Demonstration Against the Apartheid Road System

Villagers from villages west of Ramallah, together with international and Israeli peace activists will attempt to remove the roadblocks that prevent them from accessing road 455 that is reserved for the Israeli settlers use only. The demonstration will leave from the Ras Karkar Junction in Deir Ibzi at 9:30 AM on Thursday May 3 and march towards the settler only road.

Israel is working on the creation of16 tunnels which would create an ‘apartheid’ road network for Palestinians in the West Bank. Many existing main roads are reserved for settlers and Israelis, linking settlements to each other and to Israel. This forces Palestinians into circuitous travelling routes.

For a map of the existing Apartheid road system in the West Bank, click HERE.

For more information contact the head of the Ras Karkar village council Rezik Nofal 0599-258358

End the Occupation Now

End the Occupation Now
by Mairead Corrigan Maguire, 26 April 2007

On Friday April, 20th, 2007, my friend Ann Patterson and I joined the Bil’in Peoples Committee, a Palestinian peace group (based outside Ramallah) for their weekly nonviolent protest and march to the Apartheid Wall. We were joined by Israeli peace activists and some two hundred other activists from over 20 countries, including France, America, Puerto Rico, Spain, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Canada, and India.

Before the peace vigil, I participated in a Press Conference with the Palestinian Minister for Information, Mustafa Barghouti. Minister Barghouti praised the nonviolent vigil of the Bil’in people and the nonviolent resistance of many people around Palestine. He said that the Bil’in resistance movement was a model and example for all. He called for an end to the building of the wall, and for upholding of Palestinian rights under International Law.

I supported his call and thanked the people of Bil’in. I offered my support for the nonviolent resistance to the Wall as it contravenes International Law, including the International Court of Justice decision in the Hague. I also called for an end to the Palestinian occupation, which will mark 40th years in June, and full recognition by the international community of the Palestinian Government, together with restoration of economic and political rights to the people.

Both Dr. Barghouti and I called for the release of the BBC Journalist Alan Johnston. I also called for the protection of journalists all over the world, whose ability to cover the truth, is being daily infringed.

During the conference, the Israeli military drove through the main gate onto Palestinian land. Israeli foot soldiers also came through. They surrounded the journalists and warned us all that if we did not disburse, they would attack in five minutes. Dr. Barghouti and I condemned this threat as an abuse of freedom of the press, freedom of speech and the peoples right to protest peacefully.

During the press conference, an activist from San Paulo climbed to the top of the surveillance tower and released a Palestinian flag. He planned to stay there for 2 days.

So we returned to the village and joined the peace vigil. We walked down the road toward the wall. Several hundred people participated in the walk. Palestinian men and women led the march. Young Palestinian males are often arrested and beaten at these weekly vigils. I walked with my Palestinian interpreter who told me his home was on the other side of the wall. His 12 acres of land was confiscated by Israeli Authorities and his 400 year old olive trees were uprooted, taken to Jerusalem and planted in a new Israeli settlement.

Half way down the road, Israeli soldiers started firing a mystery gas at us, and aimed plastic bullets directly at us. Later, they used water cannons. We were a completely unarmed. It was a peaceful, nonviolent gathering. This vicious attack upon civilians by the Israeli soldiers was totally unprovoked. The soldiers blocked the upper part of the road, thus preventing Dr. Barghouti and some of the Palestinians from joining the main vigil. Then we were tear gassed.

As I helped a French woman, I was shot in the leg with a rubber-covered steel bullet. I was targeted by an Israeli soldier and shot from a distance of 20 metres. This itself was illegal because such lethal weapons, under Israeli military law, are not allowed to be used within a 20 metre range.

Two young women, one from the US and the other New Zealand, helped me to an ambulance. An elderly Palestinian mother was carried away on a stretcher to another ambulance. She was shot in the back with a plastic bullet. I saw one man whose face was covered in blood; he was overcome with the gas. About 20 people were injured.

Afterwards, Ann and I went back to the protest while people were still being viciously attacked with nerve gas and plastic bullets. This time, I was overcome with gas. My nose bled terribly and I was carried again to an ambulance for treatment.

