Jews Against Genocide hold memorial for Palestinian children at Yad Vashem

13th July 2014 | Jews Against Genocide | Occupied Palestine

Yesterday, Saturday, 12th July, Jews Against Genocide (JAG) held a memorial service for Palestinian children killed by Israel in its current attack on Gaza. JAG set aflame to a pile of dolls covered in red paint at Yad Vashem, Israel’s holocaust memorial museum. JAG is a movement of Jews from all over the world, including Israelis, who are protesting against Israel’s intent to commit genocide against the non-Jewish indigenous people of Palestine.

The Yad Vashem security guard attempted to disrupt the memorial, confiscated JAG’s fire extinguisher, and called the Israeli police to arrest the participants.

We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.

We invite compassionate people from across the globe to join the outcry by staging similar protests in front of Israeli embassies and consulates around the world on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th July, 2014.

Just as we honor the people who were murdered seven decades ago in Europe because they were Jews, we are here to honor the people who are being murdered at this very moment because they are the indigenous people of this land who are not Jews.

The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines Genocide as, “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; […]“

The children of Gaza, who are being systematically murdered as we write this article, constitute 52% percent of the population under siege in the strip. The vast majority of these children are descendants of refugees from historical Palestine.

In the current round of atrocities committed by the Israel occupation army, so far dozens of children have been murdered in their homes, with Israel’s war-making leadership vowing “much higher costs” on the Palestinian side as the bombing and shelling continues.

The war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Gaza today are the latest stage of an ongoing campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the indigenous people of this land.

The Jewish State was founded on the Zionist principle of “maximum Jews on maximum land, and minimum Arabs on minimum land”, which was made reality through sixty-six years of continued assault against Palestinians, denying them the right to live freely and peacefully in their historical homeland.

The Israeli regime has turned the beautiful Gaza strip into a densely populated ghetto, with unsafe water, untreated sewage, and insufficient resources and electricity. This ghetto has become a concentration camp, through repeated Israeli massacres in what the Goldstone Report described as an effort to, “humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish[ing] its local economic capacity.”

We express our support and solidarity for the Palestinian civil society’s call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, until it complies with the three basic demands of:

1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall

2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

Israeli forces engaged in punitive destruction of homes in the Gaza Strip

10th July 2014 | Palestinian Center for Human Rights | Occupied Palestine

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) is strongly concerned by Israel’s conduct of its offensive on the Gaza Strip, and in particular by the widespread punitive targeting of homes belonging to members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

In recent days, the Israeli air force has conducted two phase targeting of fighters’ homes whereby a ‘warning’ is issued to the house in question so that it may be evacuated. This warning takes the form of either a dud missile (termed ‘roof knocking’) or a phone call. The house is then subsequently targeted and destroyed, typically 15 minutes later.

Photo by Palestinian Center for Human Rights
Photo by Palestinian Center for Human Rights

PCHR highlights that during active hostilities, only fighters and military objectives may be targeted. Civilians and civilian objects are protected from direct attack.

Article 52(2) of Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions defines a military objective as: ‘those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.’

Unless a home is being used to ‘make an effective contribution to military action’ – i.e. unless it is being used to store weapons or as a base from which attacks are launched – it cannot be considered a military objective. A home cannot be classified as a military objective merely because it owned by a fighter. Instead, it must be recognised as a civilian object and protected from direct attack. Issuing a warning does not remove this protection from direct attack.

Significantly, Article 52(3) of Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions clearly states: ‘In case of doubt whether an object which is normally dedicated to civilian purposes, such as a place of worship, a house or other dwelling or a school, is being used to make an effective contribution to military action, it shall be presumed not to be so used.’

From the facts of the cases documented by PCHR, in the majority of instances there does not appear to be any military necessity justifying the destruction of Hamas or Islamic Jihad members’ homes. To-date, no secondary explosions have been documented indicating that the houses were used for weapons storage. PCHR highlight that the Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, and that the targeting of homes inevitably results in significant collateral damage to individuals and property nearby.

PCHR is forced to conclude that the houses are being destroyed as a ‘punitive’ measure, targeting members of Hamas and their families. PCHR notes that Israel has recently resumed its policy of punitive house demolitions in the West Bank. This appears to be a continuation of the Dahiya doctrine, whereby civilian suffering is deliberately caused in order to act as a deterrent. This doctrine was developed during the 2006 Lebanon War, and continued during Operation Cast Lead.

