Let The Global Boycott of Israel Begin

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE With the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan hights, in its 39th year, the continuing construction of the Apartheid Wall and Israel refusing any accountability for its crimes against the Palestinian people, it falls on the global community to pressure the State of Israel to comply with International law. … Continue reading Let The Global Boycott of Israel Begin

Weekly resistance against the wall continues

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE After the noon prayers on Friday, January 13th, Palestinian villagers in Bil’in, accompanied by Israeli and international activists, will march from the village to the “Centre for Joint Struggle,” the legal Palestinian ‘outpost.’ The outpost is built adjacent to the illicit Jewish settlement outpost Matityahu Mizrah, currently being constructed on land belonging … Continue reading Weekly resistance against the wall continues

A Non-Violent Victory

1. A Non-Violent Victory, January 3rd, 2006 2. Harassment of Political Leaders by the “Only Democracy in the Middle East”, Jan 3rd 3. Beit Iba Checkpoint Occupied by Peace, December 31st, 2005 4. Steadfastness and Solidarity in Bil’in, December 31st, 2005 5. The Tale of Two Outposts- A story of Israeli Apartheid, December 29th, 2005 … Continue reading A Non-Violent Victory

Haaretz Documents the Struggle of Bil’in

1) Documents Reveal Illegal West Bank Building Project By Akiva Eldar, Haaretz 2) The Real Organized Crime By Akiva Eldar, Haaretz 3) The Hong Kong Trick By Meron Benvenisti, Haaretz 4) Mofaz’s Responsibility by Haaretz 1) Documents Reveal Illegal West Bank Building Project By Akiva Eldar, Haaretz Illegal permits were issued retroactively for a new … Continue reading Haaretz Documents the Struggle of Bil’in