Is this a real move to peace?

by K. Flo Razowsky Originally in The Minneapolis Star Tribune According to the international media, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip is an unprecedented move toward peace. The situation on the ground demands further inspection. Daily, new settlements are under construction in the West Bank, existing ones are being expanded and … Continue reading Is this a real move to peace?

Fact Sheet: The Smokescreen of the Gaza Disengagement

An International Solidarity Movement Fact sheet With the deluge of coverage about Israel’s “disengagement” from Gaza, it’s easy to be lulled into the idea that the “road map” to peace in the region is moving ahead and that the occupation is nearing some sort of conclusion. It’s important to keep in mind the information offered … Continue reading Fact Sheet: The Smokescreen of the Gaza Disengagement

Nablus Summer Campaign Program

July 21st-28th 2005 There will be five direct actions in the Nablus area, four in the surrounding villages and one at the main checkpoint. Friday July 22nd: Asira Village Direct Action to open Sabaatash (17), the main road from Asira to Nablus. Asira village, with a population of 12 000, has been under closure since … Continue reading Nablus Summer Campaign Program

Is the World Blind: Two more families lose their homes in East Jerusalem today

Merijn De Jong, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)$6 Two more families in East-Jerusalem lost their homes today and another two families had their belongings thrown out into the street as a new wave of house demolitions swept through Dahiat Al-Salaam and Silwan. In Dahiat Al-Salaam in East-Jerusalem, the Hannafiya family’s home was demolished … Continue reading Is the World Blind: Two more families lose their homes in East Jerusalem today