UPDATED: Two teenagers murdered at checkpoint

15th April 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, ‘Anabta, Occupied Palestine

By Team Nablus

UPDATED: The fourth of the four Anabta village boys who were present at the murder of Amer Nassar, 17 and Naji al-Balbisi, 18 and the arrest of Deiyaa’ Nassar, 19 was taken by Israeli soldiers at about 4 AM on Tuesday April 9.

Fadi Abu-‘Asr, 17 was brought to the hospital in Tulkarm the night of his friends’ deaths to treat his right forearm, injured by a plastic-coated steel bullet. He was discharged from the hospital shortly after to recover at home, but is now in the custody of the Israeli soldiers. His family have no information about his location, condition, or expected trial or release.
Anabta villagers said they still do not know the whereabouts of Deiyaa’, but have been told his trial will be held on April 18.

Israeli security law allows for holding Palestinians without trial or accusation for four days (for Israelis, 24 hours) before an official must tell family about the incarceration and provide a trial at which a charge is given.


Fadi Abu-A’sr was shot in the lower arm.
Fadi Abu-A’sr was shot in the lower arm.

At 22:30 on 3 April Israeli soldiers opened fire with live ammunition and killed a 17 year-old boy, from the village of ‘Anabta near Enav checkpoint and east of Tulkarm. Amer Nassar was murdered with a bullet to his chest.

On hearing the shooting 3 boys from the village went to investigate and saw Amer lying on the floor with soldiers standing over him. The boys tried to reach Amer, but the soldiers would not let them approach and opened fire, injuring Fadi Abu-A’sr with a bullet to his lower arm.

The Army prevented ambulance crews access to Amer for 30 minutes, threatening to shoot anyone that attempted to help. Deiyaa’ Nasser, who attempted to get to Amer was arrested by the Israeli Army and taken to an unknown location.

The body of a Amer’s cousin, Naji Abdul-Karim Balbisi, 18, was found at first light Thursday morning near a house in the vicinity of the checkpoint. He had been hoped, last night, to be missing, still hiding in a factory. He was discovered, shot from behind in the torso, laying in a field.

The Israeli Army regularly open fire with live ammunition against unarmed protestors and the general population. Amer’s death is the latest in a string of recent murders committed by the Israeli Army, and came a day after the death of Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh as a result of neglect in Israeli prisons.

17 year old Amer Nasser was today killed by the Israeli army
17 year old Amer Nasser was today killed by the Israeli army

Funeral procession for two young boys killed by the Israeli army in ‘Anabta

4th April 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, ‘Anabta, Occupied Palestine

by Team Nablus

On Thursday 4 April the village of ‘Anabta, near Tulkarem buried two of their young men. Amer Nassar, 17 and Naji al-Balbisi, 18 were shot dead by the Israeli Army at the Enav checkpoint late on Wednesday evening.

Amer Nassars body in the morgue. Photo by WAFA News
Amer Nassars body in the morgue. Photo by WAFA News

Despite reports last night that Naji had escaped the Army gunfire, he was found by the Red Crescent medics on Thursday morning after a phone call from the Israeli Army.

Last night Amer was shot in the chest and the Israeli Army prevented his fellow villagers attempts to reach him
resulting in Fadi Abu-A’sr being shot in the arm. Naji was shot in the back, indicating he was running away from the soldiers, which accords with reports taken from witnesses.

The funeral procession was joined by the entire village including Khader Adnan and fellow former hunger striking prisoners. To date there has been no information from the Israeli Army about the fate of Deiyaa’ Nassar, despite reports he was injured at the time of his arrest. His family have been unable to obtain any information from the Army on his condition or whereabouts.

The Army regularly arrest Palestinians, holding them for up to 8 days without access to a lawyer, adequate medical attention or contact with their families. This detention can continue indefinitely and has sparked the mass hunger strikes from prisoners such as Khader and the current hunger striker Samer Al-Issawi, who is in a critical condition after refusing food for over 250 days.

