Awad, 19, wounded by Israeli fire while gathering firewood

31st July 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Rosa Schiano | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

On Thursday afternoon, July 25, 2013, a 19 year old, Rafat Awad Abdel Aty was injured while working in an area called “Jamarik” near Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

Awad Abdel Aty (Photo by Rosa Schiano)
Awad Abdel Aty (Photo by Rosa Schiano)

Awad, who was admitted to the Kamal Odwan hospital, told us that he was collecting firewood to be sold at about 500 meters from the separation barrier with Israel.

“At about 14:00 I suddenly heard a shot,” said Awad.

A bullet went through Awad’s right leg, and several fragments of bullet injured his lower limb and his chest. The bullet that entered and exited from the leg, then exploded from the impact on the ground, causing more injuries from the shrapnel that flew back up.

“Some people tried to reach me but the soldiers shouted at them to go back,” said Awad, who was finally transported by ambulance to Beit Hanoun hospital and later transferred to the Kamal Odwan hospital.

(Photo by Rosa Schiano)
(Photo by Rosa Schiano)

A doctor explained to us that Awad needs bandaging daily, although fortunately the bullet did not cause fracture. Some fragments have been removed, while others remain embedded in his body.

In the last two weeks two civilians were wounded in Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip.

These workers are “invisible” in the eyes of the media, often kids who have not reached the age of maturity, usually on donkey carts to reach the lands along the border to pick up metal, plastic, copper, wood and other materials they could. The limited amount of materials caused by the siege, makes it necessary for companies to recycle and reuse previously constructed materials. Usually the families of these young people are very poor, or what they earn is not enough to provide for themselves. Often, they have no other way to survive.

Awad can earn a maximum of around 25 shekels a day.

His father Rafat told us that he had received a call from a friend when Awad was injured. “I was very worried, I thought I was going crazy, because often when someone calls to say that your son was injured they are covering for the fact he is dead,” said Rafat.

(Photo by Rosa Schiano)
(Photo by Rosa Schiano)

Rafat did not even have the money to pay for a taxi to get to the hospital. Some neighbours offered to take him in their car to get to his son.

Rafat told us that he previously worked as a fisherman. “I stopped working as a fisherman because there is not enough fish in the sea,”. He explained the difficulties facing the fishermen of Gaza as a result of the 6-mile limit imposed by the Israeli authorities and also the recent lack of fuel in Gaza. This means Rafat does not work. The only person in the family who works is his son Awad, who is now hospitalized.

Their family, originally from the village of Majdal (Palestine, 1948) is composed of 11 people, including 5 sons (Awad, 19, Mohammed, 7 years old, Ahmed, 14, Saqer, 8 years old, Yousef, 3 years ) and 4 daughters (monaz, 21, Soha, 13, Nesma, 4 years, Ghazal, 1 year). They live thanks to coupons issued by UNRWA or donations from NGOs.

(Photo by Rosa Schiano)
(Photo by Rosa Schiano)

“I don’t always know from where I can provide an Iftar (the meal which breaks the fast during Ramadan) to my family, now my son is injured,” said Rafat.

The future is uncertain for the family of Rafat, who can not afford to pay the university fee for his children.

Rafat would like the international community to put an end to the siege on the Gaza Strip and to stop denying his people the chance to live as “human beings.”

Since the beginning of the ceasefire in the month of November 2012, Israeli forces have killed four Palestinian civilians and injured at least 100 people, including 24 children, in areas along the border. Yet, according to those agreements, Israeli forces should cease all aerial attacks by land and by sea.

The number of casualties is likely to rise soon in the lands along the border, when the planting season begins and many farmers will work need to work on their lands, lands that are these families’ only source of livelihood.

Live ammunition shot at Youth Against Settlement house in Hebron

26th July 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine

Last night at 10 pm, a live ammunition bullet was fired at the headquarters of the human rights organisation Youth Against Settlements (YAS) in Hebron.

Live bullet shot at YAS house (Photo by activists)
Live bullet shot at YAS house (Photo by activists)

The spokesperson for YAS, Damer Atash, explains that a group of activists were sitting in front of the house headquarters when the bullet was fired. The bullet was shot  from the nearby olive groves making it impossible to see the shooter, although two voices were heard. Luckily, the group of activists were not hurt, instead, the bullet bounced off the window right behind them. “At first we thought it was a stone but instead we found a bullet”, said one of the activists.

At 22:15 pm, the group called the Israeli police, who arrived some 40 minutes later at approximately 11 pm, after the police arrived the military joined them and stayed for about 20 minutes. However, none of them searched the premises for the bullet canister.

The shooter was not seen, but it is likely that it was an attack from one of the neighbouring settlers, as the bullet was bigger than those used by the army. Even though this is the first incident of shooting against YAS, this would not be the first time the house has been attacked by settlers. They have previously tried to burn the house, set the kitchen of the headquarters on fire and uprooted trees. In these incidents the Israeli army or police have not taken any action against the settlers.

Israeli army and police also participate in the harassment of YAS and its human rights organizers. On Wednesday alone, the army invaded the house three times during the evening and night for what it is believed to be a training exercise for the army.