The medical staff advised us to return to the vigil, so we were obliged to leave our friends who were still heroically trying to get near the wall. On the road outside the village, we watched two Palestinian children playing in their garden, oblivious to the nerve gas floating down on the wind toward their home. The gas permeates their clothes, their lungs and their lives, and the question has to be asked–What the health of these children will be like in a few years time?

This is not only an abuse of human rights and international law by the Israeli government; it is a health and environmental issue. We were all traumatized by the Israeli attack. With the gas on the air, I remembered the words from a Palestinian doctor, who said, “the whole Palestinian people, after 40 years of occupation, are traumatized. It is time for the International Community to act and put a stop to this suffering and injustice.”

I agree. Enough is enough. It is time for action to force the Israeli Government to enter into unconditional talks to end this tragedy upon the good and gentle Palestinian people. End the Occupation Now!

Mairead Corrigan Maguire won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her peace work in Northern Ireland. She is the author of “The Vision of Peace,” (Orbis Books, edited by John Dear). For information, click HERE

Latifah, A Mother of Seven Prisoners

Call from a Mother of Seven Prisoners
23 April 2007

Latifah and her imprisoned sons

Latifah Naji Abo Homeed, 61 years old, lives in Al Am’ary Refugee Camp in the city of Ramallah – Palestine.

Of her 10 children, one killed during 1994 by Israeli military & seven have been imprisoned by Israel. She longs to see them but has only their photos for comfort. She has asked to be taken to prison herself so that she can live with them.

Latifah remembers how her son Nasr loved to play with his first son; his wife delivered his second child while he was in prison. She misses Basil’s jokes, Naseir’s kindness, and Muhamed’s helpfulness. Her youngest, Jehad, was always missing his older brothers, and now he, too, is a prisoner, awaiting his own conviction. Sharif is engaged and dreams to be free and marry his bride. Islam was known for his beautiful eyes; many girls tried to win his attention by being nice to Latifah.

Latifah does not attend any weddings because she is afraid she will not be able to control her tears. She despairs that she will die before she can witness her own sons’ weddings.

Though Latifah has not given up hope that her sons and other Palestinian prisoners will be freed, she often feels that no one remembers them and no one is fighting for them. She prays, searching for the strength and patience to endure life under Occupation and the unending separation from her sons. The home Latifah shares with her husband has been demolished twice in the last ten years. She and her husband, 67 years old, have recently opened a small candy store in their home to try to earn money and fill their free time.

This is the story of countless Palestinian women, who hope for the freedom of their sons, husbands, and brothers with every breath.

Latifah Naji’s imprisoned sons:

Name, Age, Year imprisoned, Sentence
Naseir 36 years – single 2002, 7 lifers + 50 years
Nasr 34 years – married with 2 children 2002, 5 lifers
Sharif 30 years – engaged 2002, 4 lifers
Basil 29 years – single 2004, 4 years + 4 months + $2500
Muhamed 26 years – single 2002, 2 lifers + 30 years
Islam 22 years – single 2004, 5 years + 6 months + $2500
Jehad 19 years – single 2006, Not yet

Traveling South to Hebron

by -bat.

Internationals in the west bank are busy – there is a lot of useful things to be done, and operating to a tight schedule is not easy in a world where unexpected restrictions may be imposed without warning, and a simple half hour journey can suddenly turn into four due to being detained at a checkpoint. By the time we were at Bil’in Katie had already traveled down to Hebron where she teaches art classes to children during the day, and I watched Martinez take a phone call from Al Jazeera lying flat to the ground sheltering behind a wall as the rest of us ran from the soldiers. The plan had been to travel down together later that day, but things finished so late with so much work left to do in the press office that he simply did not have time. He was already on another interview with the press as I left to find my way south. Busy people.

Catching a cab, Palestine style

I take a walk up to the centre of town. The economy of the west bank may be in ruins, but still the centre of Ramallah is bustling with people. It’s a lively place, and a casual glance wouldn’t show that you were anywhere unusual. There are cafes, and shops and people going about their daily lives as they would anywhere. Jeans, trainers and t-shirts are the seem to be the predominant dress code just as they are here in the UK, and it’s a typical street scene. The normality of large chunks of everyday life somehow just highlight the abnormality which you keep running up against. I don’t know what I imagined, but people browsing the latest DVD’s and shopping for cosmetics probably wasn’t it. It’s a glimpse of the way things would be if this was a normal independent country and I was here as a normal tourist.