The destruction of homes has resulted in a number of civilian deaths to-date. For example, in an attack on the Kaware family home in Khan Younis, 7 civilians were killed, and 28 injured, while an attack on the Hamad family home in Beit Hanoun resulted in the death of 6 civilians.

The direct targeting of civilians and civilian objects is a war crime. All suspected war crimes must be investigated and, if appropriate, those responsible must be prosecuted.

Take action: Protests around the world respond to assault on Palestine

5th July 2014 | Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Take action: Protests around the world respond to assault on PalestineProtests are being organized in cities around the world to respond to the ongoing assault on Palestine and the Palestinian people, including the murders of Palestinians (including 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir, murdered brutally by Israeli settlers), the bombing of Gaza, the mass arrests of over 600, and the raids, attacks, tear-gassing, invasions and closure that Palestinians are being subjected to. If a rally you know of is not listed, please email to have it posted!

Brooklyn, NY, US – in Bay Ridge
Saturday, July 5
1:30 PM
69th St. at 5th Avenue, to 86th St.
More info:

Chicago, IL, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Water Tower Park, Chicago, IL
Protest organized by Students for Justice in Palestine’s Chicago network, and co-organized with local chapters of American Friends Service Committee, American Muslims for Palestine, Jews for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Solidarity Group, the US Palestine Community Network, International Socialist Organization, ANSWER Chicago, and the Anti-War Committee.
More info:

Washington, DC, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC
More info:

Seattle, WA, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
401 Pine Street, Seattle
More info:

Portsmouth, UK
Saturday, July 5
11:00 AM
Guildhall Square, Portsmouth
More info:

Glasgow, Scotland
Saturday, July 5
1:00 PM
Buchanan Street at Gordon Street, Glasgow City Centre
Initiated by Glasgow Stop the War Coalition
More info:

London, England
Saturday, July 5
2:00 PM
Israeli Embassy, 2 Palace Green, London
Called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Friends of Al-Aqsa, London Palestine Action, British Muslim Initiative, Palestinian Forum in Britain, CND
More info:

Sheffield, UK
Saturday, July 5
12:30 PM
Sheffield Town Hall, Sheffield
More info:

Aberdeen, UK
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
St. Nicholas Square, Aberdeen City Centre
More info:

The Hague, Netherlands
Saturday, July 5
1:00 PM
Den Haag Plein tegenover 2e kamer
Organized by the Palestinian Prisoners Society Netherlands
More info:

Cleveland, Ohio, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Public Square, Superior Avenue E, Cleveland, OH
Called by Al-Awda Cleveland

Atlanta, Georgia, US
Saturday, July 5
6:00 PM
Woodruff Park, 91 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, Georgia
More info:

San Francisco, CA, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Israeli Consulate, 456 Montgomer Street, San Francisco, CA
More info:

Indianapolis, Indiana, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
Monument Circle, Indianapolis, IN

Charlotte, NC, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
Marshall Park, 800 E. Third St., Charlotte, NC

Albuquerque, NM, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
Tulane and Central, Albuquerque, NM
More info:

Omaha, Nebraska, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
72nd and Dodge, Omaha, Nebraska
More info:

Fort Lauderdale, FL, US
Sunday, July 6
6:00 PM
US Federal Courthouse, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Called by Al-Awda South Florida
More info:

New Orleans, LA, US
Sunday, July 6
2:00 PM
World Trade Center of New Orleans
365 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA

San Francisco, CA, US
Monday, July 7
4:30 PM
Israeli Consulate, 456 Montgomery Street, SF
More info:

Los Angeles, CA, US
Tuesday, July 8
4:00 PM
Consulate General Of Israel, 11766 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
More info:

New York, NY, US
Wednesday, July 9
5:30 PM
East 42nd St and 2nd Ave, Israeli Mission to UN, New York, NY
followed by 6:30 PM March to News Corp Building – 48th St and 6th Ave
More info:

Philadelphia, PA, US
Wednesday, July 9
12:30 PM
Walnut and Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA
More info:

Complaint submitted to the United Nations concerning the military detention of Palestinian human rights defender under Israel’s repressive protest law

3rd July 2014 | Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association | Kufr Qaddum, Occupied Palestine

Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) and Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer) submitted a joint complaint today to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders (UNSR) concerning the arrest and continued pre-trial Israeli military detention of the Palestinian human rights defender, Mr Murad Shtaiwi (also spelt Eshtewi), who has been charged under Israel’s repressive protest law.