This escalation in violence is a familiar pattern for Palestinians. In recent months the Israeli security forces killed Arafat Jaradat as a result of interrogation tactics. The murder of Amer and Naji and arrest of Deiyaa’, also comes a day after the prisoner Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh died as a result of medical neglect.

Funeral procession today in 'Anabta - photo credit ISM
Funeral procession today in ‘Anabta – photo credit ISM

UPDATED: Two teenagers murdered at checkpoint

4th April 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, ‘Anabta, Occupied Palestine

By Team Nablus

At 22:30 on 3 April Israeli soldiers opened fire with live ammunition and killed a 17 year-old boy, from the village of ‘Anabta near Enav checkpoint and east of Tulkarm. Amer Nassar was murdered with a bullet to his chest.

Fadi Abu-A'sr was shot in the lower arm.
Fadi Abu-A’sr was shot in the lower arm.

On hearing the shooting 3 boys from the village went to investigate and saw Amer lying on the floor with soldiers standing over him. The boys tried to reach Amer, but the soldiers would not let them approach and opened fire, injuring Fadi Abu-A’sr with a bullet to his lower arm.

The Army prevented ambulance crews access to Amer for 30 minutes, threatening to shoot anyone that attempted to help. Deiyaa’ Nasser, who attempted to get to Amer was arrested by the Israeli Army and taken to an unknown location.

The body of a Amer’s cousin, Naji Abdul-Karim Balbisi, 18, was found at first light Thursday morning near a house in the vicinity of the checkpoint. He had been hoped, last night, to be missing, still hiding in a factory. He was discovered, shot from behind in the torso, laying in a field.

The Israeli Army regularly open fire with live ammunition against unarmed protestors and the general population. Amer’s death is the latest in a string of recent murders committed by the Israeli Army, and came a day after the death of Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh as a result of neglect in Israeli prisons.

17 year old Amer Nasser was today killed by the Israeli army
17 year old Amer Nasser was today killed by the Israeli army

Student shot and many others injured during night raid in Al Fawwar camp , Hebron

12th March 2013 International Solidarity Movement, Hebron , Occupied Palestine

By Team Khalil

One student is dead and three others were shot during an Israeli army night raid in the al-Fawwar camp south of Hebron on Tuesday. 5 others were also injured .25 year old university student, Mahmoud Adel Tete, was shot with live ammunition alongside his teenage brother and two other men last night at 9pm .

Funeral of  Mahmoud Adel Al-Tete
Funeral of Mahmoud Adel Al-Tete

Four army vehicles entered the refugee camp attempting to find a suspect they claimed had thrown a molotov cocktail at a settler car. However, they were swamped with stones as soon as they arrived from the Palestianian refugees furious about the sudden invasion of their camp. One of the vehicles was immediately descended on by people trying to destroy the army vehicle. The soldiers panicked, opening fire on the Palestianian refugees, shooting blindly into the crowd with live ammunition.

Within minutes there was fatal casualty, Mahmoud an active supporter of the prison hunger strikers, was shot in the head with an illegal “dum dum” bullet by a Israeli soldier, the shot killed him instantly. His brother, 15 year old Feres, was shot in the hand including Mahmoud Shadfan who was shot in the stomach and Rami Al Karanz who was shot in the leg, all with live ammunition. Several people were injured with rubber coated bullets, and purposely driven over by army vehicles attempting to disperse the crowd.

The al-Fawwar Camp has been firmly situated in South Hebron for sixty years, established in 1951, the camps many residents are villagers from now occupied lands from the 1948 armistice line. The camp is home to around 8,500 people who receive minimal assistance from outside organizations and are also subject to the road block at Beit Hagay which restricts their movements in the West Bank.

The funeral for Mahmoud Adel Al-Tete was held today and attended by an estimated 8,ooo people at 12:30PM in the al-Fawwar Camp. Following the death of Mahmoud and the injuries sustained by the Palestinians involved in last nights raid, clashes erupted in Hebron city and in the al-Fawwar camp, continuing well into the night.

Blood on the streets of Al Fawwar camp
Blood on the streets of Al Fawwar camp

Is there Hope of Justice for a Palestinian family in Israel’s Courts?

