Settlers illegally occupy a Palestinian house in Hebron

6th August 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On Tuesday 25th of July some 50 Israeli settlers illegally occupied a Palestinian house in illegal occupied Al-Khalil (Hebron) in H2 in an attempt to take control of the house. The settlers have stayed in the Palestinian building for six days, protected by the Israeli police, who should have instead evicted the settlers due to the unclear legal status of the building. Due to the settler presence, the Palestinian families living in the building complex are limited in their movement both by the settlers and Israeli forces and are disturbed by the settlers chanting and dancing on the courtyard.

Settlers illegally occupy parts of a Palestinian house in occupied Al-Khalil.

The settlers and their children raided the house around 4:30 pm on Tuesday afternoon and opened the door by force. The Israeli army claims that they arrived at the scene after the settlers raided the house, but one Palestinian family living in the building confirmed that the Israeli army was already present when the settlers raided the house. The family opened the door in the hope that the Israeli forces would protect them, but instead they allowed the settlers passage. After breaking in the settlers were celebrating loudly in front of the building until midnight.

Israeli settlers gathering and chanting loudly in front of the house they illegally occupied.

The following morning the situation was still going on and there were more Israeli police and army present. Also different media came to the site, but were not allowed to enter the house. A journalist tried to enter the house after getting invited by the family of Abu Rajab, to document the situation and interview the family but the police prohibited him violently from entering, intimidating the host and his family. On the same Wednesday morning, a Palestinian man living in the house was assaulted by the settlers as he was trying to enter his house. In the evening the scene was dominated by a huge group of young settlers chanting, dancing and shouting at passers-by guarded by heavily armed border police. Also a settler, known for his violence, was seen talking familiarly to the army forces and harassing Palestinian media representatives.

Israeli settlers showing aggression towards residents of the house as well as journalists.
Palestinian man living in the house was assaulted by the Israeli settlers as he was trying to enter his house.

This was not the first time that something like this has happened in the same building. In 2012 the settlers tried to take over the same house, but the civil administration decided that the settlers did not have enough evidence for their claim of ownership over the property. The families were removed from the house then and have been trying to dispute the case in court ever since. The Palestinian owners deny ever selling the property and accuse the settlers of forging documents to steal the house from them.

Israeli police present at site, but not evicting the settlers illegally occupying the house.

It may be no coincidence that the illegal occupation of the house comes during the tensions surrounding the restrictive Israeli measures at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. It seems the settlers are using the momentum now to disregard the law and take the house when everyone is looking at Jerusalem. It has already been 12 days that the Israeli police has allowed the continuation of the illegal occupation.

Israeli settlers on the courtyard of the house – a view from the window of a Palestinian family living in the house.


Israeli occupation forces attack peaceful sit-in demonstration in Khursa near Dura village [VIDEO]

4th August 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On Friday 4th of August in the village of Khursa in occupied Al-Khalil (Hebron), the residents gathered for a peaceful sit-in demonstration and Friday prayer against the new Israeli military watchtower. After the prayer, tensions were high and Israeli forces started firing stun grenades, tear gas, skunk water as well as rubber-coated steel bullets at demonstrators.

Residents of Khursa arrive to pray in front of the closed military zone and the new watch tower.

Around 1 pm in the afternoon, the villagers of Khursa gathered to pray and demonstrate peacefully against the new Israeli watchtower installed earlier this week. Meanwhile, the soldiers gathered around the demonstrators and on the border of the recently declared closed military zone. After the prayer, the Israeli forces tried to push back the peaceful demonstrators using stun grenades and tear gas. Soon after, they brought in more soldiers in jeeps and a skunk truck.

Boy holding a flag while demonstrators prepare to pray (notice Israeli soldiers on the roof in the background)

The demonstrators were forced to flee and the press was denied access to film near the area. Furthermore, the Israeli occupation forces barricaded the roads trapping Palestinians inside the area and refused to allow an ambulance to arrive at the scene. The Israeli aggression went on until 6 pm, during which the Israeli forces repeatedly attacked with tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets and putrid-smelling skunk water. The Israeli forces deliberately and repeatedly aimed the chemically treated skunk water at private property as well as at international observers. The soldiers were seen laughing afterwards.

