Friday Protests Against Newly Planned Settler Municipality

15th September 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On Friday the 15th of September, after noon prayer, a Palestinian demonstration started by the Ali al-Baka mosque within the old city of Hebron. People gathered to protest against the establishment of a new settler municipality within the H2 area of the occupied city.  The planned municipality is illegal according to the Hebron Protocol and will separate the two parts of the city even more.





The demonstration  started  at 12:30pm in front of the mosque next to the old city of Hebron and went to the entrance of the Israeli military camp within H2. They continued their peaceful protest in front of the gates to the military base . The soldiers started to push back the protesters, forcing them to leave the market area. The protesters tried to stay in the market which led to physical and verbal confrontations between the two sides. The Israeli forces called for additional soldiers and military vehicles to outnumber the protesters. In the end, the protesters were forced to leave the old city area and to stop their demonstration. One of the Israeli military vehicles was a skunk truck which spreads a chemical liquid that causes a strong and unpleasant smell. This chemical weapon wasn’t used that day but threatened the participants of the demonstration as well as the residents of the area, as the smell from skunk water can last for many days.






After the demonstration, the soldiers stayed present in H1 and more confrontations erupted between the soldiers and other protesters, making the  H1 area of the city an insecure environment until around 6pm the same evening. The Israeli forces used plenty of stun grenades and tear gas projectiles against these protesters.


(The ‘skunk’ truck which the Israeli forces used as a threat)

The idea to expand municipal powers to settlers in the H2  means that the government of Hebron loses a significant part of their power and influence in H2 and could result in two fully separated cities within Hebron. The new municipality is planned to be established at the 21th of September, right at the celebrations of the Jewish new year.

Israeli military presence in South-Eastern Hebron results in revolt from civilians.

14th September 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

(Military vehicles entering the H1 area through a guarded checkpoint)


On Thursday evening, at around 6:40pm, the Al-Khalil team was patrolling the city and came across Israeli forces stationed by the Tareq roundabout, in the Altahta area south of the city. The military teams consisted of two groups of around six soldiers, several military vehicles and more soldiers stationed on the roof tops.

The tension was high since the area is a highly active traffic hub in Hebron, with large amounts of Palestinian residents in the streets.

The situation escalated when the crowd got larger and military forces used sound grenades and tear gas canisters to suppress the crowds. This was met with successful resistance from civilians, and the soldiers were forced to go back into the Salameh checkpoint.


Although nobody suffered from direct injuries, one Palestinian individual lost consciousness  due to the stressful situation, and had to be carried away from the area.

The general situation in occupied Hebron has become more tense, due to the recent decision by the Israeli army to extend municipal powers to settlers in H2. The Israeli forces going into the H1 area of the city are common provocations towards the Palestinian people. Thursday nights are spent relaxing and enjoying the night off as Friday is a holiday. There was no threat or protest on the Palestinian side before the soldiers had entered, meaning that the Israeli forces’ decision to illegally enter the H1 area was unnecessary.


Israeli forces invade Hebrons commercial center on Friday

10th September 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On Friday, 8th of September, large amounts of Israeli soldiers went into the H1 area of occupied Hebron, supposedly under full Palestinian control. The army used teargas and stun grenades at one of the main junctions in downtown Hebron, effecting the accessibility of the Manara square area for Palestinian citizens.

Soldiers at the al-Manara circle in Hebron

After Friday noon-prayer, the normal small scale protests took place by young Palestinians where ten soldiers came out of the H2 area monitoring the protesters in the street. Following this, the protesters backed away and discontinued their protesting. About 15 minutes later, 40 soldiers invaded the area throwing sound grenades within the Old City and moving up into the main central hub of Hebron, in an area supposedly under full Palestinian control, in two military vehicles. Some rocks were thrown at the soldiers by a few Palestinian youth, which was immediately met with unreasonable force by soldiers throwing stun grenades and several tear gas canisters in an area with uninvolved civilians. Many Palestinians were forced to rapidly drive away in their cars in order to escape the suffocating effects of teargas used by the israeli forces in a civilian neighbourhood. These included young children and families, and additionally many shop owners had to evacuate their shops due to the amount of tear gas clouds.

