Palestinian Students Demonstrate to Go Home


Tomorrow, Friday at 10 a.m. Palestinian students of Al-Najah university of Nablus will demonstrate against the major checkpoint of Beit Furik (near Beit Furik village) which is affecting the inhabitants of several villages in the area. The action will address the occupation’s devastating effects on Palestinian education.

Hundreds of students, employers, teachers, patients, workers, and traders use the checkpoint each day to move between surrounding villages and the city of Nablus. They are often subjected to unnecessary humiliation tactics in addition to long waiting periods and frequent denial of access. In addition to this daily dehumanization, the checkpoint of Beit Furik closes around 6pm in the afternoon and forbids the students of Beit Furik village to go home after finishing their classes at Al-Najah.

For More Information:

Hakim: 0599-64 3023
ISM Nablus: 0599-076568

“What did the shops ever do to them?”

by ISM Nablus

This morning between 2 and 4 o’clock Israeli military forces entered Balata Refugee Camp, south-east of Nablus city center. Soldiers traveling in two armoured bulldozers and four military jeeps proceeded to partially destroy of ten shops in the marketplace on the main street of the camp. The bulldozers pulled down whole shop awnings, crushed tiles and cement curbs lining the street, ripped a street sign from the ground, down a wall, cut an electric cable running overhead and destroyed an large arrangement of grape-vines outside a family home.

A local butcher expressed his frustration at the wanton destruction, “They do this because they know that we are all too poor to afford to rebuild our shops. The occupation is strangling our economy”. Pointing at the wrenched-up tiles of the shop porch and the ripped bits of metal sticking out above our heads in place of the bright red and white shop-front that usually greets customers, he continued: “It will take $1,000 just to repair the awning and another $500 for the porch. And I know that many other shop owners have worse damage. But there is no point in repairing any of it because we know that as soon as we fix it, they will come. They will come the next day!”

Despite this, the marketplace was this morning full of men clambering up ladders to tear down the old wrecked shop-fronts and take measurements for new ones. A team of electricians were busy replacing the cut cable and the rubble from the wreckage was neatly piled up at the sides of the street. “What did the shops ever do to them?” one of the workers exclaimed. “They are terrorists? No, this is the terror of the Israeli army.”

This sort of incursion is a regular occurrence in the refugee camps around Nablus, especially Balata. Occupation soldiers invade the camps nightly, though the use of armoured bulldozers is less common. On a ‘normal’ night, soldiers enter the camp around 2am and shoot at residents, occasionally arresting young men or invading and occupying homes. Last night’s incursion and destruction is yet another attack by the Israeli military on the impoverished residents of Palestine’s refugee camps.

Home Demolitions in Jabal Shamali a “Mistake”

by ISM Nablus

On Saturday the 26th of August, Israeli military invaded the Jabal Shamali area of Nablus and destroyed 22 homes [for a report, pictures and video, see the previous report on the ISM website]. The next day, Israel’s largest newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the home demolition was “a mistake,” and that the Israeli military failed to arrest two to three Fatah activists that were the target of the operation.

At the end of the incursion, five individual houses and one three-storey block of flats were destroyed. One of the six buildings demolished was a community meeting hall, the others homes belonging to the Saedi, G’name, Sa’eah and Lubaddeh families. Eight cars were also totally wrecked, five of which were dumped onto a neighboring house, causing structural damage in the form of broken base-beams in the roof and the bending of walls.

Additional houses were also damaged during the demolition. The home adjacent to the structure damaged by the demolished cars was severely burn-damaged, and three homes west of the apartment block were 80% destroyed and are now unlivable. In total, 22 homes and apartments were completely demolished, and an additional five homes were made unlivable.

About 100 people were made homeless by the Israeli military’s actions and are now evacuated to friends’ homes in surrounding neighborhoods, or forced to rent apartments around Nablus. With the help of friends and neighbors, they have removed the remains of their homes that were not completely bullet-ridden or shredded by bulldozers and are now planning on rebuilding the homes as they were.

The families have been given $15,000 collectively from the Palestinian government as aid for rebuilding their homes, and friends and neighbors collected an additional $17,000 for the same purpose. This is, however, far from enough money. The cost of rebuilding the Lubaddeh block of flats alone, as estimated by engineers, will amount to about $550,000.

The issue of home demolitions has been discussed at length by the Israeli High Court of Justice in many cases, including Janimat V. IDF Military Commander 1997. In the discussion of this case, published by the Israeli Supreme Court in “Judgments of the Israeli Supreme Court: Fighting Terrorism within in Law”, the Justices argue, “home demolitions are allowed only in light of especially serious terrorist activities, such as involvement in suicide bombings aimed at civilians… The demolitions are subject to legal principals, such as the principle of proportionality. For example, the measure may only be used if it is possible to limit it to the terrorist’s home, without demolishing adjacent dwellings. (60)” In addition, the President of the Court, A. Barak states, “[Demolitions are] implemented in stages and with care in order to prevent damage to the rest of the building. If damage is caused, it will be repaired. (62)” In the case of this incursion, the homes were demolished while searching for suspects, not “in light of especially serious terrorist activities.” In addition, 22 homes were demolished in their attempt to arrest, clearly violating the “principal of proportionality.” According to President Barak, the homes’ of the residents will be repaired, though follow through on this is unlikely.

Nizar Lubbadeh, who gave himself up to be arrested in a desperate bid to stop the demolition of his and his family’s home, was released shortly after questioning. One other man, Mohammad Ayad, was however arrested after the demolition and is still in jail.

