ACTION ALERT: Israel Attempting to Expel Bil’in Family Man to Jordan


Tomorrow, June 5th, at 9:00 am, the High Court of Justice in Jerusalem will hold a hearing concerning a petition against the decision of the army to expel to Jordan one of the residents of Bil’in.

The plaintiff is Assam Ibrahim Ali Khateeb, whose family immigrated to Jordan in 1966. During the Oslo times the family came back to Bil’in, but the requests of most of its members for a Palestinian citizenship (which requires the consent of Israel) were refused.

Assam himself entered the West Bank on January 1999 with a tourist visa. He married a Palestinian from Bil’in and in January 2006 became a father. Assam was arrested on January 2006 and since then has been held in the Offer camp. The State is asking the Court to cancel the temporary injunction that prevents him from being expelled to Jordan.

The request of his relatives and friends from Bil’in to have a permit to enter Israel and attend the Court hearing was denied. Therefore, the only familiar (or at least friendly) faces he is likely to see in Court are Israeli or international supporters.

Anyone who can make it please come to the Court. The hearing is in HCJ 650/06, before Judges Grunis, Na’or and Hayut, at hall C of the Supreme Court, at 9:00.

His family is asking anyone with a camera to try and take photos of Assam (of course, before the judges enter the hall). If photos are obtained, we can later give them to his family, via the Popular Committee in Bil’in.

For more information:
Abdullah Abu-Rahme: 0547 258 210

JPost: “Barakeh: Bil’in protesters didn’t attack”

by Jersalem Post, 2nd June 2006

Photo from AP

The weekly demonstration against continued construction of the security barrier in the village of Bil’in resulted on Friday in the injuries of one border policeman and several protesters.
Hadash leader Mohammed Barakeh, who was present at Friday’s protest, told Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter that he had a videotape on which a Border Police commander was captured instructing his forces to “break protesters’ legs,” Army Radio reported.

Barakeh said that he intended to file a complaint with the Police Investigative Unit, and maintained that none of the protesters had attacked any of the soldiers or police present.

Bil’in has been one of the more volatile foci of anti-fence demonstrations. Various Palestinian and Israeli organizations band together to organize weekly protests, which not infrequently turn violent.

Palestinian Unity Against Military Brutality

This week’s demonstration a call for greater Palestinian unity against the occupation. It was also a recognition of the 39th anniversary of al-Naksa, “the great disappointment” which marked the beginning of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza strip and the Golan Heights in 1967.

About 300 demonstrators carrying Palestinian flags marched to the wall together. Among them were Palestinian Legislative Council members Mustafa Bargouthi and Kais Abu Leyla; al-Quds University President Sari Nusaybah; Knesset member, Muhammed Baraka, and Israeli supporters from Anarchists Against the Wall, Gush Shalom (including Uri Avnery) and other Israeli anti-occupation groups. International supporters from ISM were also present.

As they approached the gate in the annexation barrier, demonstrators found that Israeli soldiers had positioned themselves behind journalists, as well as in front of the gate, surrounding them. Some of the demonstrators tried to non-violently cross the gate. Soldiers attacked the demonstrators from all sides with sound bombs and serious beatings. The soldiers then rushed forward, violently pushing everyone back causing widespread injuries. The soldiers then proceeded to fire tear gas at Palestinians and internationals attempting to extinguish a fire which the explosion from a sound bomb had started in the olive groves.

Amongst those known to be badly injured by beatings and evacuated in ambulances so far are: Mohammed Mansour- who was hit with two rubber bullets in the arm and a sound bomb in his abdomen, Mohammed saw a soldier aiming for his head from close range and covered his eyes with his arm, Akram al-Katib- who was beaten, Abdullah Abu Rahme- from the Popular Committee, was beaten as well as a woman named Yahia Abullah Yasin. Two Israelis were also seriously injured. And there were many minor injuries from beatings.

Israeli Soldiers Surround and Attack Non-violent Demonstration; 6 Palestinians Badly Injured


2pm, Bil’in, nr. Ramallah: Israeli soldiers at today’s anti-wall demonstration surrounded and attacked non-violent demonstrators with sound bombs and widespread beatings, badly injuring many Palestinians. At the time of this release, at least six Palestinians are known to have been evacuated in ambulances after serious injuries from beatings. Many others have been less seriously wounded.

As they approached the gate in the annexation barrier demonstrators found that Israeli soldiers had positioned themselves behind journalists, as well as in front of the gate, surrounding them. Some of the demonstrators tried to non-violently cross the gate. Soldiers attacked the demonstrators from all sides with sound bombs and serious beatings. The soldiers then rushed forward, violently pushing everyone back causing widespread injuries.

Amongst those known to be badly injured by beatings and evacuated in ambulances so far are: Akram al-Katib, Eyad Bournat and Ahmed Abu Rahme from the Popular Committee, as well as a woman named Yahia Abullah Yasin.

For the latest update:

ISM Media Office: 02 297 1824

Large Scale Unity Demonstration in Bil’in on Friday

Credit: Tess Scheflan


On Friday, the villagers of Bil’in, joined by international and Israeli supporters will hold a demonstration in which they will call for enhanced unity and internal dialogue amongst the Palestinian parties.

They will use the occasion of the commemoration of the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1967 act as a call for Palestinians to be united against the common enemy – the occupation. A large banner has been erected in Ramallah, calling for large-scale participation, and it is anticipated that it will be a particularly large demonstration this week.

Politicians have been invited from both the Israeli Knesset and the Palestinian Legislative Council.

For more information call:

Abdullah Abu-Rahme: 0547 258 210
ISM Media Office: 02 297 1824