Freedom Summer

by Adam Shapiro Originally published in The Nation The International Solidarity Movement’s second Freedom Summer has begun, and much has changed since our last: the war on Iraq, which focused all eyes on the region; the much-hyped road map; full-blown construction on what Palestinians have come to call the Apartheid Wall. Sadly, though, much remains … Continue reading Freedom Summer

Haaretz: Army decides to close file on death of U.S. peace activist

By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent, and Haaretz Staff The Military Advocate General, Major General Menahem Finkelstein, has decided to close the file on the death of American peace activist Rachel Corrie, who died after being crushed by an army bulldozer in the Gaza Strip in March. Corrie, a 23-year-old college student who belonged to the … Continue reading Haaretz: Army decides to close file on death of U.S. peace activist

Haaretz: Birthright participant turns pro-Palestinian activist

By Annette Young Originially published by Haaretz “I’m helping the Jews by being here,” says Laura Gordon, who has joined the International Solidarity Movement It is probably not what the founders of Birthright Israel – the program that brings thousands of young diaspora Jews to Israel each year – would have ever imagined: That within … Continue reading Haaretz: Birthright participant turns pro-Palestinian activist

Haaretz: MKs in a huff over ISM peace activists

By Gideon Alon and Amos Harel Three International Solidarity Movement activists watched from the Knesset gallery yesterday as right-wing MKs lashed out at the organization, calling them “warmongers” who should be deported. The three women, one from Ireland and two from the U.S., were guests of MK Ahmed Tibi, who initiated the debate on “government … Continue reading Haaretz: MKs in a huff over ISM peace activists