Isreali forces shooting teargas in civilian Palestinian area

The direction of the wind blew the tear gas back towards the soldiers who were throwing it, indicating that this disruption was not thoroughly planned, and many of the soldiers were not experienced enough to handle tear gas in the first place. Consequently, the soldiers were forced back past Shuhada checkpoint and into the H2-area under full Israeli military control. Tear gas, a so-called ‘non-lethal weapon’, causes effects of suffocation and untreated can lead to death. Many of its long terms effects are still unknown.

The teargas clouds in Hebron

Friday is a holy day in Islam, and many Palestinian citizens were enjoying their day off of work in the city-center. Most did not expect to have the city center disrupted by the Israeli forces, and others who work even on holidays, lost some of their daily income. The area which was invaded, is part of the H1-area, which according to the Hebron Protocol, is supposedly under full Palestinian control. This disruption was an extremely exaggerated response, in view of the fact that the small amount of protesters were not posing any kind of imminent threat.

Israeli forces in their jeeps driving towards Hebron city center


A Negligence of Rights and Responsibility

ISM members attended a demonstration in the village of Kafr Qaddum, located in the northern part of the West Bank, not far from Nablus. The demonstration, a weekly happening in the village, was against the blockade of the main road from Kafr Qaddum to Nablus. The closure of the road was justified by Israeli forces for “security purposes”, since the Kedumim settlement next to the village was expanding. “Closure” only signifies that Israelis, settlers and army personnel are allowed to use the road. Palestinians or anyone who happens to “look like an Arab”, unless they can prove they are not are considered as security risks. If not labelled as terrorists then they are portrayed as demographic threats to the Jewish state. Checkpoints controlled by soldiers are strategically placed all over the West Bank to ensure that such roads are only used by Israelis.

Participating in village demonstrations before, I felt I knew what to expect. However, this demonstration was pretty extreme. The first time I wen, it felt like I was being baptised by tear gas, and 4 or 5 people were shot – one of them was standing next to me. That was two years ago, and I can still recall the dazed feeling of your instinct telling you to run, but you rationalise your way out of it to stay.  I get this feeling to some extent every time I am in clashes.

I go to demonstrations to stand in solidarity with Palestinians and to act as international presence. I exercise my privileges as a white, european man, which in Kafr Qaddum means little chance of getting shot. Little chance of getting shot is a privilege in Palestine. International presence in a crowd of Palestinians can potentially mean that nobody gets injured, or that the occupation forces, for once, choose to follow protocol and shoot at leg-height. Mostly because it is bad publicity for them to shoot a Danish citizen, and partly because I stand there with a camera, which in turn means bad publicity for the Israeli army.

As in most of these demonstrations, young Palestinians responded to the occupation forces by throwing stones towards them. Some by hand, some using slings – all put their back into it.. Whilst 95% of the rocks miss their target, the ones that don’t are usually followed by cheers and applause.

During this demonstration I was accompanied by two fellow activists from the same movement as myself, and other internationals were also present. I had bumped into one of them a few weeks earlier. He was representing an NGO similar to the initiative I came there with. Now during the clash he came up next to me, and said pondering, “Look at these kids… some of them are no more than six years old.” I concurred to his comment and followed up:“It’s incredibly sad, but also impressive and encouraging to see.” I knew from previous conversations on the topic, that such a statement could be seen as provocative or even unethical to some. He hesitated for a moment and said that he didn’t know if he thought it was a good idea; “Somehow it just ends up legitimizing the army’s actions”. I replied that I didn’t agree, and reminded him that throwing stones at soldiers wearing slug-proof vests, helmets, who get to ride in armored jeeps with guns on top of them, is merely an act of symbolism, and I let him know that, “I see this as part of the non-violent resistance.” Then I realized that I didn’t know what he meant by “legitimize” – he could be talking about public opinion in the western world, in which case he would be exactly right. He continued, “I just can’t help but think it would be more effective, if they didn’t throw stones.” I found myself trapped. He kept going with an argument I had debunked so many times in my head, and still I wasn’t able to do it now that it mattered. I didn’t know where to begin.