The market area is where I am aiming for in order to catch what is known as a “service taxi”. These things are a wonderful idea, and make the whole process of moving about the country cheap and easy. The basic concept is to take the taxi idea and turn it on it’s head. Instead of finding a taxi and telling the driver where you are going, a service taxi is one which already knows where it is going and sets about soliciting passengers for that destination. You find a driver going to the place you want, agree the price (fixed for a given destination) and you get in. When the vehicle is full it leaves. My arabic is zero, and I cannot read the script, but by simply smiling and saying “Service Al Khalil?” (the arabic name for Hebron) to various drivers I soon find myself sitting in the back of a car awaiting other passengers.

Is crossing the occupied territories on your own speaking not a word of the language difficult? I’ve had more trouble getting back from south London after a night out!

The barrier and other decorative landscape features

We head down to Qalandia – I have not seen it in daylight before, but the presence of sunshine does not make it any less ugly. The wall is grey and grim, with our side covered in protest graffiti, including a Banksy. Strange to see something so familiar from London in this place. We take a left and skirt round the city tracking the line of the wall. I spend some time trying to work out how they decide which parts are to be the huge concrete prefabricated structures and which are to be the high fence. The change between the two does not seem to match built up areas on the far side. I am alter told that eventually it will be all concrete. Along the way we pass an Israeli army base on the inside of the wall, containing a compound filled with the infamous armored bulldozers and I can’t help thinking of Rachel Corrie.

This is, by any standards, a beautiful country. Blue skies, and rolling hills covered with terracing for olive groves and punctuated by small towns. If it wern’t for the latter then it would look somewhat like Greece, but the distinctive flat-roofed architecture is a dead giveaway that you are in the middle east. A direct drive from Ramallah to Hebron would be a short trip down to Jerusalem, and then south through the countryside. But this is, of course, not possible. The barrier encircles the Palestinian part of Jerusalem, “reuniting” the city, and cutting off a large chunk of land to the east. So all the traffic between the two halves of the west back must detour round it on a single route, passing through Container checkpoint. Although this area is completely Palestinian, the Israeli’s block the road here and check vehicles driving through, despite the fact that this is not checking anyone passing into, or out of, Israeli territory. It does, however, act as an effective throttle to communications between the two halves of the country.

We leave the barrier behind us and head deeper into the countryside. Even out here though you are never free of evidence of the occupation, most obviously from the block-like structures of the settlements which squat on the hilltops. There is an entire separate network of roads out here linking these, on which the Palestinians are forbidden to drive, and we pass under what I take to be one such road, a large well maintained highway on a bridge with a fence, unconnected to the narrow road we are using. To either side you can see where olive groves have been chopped down and trees burnt, and at one point we pass the densely packed concrete temporary structures of a refugee camp. They have been temporary for a very long time.

Riding in cars, with locals

All the previous service taxi’s I had taken were of the form of a people-mover style vehicle holding about eight passengers. Today’s, however, is simply a standard private car, and I find myself perched on the hump in the centre of the back seat, between two solidly built gentlemen and with an excellent view out of the front windscreen. This viewing position is not for the faint hearted given the enthusiastic traffic dodging that driver engages in, particularly as we descend the hillside beyond Container. Here the road drops away into the valley to one side, and I am very aware of our proximity to the edge as we speed down the wrong side of the road into the path of oncoming vehicles.

Only one of my fellow passengers speaks any english, the one in the front seat and he turns round to engage me in conversation at various points. We discuss London, the difficulty of getting permits for Palestinians to travel abroad, and he asks whether I went to University. I tell him about York and he tells me that he also went to University and has a degree in political science. I ask if he got that in Palestine.

“No” he replies, “Baghdad University”.

Errr, O.K. So lets ask the obvious question “When were you there?”

“1992. During the time of Saddam Hussein”. Then he grins at me and says.

“What do you think of Saddam Hussein? What is the opinion of him in your country? There was much less trouble in those days, yes ?”

Eeek! So much for avoiding tricky subjects! Actually I suspect I was being teased to a certain extent. He knows that I am unlikely to be particularly pro-Saddam, but also probably won’t want to start getting into a heated political disagreement on the subject in present company. So I opt for the diplomatic statement that there may have been less trouble, but that really doesn’t excuse what he did to the Kurds, and the conversation doesn’t go much further than that to my relief.

