Gaza families still enduring the aftermath of 2014 Israeli assault

13th January 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza Team | Beit Hanoun, Gaza strip, occupied Palestine

A year and a half after the last massive assault on the Gaza Strip the promised reconstruction has not yet appeared. However, what has not ceased to appear since then are new sequels and side effects due to the Israeli forces’ use of military equipment in residential areas and against the civilian population of Gaza.

Amar points out effects of shrapnel on his cupboard
Amar points out effects of shrapnel on his cupboard

In Beit Hanoun, a town north of the Gaza Strip located on the border with the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948, ISM visited Amar Abu Janad and his family.

Amar with his family wm
Amar with his family

Amar is 42 years and has 9 children. His house was bombed during the last slaughter while the family took refuge in a UN school. “At the school we slept on the stairs and we bathed in the toilets, where there was no running water. Besides, the whole school was very dirty and many days the food they gave us was in bad shape.”

In addition, he explains, the school where they took refuge was one of the many schools of UN attacked by the Israeli military during those 51 days of bombing. In one such attack against the school Amar’s uncle died.

During a ceasefire the family decided to go home to get some clothes, and “everything smelled like death… the street, the houses …” they said.

Besides the home Amar lost his car, with which he earned his living as a taxi driver.

Amar is trying to sustain his family selling the utensils that he manufactures reusing materials recovered from the ruins of the town
Amar is trying to sustain his family selling the utensils that he manufactures reusing materials recovered from the ruins of the town

The family tells us how two weeks into the slaughter the Zionist army entered Beit Hanoun by land, shooting, in addition to live fire, smoke bombs and tear gas into all the homes, forcing the families to flee as they “could see the tanks entering our street . . . “

A wall of the family's home, repaired after the bombing
A wall of the family’s home, repaired after the Israeli attack
One of the family's rooms, partially renovated
One of the family’s rooms, partially renovated

Amar’s wife explained that “after the war many people began to suffer from rare diseases. When we returned to live in what was left of our home we all started to suffer from skin problems and our oldest daughter’s eyes started to hurt and got very red. We took her to the doctor and he told us that she had a chronic problem. Periodically she suffers attacks during which we have to put some drops in her eyes 18 times a day. These droplets are so expensive and scarce that the doctor didn’t sell them to us or let us take them home, so during the crises we have to visit the doctor 18 times a day.” She also spoke of another child: “our 6 year old son started seeing double. At first we thought he was joking. . . . Recently he has begun to wear glasses, but still doesn’t see well. The doctor told us that after the war many children have begun to suffer such problems.”

Due to the stress and tension experienced during the bombings, Amar suffers from strong muscular and back pains and his 15 years old daughter developed an eczema in her hair that still present today.

As he showed they ISM team the conditions under which they currently live, Amar exclaimed: “Israel and the foreign media said that the war was against Hamas … but then bombed our homes, our cars, our animals, schools, hospitals … I am not Hamas! Was my car a terrorist too? Were my animals terrorists?

“They test their new weapons against us, using forbidden weapons against civilian population . . . They kill women, children and animals… are they also from Hamas? They know we can’t escape, all our borders are closed… How can something like this happen on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea?”

At that point they were interrupted by a man in his 30s accompanied by his blind father. The wife of Amar explains that this “is our neighbour, weeks after the end of the war he woke up one day and he was blind, no one knows how it happened.”

When we were leaving Amar’s teenage son asked us, outraged, that we convey this message to the people in our countries: “We do not need charity or food parcels, we need freedom. We are not terrorists or criminals, we are normal people trying to live in peace.”

Gaza: between rebellion and sacrifice

22nd October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Valeria Cortés | Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine

How much hopelessness, suffering, unpunished abuse, how much spilled blood can the human heart take before bursting?

All I possess in the presence of the death is fury and pride”

Mahmoud Darwish

Ahmed Al Sarhi was executed in cold blood yesterday by an Israeli sniper, from the cowardly distance of the Zionist fence that encloses Gaza, turning it into a prison. This is just another story of this shameful concentration camp that, as if that was not enough, is also routinely bombarded by the Zionist war machine with total impunity.