He was referring to the idea that throwing stones makes the Palestinian resistance violent, which means you can argue that they themselves are a part of the problem that the occupation brings with it. That it legitimizes the occupation. It is a common understanding, and I wasn’t surprised to hear it. Rather the opposite; I was half expecting it. Which is also why I was surprised by my own response as he stated his skepticism.

I consider this understanding one of the most harmful things to the Palestinian fight for freedom and self-determination. This is how a lot of people observe it, and it serves as a way for them to swerve the subject of Palestinian resistance, and lean into the “Two sides to every story”, “Everyone in the conflict plays their part” and “It takes two to start a war” narrative, which leads to the endless fallacious analyses, that Israel benefits from. It effectively means that no one intervenes out of fear of getting their hands dirty, while Israel through extrajudicial killings and forced displacement continues the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The analysis that operates with two parties in a war or a conflict, implying that there is foundation for comparison. The kind of analysis to which We, in the West, can conclude, “I see how the Palestinians are suffering, but I do not support violence.” and then turn a blind eye. Palestinians have to prove their suffering to earn our backing. We have little regard for the dignity of these people, despite that they practice it as explicitly as possible: by facing tanks, with nothing but rocks in their hands.

This guy didn’t turn a blind eye, and I’m not trying with this piece to disparage him at all. I have great respect for the fact that he chose to come to Palestine to support the Palestinians, and for the fact that he went to the demonstration that day. My point is that even people who makes such honorable choices can easily fall victim to the narratives that the Israel/Palestine-conflict is an unsolvable truckload of pity and that the only thing we can do is hold the hands of the six year-olds, while the grown ups carry on in the agonising so called peace-negotiations. If this is where our analysis takes us, then that should set off some alarm bells. The ‘peace-negotiations’ have so far served one side only; Israel has put on a masquerade for the international community to think that they were working towards peace, making us stay on the sideline. We do not need to stand with Israel for them to succeed, we just need to stay out.

Apart from the fact that stones do little to no damage, and they are far from anything that could legitimize the chemical gas, and the different types ammunition used against civil Palestinians by the Israeli army, there is another blind-spot in this reading of the confrontation; When We, the West, call for Palestinians to act non-violently and without throwing stones, we refer to an imaginary situation in which we would support them if they put down the slingshots. This however has never been the case. Time and time again, Palestinians have played by the rules, chosen diplomacy rather than armed resistance. Sadly, the only message we have sent to them has been that: as long as they do not make up a security threat, no one cares to listen to them. When Hamas throw rockets, we take them into consideration.

In the context of the civil rights movement’s struggle, in the US, during the sixties, Stokely Carmichael explained non-violence by the following, “If you are non-violent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart.” and continued, “In order for non-violence to work, the opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” No one probably expects Israel to go soft on Palestinian resistance after 50 years of occupation and systematic violence. In this case, a non-violent strategy would be appealing for the international society to put pressure on Israel and sanction them if they fail to live up to international law. However, we lecture Palestinians civilians, as we do to Hamas: If you are not a problem to us, why would we bother?

In this case the international community has yet to prove their conscience.