My conversational companion turns out to live in a small village outside Hebron, and we make a detour to drop him off. Past some small Israeli watchtowers, and eventually leave him beside a dirt track which has been roadblocked with concrete to prevent vehicles accessing it. He says he will walk from there, and then unexpectedly asks me to come with him! He wants me to come to his house, to meet his family and drink tea and talk. From his expression it is a genuine invite too. had it been earlier in the day I would have taken him up on it, but by this time it is sunset, and I need to meet up with Katie, so I have to say “no”.

Welcome to Hebron

It’s dark when I eventually get out of the car in the middle of Hebron. Again I have no map, but asking directions from a number of people I end up heading in the right direction, and have attracted a group of five or six children playing football. The children here always seem to find me fascinating, possibly due to the hair, and I kick the ball about with them briefly. They are, however, more interesting in asking me lots of questions about where I come from and what life is like in England.

This area is a fruit market during the day, but is now shut. A group of men are sitting round a fire drinking tea and listening to the radio. This is where I am supposed to loiter and wait for someone to collect me, but I don’t really get the opportunity. I am grabbed and propelled through into the middle of the group and sat down. Nobody here speaks english, and I try and explain that I have someone to see, but they won’t let me leave. Instead they start offering me fruit. I am wondering if they are trying to sell it to me, but they won’t take any coins for it. Explaining that I am unable to eat fruit is beyond me, and so I end up acquiring a banana and an apple, despite my protests. They are only being friendly I suppose, but their enthusiasm is somewhat intimidating, and I am rather relived when I am collected and can say goodbye.

Borders and birthdays

We head away from the market and up a dark street, to where I am confronted by what appears to be a portacabin wedged across the road, blocking it entirely. We get closer and it is indeed a portacabin. A sliding door opens and we go in – it is, of course, a checkpoint in miniature. Inside are two metal detectors, and behind a glass screen at the far end a soldier monitoring as we go through. Hebron is a city split in two, due to the presence of four settlements actually inside the city itself. Of which I shall write more tomorrow. This is the crossing point though, and under the watch of the guard we pass through the metal detectors. The road the far side is quiet and dark, with Israeli soldiers lurking at various points along it. They avoid catching our eye as we walk past them up the hill.

The ISM flat is a complete contrast, however, as it is Katie’s birthday and a surprise party has been arranged for her, complete with cake and balloons. I walk into the middle of this and am immediately called upon to sing. One quick round of “happy birthday” later (which everyone joins in on much to my relief) and I grab a juice and make myself comfortable. I did plan on bringing a present, but it is with the rest of my luggage still in the hands of El Al security. All I have is my free fruit, which seems a poor substitute somehow. It is a nice way to end a very intense day though, sitting drinking juice, eating cake and chatting with the others. Some normality is good, but I begin to realise that I am having trouble just processing the amount of stuff I have seen in the last 36 hours. I need to though, because I am sure there will be more in the morning.

Out here, there’s always more.

13 Nations Unite to Spray a Message of Freedom

13 Nations Unite to Spray a Message of Freedom
by Martinez

Members of the Campaign to Free Marwan Barghouti and All Prisoners were joined by Palestinians, Israelis, and internationals at Israel’s Apartheid Wall near Qalandya checkpoint today. A large stencil of Marwan Barghouti was pre-sliced as were thirteen additional stencils reading,”Patience Marwan,” all in different languages. The action was held in honor of Palestine’s upcoming Prisoner’s Day, to be held on Tuesday, April 17.

Nearly 40 people arrived for the action. First, prisoner solidarity activists climbed the ladders and spray painted the spliced wood, soon to reveal a silhouette of a familiar image:

Then, thirteen nations were represented as they spray painted “Patience Marwan” in the Palestinian colors. A Palestinian held the stencil for an Israeli as she climbed to the highest peak on the ladder and she held the stencil for him as the black paint attached itself to the Apartheid Wall.

Then residents of South Korea, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Holland, the United States, Japan, Norway, and elsewhere, took their turns, spraying in solidarity a message of freedom– to release Marwan and all of Palestine’s Political Prisoners, currently being held behind bars in Israeli jails.

An Israeli soldier yelled at the spray painters from the Apartheid Tower, but the soldiers remained huddled inside the Wall, and the action continued.