The body of Ahmed Al Sarhi, killed by snipers of the Zionist occupation forces on October 20, 2015, Al Bureij, Gaza Strip (Photo credit: Ashraf Amra)
The body of Ahmed Al Sarhi, killed by snipers of the Zionist occupation forces on October 20, 2015, Al Bureij, Gaza Strip (Photo credit: Ashraf Amra)

Including Ahmed, there has been a total of fifteen people killed by Israeli forces since October 9th, in the Gaza strip alone. This includes a three year old girl and her pregnant mother, who died as a result of the bombing of their family home. Throughout Palestine since the beginning of this month, fifty-two people have been killed, among them twelve children. The systematic killing of children by the occupation forces is not a mistake or collateral damage, figures confirm that Palestinian children are the main military target of Israel.

Children killed during the Zionist slaughter in Gaza 2014. Photo taken at Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, Deir Al Balah, central Gaza Strip.
Children killed during the Zionist slaughter in Gaza 2014. Photo taken at Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, Deir Al Balah, central Gaza Strip.

But we cannot limit ourselves to stating names, figures, data without contextualizing what happens here in Palestine – at the root of this catastrophe, a vicious occupation of a colonial entity imposed by blood and fire on Palestinian territory, with the full support of the so-called Western Democracies. Palestinians are being killed on their own land, the land of their ancestors. They have not come to seek death, death has come to them under the guise of a “religious conflict,” but that is not true – this is plainly colonialism, theft, conquest and occupation, and for this the Zionist entity conducts a continuous and terrifying ethnic cleansing.

Among the first victims of this genocide is the truth, so it is our duty to prevent mass media outlets from turning Palestinians into “terrorists” who always “die” in an “ongoing terror attack.” To begin with, they are not terrorists, they are an occupied people exercising their legitimate right to defense with all the resources – very few resources – at their fingertips. They do not “die”, they are executed in cold blood by one of the most powerful armies in the world or by that other paramilitary entity, formed by fanatical settlers highly trained and armed to the teeth.

How much hopelessness, suffering, unpunished abuse, how much spilled blood can the human heart take before bursting? What terrible reasons can drive a young man to take a kitchen knife and be under the Zionist bullets attempting a futile defense, the last desperate act of rebellion for justice? A justice that has been denied to them from the day of their birth to the day of their death.

Those Palestinians, described by the media in a  de-contextualized, biased, malicious way, as “neutralized terrorist”  are mostly young people and teenagers. The dramatic reality that the media handle turns this into a grotesque spectacle where the executioner becomes the victim should not go unnoticed.

After the cold-blooded murder of these children, young martyrs, there are more crimes: their families are beaten, lynched, imprisoned, their homes demolished, their residence permits revoked, a whole series of infamous collective punishments – illegal and heinous – trying to silence a people pushed to the limits of their endurance.

In the Gaza Strip there are no kitchen knives as weapons of the juvenile despair. Here the occupation is not present face to face like in the West Bank, here it remains lurking behind cowardly attacks from the distance of warships, planes, helicopters and drones and by land surrounding Gaza with a fence full of turrets, tanks, rifles and all kind of military technology at the service of death.

Then young Gazans, many of them teenagers or children, who have already suffered in their own flesh three brutal massacres, stripped of all hope and future, march to the very limits of their imprisonment in a sacrificial ritual, to offer their defenseless chests to the bullets of the occupier, with no other weapon than a harmless stone, a flag, their rage and pride – it is all they have in the presence of death. Children, young martyrs of Gaza, march to the borders of this, their land, their prison, their grave, to offer their brief life as anonymous prisoner to put a dignified end to their agony.

Young man a few meters from the zionist fence. Picture in Gaza Strip, Palestine. September 2013.
Young man a few meters from the zionist fence. Picture in Gaza Strip, Palestine. September 2013.

It is our duty to not let them be murdered three times over, where yes – because that Zionist colony sadly known as “Israel” commits on them a triple crime – there is first the murder itself, secondly the impunity of the fact and third, equally or even more terribly, the slander of the victim, making the victim guilty of their own death.

If we cannot prevent the slaughter of the Palestinian people, at least we have to avoid that impunity and slander primed on these desperate boys in search for justice, or even more painfully, a quick escape to this long tragedy.

As you read these lines the Zionist occupation and international silence continue to send children to their death.

Valeria Cortés, Gaza, Palestine.

Funeral for yet another martyr in Gaza

23rd October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza team | Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine

Thousands of persons attended the funeral of Ahmad Serhe, 27 years old, in Deir El Balah on 21st October 2015. He was killed the day before in Bureij by an Israeli sniper.