All of this is without mentioning the fact that the Palestinian people have a right to armed struggle against the occupation as recognized by the (UN res. 33/24, 1978). It seems to be a forgotten aspect of the discussion, and to the question of Israel’s occupation in general. Especially since 2001, the distinction between resistance and terror has been confused. Terror served as a keyword in the narratives constructed since, and due to its lack of definition, has been highly useful for an Israeli agenda. By providing a concept that makes up an existential threat to the Jewish people, legitimizing further security means. But according to intergovernmental organizations that the international community usually relies on, Israel’s occupation is in itself illegal, and so are the settlements in the West Bank and their continuous expansion. While the UN in 1978 declared Israel’s activities in Palestine to be “(…) an increasing threat to international peace and security” no perceptible action was taken to change this.

If we can concede to the UN’s view on the matter, and if we can recall it, then we should be asking different questions. While non-violence is a strategy that can be useful – regardless if armed struggle is – the absence of violent attacks on Israel is non-violent in itself. As the right wing part of the Zionist movement denies the existence of a Palestinian people altogether,  Palestinian living and residing in their land, is in itself an act of resistance. Every day  Israel is not attacked, is an example of how Palestinians choose non-violence as a strategy. This can be for various reasons, and it should be kept in mind, that one people is occupying another. And when the occupied organize a pro-human rights’ demonstration and stones are thrown, that does not constitute a security risk to the Jewish state. Israel, in the meantime, condemns stone-throwing as an act of terror and prosecutes Palestinians as terrorists. They can also be found  guilty if they hit a tank with a stone. This of course happens in military courts, as with every Palestinian who is prosecuted by Israeli authorities, regardless of the charge. Palestinian civil rights are simply non-existent in the Israeli judicial system. The apartheid on the ground merged into the legal system long ago.

Apart from Palestinian resistance we can only rely on the solidarity of the international community, to put action behind their condemnations and to sanction Israel until they acknowledge the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in order for this to change. However, to do so we must be careful to unravel ourselves from the pro-Israeli narratives, that have long surrounded this topic. As for my personal anecdote, this was only my latest encounter with these far reaching pro-Israeli discourses that prevent us from analyzing accurately. It obfuscates a relatively simple issue:  Israel is constantly working to annex the whole West Bank, and erase Palestinians from written history. The point is that to mobilize international pressure we must avoid letting the “stone-throwers are terrorists” narratives confound proportionally on the ground. Too often it becomes an excuse to escape the argument rather than the moral stand that it is being disguised as. We are talking about violence or non-violence, when we should be talking about how Israel is withholding one of the longest occupations in history, crippling the Palestinian society. If we continue to flee instead of confronting this issue, we condemn the Palestinians to a life of continued indignity and ethnic cleansing.

Israeli military shot 20-year old in the chest with rubber coated steel bullet

8th September 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Huwwara-team | Kafr Qaddum, occupied Palestine

During the demonstration in Kfar Qaddum today, Friday the 8th of September, a 20-year old Palestinian protester was shot with a rubber coated steel bullet in his chest, and treated at the scene, while camera drones were buzzing above the heads of the participants. The ISM-ers present also noticed how the Israeli military forces were photographing and filming the protesters. This material is usually used in order to arrest participants, often underage and denied access to lawyers.

Israeli military forces taking photos and filming the protesters.

The Israeli army is blocking the road leading from the village of Kfar Qaddum to the city of Nablus since 2003. The closure of the road has doubled the commute to Nablus for the villagers, increasing both travel time and cost. Since 2011 the villagers have protested weekly against this road closure.

The settlement of Quedummim, bulit in 1975, has expanded over the last years, and during just the past weeks new illegal mobile homes have been placed in the outskirts of the settlement annexing more Palestinian land. The caravans are placed strategically in order to connect the two parts of Quedummim, which would cause the Kfar Qaddum villagers losing several dunams (hectar) of land nourishing hundreds of olive trees.

The illegal caravans placed strategically between the illegal Israeli settlement of Quedummim and the land with olive trees belonging to the village of Kfar Qaddum.

The expansion of settlements, blocking of roads and land thefts are witnessed daily in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories.