VIDEO: 13 year old boy arrested in Hebron

13th April 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

13 year old boy is arrested by an Israeli soldier
13 year old boy is arrested by an Israeli soldier

A thirteen year old boy was arrested from his home in the Old City of Hebron, blindfolded and detained inside several small checkpoint boxes as well as the military base on Hebron’s Shuhada Street. International activists who attempted to document the incident were physically stopped and threatened by soldiers and settlers.

The boy was taken from his home and transported to Checkpoint 56, a small metal box on the border between the Israeli and Palestinian controlled areas of the city. He was blindfolded and shut inside the checkpoint for around 20 minutes. After this, he was removed by soldiers and walked down Shuhada Street, still blindfolded, and put inside another small checkpoint box.

After 15 minutes he was removed from this checkpoint and walked to an Israeli army base. International activists who attempted to follow to document the situation were stopped by soldiers who called them “Nazi pigs”, pushed them and refused to accept their passports as identification. After several minutes of the soldier harassing activists a group of around fifteen settlers arrived, several carrying automatic weapons. They pushed and threatened the international activists – see video below.

A man is blindfolded and led down Shuhada street by a soldier
Blindfolded man led down Shuhada street by soldier

During this time, the boy was taken to the Israeli military base on Shuhada Street, at which point activists could hear several soldiers shouting loudly, seemingly at the boy. After around another 15 minutes, the boy was taken by jeep back to Checkpoint 56, where he was released to the Palestinian side of Hebron into the custody of the Palestinian police. He was accused by the Israeli military of stone throwing, a charge they regularly use against children and young men, many of whom are arrested at random.

Earlier in the day, a woman was detained at a checkpoint in the Tel Rumeida area of Hebron. When asked why the woman was detained the soldier told international activists that “she was suspected of carrying a knife”. Despite this accusation, she was not searched for knives andwas was released after ten minutes.

Another man was detained in the area of Shuhada Street before being blindfolded and led down the street by an Israeli soldier. The blindfolded man said that he did not know why he was being arrested, whereas soldiers claimed that he had entered the part of Shuhada Street to which the Israeli authorities deny access for Palestinians. Soldiers told international activists that he had been released but this remains unconfirmed. Another Palestinian man working with a Latvian journalist was also detained on Shuhada Street during the day, held at a checkpoint for around 15 minutes and then released.

The arrest of a 13 year old boy on the 14th April follows a disturbing series of arrests and detentions of children as young as seven in the Old City of Hebron in recent months – “Occupied Childhoods”, a report on child-arrests compiled by the Hebron Christian Peacemaker Team is available here.

Israeli military invades houses during settler tour of Hebron

13th April 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

By Team Khalil

Soldiers invading the souq - photo by ISM
Soldiers invading the souq – photo by ISM

Israeli soldiers invaded at least four Palestinian houses in the city of Hebron on Saturday 13th April, prior to and during the settler tour, intimidating children and families. During the tour, around fifty settlers and Jewish tourists occupied the Palestinian souq (market), surrounded by around fifty heavily-armed Israeli soldiers, border police and police officers.

Before the tour began, around twenty soldiers walked through the market, pointing guns into doorways, intimidating shoppers and restricting movement for Palestinians. At this point soldiers invaded two Palestinian homes, stationing themselves on the roofs of these homes for several hours until the end of the tour.

Following this initial military sweep of the area, fifty settlers and tourists entered the souq from settlements on Hebron’s Shuhada Street. Surrounded by around the same number of Israeli military personnel, they walked through the market, stopping regularly as their tour guides gave a biased, inaccurate and sensationalised account of the history of Hebron.

Soldiers invade a Palestinian home, scaring children. Photo by ISM
Soldiers invade a Palestinian home, scaring children. Photo by ISM

As the tour progressed through the souq, a group of soldiers split from the main group and invaded two other Palestinian houses, in one home disturbing a family with several young children and in another walking in on a young woman who was home alone (see video below). She stated that they enter her home every week, and she is usually the only person there. The soldiers are all heavily armed, aggressive and do not respond when asked why they are entering private Palestinian property.

After around an hour of disturbing Palestinian life in the souq, the settlers, tourists and soldiers returned to illegal Israeli settlements in the centre of the Old City of Hebron.

This “tour” of Hebron happens every week and is a regular disturbance for Palestinians in the busy souq of Hebron. Since the 2000 closure of Shuhada Street – traditionally the busiest market street in the Old City – more trade has moved into the souq. Rather than close it, many Palestinians believe that the Israeli authorities are trying to make life as uncomfortable and unsustainable as possible, in the hope that Palestinians will move from the area.

Photo essay : Demonstration at Hagai roadblock

12th April 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

By Team Khalil

Photo Essay : The demonstrations at Hagai roadblock have been taking place for just over two months. The road has been blocked off since 2008, adding 12km to the journey from Hebron to villages and towns in the South Hebron Hills.

Tear gas was fired excessively at the small group of unarmed demonstrators roughly one minute after they started marching
Tear gas was fired excessively at the small group of unarmed demonstrators roughly one minute after they started marching
One demonstrator was taken away in an ambulance after excessive exposure to tear gas
One demonstrator was taken away in an ambulance after excessive exposure to tear gas
A demonstrator suffers from tear gas inhalation
A demonstrator suffers from tear gas inhalation
A demonstrator kicks away a tear gas cannister
A demonstrator kicks away a tear gas cannister
Airborne tear gas canisters
Airborne tear gas canisters
An Israeli flag is burned and placards of hunger strike Samer Issawi are held by demonstrators
An Israeli flag is burned and placards of hunger strike Samer Issawi are held by demonstrators
A skunk water truck sprays foul smelling liquid into residential homes
A skunk water truck sprays foul smelling liquid into residential homes

Youth Against Settlements Co-ordinator Issa Amro arrested

10th of April 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

By Team Khalil

The co-ordinator of Youth Against Settlements Issa Amro was arrested yesterday at the Qiryat Araba settlement in Hebron. He was summoned to the police station at which point he was interrogated and arrested. He is being charged with “Incitement of terrorism” and is being tried today at Ofer prison in Ramallah.

Issawi Amro Co-ordinator of Youth Against Settlements
Issawi Amro Co-ordinator of Youth Against Settlements

Issa is a prominent activist and organiser of non violent demonstrations in actions in Hebron. He was also arrested several weeks ago along with three internationals and two Palestinians for taking part in a demonstration on Shuhada street where activists walked down the road wearing Martin Luther King and Barack Obama masks to mark the visit of the US president to the West Bank. After his release he was banned from walking in the area of Tel Rumeida for two weeks.

A present to ISM from our zionist neighbours

6th April 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

By Team Khalil

The ISM team based in Hebron woke up last week to find that their zionist settler neighbours had left a present for them on their doorstop. A tyre , a large piece of cloth and a stone were organised onto a pile just outside the apartment door, which according to our Palestinian neighbours , symbolises that they plan to set fire to the apartment.

A present to ISM from out zionist neighbours
A present to ISM from out zionist neighbours

Settler intimidation and violence towards ISM activists is not unusual , especially in central Hebron where roughly 500 settlers are “protected” by thousands of ISraeli soldiers. The situation is particularly tense on and around Tel Rumeida where harassment of Palestinians is frequent as settlers , often armed with machine guns, share the same street.

Only two weeks ago an international was attacked by a settler, most likely because she was wearing a head scarf and several years ago an ISM activist had a bottle smashed on her face whilst settlers chanted “We killed Jesus and we will kill you”.