Israeli army jeeps blocking the road, aiming their weapons at and taking photographs of demonstrators.
Israeli forces spray “skunk” water at private property, at demonstrators and international observers.

The local residents and other Palestinians arrived in Khursa to protest the construction of a new Israeli army watchtower near Dura village, which according to them, is for the protection of the illegal Israeli settlers living nearby. Last week, the Israeli occupation forces had declared the area a closed military zone and forbid Palestinians to enter. Soon after, the Israeli bulldozers came in to level the ground, and during the week leading up to friday’s protest a construction team came in and put up the military watch tower. In doing this, Israel severely impedes the free movement of Palestinians. Those who dare to remind Israel of their wrongdoings, as today in Khursa demonstration, Israeli occupation forces quickly suppress with violence.

Israeli occupation forces shoot tear gas at demonstrators.


Settler attack towards Palestinians in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron) [VIDEO]

4th August 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Friday 4th of August after the Shabbat prayers (Kabbalat Shabbat), approximately 40/50 settlers attacked Palestinians on Prayer Road by using verbal violence and throwing stones, 3 Palestinians were injured due to the stones thrown by the settlers. The Israeli forces forcefully dispersed the crowd by throwing stun grenades at the Palestinians.


Around 8.20 PM, tensions got high when a group of settlers returning from the Shabbat prayers started to intimidate and physically and verbally harass a group of Palestinians. The Israeli Occupation Forces tried to separate the two groups, without attempting to disperse the settlers. The settlers were aggressive and continuously attempted to get at the Palestinians but were held back by the Israeli soldiers. The settlers began throwing rocks at the Palestinians, injuring 3. In self-defense, the Palestinians threw rocks back, injuring one settler. The soldiers pushed back the Palestinians and threw several stun grenades into the crowd, dispersing it. The settlers were escorted back to the settlement. None of the settlers were arrested. The soldiers remained at the site as more arrived. The Palestinians attempted to show the soldiers their injuries caused by the settler attack but were ignored. Large amounts of military vehicles and soldiers remained in the area, limiting the free movement of Palestinians on their way home. After two hours, the soldiers began to leave the area.

Due to the tense situation in al-Khalil, with settlements placed close to the Palestinian neighborhoods, Palestinians are often harassed and attacked by the settlers. Every Friday settlers from the illegal settlements of Qiryat Arba and Beit Shalom pass through a Palestinian neighborhood on their way to Shabbat prayer, often leading to verbal and physical violence towards Palestinians in the area.

Palestinian victim of settler attack in al-Khalil (Hebron)

Israeli forces violently repress Al-Aqsa solidarity demonstration in al-Khalil (Hebron) [VIDEO]

30th July 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

An Al-Aqsa solidarity march organized this Friday in occupied Hebron was heavily repressed by Israeli Forces. Soldiers and border police fired stun grenades, teargas, putrid-smelling “skunk” water, rubber-coated steel bullets and live ammunition at demonstrators, injuring many. Several young protesters were also beaten and detained.

Palestinians demonstrate in Bab al-Zawiya, central al-Khalil (Hebron)

The Al-Aqsa solidarity march started from the Al-Hussein Mosque and continued on Ain Sarah street towards Bab Al-Zawiya towards Israeli controlled H2. Even before the march reached Bab Al-Zawiya, an Israeli video drone was seen flying above the scene and soldiers were getting ready on the other side of Shuhada checkpoint to face the demonstrators. The march reached Bab Al-Zawiya around 1:30 pm, at which point the Israeli forces came out through Shuhada checkpoint, which separates Palestinians from Shuhada street, and forcing some of the demonstrators ran to Wad al-Tofah Street, while others withdrew to the adjacent Ain Sarah street.