Funeral procession
Funeral procession


Funeral procession
Funeral procession


The body of Ahmad Serhe
The body of Ahmad Serhe


Body carried by the procession
Body carried by the procession


Digging the grave
Digging the grave


At the cemetry
At the cemetry


Speach at the funeral
Speach at the funeral


Senseless Israeli violence against demonstrators in Gaza

17th October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza team | Gaza, occupied Palestine

At yesterday’s demonstrations in Nahel Oz (east of Shijaia) and Erez Border (Beit Hanoun), 2 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces and almost one hundred were injured.
Yahiya Abd al-Qader Farhat, 24 years old, and Mahmoud Hatim Hmeid, 22 years old were killed by Israeli forces. More than 90 persons have been injured, including journalists and paramedics. Ambulances and paramedics were repeatedly directly targeted by the Israeli forces.

Israeli army jeep with device to shoot tear gas, directed at Palestinian demonstrators
Tear gas fired at the demonstrators
Demonstrators as seen through clouds of tear gas
Injured person carried away to an ambulance
Demonstrators with Palestinian flags at the border wall
Another injured taken to the ambulance
Medics carrying an injured person to an ambulance
A Palestinian demonstrator at the wall
Clouds of tear gas at the wall
Ambulances and medics targeted by Israeli forces
Ambulances and first aid personnel suffering from tear gas directed at them by Israeli forces

Beit El demonstration under attack by Israeli forces after Martyr laid to rest

10th October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Ramallah, occupied Palestine

Less than one hour after the Halabi family laid their son, martyr Mohannad al-Halabi, to rest in a cemetery in Ramallah, violent confrontations broke out in the nearby Beit El area. In a continuation of the sharp escalation in violence seen across the occupied Palestinian territories and Jerusalem, demonstrations across the West Bank today were met with an unleashing of brutality by Israeli forces that left hundreds injured and two dead.

After withholding the body of 19 year old Mohannad al-Halabi for seven days, his family received him at 2am Friday morning at a hospital in Ramallah.  Thousands gathered Friday afternoon at the Abd al Nasser Mosque for prayers before bringing his body to a nearby cemetery where he was laid to rest near his grandfather.

As Palestinians filled the streets in the Beit El area for demonstration, Israeli forces began showering the crowd with rapid live ammunition fire, hitting 23 and seriously wounding at least 2. 44 others sustained injuries by rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and clouds of tear gas which were fired in rapid succession by venom trucks.  Water cannons filled the streets with foul smelling organic or chemical composition fluid.

Confrontations raged on during a demonstration near the Beit El settlement
Confrontations raged on during a demonstration near the Beit El settlement

A Palestinian youth was unharmed after being run over at the demonstration by an Israeli military jeep.

Video credit: Maan News

In Gaza City, where West Bank and Jerusalem solidarity demonstrations were held, 7 young Palestinians were martyred in similarly brutal Israeli military attacks that utilized exploding bullets aimed at Palestinian children’s heads and chests. 145 others were reportedly injured as Israeli military forces opened fire at the demonstration held by the border fence east of Gaza City, near Khan Younis on Friday, medics and the Ministry of Health confirmed.

The injured in Gaza demonstration
The injured in Gaza demonstration

Two Palestinians have been confirmed killed by Israeli occupation forces as of today, bringing the toll of Palestinians murdered in a week of sharply escalated violence in the West Bank to 16 martyred. Over 1,000 have been injured during the escalation. Tensions were sparked after the Israeli government, again, imposed restrictions and refused Muslims entry into al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

An Israeli governmental official in Jerusalem, days ago, made inflammatory statements in calling for Israeli’s to arm themselves amidst the conflict. These statements sharply conflict with other Israeli official’s statements claiming to want to calm tensions raging throughout the West Bank where Palestinians are undergoing not just Israeli military violence but brutal attacks by settlers which include attacks on Palestinian cars, homes and random attacks in the streets.

Days ago in the Tel Rumeida section of al-Khalil, (Hebron) nearly two hundred settlers marched, burning Palestinian flags, chanting ‘death to Arabs,’ and attacking Palestinians and human rights monitors with stones and physical violence.

Today, the 22 year old Palestinian man shot to death near the Kiryat Arba illegal settlement in al-Khalil will be laid to rest after funeral services.  In the occupied Palestinian territories, violent escalation continues.