Primeramente son galega aunke escribiendo en mi lengua llegaria a mucho menos personal asi k por favor k no se ofenda nadie y a pesar de luchar en ontra de la ocupacion israelita en palestina y su derecho a tener un estado estoy mas pro la desaparicion de las fronteras k la creacion de nuevas, bien ya me he presentado asi k al ajo de la cuestion. Espero se disculpe la ortografia, puntuacion, gramatica y demas no soy lo major del mundo escribiendo pero es simplente una experincia k igual a alguien interesa .
La mayor parte de mi tiempo la he pasado en Hebron en el barrio Tel Rumeida donde hay 4 pekenhos asentamientos de judios con unos 400 habitantes y por esa razon parte de la ciudad vieja y este barrio en concreto estan bajo las leyes israelitas eso implica k los palestinos k viven en el barrio k por cierto llevan ahi generaciones y generaciones no tienen derecho a conducir por k solo Israelis coches pueden circular alli dentro es decir si alguien se enferma hay k cargarlo fuera a mano por k hacen falta dos dias de antelacion para pedir el acceso de una ambulancia,asi k ya os podeis inmaginar como es la vida alli cargando continuamente los alimentos el gas … y por aclarar un poko la cuestion la calle principal es una cuesta k nada envidia a la accession al parc guell o a rua das trompas (compostela). Ademas del impedimento del vehiculo los palestinos son sometidos a un continuo chekeo algunos tienen k pasar 5 puestos de chekeo para llegar a sus casas y en estos puestos de control los soldados israelitas pueden pedirles la documentacion, controlar todas sus pertenencias , hacerles levanter la camisas y girarse ,claro esta esto es solo una mera muestra de poder por k hay al menos un par de entradas al barrio sin pasar ninguno de los controles es decir si alguien con una bomba o algo parecido kiere entrar puede encontrar la manera pero el estudiante k viene del colegio tiene k pasar por un detector de metales y abrir su mochila o hacer todo lo k pidan los soldados, es solo un ejemplo, inmaginais vivir en un lugar asi…
Por si no fuera bastante kon el acoso de los soldados, resulta k estos no estan tan mal comparados con sus vecinos los judios k habitan en los asentamientos k simplemente los odian por ser arabes y vivir alli se dedican a escribir “gasear a los arabes” y a dibujar estrellas de david en las tiendas k konsiguieron cerrar despues de seis anhos impidiendo el acceso de productos y cerrando el area por tokes de keda ,pero ademas usan la violencia fisica es decir se dedican a tirar piedras a los palestinos , entrar en sus jardines, ocupar sus casas… Incluso los soldados y los policies k los protegen piensan k estan lokos pero resulta k por esa razon alli son ley y orden si no fuera por el trabajo de diversas organizaciones internacionales k hacen k minimamente se cumpla la ley k ya es bastante infima para los palestinos.
Durante mi estancia en Palestina en Jerusalem los israelitas escavaron cerca de la mezquita Al-aqsa, el tercer sagrado monumento del islam este incidente produjo los ninhos en Hebron estaban nerviosos y enfadados y lanzaron piedras contra el puesto de control claro k ninguna llego a la parte israelita bueno igual una o dos pero esto fue la escusa para salir a la parte palestina alrededor de 20 soldados y disparar balas de goma y gas lacrimogeno a el Mercado central de la zona k cerro durante 4 dias por k los soldados salieron cada dia a repetir la operacion el ultimo dia incluso un ninho menor de 16 fue al hospital por una bala en la pierna esta vez no era de goma….Podria contra una mil anecdotas de tel rumeida pero kreo k para hacerse una idea basta.
Manifestaciones contras el muro en un pueblo cerca de ramallah llamado bi’lin llevan dos anhos hacienda una manifestacion seminal (cada viernes) por k la construccion del muro les esta exprodiando el 60% de sus tierras y es ilegal incliuso para Israel k tiene leyes distintas para segun donde y quien ,las manifestaciones suelen ser relativamente trankilas hasta k al final los ninhos del pueblo comienzan a tirar piedras ,mas k nada es un simbolo de resistencia por k obviamente los soldados llevan cascos k los protegen y demas pero con esta escusa pueden usar todo su tactica y material belico debido a la presencia de israelitas e internacionales k apoyan su lucha ya no usan balas de verdad sino solo balas de goma , gas lacrimogeno y canhones de agua a presion claro k son kapaces de usar este material directamente contra los participantes es decir a una distancia k puede llegar realmente a causar estragos.
Invasion en Nablus ,el ejercito israelita invadio la ciudad y ocupo la television local pidiendo la aparicion de 8 personas que buscaban despues de hecho esto sitiaron la ciudad vieja y ordenaron un toke de keda sin limite de tiempo ,en este tipo de situaciones lo unico k se puede hacer es acompanhar a los del servicio medico y asegurarse k se les permite hacer el trabajo asi como asegurarse k tienen alimentos y las medicinas necesarias, en una de las visitas con el medico mientras tomabamos un te fuera en la terraza de la casa y nos contaban como acababan de inspeccionar la casa con un perro y se habian asustado mucho por k en la casa habia unos 8 ninhos menores de diez anhos, bien mientras nos contaban la experiencia un grupo de soldados subia por el tejado vecino y se acercaron a la casa iba un perro con ellos y nos mandarin entrar a todos en una habitacion mientras inspeccionaban la casa por segunda vez ,es deplorable k unos ninhos menores de diez anhas tengan k ever soldados apuntandoles con armas y un perro con bozal y muy nervioso lo unico k podia hacer era intentar entretener a la chikilla de dos anhos sentada en mis rodillas para k no hiciera mucho caso a lo k estaba sucediendo.
