Basque and Bil’in Demonstrators Keep the Beat

by Zadie and Jennie in Bil’in

On July 7th, at 13:00 the people of Bil’in, joined by a Basque Nationalist musical group and International and Israeli activists, started their weekly rally to protest the ongoing construction of the illegal Apartheid wall on their lands. One hundred people started the march, which was launched in front of the mosque and ended at the gate in the wall.

The Basque musical group, in traditional ceremonial attire and formation, kept the beat for the demonstration by marching with large bells that they wore on their lower backs, led by an individual in front who blew on a traditional horn. They were chased away by rubber bullets and sound bombs from the soldiers but returned to perform their art and pass through the line of soldiers that were holding people back. They stated their intent of solidarity with the Palestinians: “we too have been fighting an occupation of our lands for generations”, and wished to express their support for the Palestinian resistance.

The Israeli military became violent as soldiers tried to arrest non-violent protester, Iyad Buranat, a member of the Bil’in committee against the wall and settlements . Other Palestinians and came to his aid to try to prevent his arrest and were caught between the Jeeps and the barbed wire as soldiers beat them. They grabbed the hands of the soldiers to stop the beating and were successful in deescalating the situation so they could talk with the soldiers.

Iyad Buranat was again targeted for arrest and pulled inside the gate, separated by the group by rolls of barbed wire. Several people ran to his aid, despite being blocked by soldiers, and a small group was able to successfully prevent his arrest.

The demonstration ended with five people injured. Ahmed Mohammed Hamad, 55, of Bil’in suffered damage to his right ear from a sound bomb. Mohammed Katib, 33,A member of the Bil’in committee against the wall and settlements, suffered bruises and tears to the skin in his left torso from soldiers roughing him up. Michael, 23, from the US, suffered tears in the skin of his forearms from schrapnel from a sound bomb. His right forearm was damaged when he was thrown by one soldier against another’s shield with extreme force. Ashraf , 22, of Tulkarem, suffered a rubber bullet to his upper left thigh as he was walking by the soldiers. Khaled, 18, of Bil’in, was hit with a rubber bullet in the leg.

This evening the army revoked the order declaring the area a closed military zone. A team of three internationals gained access through the gate which had been denied to them after the demonstration. They have now relieved the lone Palestinian who was manning the outpost, and the area has been declared open for the time being.

Bil’in: Palestinian Villagers Move into Israeli Settlement!

UPDATE, 6 pm: The three Palestinian families have been evicted by the Israeli police and were taken away in Border Police vehicles to the other side of the Apartheid Wall. Mohammed Katib said that they had an order to remove the families. No Palestinians or Israelis were arrested. This evacuation is a stark contrast to the fact that when Israeli authorities claimed that “there was nothing they could do” when they were notified that settlers have moved in illegally to the Mtityahu Mizrah outpost.


This morning at 11am, three families from the village of Bil’in moved into empty apartments built on land the village owns in the Matityahu East settlement, west of Israel’s apartheid barrier. As of 8am this morning, the Israeli military has declared the whole area a closed military zone until the 8th of July. Amongst the first inhabitants of this new neighborhood of Bil’in are the families of Abdullah Abu-Rahme and Mohammed Katib from the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements. The families intend to actually live in the apartments, and more are set to follow. This will make a statement about their rights to the land and act as a direct, non-violent challenge to the apartheid of the Israeli state. Matityahu East was built illegally on land belonging to the Palestinian village of Bil’in. According to Israeli law, anything found on land that you own also belongs to you.

Despite an Israeli Supreme Court injunction forbidding the occupation of structures in the Matityahu East settlement, Israeli settlers have been moving in. This morning’s bold move by Bil’in villagers has put the state of Israel to a test. The Police and Military have done nothing to stop Jewish settlers creating facts on the ground in defiance of the Supreme Court. Yet when Palestinian villagers, legally taking up residence on their own land try to move in, they use military orders in an attempt to prevent them.

On the 24th of May, Ha’aretz newspaper reported that at least two settler families moved into apartments in the settlement. This happened despite Bil’in’s attorney Michael Sfard calling the Police. They arrived after he threatened to file a motion charging them with contempt of court unless they stopped the settlers, but they did nothing to stop them from moving in.

The apartheid barrier under construction runs through Bil’in, and separates the village from substantial parts of its land, including the portion on which Matityahu East was built. Although in public Israel claims that the route of the wall there is purely for security reasons, the route accommodates planned future expansion of the settlement, exactly following the settlement master-plan. As now acknowledged in the Israeli media, Matityahu East was stolen from Bil’in residents through fraudulent land purchases. The affidavit affirming the transfer of ownership was signed by an attorney representing the settlers, instead of by the head of Bil’in, as is required.

On Sunday, July 9th, at 10am, the Israeli High Court will hold a hearing concerning two petitions of Bil’in: one against the illegal building in the Matityahu East settlement; and another in which the Court is asked to annul the declaration made in 1991 that the village land earmarked for the settlement and its expansion are government property. There is a criminal investigation of the civil administration official involved in this transfer. There is also a decision pending in the Israeli court on the route of the wall.

