Palestinian still detained after he was shot in the head at peaceful demonstration

5th March 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

22 year old Ibrahim Saadi is still being held at Ofer Prison in Ramallah after being shot in the head close range by a rubber bullet and arrested during a peaceful demonstration in Hebron on Friday.
His brother told us he had recieved a number of stitches on his head before being transferred to Ofer.

Ibrahim Saadi with wounds to head being dragged down street by soldiers
Ibrahim Saadi with wounds to head being dragged down street by soldiers

The peaceful protest organised in remembrance of the Abraham mosque massacre in 1994 was broken up by tear gas and stun grenades in Hebron on Friday. Many parts of Hebron have been shut off to palestinians since the massacre, including Shuhada Street which was once a busy commercial area.
The demonstration was organised by Hebron Defence League and was attended by Palestinian, Israeli and International activists who sat down on the road close to the gate which blocks access to Shuhada street. Soldiers threw tear gas canisters and sound grenades at the demonstrators causing many to disperse.

When the remaining demonstrators regrouped, they were prevented from moving anywhere else by a line of soldiers. Soldiers attempted to take the megaphone of one activist but was blocked by both Israeli and International activists.

Not long after the demonstration ended , 22 year old Ibrahim Sa`adi was dragged unconscious down the street by a group of soldiers with his face covered in blood. According to several eyewitnesses including his brother, Ibrahim was shot at close range with a rubber bullet. His eight year old sister saw the entire scene and was left in shock.
After the news of Sa`adi`s arrest spread , clashes erupted around bab al zawiya area of Hebron. Dozens of demonstrators were injured , including one international, as the army fired rubber coated steel bullets, tear gas, stun grenades and live ammunition. The clashes continued until after sunset.

Israeli Occupation Forces stand in between peaceful demonstrators
Israeli Occupation Forces stand in between peaceful demonstrators

Earlier that morning 19 year old Abdel Basset was arrested by soldiers in Tel Rumeida A witness who filmed the arrest was made to delete the video by the soldiers.

Ibrahim Saadi is dragged down the street unconscious by soldiers
Ibrahim Saadi is dragged down the street unconscious by soldiers

By Team Khalil

Fierce clashes in Hebron rage after death of Arafat Jaradat in Israeli detention

24 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

Palestinians protesting last night’s death of Arafat Jaradat while in Israeli administrative detention clashed with Israeli Occupation Forces throughout today in Hebron. Israeli officials claim that Jaradat died in an interrogation centre of a heart attack despite having no health conditions prior to his detention. In a recent court appearance, Jaradat told his lawyer, that “he had serious pains in his back and other parts of his body because he was being beaten up and hanged for many long hours while he was being investigated”. Jaradat was father to a 4 year-old daughter and 2 year-old son and worked as a petrol station attendant;  his widow, Dalal, is currently pregnant.

Teenager shot in thigh with live ammunition now in critical condition
Teenager shot in the thigh with live ammunition and now in critical condition

Centered around the Bab al-Zawiyeh area of central Hebron, soldiers primarily fired rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades at around 1500 demonstrators. Skunk water and teargas was also used excessively at times. An alarm to disperse crowds was played at high volume followed by a warning from the ‘American Technology Corporation’. Dozens were injured (including journalists and one ISM volunteer) with ambulances driving back and forth amongst the crowds.
At least three were injured by live ammunition, including one teenager who was shot in the thigh with a live bullet, which were fired at demonstrators throughout the day. He was taken to Ramallah hospital, but was swiftly moved elsewhere as his condition became critical.

Around an hour ago the soldiers announced that they were about to fire live ammunition into the crowds.
The army was clearly expecting a backlash for the death of Jaradat, with soldiers stationed on the rooftops throughout the old city since the early hours of the morning. Less than 500 meters away on Shuhada Street, around two hundred settlers wore fancy dress, drank alcohol and danced on the street in celebration of the Jewish holiday Purim .

Soldiers fire teargas and steel coated rubber bullets at demonstrators
Soldiers fired teargas and rubber-coated steel bullets at demonstrators
Journalist treated for teargas inhalation
A journalist being treated for teargas inhalation
Soldiers fire tear gas and steel coated rubber bullets at demonstrators
Soldiers mixed their use of rubber-coated steel bullets, teargas and live rounds
Skunk water is sprayed to disperse demonstrators
Skunk water was sprayed to disperse demonstrators

Team Khalil

Al-Manatir three, have been released

14 February 2013| International Solidarity Movement, Burin, Occupied Palestine

Waheeb, Ashraf and Diaa were released on the 14th of February 2013 after spending 12 days in an Israeli prison following the al-Manatir protest village in Burin.

