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CPS Gaza crew attacked by Israeli warship

Israeli forces use water cannon

13 July 2011 | Civil Peace Service Gaza For Immediate Release Israeli naval forces attacked the Civil Peace Service Gaza monitoring boat with water cannons earlier today. Civil Peace Service Gaza is an international third party non-violent initiative to monitor potential ...

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WTP: Flytilla activists begin hunger strike in Israeli jail

10 July 2011 | Welcome to Palestine Israeli authorities set stringent conditions for release of “Welcome to Palestine” prisoners The large majority of international visitors are still incarcerated under brutal conditions, begin a hunger strike in Israeli jail Bethlehem, July ...

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A few Welcome to Palestine activists arrived yesterday

8 July 2011 | Alternative Information Center Others are in flight and hundreds more prevented from boarding The first international activists participating in the Welcome to Palestine campaign arrived yesterday to Ben Gurion airport from Europe. This morning hundreds more ...

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Release Sheikh Raed Saleh

3 July 2011 | Palestine Solidarity Campaign Sheikh Raed Salah, one of the most prominent campaigners within Israel for Palestinian rights, has been arrested in London. The Sheikh was invited by PSC to speak at the launch of ‘Building Peace ...

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Demand Greece allow the Flotilla to sail!

2 July 2011 | Free Gaza Movement Following the intense pressure from the United States and Israeli governments, Greece has announced that they will prevent the sailing of Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human boats to Gaza. Israel has exported ...

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