The despair and fear this causes is not uncommon for the 35,000 Palestinians living under complete control of 1500 Israeli soldiers and police officers, and the constant harassment and violence from the 500 settlers illegally living in the Israeli controlled H2 area of Hebron.

UPDATED: 22-year-old man shot with live ammunition and 10-year-old boy shot with rubber coated steel bullet in Nabi Saleh

17th July 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Nabi Saleh, Occupied Palestine

Update 21th July: Mahmoud Tamimi was released from hospital and needs to stay at home to complete his recovery.

Update 19th July: Mahmoud Tamimi is still recovering at the hospital. The injury in his leg is still open due to artery bleeding and will require stitches today.


On Tuesday, clashes between residents of Nabi Saleh and Israeli forces resulted in one boy injured with a rubber coated steel bullet in the leg and a man injured with live ammunition, also in the leg. The latter underwent surgery and is still recovering at Ramallah hospital.

Mahmoud Tamimi being carried away after he was shot (Photo by Tamimi Press)
Mahmoud Tamimi being carried away after he was shot (Photo by Tamimi Press)

Yesterday in the evening, just before Iftar (breaking of the fast), confrontations between Israeli forces and Palestinian youths from Nabi Saleh erupted. Israeli forces shot tear gas canisters, rubber coated steel bullets and live ammunition at villagers, resulting in two people injured.

Mahmoud Tamimi, 22 years old, was shot with a live ammunition bullet in the leg when he was trying to help Mohammad Tamimi, 10 years old, who had been shot with a rubber coated steel bullet in the leg while standing on the hill side where the confrontations were taking place.

After he was shot, Israeli soldiers prevented villagers from aiding Mahmoud and evacuating him to hospital. Bilal Tamimi, a villager who went to the scene to document what was happening, was beaten up and had his camera broken by Israeli soldiers.

Mohammad and Mahmoud were eventually taken to Ramallah hospital. Mahmoud underwent surgery and is still at the hospital while Mohammad was released yesterday and is currently recovering at home.

The village of Nabi Saleh has been demonstrating against the theft of their natural spring and the occupation since December 2009. Israeli forces violently suppress the weekly Friday protests by shooting tear gas canisters, skunk water, sound bombs, rubber coated steel bullets and even live ammunition at protesters. Two people have been killed, Mustafa and Rushdi Tamimi, and many others severely injured. Bassem Tamimi, Mohammad’s father, has spent 17 months in Israeli jails, merely for being a prominent activist at the protests. Nariman Tamimi, his wife and Mohammad’s mother, was arrested at a demonstration on the 28th of June. She spent three days in jail and was accused of entering a closed military zone. Nariman is currently on partial house arrest on Fridays and has the next military court hearing in September.

Israeli soldiers preventing people from aiding Mohammad Tamimi after he was shot (Photo by Tamimi Press)
Israeli soldiers preventing people from aiding Mahmoud Tamimi after he was shot (Photo by Tamimi Press)
Mahmoud Tamimi receiving medical aid before he was evacuated by ambulance (Photo by Tamimi Press)
Mahmoud Tamimi receiving medical aid before being evacuated by ambulance (Photo by Tamimi Press)

Palestinian fisherman injured in an accident while escaping Israeli gunship attack

6th July 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Rosa Schiano | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

In the early hours of the morning of Sunday June 30th 2013, Sharif Arafat, a 30-year-old Palestinian fisherman, was injured on a fishing boat off the coast of Soudania, North of the Gaza Strip.

Sharif Arafat (Photo: Rosa Schiano)
Sharif Arafat (Photo by Rosa Schiano)

The captain of the boat, Nafiz At Habeel, reported that during the night the strong wind had pushed the vessel about 6 miles from the coast of Soudania. Around midnight an Israeli military navy ship approached and then retreated. In the early hours of the morning, at around 3:30am to 4:00am, the fishermen threw their nets into the sea. Once again, an Israeli navy ship approached the fishing boat and this time started shooting. Nafiz told us that the fishermen tried to hide in order to avoid the bullets, while Sharif Arafat ran to the side where the fishing nets were. Sharif, an inexperienced fisherman, did not know how to escape in the event of gunshots by the army. One of the nets became caught up around his leg.

“Sharif was terrified, his ankle was trapped”, Nafiz said. As he couldn’t swim, Sharif clung to the boat as not to fall into the water, while the nets pulled him down. His ankle was severely fractured and broken and he fell into the water. Nafiz told us that he had tried to pull in the nets with the engine. “These nets float – I cried at Sharif to cling to a ball of the fishing net”, said Nafiz. Sharif was then pulled on board and taken to the port of Gaza City on a ‘hasaka’, a small boat that usually accompanies the vessels.

During the incident the fishermen had relit the lights of the boats, which usually go off when they cast their nets. The Israeli navy has since moved away, probably because the soldiers had realized that something serious had happened.

We met Sharif Arafat at Shifa hospital in Gaza City, where he was hospitalized following the accident. The hospital report states that Sharif had a partially amputated right ankle due to trauma.