During the al-Manatir action, the 3 Palestinian activists were detained by the Israeli military and then arrested by the border police. The 3 of them were pepper sprayed and Waheeb was severely beaten and kicked by the Israeli military as shown in the video evidence below:

The reason for arrest given was that they participated in an illegitimate protest as well as allegedly throwing stones. 2 of the 3 men, Waheeb Qadoos and Ashraf Abu Rahma, were also potentially facing an extra charge of assaulting the soldiers. The trials for the 3 were delayed twice and they were finally released, having their charges dropped after their lawyer adel Samara submitted video footage of the proving that it was the settlers and soldiers who attacked the demonstrators. A welcome party was held in the village of Burin, where residents, Palestinian and International activists welcomed the released detainees.

Al-Manatir protest village was established by Palestinian activists, with the support of International activists, in a hilltop located in the northern village of Burin, which has been inaccessible for residents of Burin for the past few years due to the surrounding illegal settlements of: Adei Ad, Bracha, Yitzhar, and Mitzpe  which encircle the Palestinian village.

The protest village was simultaneously being dismantled by the Israeli military and border police at the same time it was being established. There was an excessive use of tear gas canisters and stun grenades fired upon the residents and activists, causing many to vacate the area. Illegal Settlers from the nearby Bracha and Yitzhar settlements showed up at the scene and proceeded to steal the metal huts from the protest village and attacked Palestinian houses injuring 17 year old Zackariah Yasir Nijar, on the outskirts of Burin.

Clashes between Palestinian youth and the Israeli military and border police continued until sunset, ending when the Israeli forces retreated from the village.





Clashes erupt in Hebron after peaceful demonstration in support of Palestinian political prisoners

By Team Khalil

15 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

A peaceful demonstration  in support of Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli jails took place today in Hebron with roughly 2000 in attendance. The demonstration was supported by all Palestinian political factions.
Soon after the end of the rally clashes erupted in central Hebron/Al Kalhil. They started near checkpoint 56, a symbol of apartheid in the city, and the entrance to Shuada street which was once a very important street for Palestinian residents and businesses. Over 500 business where forced to close down because of the establishment of illegal settlements near the street.Clashes erupt in Hebron
Israeli occupation forces gathered behind the checkpoint while palestinians gathered on the other side.Sound bombs were quickly used to disperse the protesters. Violence escalated quickly when more protesters took part in the action. The ISraeli army responded by using excessive amounts of teargas and rubber coated steel-bullets hit many Palestinians and one member of ISM. Live ammunition was also used. Many shops were forced to close because of the tear gas.
The clashes continued in the very central areas of the city where lots of cars were damaged with tear gas canisters.
Ambulances continued driving back and forward all afternoon. About 20 Palestinians were injured and hospitalized.
Ambulances drive back and forth through the demonstration

2 shot with live ammunition at Ofer prison demonstration

15 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Ofer Prison, Occupied Palestine

A demonstration was held outside Ofer prison in Ramallah as part of a week of action in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, and in particular to protest the continued detention of Samer Assawi who is on his 207th day of hunger strike whilst being held without charge.
Several hundred attended traditional Friday prayers which were held outside the prison gates in an act of nonviolent resistance.

Prayers outside Ofer prison
Prayers outside Ofer prison

Clashes ensued between protesters, including stone-throwing youth, and the Israeli army which responded by firing tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets and, later on, live ammunition. During the clashes, which continued for around three hours, two Palestinians from Ramallah were hit by live ammunition in the shoulder and the leg. Dozens of Palestinians, including journalists, were taken away in ambulances to be treated for injuries caused by rubber-coated steel bullets as well as teargas inhalation. There are also reports of ambulances being deliberately targeted with rubber-coated steel bullets as injured protesters were being carried inside. This demonstration coincided with dozens of others across the West Bank.

Person being taken away in a stretcher after being shot with live ammunition
Person being taken away in a stretcher after being shot with live ammunition
Person being carried away in stretcher after tear gas inhalation
Person being carried away in stretcher after tear gas inhalation