Update on the 13th March 2013: The Supreme court will review the case of Ziad Jilani 

After hearing an appeal presented on behalf of Moira Jilani, the widow of Ziad and their three daughters the Israeli Supreme Court Judges have decided that they wished to review all evidence in the case. 

Ziad Jilani was killed by Israeli border policeman Maxim Vinogradov in 2010. According to eyewitnesses Maxim VInagrodov shot Ziad at point blank range in the head while Zaid had laying on the ground wounded after being shot in the back. Ziad was unarmed. 

Family and friends holding posters in support of Ziad Jilani (Photo by ISM)
Family and friends holding posters in support of Ziad Jilani (Photo by ISM)

The State Prosecutor, who had previously not charged those who shot and killed Ziad, is now obliged to hand over all evidence to the Supreme Court by the 24th of March. The Jilani family, was more optimistic after the hearing than they had been before.

Bilal Ziad’s brother stated said, “If the Israeli Supreme Court really looks at the evidence of this case, and if they still say there are no grounds to press charges against the officers who murdered Ziad, then it means Israel has no credibility at all. They rule by the law of the jungle.”


9th March 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Occupied Palestine

By ISM Media Office

On Wednesday (13 March) Moira Jilani and her three daughters will come face to face with their husband and father’s killer. Ziad Jilani’s widow and daughters seek justice for his killing by Israeli border policeman Maxim Vinogradov, for the third time.

Ziad Jilani with his young daugher
Ziad Jilani with his young daugher

“I am dreading facing them for my daughters”, says Moira, “I think I could face them myself but I’m afraid that when I see the pain in my daughters eyes it will kill me”. Her husband, Ziad, was killed three years ago by Maxim Vinogradov, an Israeli Magav (border police) officer who put his rifle to Ziad’s head and pulled the trigger three consecutive times while Ziad lay helplessly on the ground, having already been shot twice fleeing police shooting at him after he was involved in a car accident after a stone hit his truck.

Now, for the third time, the family is appealing to Israeli authorities to press charges against Ziad’s killer. On the 16th of January 2011 the case was closed by police internal investigations (Machash) for the first time, for “lack of evidence”.

In the following month, 15th of February 2011, the family submitted an appeal to then Israel Attorney General, Menachem Mazuz. Despite a confession by Vinogradov that he had shot Ziad at zero range when he was lying on the ground because of the initial gunshot wound, an autopsy report pointing to an a close range shooting, dozens of eyewitnesses who were also injured that day as a result of the incident and very clear changes in Vinogradov’s testimonies before and after the autopsy, Mazuz did not see fit to change. Machash’s decision to close the case.

With the help of the al-Mazaan Center for Human Rights, on January 4th 2012, the family submitted a second appeal. This time to the Israeli Supreme Court, demanding that the new state prosecutor, Yehuda Weinstein, bring criminal charges against Ziad’s murderers.

“After Weinstein [Israel’s current Attorney General] had all the evidence we had hope that he would press charges against the killers,” Moira recalls, “but after he decided not to do so for the third time, it is hard to have hope that the court will do justice.”

According to Yesh Din in 2012 the MPCID received 240 complaints and various reports of suspected crimes allegedly committed by Israeli soldiers against Palestinians and their property in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Out of these registered complaints, only 103- not even half- have yielded investigations. Not one single indictment has been served to date.

The organization commented on the findings: “The numerous defects in MPCID investigations of offenses against Palestinians and in the Military Advocate General Corps’ supervision of the investigations, result in the closure of the vast majority of the files and a minimal number of indictments being served. This creates a feeling of lawlessness on the ground, which may be a central contributing factor in the rise in the number of killings over recent weeks”.

Moira describes this sense of lawlessness, “I still have hope, but its hard when we see everything that’s happening around us,” she says, “my husband’s case is one of what seems to be a systematic sweeping under the rug of violent incidences of Israeli soldiers against the Palestinian population under their authority. We are not just going to court for Ziad Jilani. We are going to court for all the Palestinians killed before Ziad and those that will be killed thereafter.”

Ziad with his daughters
Ziad with his daughters