by Martin
The Bil’in out post has for the last six months been a “thorn in the side ” of the occupation. Located on the part of Bil’in land that’s going to be stolen by the annexation/separation wall it in it self makes a stand against the land theft.
It has also served as a appreciated home for the many internationals who alongside local Palestinians keep a around the clock presence there to protect it from “accidents” such as arson.
Now the out post ads yet another dimension. A satellite dish a TV and a generator has turned it in to a outdoor living room and every night for the next month it’s going to be packed with football lovers from Bil’in, and from all over the world.
So join us in the fight against the apartheid wall and the land theft while enjoying a game or two of world class football. And while you’re there, why not spend the night out in the beautiful nature.
Not that interested in football? No problem, we offer other forms of entertainment also. Just the long faces of envy on the evening patrolling soldiers make the trip worth while.