(Photo: Rosa Schiano)
(Photo by Rosa Schiano)

Sharif Arafat is not a professional fisherman. “I went fishing only because of the economic situation, I cannot even swim”, said Sharif, who had begun to fish only 5 months earlier. Sharif is married, has one child and his wife is pregnant with a second child.

Sharif was frightened by the idea that his foot could be amputated. His brother Alaa, next to him in the hospital, was in tears. The same evening Sharif was transferred urgently to a hospital in Israel to be operated on, thanks to the intervention of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights who called for an acceleration of the procedures such was the emergency. In the Gaza Strip such surgery was not available.

We are still waiting for news on the conditions of Sharif Arafat.


Israel has progressively imposed restrictions on Palestinian fishermen’s access to the sea. The 20 nautical miles established under the agreements of Jericho in 1994 between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), have been reduced to 12 miles under the Bertini Agreement in 2002. In 2006, the area allowed for fishing was reduced to 6 nautical miles from the coast. Following the Israeli military offensive “Cast Lead” (2008-2009) Israel has imposed a limit of 3 nautical miles from the coast, preventing Palestinians from access to 85% of the water to which they are entitled according to the Jericho agreements of 1994.

(Photo: Rosa Schiano)
(Photo by Rosa Schiano)

Under the agreements reached between Israel and the Palestinian resistance after the Israeli military offensive in November 2012, “Pillar of Defense,” they consented that Gazan fishermen can again fish up to 6 nautical miles from the coast. Despite these agreements, the Israeli navy has not stopped attacks on Gaza fishermen, even within this limit. In March 2013, Israel imposed once again a limit of 3 nautical miles from the coast, saying that the decision had been taken following the sending of some Palestinian rockets towards Israel. On Wednesday 22nd May, the Israeli military authorities announced through some media outlets the decision to extend the limit again to 6 nautical miles from the coast.

We join the call of the fishermen and ask our governments to press Israel to stop attacking and arresting Palestinian fishermen and to allow them to fish freely.

Palestinian farmer injured by Israeli army fire

17th June 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Rosa Schiano | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

Friday afternoon, June 14, 2013, Muhareb Abu Omar, a Palestinian farmer aged 48, was wounded by Israeli army fire in the Deir El Balah, in the center of the Gaza Strip.

Omar was irrigating his land in the village of Wadi As-Salqa, 600 meters from the barrier that separates Israel from the Gaza Strip.

Muhareb Abu Omar, 48 (Photo: Rosa Schiano)
Muhareb Abu Omar, 48 (Photo: Rosa Schiano)

Omar reported that Israeli jeeps moved along the border while he was working. Suddenly, after about 10 minutes into the job, at approximately 19:30, a bullet struck him in the right leg. The soldiers probably shot from a jeep hummer.

Omar was alone on his land while other farmers were working in adjacent lands.

“I didn’t hear any firing, the soldiers used silent bullets. Suddenly I found myself wounded. I ran for 50 yards, then I crashed and I cried to my cousins that I was wounded”, said Omar. His cousins transported him to Al Aqsa Martyrs hospital.

Omar’s family is composed of 14 members: Omar, his wife, 8 sons and 4 daughters. Five of his sons work with him on the family land. The whole family depends on the production on this land.

Two of his sons, Nedal and Tareq, reported that Omar was reported to have an intermediate wound in the right tibia.

Dr. Saleman Al Attar, Department of Orthopaedics of Aqsa Martyrs hospital, reported that the general conditions of Omar are good. “The wound shot from a firearm always creates complications. The bullet hit the right thigh and there is the presence of fragments”, said Dr. Al Attar. In the emergency room, the doctors performed a cleansing of the wound, firstly a debridement followed by bandaging. After 3 days or 72 hours, Omar will be subjected to a further removal of devitalized tissue.

The doctors will not remove the bullet. “It is dangerous to remove the bullet as it is located in the neurovascular, where there are the arteries,” said Dr. Al Attar.

The wound is closed. The patient will then be given antibiotics and analgesics for about 4 weeks.

(Photo: Rosa Schiano))
(Photo by Rosa Schiano)

Dr. Al Attar stressed the psychological effect on patients who are aware of the a bullet still inside the body. “The patient will always have the impression of experiencing pain in the area where the bullet is, even if the pain is not real. There are social workers who can provide psychological support for this. Every Palestinian suffering since birth suffers some psychological problems”, concluded Dr. Al Attar.

During the last military offensive of November 2012, the al-Aqsa hospital has received many victims. “The hospital was full, we were trying to save those who were in better condition while others were dying patients in serious condition,” said Dr. Al Attar.

The arrangements for the cease-fire of 21 November 2012 established that the Israeli military forces should “refrain from hitting residents in areas along the border” and “cease hostilities in the Gaza Strip by land, by sea and by air, including raids and targeted killings.”

However, Israeli military attacks by land and sea have followed from the day after the ceasefire, and Israeli warplanes are flying over the sky constantly in the Gaza Strip. Four civilians were killed by the end of the military offensive “Pillar of Defense” and more than 90 civilians have been wounded.

These attacks against the civilian population of Gaza continue to occur amidst international silence.