VIDEO: Palestinian and international activists cross makeshift bridges over the separation wall

14th November 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Ramallah, Occupied Palestine



Friday morning around 50 Palestinian and international activists used makeshift bridges to cross the Apartheid wall between Qalandiya and Northern Jerusalem. This non-violent direct action was in response to the restrictions Israel had placed on Palestinian worshippers wishing to access Al-Aqsa Mosque in the past months.

Activists scaled the wall one by one at around 10 am yesterday morning. Only a few hundred meters from an Israeli settlement, the activists then set about cutting through a barbed-wire fence that had been placed close to the Apartheid wall.


Once all the activists breached the wall, the group cheered and proudly waved Palestinian flags. The action finished peacefully around 11am with no arrests. This non-violent direct action was part of a campaign entitled #On2Jerusalem and it was organized by local Palestinian popular resistance committees to show solidarity with the people of Jerusalem.



Another action that was part of the #On2Jerusalem campaign occurred after where Palestinian and international activists attempted to march toward Jerusalem through Hizme checkpoint. The activists blocked Israeli traffic, waved Palestinian flags and sang pro-Palestine chants. Many of those present wore T-shirts with pictures of Al-Aqsa mosque with the text, “I am Palestinian under 50.” This text referred to the restrictions placed on Palestinian male worshippers under 50 in regards to entering the Al-Aqsa compound. Right away, the activists were met by heavy Israeli military and police presence and were therefore prevented from crossing through Hizme.



The Israeli forces shouted and pushed activists as well as  journalists on several occasions and soon after Israeli forces shot a barrage of stun grenades towards the activists and press forcing them to disperse. After violently pushing two international activists carrying a large Palestinian flag, Israeli forces ended up confiscating the flag from them. One of these international activists stated, “We found ourselves holding the Palestinian flag near a group of soldiers. One soldier in front of us tore up a small Palestinian flag in front of us. Afterwards he tried to take the big flag from us. When we wouldn’t let him more soldiers helped him, we were suddenly surrounded by soldiers grabbing and pushing us, and forcing the flag out of our hands.”

Later that day and as part of the#On2Jerusalem actions, activists joined locals at Qalandiya checkpoint where clashes had been taking place for most of the morning. Israeli forces used excessive force shooting dozens of tear gas canisters and grenades in addition to stun grenades at demonstrators. Despite the Israeli army’s aggression, the non-violent demonstrators which were a few hundred in number loudly shouted pro-Palestine chants and waved flags. At one point a demonstrator was able to climb a military lookout post to hang a Palestinian flag on the top.

Photos by Jesse Roberts

Palestinians dismantle illegal settler outpost

12th October 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil team | Susiya, Occupied Palestine

Today Palestinians and international activists participated in a Palestinian village community action which involved reaching an area of their land which has been declared a closed military zone. The action also consisted of dismantling a new illegal settlement outpost built by settlers. Over the past month the settler outpost has been dismantled by the Palestinians and rebuilt by settlers three times.


According to Palestinians living in the area, Israeli forces have permanently stationed a military jeep in this area to survey and protect the illegal settler outpost. The illegal outpost is right next to a water well which the Palestinians rely on for daily use and livestock. Each time the Palestinians go near this piece of land the area is declared a closed military zone by Israeli forces and the Palestinians have been prevented from reaching it many times in the past.

Palestinians from the local community and international activists successfully and peacefully dismantled the outpost. A Palestinian child also removed an Israeli flag from a military outpost nearby. Settlers were present in small numbers watching and shouting at the Palestinians and activists. After a short time, the Israeli armed forces forced the Palestinians and international activists to leave the area, declaring it a closed military zone.

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Photos: Protests for Gaza Day of Rage around the world

9th August 2014 | International Solidarity Movement| Occupied Palestine

All over the world, from Cape Town to London, people have taken the streets for Gaza!

Valencia, Spain (
Valencia, Spain (
Thailand (
Thailand (
London, UK (
London, UK (
Dublin, Ireland (
Dublin, Ireland (
London, UK (
London, UK (
Marseille, France (
Marseille, France (
Cape Town, South Africa (
Cape Town, South Africa (
Paris, France (
Paris, France (
Amman, Jordan (
Amman, Jordan (
Helsinki, Finland (
Helsinki, Finland (
Tokyo, Japan (
Tokyo, Japan (
Berlin, Germany (
Berlin, Germany (
Melbourne, Australia (
Melbourne, Australia (
Delhi, India (
Delhi, India (

Photo story: Prisoner solidarity protest in village of Bil’in

13th June 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Bil’in, Occupied Palestine

Today, Bil’in held its weekly protest in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. As part of the protest, and in support of the current situation in Brazil, due to the football world cup, some of the protesters dressed as prisoners and decided to hold a game of football, using the apartheid wall as the goal. The Israeli army then shot large amounts of tear gas canisters and rubber-coated steel bullets, trying to prevent the “prisoners” from playing the game of football.