Border police reach stalemate with demonstrators on Wad al-Tofah street

Israeli forces followed the demonstrators down Wad al-Tofah street, firing rubber coated steel bullets indiscriminately at young boys and men. A skunk truck also drove down Ain Sarah and sprayed chemically treated skunk water on houses of uninvolved Palestinian civilians. A standoff ensued in which demonstrators lit tires on fire and a young boy was shot in the leg with live ammunition, before being quickly taken to hospital. Israeli forces eventually withdrew from the scene. These areas are located in the H1 area, supposedly under full Palestinian control.

Palestinian rushed to hospital after being shot by Israeli forces

The demonstrators moved up Ain Sarah, and once the protest seem to calm down the Israeli forces started shooting at demonstrators. At this point two more Palestinians were shot and injured. Israeli police and soldiers drove further along Ain Sarah, got out and started chasing the demonstrators. At 14:46 they detained a minor who, after being pulled down, was beaten down on his head and kicked on his back. Protesters withdrew down Ain Sarah, pursued by police and soldiers firing rubber-coated steel bullets and showers of teargas.

Teenager arrested after having been beaten by Israeli forces

As the soldiers seemed to withdraw towards the Bab al-Zawiya area again, the demonstrators followed them and some started to throw stones and light up tires. The Israeli forces promptly responded with stun grenades, tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets. The Israeli soldiers also broke into a shop in Bab Al-Zawiya, leaving an explicit note. After violently detaining a 15-year-old boy, they took him into the building, blindfolded him and then transferred him through Shuhada checkpoint. After this, the army returned again to attack the demonstrators.

Note left by Israeli soldiers in a shop that they had broken into in Bab al-Zawiya. The Hebrew states ‘Israel lives’.

One of the following attacks forced the group of young men and teenagers up the hill north of the entrance of the vegetable market. Soldiers positioned on the roof of the nearby building threw teargas and stun grenades towards the demonstrators. With around 50 border policemen in the back and support from a sniper lying at the entrance of the street, a troop of 12 soldiers went up the hill, trying unsuccessfully to break into a building. They proceeded to throw teargas and stun grenades at a group of four activists who were taking photos nearby. At the intersection at the end of the road protestors were showered in teargas and the crowd dispersed. Amidst the teagas fog a teenager, thought to be around 14 to 16 years old was shot, presumably by the sniper down the road, and was evacuated in the car of a passerby. After this incident the soldiers went back down and disappeared from Bab Al-Zawiya.

Israeli sniper takes aim at young demonstrators

The clashes lasted altogether around four and a half hours during which the Israeli forces displayed unnecessary and excessive violence not only towards demonstrators, but also towards the media. The army seemed out of control, breaking into Palestinian offices in Bab Al-Zawiya, demonstrating violence and intimidating journalists, targeting children and beating up demonstrators who were already detained, and not resisting arrest.

Soldier attempts to arrest Palestinian child after having violently assaulted him

The demonstration was in solidarity with the demonstrations in Jerusalem against the new access restrictions introduced by Israel at the Al-Aqsa compound. The Palestinian community had earlier called for a ‘day of rage’ in response to the restrictions, which Israel described as ‘security measures’.

Palestinian boy holds flag amidst the chaos on Ain Sarah street, al-Khalil


Israeli forces attack peaceful demonstration in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron)

29th July 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Israeli forces on Thursday night, 27th July, attacked a peaceful demonstration which was taking place outside Shuhada checkpoint, which leads to Shuhada street in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron) . The demonstration was intended to protest the continued presence of heightened security measures at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque.

The demonstrators, who numbered about 30, conducted the late afternoon prayers and some chants.

Palestinians pray at the checkpoint

After half an hour, a young boy began placing flags in the checkpoint fence as several soldiers watched from behind the gate.

Palestinian flag at Shuhada checkpoint

Shortly after, without any warning, around 40 heavily-armed soldiers stormed out of the checkpoint, shouting and throwing sound grenades.

The demonstrators scattered in order to avoid being hit by the stun grenades. Soldiers spent about 20 minutes patrolling the nearby area, which is supposedly under full Palestinian control, before heading back through the checkpoint.

Israeli forces in supposedly Palestinian controlled area

Soldiers refused to comment about the reasons for the attack. There were no arrests or injuries.