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Tag Archives: Tear-Gas Canister

Israeli forces suppress Ni’lin demonstration

8 May 2009 Before the start of the weekly Friday demonstration against the Apartheid Wall in Ni’lin, international solidarity activists visited homes that Israeli forces occupied last Friday. As soldiers were already present in the olive groves of Ni’lin, the ...

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Police negligent in probing fence protest casualties

Dan Izenberg & Yaakov Katz | The Jerusalem Post 5 May 2009 The death of Palestinian Bassem Ibrahim in Bil’in two-and-a-half weeks ago might have been prevented had the police carried out orders to investigate previous incidents in which protesters ...

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Boycott this Israeli settlement builder

Abe Hayeem | The Guardian 28 April 2009 The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office must be commended for its decision to cancel renting premises for the UK embassy in Tel Aviv from the company Africa-Israel, owned by Israeli businessman and ...

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Heed voices calling for justice for Palestinians

Huwaida Arraf | The Seattle Times 24 April 2009 We Palestinians are often asked where the Palestinian Gandhi is and urged to adopt nonviolent methods in our struggle for freedom from Israeli military rule. On April 18, an Israeli soldier ...

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