Three journalists were injured today, two by tear gas canisters and one by a rubber-coated steel bullet. Last week at the Bil’in demonstration, Israeli soldiers attacked one journalist and stole his camera, another journalist also had his camera confiscated by Israeli forces.

Protesters gather as demonstration begins (photo by ISM).
Protesters gather as demonstration begins (photo by ISM).
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
The football match begins (photo by ISM).
The football match begins (photo by ISM).
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photographer was injured after being shot with a tear gas grenade (photo by ISM).
Photographer was injured after being shot with a tear gas grenade (photo by ISM).
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM

Photo story: Palestinians march in Tulkarem to defend their right of return

31th May 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus team | Tulkarem, Occupied Palestine

On the morning of the 31st of May, several buses filled with Palestinian and international activists from across the West Bank gathered in Tulkarem to march towards the Natanya checkpoint, used only by the Israeli military forces.

Political groups, Palestinian civil society and Popular Resistance Committees named this action as the “March of Return”. Their aim was to defend their right of return and were united under the following slogan: “Our return is inevitable: Freedom for Al Aqsa (Jerusalem) and the prisoners”.

Once the buses arrived in Tulkarem, the activists marched several hundred meters to arrive at the checkpoint. Several protesters gathered at the gates of the checkpoint and began chanting, others spray-painted messages onto the apartheid wall [declared illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004], while other activists used heavy craft hammers to damage it.

A few tear gas canisters were shot soon after the demonstration reached the gates of the checkpoint, enough to break up the protesters into two groups. One of these tear gas canisters caused a fire in a nearby field. Then, several “warning” shots were fired into the air with live ammunition and Israeli forces then fired large amounts of tear gas canisters. Tear gas projectiles were fired at the crowd.

Political groups, Palestinian civil society and Popular Resistance Committees marched together to defend the right of return (photo by ISM).
Political groups, Palestinian civil society and Popular Resistance Committees marched together to defend the right of return (photo by ISM).
Among the organizations involved there were also women's unions (photo by ISM).
Among the organizations involved there were also women’s unions (photo by ISM).
Activist carries a heavy craft hammer that was later used to damage the apartheid wall (photo by ISM).
Activist carries a heavy craft hammer that was later used to damage the apartheid wall (photo by ISM).
Public speeches and chanting in front of the military checkpoint (photo by ISM).
Public speeches and chanting in front of the military checkpoint (photo by ISM).
Palestinian women and men chanting at the gates of Natanya military checkpoint (photo by ISM).
Palestinian women and men chanting at the gates of Natanya military checkpoint (photo by ISM).

Two heavy craft hammers were used during the action to damage the apartheid wall near the checkpoint. Other protesters also had enough time to spray-paint messages onto the wall (photo by ISM).
Two heavy craft hammers were used during the action to damage the apartheid wall near the checkpoint. Other protesters also had enough time to spray-paint messages onto the wall (photo by ISM).
Israeli soldiers leave their positions at the checkpoint to fire teargas projectiles and canisters at the demonstrators. At least two people received a direct impact from teargas projectiles that were fired at the crowd (photo by ISM).
Israeli soldiers leave their positions at the checkpoint to fire teargas projectiles and canisters at the demonstrators. At least two people received a direct impact from teargas projectiles that were fired at the crowd (photo by ISM).
Highly concentrated teargas was fired frequently during the demonstration. Eye irritation was commonplace and as many as 20 people had to be attended by paramedics due to suffocation (photo by ISM).
Highly concentrated teargas was fired frequently during the demonstration. Eye irritation was commonplace and as many as 20 people had to be attended by paramedics due to suffocation (photo by ISM).
Tear gas canisters being shot at protesters (photo by ISM).
Tear gas canisters being shot at protesters (photo by ISM).
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Protesters regrouping after a first attack by Israeli soldiers. The man on the left is holding an “ice pack” underneath his arm, he was shot with a tear gas projectile and his arm was visibly swollen after the demonstration (photo by ISM).
Protesters regrouping after a first attack by Israeli soldiers. The man on the left is holding an “ice pack” underneath his arm, he was shot with a tear gas projectile and his arm was visibly swollen after the demonstration (photo by ISM).
Photo by ISM
Photo by ISM
Palestinian youth attempted to build tire barricades but were soon ambushed by Israeli soldiers. Jeeps and armored vehicles drove at high speed from behind and surrounded some protesters, at that point one youth (20 years old) was arrested (photo by ISM).
Palestinian youth attempted to build tire barricades but were soon ambushed by Israeli soldiers. Jeeps and armored vehicles drove at high speed from behind and surrounded some protesters, at that point one youth (20 years old) was arrested (photo by ISM).