When Settlers Attack

When Settlers Attack 1. Action in al Khas and al-Numan villages dazes Israeli forces 2. Settlers attack Palestinians with stones, assault four human rights workers 3. Israeli settlers attack Palestinian farmers and Israeli policemen 4. The roadblock went tumbling down the gorge 5. ACRI Successfully Challenges Movement Restriction in Jordan Valley 6. We’re Not Moving! … Continue reading When Settlers Attack

Homes Rebuilt by Peace Activist Demolished Again, ISM Digest

Homes Rebuilt by Peace Activist Demolished Again 25 April 2007 1. From Palestine to Virginia Tech: We are with you in this Time of Pain 2. Irish Peace Laureate Shot By Israeli Troops at Non-Violent Protest – Why Isn’t This News? 3. Video: Puerto Rican activist arrested at Bil’in demonstration against Apartheid Wall, judge throws … Continue reading Homes Rebuilt by Peace Activist Demolished Again, ISM Digest

Israeli army forces Palestinians to be human shields, IOF officer suspended

1) Israeli army forces Palestinians to be human shields 2) Second Annual Bil’in International Conference 3) Israeli army abducts shepherds in At-Tuwani 4) 13 Nations Unite to Spray a Message of Freedom 5) Turning the other cheek near Bethlehem 6) ISM at Alfred Univeresity 7) IOF Soldier suspended after forcing Palestinians to act as human … Continue reading Israeli army forces Palestinians to be human shields, IOF officer suspended

Crucified in Bethlehem, Strangulation in Gaza

Crucified in Bethlehem, Strangulation in Gaza 1. Israeli Colonists Attack Palestinian Man with Downs Syndrome, Assault International Human Rights Worker 2. Crucified at the Crossroads: Good Friday, Bad Soldiers 3. Economic Embargo in Palestine leads to death of 19 year old dialysis patient 4. Israeli army injures 14 Palestinians, 1 Israeli arrested at Bil’in demo … Continue reading Crucified in Bethlehem, Strangulation in Gaza

Defying Israeli Apartheid Through Non-Violent Resistance

1.Defying Israeli Apartheid Through Non-Violent Resistance 2. Palestinians Arrested After Israeli Settlers Attack Them 3. Women’s Action Brings Hope in Hebron 4. Teachers Detained, Human Rights Workers Attacked in Tel Rumeida 5. Illegal Israeli settlers evacuated from Homesh 6. Re-Ignited in Palestine: Tel Rumeida Circus for Detained Palestinians 7. “At The Checkpoint” Photo Exhibit 8. … Continue reading Defying Israeli Apartheid Through Non-Violent Resistance