For more information contact:
Abdullah Abu-Rahme: 054 725 8210
Mohammed Katib: 054 5573285
Iyad Burnat: 054 784 7942
Yonatan Pollack: 054 623 7736
ISM Media office: 02 297 1824 or 0599 943 157

For pictures of Israeli settlers moving into the settlement on the 24th of May, while Police help them see the Ha’aretz article, reposted on the ISM website:

Bil’in to Commemorate International Court of Justice Ruling Against the Wall


On July 7th, at 1pm, the people of Bil’in joined by international and Israeli supporters will demonstrate against the apartheid wall in commemoration of the Second Anniversary of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling that the Wall is illegal. The Bil’in Popular Committee against the wall and settlements has planned a celebration with international, Israeli and Palestinian musicians to participating.

Two years ago, the ICJ in the Hague, despite intense pressure from Israel, the US and EU governments, confirmed what Palestinians and the world have known since the beginning of its planning and construction: that the wall is illegal. The text states that, “Israel is under an obligation to terminate its breaches of international law; it is under an obligation to cease forthwith the works of construction of the wall being built in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”.

For more information please call:
Abdullah Abu Rahme: 054 725 8210
Mohammad Khatib: 054 5573285
Iyad Burnat: 054 7847 942
ISM Media office: 02 297 1824 or 0599 943 157

The Master Plan, The Settlements, The Barrier

by The Michigan Peace Team in Bil’in

Reflecting on one of our experiences in the Occupied Palestinian Territories:

On Friday June 30th our Summer 2006 Peace Team to Palestine/Israel participated in a large non-violent action in the Palestinian village of Bil’in. It was organized by Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall. Local Palestinians, Internationals, and Israeli peace activists joined in solidarity for this action. The goal of the action was to open the annexation barrier and reclaim Palestinian land.

The action included a march to the gate, songs, chanting, and communication regarding our goal. During the action, part of the group managed to get inside the gate and Palestinian flags were raised.

As we watched and learned from the Palestinians, three things stood out for us:

– The hope-filled determination of the Palestinians;
– Palestinian insistence that the group remain committed to non-violent word and action with the pledge to end the action if Israeli soldiers were harmed in any way; and,
– The discipline evident in the group.

Israeli soldiers, jeeps, and other armored vehicles were stationed at the gate and along the annexation barrier. The Israeli soldiers responded to the demonstration with force and violence. Repeatedly they launched sound bombs, tear gas and rubber bullets. While men, women, and children fled, this onslaught continued. Also Israeli shell casings for live ammunition were found after the action.

Two Israeli peace activists were arrested at the gate. One French citizen and three Palestinians were injured. Very early in the action a Palestinian man was shot in the eye with a rubber bullet. Some minutes later as we were fleeing, a sound bomb exploded two feet from a Michigan Peace Team member. She experienced difficulty in hearing. Thankfully, this condition began to diminish and after two hours and her hearing was restored.

As a follow-up to the demonstration, we all met for evaluation. To us as the Michigan Peace Team, the level of Israeli army violence was shocking, but we learned that local Palestinians had expected far worse. They stressed in no uncertain terms that the presence of the international and Israeli peace activists had definitely reduced the level of violence they normally experience as Palestinians.

On-going Palestinian work for peace with justice:

During the past year and a half, the response of Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall has been bold, creative, and consistently non-violent. Elements of their campaign include:

1. Organizing weekly demonstrations and actions.

2. Working in partnership with Israeli peace activists to take their case to the “world court of opinion” and to the Israeli Supreme Court where scholarly briefs and arguments have been submitted.

3. They succeeded in acquiring a court order which has temporarily halted settlement expansion.

4. The establishment of a Palestinian “outpost” directly in front of one Israeli settlement- constructed on Palestinian land belonging to the village of Bil’in. This outpost is staffed by Palestinians and internationals 24 hours a day seven days a week!

Some background on Bil’in:

Bil’in is a small farming village located near Ramallah in the West Bank . More than half of Bil’in’s farming acreage has been seized by the State of Israel for settlement development. The Bil’in community made the decision to resist non-violently and they have become a world-wide symbol of Palestinian non-violent resistance to the following policies of the State of Israel:

– theft of Palestinian land;
– construction of the annexation barrier;
– expansion of the Israeli settlements ; and,
– cementing of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank .

Illegality of the Israeli settlements:

In the global community, all nations and individuals are bound to uphold international law. Scholars and other members of the international legal community assert that the Israeli settlements are illegal under international law. This fact can be documented in scholarly briefs, as well as in popular publications:

“…the very existence of Israeli settlements is a direct violation of internationally binding agreements and regulations as international humanitarian law explicitly prohibits the occupying state to make permanent changes that are not, in the first place, intended to benefit the population of the occupied.” (Passia 2006)

Some background to the Supreme Court case:

By sharing some details important to Bil’in’s Supreme Court case we hope to shed some light on the interconnection between the annexation barrier, the role of the settlements, and Israeli occupation of the West Bank.