Mr Shtaiwi is a prominent Palestinian human rights defender through his work as the primary co-ordinator of the popular committee which organises peaceful protests in Kufr Qaddum. These weekly protests take place to demand the reopening of the main road connecting the village to the city of Nablus, and to express the residents’ opposition to the Israeli military occupation and the detrimental expansion of the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Qedumim.

Mr Shtaiwi was arrested by Israeli military authorities on 29 April 2014 and has since been held in pre-trial Israeli military detention. He will stand trial on Sunday 6 July 2014 at Salem Military Court on three charges: participating in and organising unauthorised demonstrations (Israel’s Military Order No. 101); causing a public disturbance; and throwing stones at Israeli military authorities.

LPHR and Addameer are seriously concerned that Mr Shtaiwi has been charged under Israel’s Military Order No. 101 for exercising his right to protest under international human rights law. The order has been in force in the occupied West Bank since 1967 and places extremely severe restrictions on the right of Palestinians to participate in or to organize demonstrations. A person who violates the order is liable to 10 years’ imprisonment, a fine, or both penalties together.

LPHR and Addameer are also seriously concerned that Mr Shtaiwi has been charged with stone-throwing given his express commitment to peaceful protest. We call upon the evidence substantiating the charge of stone throwing to be subjected to rigorous examination and testing as part of the military trial due process, in line with Israel’s duty under international law to protect Mr Shtaiwi’s right to a fair trial.

Mr Shtaiwi’s peaceful work to promote, protect and realise human rights and fundamental freedoms means that he is entitled to the human rights protections outlined in the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders.

LPHR and Addameer have therefore requested in their complaint that the UNSR undertake an urgent examination into Mr Shtaiwi’s case and take appropriate action through urgent contact with the government of Israel to end the incidents of human rights violations against Mr Shtaiwi.

LPHR and Addameer have further requested that the UNSR considers undertaking an investigation into the disturbing pattern of harassment, arrests and detention of residents of the occupied West Bank Palestinian village of Kufr Qaddum by Israeli military authorities in apparent retaliation for the commencement of peaceful protest activities since 2011.

LPHR Director, Tareq Shrourou says

‘Murad Shtaiwi’s case is significant because it highlights the stark discrepancy between international law guarantees of the freedom to peacefully protest and the extremely restrictive Israeli Military Order No. 101 which operates to effectively prohibit and criminalise this basic right in the occupied West Bank.

We are deeply concerned that Mr Shtaiwi is being unjustly punished by Israel’s military authorities through use of this repressive protest law because of his prominent role as a human rights defender involved in persistent peaceful protests against Israel’s illegal activities affecting the Palestinian community in Kufr Qaddum.’

Contact information: 

Tareq Shrourou, LPHR, London |

Gavan Kelly, Addameer, Ramallah |

About Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR)

LPHR is a lawyer-based legal charity in the United Kingdom that works on legal projects aimed at protecting and advancing Palestinian human rights.

About Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer)

Addameer is a Palestinian non-governmental, civil institution that works to support Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli and Palestinian prisons.

More Information

Background information on the current arrest and detention of Mr Murad Shtaiw

On the night of 28 to 29 of April 2014, the Israeli military authorities raided different houses in the village of Kufr Qaddum to arrest five people: Mr Murad Shtaiwi and four young men, Reslan Joma, Ream Harham, Mustafa Shtaiwi and Ahmad Hassan Shtaiwi.

Mr Shtaiwi was held in Huwara military camp. The Israel Security Agency (ISA) only interrogated him briefly immediately before he was presented to a military court at Ofer camp near Ramallah on 2 May 2014.

Mr Shtaiwi was charged with the following three offences (he was presented with the final charge sheet on 12 May 2014):

i) Military Order 101 (participate in or organise demonstrations)

Between 2011 and February 2014, at different opportunities, including 21 February 2014 and 20 December 2014 or around those dates, in Kufr Qaddum or in other areas, Mr Shtaiwi participated in unauthorized demonstrations. He also organized some of the demonstrations. He used a bullhorn to call on people to join the demonstration.

ii)Activities against Public Order

From the beginning of February 2014 until 21 February 2014, or around those dates, on three different occasions, Mr Shtaiwi was with Riyad Shtaiwi, and they burned tires.

iii)Throwing stones on a person or moving object

On 21 February 2014, or around this date, in Kufr Qaddum, or around it, Mr Shtaiwi was in a demonstration with other people that were in the first accusation, and he threw stones at the Security Forces.