For more information, contact:
ISM Media Office, 0599-943-157


About Marwan Barghouti’s Case:

In apprehending, detaining and torturing Marwan Barghouti, Israel has violated a number of provisions of international law, not to mention fundamental human rights. The following are the most significant breaches:

Arrest or Abduction
Marwan Barghouti was apprehended in Ramallah, in what is known as ‘Area A,’ which according to the Oslo Accords – signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1993 – falls under Palestinian legal jurisdiction; it is therefore a blatant breach of those Accords.

According to the Oslo Accords – Annex III (PROTOCOL CONCERNING LEGAL MATTERS), Article I:
(item 1) The criminal jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority covers all offenses committed in the areas under its territorial jurisdiction.

(item 5) In the case of an offense committed in the Territory by a
non-Israeli against Israel or an Israeli, the Palestinian Authority shall take measures to investigate and prosecute the case, and shall report to Israel on the result of the investigation and any legal proceedings.
So, even if Israeli is accusing Marwan Barghouti of an offense committed while he is living in Ramallah, it has no legal jurisdiction over him. In view of this, some legal experts view Israel’s apprehension of Barghouti as an act of hostage-taking, or abduction, both illegal under international law.
Furthermore, Barghouti is an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (parliament), and is therefore entitled to parliamentary immunity, which Israel infringed upon in this case.

Barghouti was moved to the Israeli detention center, ‘Russian Compound’ (Moscobiya), in Jerusalem, where he was subjected at the hands of his interrogators (from the Israeli General Security Service – GSS) to physical and psychological abuse.

In particular, he has been subjected to sleep deprivation, position abuse (known in Arabic as ‘shabeh’ – for more on this, refer to the Israeli Public Committee Against Torture , and intimidating threats, all of which constitute methods of torture and ill-treatment, which are categorically prohibited by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights -Article 5 UNDHR the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 7) and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Israel is a signatory to these key human rights covenants, and is therefore legally bound by their prohibitions.

Although Israeli law now prohibits torture and the introduction into evidence of tainted confessions, and despite the fact that it provides that public servants who use or direct the use of force against persons for the purpose of extorting a confession of an offense or information relating to an offense are liable to imprisonment, Israeli GSS interrogators still frequently resort to various methods of torture, like those used against Marwan Barghouti, with considerable impunity.

Transfer to Territory of the Occupying State:
On Sunday May 26, 2002, the Israeli authorities transferred Marwan Barghouti to the Petah Tikva Detention Center in Israel proper. This is in clear contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which precisely proscribes the transfer of people under occupation to the territory of the occupier. Article 49 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War Article 49 states that:

Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.

Detention Without Trial:
Despite profuse media reports that Israel has set up a team of twenty legal, intelligence and political experts to prepare an official list of charges against Barghouti, the defense team has yet to be officially notified of any such charges. Effectively, Barghouti has been held since April 15th, 2002, without trial and without charge. This is yet another violation of international law that Israel has committed in this troubling case.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 10:

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

While Article 11(2) states that:

Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.

About Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Jails (from Mustafa Barghouti’s recent press conference):

In the run-up to Palestinian Prisoners Day on 17 April, Dr. Barghouthi also focused on the fate of the 10,400 Palestinians currently being held in Israeli jails in contravention of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. [4] Of these:

– 86 percent are from the West Bank
– 7 percent are from the Gaza Strip
– 7 percent are from Jerusalem

– 4,430 (44 percent) have been sentenced by Israeli military tribunals
– 611 (14 percent) have been sentenced to 50 years or more in prison
– 4,575 (46 percent) have not undergone trial
– 950 (10 percent) are being held in administrative detention
– 7 (0.7 percent) have spent more than 25 years in prison; 3 have spent 29 years or more in prison
– 376 are children under the age of 18
– 5,000 children have been arrested since 2000
– 600 are women who have been arrested since 2000
– 118 women prisoners are currently in Israeli jails
– 40 are members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), including the Head of the PLC
– 95 percent of Palestinian prisoners have reported being subjected to various forms of torture
– 183 Palestinians have died in prison
– 69 died due to torture
– 42 died due to medical negligence
– 1,000 are suffering from chronic diseases
– 200 suffering from serious health conditions
– 72 Palestinians were assassinated following their arrest