Otro espectaculo lamentable k pude observer fue cuando ibamos caminando siempre con voluntarios de primeros auxilios y a una distancia de 150m habia un grupo de soldados ibamos en la direccion contraria asi k no les hicimos caso hasta k dispararon algo para llamar nuestra atencion cuando nos acercamos a donde estaban, nos mandarin parar a un os 10m y uno por uno a los tres voluntarios medicos les hicieron abrir las chaketas, desabrochar el pantalon y girarse hacia los k estabamos esperando los otros dos voluntarios y las dos internacionales k los acompanhabamos, no hace falta recordar k Palestina es bastante tradicional y por supoesto resulto bastante embarazoso para los palestinos k unas estrangeras les vieran en gallumbos a mi me da lo mismo pero era totalmente innecesario y simplemente fue una forma mas de humillarlos publicamente.
Podria contra mas historias pero kreo k ya os haceis una idea salud y libertad para tod@s
First of all I want to say that I am Galician, but of course if I write in my own language, less people would understand me, so, please don’t be angry with me, because despite fighting against the Israeli occupation in Palestine and the Palestinian right to have a State, I am more in favor of the disappearance of borders than the creation of new ones. So, once I’ve introduced myself, please excuse me for the mistakes I may make in orthography, grammar, etc., I’m not at all a writer, but I think that perhaps somebody might be interested in my experience.
I spent most of my time in Tel Rumeida where there are four small Jewish settlements where around 400 settlers live and therefore, part of the old city and this neighbourhood in particular are under Israeli laws. This means for example, that Palestinian residents, who have lived there for generations, cannot drive there, because only Israelis can drive a car in Tel Rumeida. So, if somebody gets ill, he or she has to be carried out of the neighbourhood on shoulders, as ambulances have to be requested two days in advance. So imagine how life is there, swinging everything over shoulders, food, gas etc, the main street is completely steep, like going up to Park Güell in Barcelona or up by Rua Das Trompas in Compostela.
Besides having this problem, Palestinians are subject to continuous checking. Some of them have to pass 5 checkpoints to arrive home and at those checkpoints, the Israeli soldiers can ask them for their documents, check everything they are carrying, make them lift up their t-shirts, and turn round. This is only to show their power, because there are at least two ways in and out of the area without having to pass through the checkpoints, that is to say that if a terrorist decided to enter, he could easily find a way to do so. But the schoolchildren have to pass through a metal detector and open their bags and do whatever the soldiers ask them to do. So, imagine what it is like living in a place like this.
And if soldiers weren’t enough of a problem, there are the problems caused by the Jewish settlers who hate Palestinians only because they are Arabs and live there and they write on the doors of their homes “gas the Arabs” and draw Stars of David on the shop doors, which by the way, the Palestinians have been forced to shut, after six years of preventing the access of products and closing the area with curfews, and using also physical violence, by throwing stones at Palestinians, trespassing in their orchards, occupying their houses. Even the soldiers and the police who should protect the settlers believe that they are crazy, but this is the reason why they are there imposing “law and order”, and only the work of several international organizations trying to protect the limited rights of Palestinians prevents an even more intolerable situation.
During my stay in Palestine, in Jerusalem, the Israelis were excavating near the Al-Aqsa mosque, the third most holy site in Islam. That is one of the reasons why children in Hebron were angry and one day threw stones at the checkpoint, and although only one or two stones reached it, this was enough of an excuse for 20 soldiers to cross to the Palestinian-controlled side and shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at the central market, which had to be shut for 4 days. Soldiers went in every day to do this, and on the last day a child below 16 years had to be taken to the hospital because he was shot with live ammunition in his leg… I could tell so many stories about Tel Rumeida, but I think that this is enough to have an idea of what is happening there daily.
At a small village called Bil’in, which is near Ramallah, they have been holding weekly demonstration on Fridays for two years ago, against the construction of the Wall that is stealing 60% of their land. This is illegal even according to Israeli laws. Those demonstrations are peaceful ones, but if at any moment children of the village throw any stones as a symbol of their resistance and nothing can happen because of course the soldiers are wearing helmets and are very well protected, they use this as an excuse to employ their military tactics and weapons. Thanks to the presence of Israeli activists against the wall and internationals supporting Palestinians, they do not usually shoot live ammunition, but only rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons directly at people and at close distance, which may be very dangerous.
Invasion in Nablus. The Israeli army invaded the city and occupied the local television, asking for 8 persons they said were ‘wanted’. After this, they besieged the old town and imposed a curfew for an unknown time. In such situations, the only things that internationals can do is accompany medical teams and ensure that they can do their work, as they have the necessary food and medicines. In one of our visits to a doctor, while we were having tea outside on the terrace he was explaining to us that the IOF had just been searching the house with a dog scaring the 8 children under 10-years old, and while they were explaining their experience, a group of soldiers climbed onto the nearest roof and came towards the house with a dog again. Then, they ordered all of us into on room while they searched the house for a second time. It is awful that children under ten have to see and experience soldiers aiming at them with weapons and a very agitated dog wearing a muzzle, the only thing I could do was to try and entertain a little girl of 2 years sitting on my knees, so that she did not pay so much attention to what was happening beside her.
I witnessed more abuse when we were walking with first aid volunteers and there was a group of soldiers about 150 meters away walking in the opposite direction. The soldiers shot a sound bomb to attract our attention and then called us over. They told us all to stop 10 meters away from them. They then called the Palestinian medical volunteers over one by one and made them pull down their trousers and turn round to face the two internationals that accompanied them. I don’t need to remind you that in Palestine it is particularly embarrassing for Palestinians to have foreign women see them in public in their underwear. This was completely unnecessary and simply a way to humiliate them further in public.