On 12 May 2014, Mr Shtaiwi was informed by Salem Military Court that he would remain in remand until the next court hearing date of Monday 9 June 2014. A petition by his lawyer against the remand order was heard by the military court of appeals on 18 May 2014 and rejected on 22 May 2014.

On 18 June 2014, Mr Shtaiwi’s detention was extended and his trial date was listed for Sunday 6 July 2014 at Salem Military Court.

Mr Shtaiwi faces a maximum sentence of 10 years imprisonment should he be found guilty of the first charge of violating Military Order 101 regarding the participation and organisation of demonstrations.

Previous alleged violation incidents by Israeli military authorities against Mr Murad Shtaiwi

LPHR and Addameer are able to specifically report on at least four previous alleged human rights violation incidents by Israeli military authorities against Mr Murad Shtaiwi.

Mr Shtaiwi was arrested on 16 March 2012, after an Israeli security forces dog attacked his nephew Ahmad Shtaiwi during a demonstration. A video shows him asking soldiers to help his nephew and order the dog to stop attacking him. Israeli military authorities sprayed him in the face with pepper spray and arrested him. Mr Shtaiwi was released after paying bail of around US$1,500, and was not charged.

Mr Shtaiwi was assaulted and arrested again on 20 December 2013 during a demonstration in Kufr Qaddum, and released four days later after paying bail of around US$1,500. He was not questioned during this detention and was not charged.

Mr Shtaiwi has been injured a number of times by Israeli military authorities using excessive force. On one occasion, on 6 September 2013, a tear gas canister hit him directly in the leg during a demonstration, and he was treated in hospital for a broken leg.

On 20 February 2014, Mr Shtaiwi was arrested, detained and interrogated for 6 hours and 30 minutes. In a meeting with Addameer just hours after this incident, Mr Shtaiwi gave his account of this incident which included this comment:

Two soldiers interrogated me and the soldiers were very specifically targeting me as a human rights defender. The soldiers lectured me for a long time, saying that I “can stop the demonstrations,” and that I am “influential in Kufr Qaddum.”

Mr Shtaiwi further stated that this arrest was not an isolated incident against him and other protesters; and that he appeared to be specifically targeted because of his role as a human rights defender:

I face regular intimidation at checkpoints because of my organizing activities. During a previous encounter with the Israeli forces, at which time occupation soldiers attacked my home with teargas and ransacked all of the belongings, one officer that went by the name “Sabri” told me “you must stop the demonstrations” and threatened me with arrest.


VIDEO: Palestinian shepherd detained by Israeli soldiers

29th June 2014 | Operation Dove | Saddith Thala, Occupied Palestine

On June 27th, Israeli soldiers detained a Palestinian shepherd from the South Hebron Hills village of Saddith Thala. He was accused of throwing stones towards a setter’s car, passing on the Bypass road 317. He was released, as there was no evidence to support the charges.

A Palestinian shepherd and a group of children were drawing water from a Palestinian owned well nearby the illegal settlement of Carmel. While they were crossing the bypass road 317, settlers saw them and immediately called the Israeli soldiers. When the army arrived, they stopped and detained the only adult in the group of shepherds, and accused him of throwing stones in the direction of the road. At about 2pm, when Palestinians from the South Hebron Hills Popular Resistance Committee and international volunteers arrived, the shepherd was handcuffed by a plastic band and had been waiting an hour in the sun for the police to arrive.

After asking for explanations from the soldiers, a Palestinian member of the Popular Struggle Committee released the hands of the shepherd, cutting the handcuffs to allow him to pray. Palestinians and internationals reiterated to the soldiers their duty to show evidence and to consider the shepherd’s declaration of innocence and not only the settlers’ unfounded accusations. At 3pm the detained Palestinian was release and free to go back home.

The well from which the children were drawing water, lies between the illegal settlement of Carmel and Ma’on, This an area where the Palestinian population are constantly subjected to harassment, acts which prevent them from accessing their own land.

The coordinator of the Committee said: “The South Hebron Hills Popular Struggle Committee watches all violations of the human rights in the area, and we respond with non-violent direct actions.”

Operation Dove has maintained an international presence in At-Tuwani and the South Hebron Hills since 2004.