According to the Nablus Municipality, 220 buildings have been destroyed in Nablus since the beginning of the current Intifada in September 2000. This number excludes the large number of homes destroyed in Israel’s “Operation Defensive Shield” in 2002. Following this most recent incursion into Jabal Shamali, the number is now up to 242. This attack marks one of the largest houses to be destroyed. Other big demolitions include a 9-storey building in Rafidya Al-Makhfiyya 3 years ago, belonging to Jafar Maasri who was killed by lethal gas in the Old City, and the Al-Sudder family home in New Askar refugee camp about one and a half years ago.

Amer and Allam Lubbadeh, two brothers made homeless by the demolition, urge anyone who wishes to donate money to the rebuilding of their family home to contact the Palestinian Red Crescent in Nablus, by telephone at 09-2384151, or by fax at 09-2380215.

Photo Evidence From the Last Incursion into Nablus

This photo series is meant to visually document some of the claims made by international human rights observers in their reporting of the crimes of the Israeli Occupation during the seige in Nablus on 26th August. These pictures were all taken by international activists throughout the day. The original press release documenting these incidents is on the ISM website.

The occupation forces’ wrecking equipment destroys a small home in order to reach the Labadda house. Three homes were destroyed in this manner, to make room for the Caterpillar equipment to park within wrecking distance. While the Labadda house appears to be the target of the demolition, three homes were completely leveled that surround the three-story structure.

On the north side of the Labadda house, Ameican-made Occupation bulldozers destroyed three cars and dumped the wreckage on top of a neighboring house. The bulldozer is about to drop the third car; in view are two cars previously dropped onto the porch of the neighboring home. Earlier in the day, these cars were used by Occupation forces to blockade the street, and when they were no longer useful, they were dumped on the house.

The southern side of the Labadda house. Throughout the day, Occupation soldiers shot relentlessly into the building with machine gun fire and grenades. These bullet holes represent only a small section of the pock-marked wall. Most of the southern wall below this image was completely destroyed by Caterpillar wrecking equipment.

A man, trying to reach his home is made to unbutton his shirt and turn around to show that he is not carrying explosives. Occupation soldiers forced many Palestinians to do this while residents attempted to evacuate family members from their homes within the firing range.

An elderly man is detained on top of a neighbor’s car from the begining of the incursion until late in the afternoon. Many neighbors confronted the soldiers to seek the elderly man’s release but were unsucessfull. Though the man lived very close to the point of detention, he was prevented from returning to his home and instead made to wait on the car in the hot sun.

The top floor of the home was occupied by soldiers and used as a firing position. This is the site of one incidence of the Occupation’s illegal use of Palestinian human shields. When soldiers seized the apartment as a sniper nest, they kidnapped six Palestinian men and forced them to remain in the apartment, while the soldiers fired over their heads. This was intended to prevent Palestinian resistance fighters from returning fire into the sniper nest.

A small sample of spent M-16 shells collected from the apartment used as a sniper nest. After the incursion, the residents bagged the shells and showed them to international human rights observers. From their post in the apartment, Occupation forces fired hundreds of rounds at the Labadda house, neighboring homes and Palestinian demonstrators.

A Palestinian ambulance is prevented from entering the area to evacuate a Palestinian child hurt during the incursion. After a great amount of delay, intense negotiations, and a military search of the vehicle, the ambulance was permitted passage to evacuate the child. If the child’s injuries had been severe, this delay could have resulted in his death.

The position Occupation soldiers started firing at unarmed Palestinian demonstrators from a distance of over 100 meters. During these encounters over 20 demonstrators were shot and injured, and 15 year old Montasir from Askar refugee camp was killed.

Occupation soldiers forcefully enter and occupy the elemtary school bordering the Labadda house. From this position, soldiers fired at Palestinian demonstrators assembling on Amman street and the neighboring smaller streets.

A small home demolished in order to allow the American-made Caterpillar wrecking equipment a parking spot to position itself in order to demolish the main target building. Three homes surrounding the target building were demolished in a similar manner.

The damage sustained to the north eastern corner of the Labadda house, an apartment complex that housed 17 families, 8 of which are from the Labadda family.

Palestinian volunteer medics escort residents through the partially demolished Labadda house in search of their valuables and keepsakes.

Palestinian volunteer medics escort residents through the partially demolished Labadda house in search of their valuables and keepsakes.

A Palestinian boy stands in front of a pile of rubble, formerly a home, and two demolished cars crushed during the incursion. At least eight Palestinian cars were destroyed during the incursion.

12 Year Old Boy Shot by Settler While Playing Near His Home


On August 27, 2006, Hakim Ersan, a 12 year old boy from the village of Beit Fourik near Nablus, was shot by an Israeli colonist from the Aitmar settlement near his home. Hakim was playing with two friends, ages 8-9, when the boys spotted 3 Israeli colonists approaching them. The boys began to run away, and Hakim tripped and fell; when he stood up, the colonist man, aged approximately 40, shot him through his lower back. The bullet exited through his upper groin area, and the younger boys carried him to his home. Hakim is currently in critical condition and awaiting surgery at Raffidia Hospital in Nablus; the extent of damage to his internal organs is yet undetermined.

Colonist violence is nothing new for Beit Fourik; four years ago, an elderly man was farming his land when colonists attacked him and beat him to death with a stone.

For more information call:
Magan: 054 217 3498