The Fruits of Non-Violence

1.The Fruits of Non-Violence; Building of the Illegal Settlement Metityahu Mizrah is Frozen 2.The Price of Non Violence 3.By Any Means Necessary; IOF Suppress Non-Violent Protest in Bil’in 4.Hebron Disengagement And Violence Begins; Settlers Attempt to Occupy Palestinian Home 5.IOF Soldier: “You are disgusting Arabs and you should be beaten like animals and stay in … Continue reading The Fruits of Non-Violence

While Our Friends Are Kidnapped in Iraq, Palestinian Non-violent Resistance Continutes

1. The Power of Aboud 2. Resistance Continues in Aboud, Despite Israeli Violence 3. A brief list of numbers from today’s demo in Aboud 4. Human Rights Worker Refuses Deportation, Put in Solitary Confinement in Tzohar Detention Center, Israel 5. Scotish TV: “Scottish activist to be deported from Israel” 6. Scotish Press: “Israel Ready to … Continue reading While Our Friends Are Kidnapped in Iraq, Palestinian Non-violent Resistance Continutes

Palestinians demonstrate and appeal for release of Western activists kidnapped in Iraq

Palestinians demonstrate and appeal for release of Western activists kidnapped in Iraq 1. Palestinians demonstrate and appeal for release of Western activists kidnapped in Iraq 2. Hebron: Palestinians offer their help to gain freedom for kidnapped CPTers 3. Palestinian Solidarity Activists Amongst Four Peace Activist Hostages in Iraq 4. Our son is an HRO 5. … Continue reading Palestinians demonstrate and appeal for release of Western activists kidnapped in Iraq

Who’s Afraid of Human Rights Observers?

1. Human Rights Observer to be Deported from Palestine by Israel. 2. Settler Mobs Attack Palestinians and Besiege Internationals In Hebron 3. Aboud Holds Second Demonstration Against the Wall 4. Army taught a lesson in Bil’in 5. Israeli Use of Daewoo Tracked Excavators in Palestinian House Destruction From the Israeli press: 6. Ynet News: “Olive … Continue reading Who’s Afraid of Human Rights Observers?