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Watch a video of Israeli forces shooting rubber-coated steel bullets at the demonstrators:

Testimony: Vittorio Fera on his arrest and the Israeli system

Vittorio Fera is released on bail after an extremely violent and terrifying time in Israeli prisons. He is falsely accused of throwing stones  and attacking Israeli soldiers. His case will be in court again Tuesday the 8th of September in Jerusalem.

Here is Fera’s own testimony on the arrest, imprisonment and the international media attention:



International media attention in the arrest of Vittorio Fera

1st September | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil Team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Friday the 28th of August Vittorio Fera was violently arrested by Israeli forces. He was beaten up during the arrest and treated badly in prison. His case was in court Monday 31st of August and is now postponed till the 8th of September. The story has been covered in the media, and we are proud of the international media for bringing the case to the surface and showing the world how people are treated in occupied Palestine.

Vittorio Fera violently arrested.
Vittorio Fera violently arrested.

Especially Italian media have taken this particular case very seriously, and even the city council of Napoli has taken a stand in the case. Here is a message by the mayor of Napoli on the violent arrest of Vittorio Fera from the 31st of August:

“The presence of committed and sensitive people engaged in non-violent actions of testimony in the occupied territories of Palestine are a necessary resource for the entire international community. This activity documents and discourages abuses against the civilian population. The International Solidarity Movement activist Vittorio Fera was engaged in this valuable work near the Palestinian village Nabi Saleh in the West Bank when he was arrested by the Israeli authorities. From Naples, a city that has always worked for peace and coexistence of all the peoples of the Mediterranean, we are asking the Foreign Ministry to work for the immediate release of Vittorio Fera and to guarantee all the necessary practicability for the international and pacifist organizations working commendably in the land of Palestine. “
– Mayor Luigi de Magistris, Napoli
Vittorio Fera was released on bail with conditions yesterday evening. Shortly after the release, the Italian TV station RAI news made an interview with Vittorio Fera. Other Italian media has been interviewing  other activists, who took part in the non-violent demonstration and were present at the court in Jerusalem yesterday morning.
The story has not just reached Italy, but is also getting attention in the rest of the world. The hashtag #VittorioFera has been used on twitter 960 times on twitter and have reached approximately 2000000 people. In Denmark, a member of the parliament, will take up the case of Vittorio Fera and other cases of military violence against internationals in Palestine in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Vittorio is doing fine under the circumstances, and is really happy to be out of the Israeli prison, where he was not treated well. We, in ISM, are really grateful for all the attention on the case of Vittorio Fera, and hope this will make more people see what is going on. This case does not stand alone. Palestinians and internationals get arrested every single day without reason or on false accusations. We need the world to recognize this problem and support Palestinians and internationals in the fight against the injustice, that we see in Palestine every single day.