There is a 1998 Israeli master plan for the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the area of Bil’in Village. It sets a goal of 150,000 Israeli settlers in the area by the year 2020. This master plan is labeled “unofficial.” It ignores jurisdictional areas and calls for confiscation of Palestinian land. Significant steps have been underway to implement this master plan. Already a huge Israeli settlement on Palestine land overlooks Bil’in Village and other neighboring villages. It is called Upper Modi’in settlement and it extends as far as the eye can see.

Sub plans of the master plan have also been developed. In 1999, an Israeli urban plan entitled 210/8 was approved by a sub committee of the “Supreme Planning Council” of the Israeli military Civil Administration in the area known by the Israelis as “Judea and Samaria”, Biblical terminology for the West Bank often used by Zionists. Part of this plan calls for the construction of 1532 Israeli housing units on land confiscated from the Palestinian village of Bil’in. Now there is a more ambitious version called 210/8/1 which calls for 1,476 additional units, for a tota l of 3,008 settlement housing units in the area as part of the Upper Modi’in master plan.

The Israeli Supreme Court Case:

Construction of the 3,008 units on confiscated land got underway in 2004. On the Palestinian land owned by members of the Bil’in Village, an Israeli settlement known as Matityahu East is partially constructed. Not only are these buildings being constructed on occupied territory in violation of International Law, but they also lack valid Israeli building permits in violation of Israeli law. Settlement development paperwork amply documents this fact. For example, in March 2005, Gil’ad Rogel, the legal counsel for the orthodox Upper Modi’in settlement wrote to colleagues as well as the Planning Council that numerous construction violations against Israeli law were being carried out. It is this violation of Israeli law that the Israeli peace activists and residents of Bil’in are using to bring their case to the Israeli Supreme Court. By court order construction has been stopped in lieu of this Supreme Court case.

Interconnections…The annexation barrier, settlements, and Israeli occupation

There is ample evidence to suggest that settlement development plans gave birth to the annexation barrier and that the settlements cement the Israeli occupation of the West Bank. In a recent report entitled “Under the Guise of Security” Israeli organizations B’tselem and BIMKOM compared the Master Plan with the route of the annexation barrier. They write that, “The aerial photo of the Modi’in Illit bloc shows that the outline plan … was a primary consideration in setting the barrier’s route … In the eastern section the route follows the eastern borders of Plan 210/8/1. The state admits that these two plans were taken into account in setting the route.” The interconnection between the settlements and the occupation is equally as obvious. The settlements absorb large tracts of confiscated land; they require huge military presence to maintain their existence; and they exhaust/destroy local resources.

Information is taken from:

1. Research provided by the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme In Palestine and Israel sponsored by the World Council of Churches in a publication entitled ChainReaction, Issue No.3.

2. The report entitled “Under the Guise of Security”

In conclusion, some key questions come to mind as we experience life here:

How can the State of Israel use “security concerns” to justify construction of the annexation barrier? The plans for settlement development were published before the second intifada began in the fall of 2000, and these plans clearly outline the route of the annexation barrier in this region of the West Bank.

What is the motivation of the State of Israel? Is it hatred of Palestinians or expansion and economic benefit at the expense of the occupied?

What are the national boundaries of the State of Israel?

How do we work together to raise awareness of these issues?

Bil’in Protests Israeli Re-occupation

by an ISM activist in Bil’in

Friday 30th June: We walked down the Bil’in road to where the soldiers stood waiting behind two jeeps blocking the gate. The road that runs behind it leads to a settlement built down the other side of the hill. The village has lost many acres of land to these settlements, and to prevent the further theft of land, have built an outpost where international and Israeli supporters of the village take turns staying and keeping watch.

The Popular Committee Against the Wall of Bil’in decides on a weekly theme for the demonstration, to highlight different issues of the Occupation. This week has seen heightened violence toward Palestinians from the Israeli military in the West Bank as well as Gaza, and so the theme for this demonstration was to draw attention to the killings of Palestinians by several activists donning the orange hoods which are worn by those being executed.

There were chants and proclamations of our right to be there and our coming in a spirit of non-violence. Shortly afterward we were asked by the people of Bil’in to move our group up the hill. Soon after, a few boys threw rocks at one of the jeeps. The soldiers responded with a heavy round of sound bombs and rubber bullets. There were two injuries from the shrapnel: Adib Abu Rahme, 54, of Bil’in was hit in his right eye. Brendan, a young man from France, suffered cuts on his lower left arm. Three jeeps entered the village, chasing the people down the road. The remaining group passed through the gate, just on the other side of the fence. At this point, two Israelis were arrested; the soldiers were rough on them. The first was a man: Shai, and then a woman, Oshra.

The gate was pushed open by a couple of boys, and our group standing together blocked the army from coming through. The soldiers pushed through the line of people with jeeps, and used rubber bullets further into the village. As we walked back toward town, tear gas was shot into the air. Two men were injured here – Ahmed, 55, and Amer Hisham, 22, of Bil’in suffered from rubber bullet shots to their backs.

After the demonstration ended, the soldiers continued to occupy the village, shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at locals who stayed behind. The smell of gas lingered in the air almost until the time we left.