A Joint March of Palestinians and Israelis:

No to Walls and Checkpoints
Yes to Negotiation-
No to Unilateral “Convergence”

A-Ram, Jerusalem, Saturday, May 13th, 11 am

In contrast to the Israeli government’s assertion that “there is no partner”, and its program for unilateral annexation, the residents of A-Ram continue their joint activities with Israelis, against the occupation and for a peace that is just for both peoples. This march is the first in a series of actions by a coalition of Israelis and Palestinians together with the residents of A-Ram.

The Wall, which bisects the main street of A-Ram, has critically damaged the life of the residents. It has divided families, stopped workers from reaching their workplace and cut off teachers and students from their schools; in fact, three schools have already been forced to close.

The Wall has turned a thriving urban center into a jail.

The march, with the participation of schoolchildren, teachers, neighborhood residents and supporters will start at the center of A-Ram in the direction of the A-Ram checkpoint

For further details, contact:

Yossi Bartal—The Alternative Information Center, 0547-705048

Adam Keller – Gush Shalom, 050-6709603

Khulood Badawi–Taayush, 0547-469738

Bat Shalom * Gush Shalom * The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions* The Alternative Information Center* Mahsom Watch* Women’s Coalition for Peace* Taayush

Shofat Camp Non violent Demonstration for Right to Worship Successful

Residents of Shofat refugee camp in Jerusalem, along with international and Israeli supporters, today demonstrated non-violently against the Israeli Border Polices’ often violent suppression of the camps residents’ right to cross the checkpoint at the camp entrance to pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque on Fridays.

Palestinian men women and children marched peacefully alongside Israeli and international activists to the checkpoint carrying banners declaring their right to worship at Al Aqsa Mosque and protesting against construction of the Apartheid Wall next to the Camp.

Upon reaching the checkpoint Border Police and soldiers, including two mounted officers, attempted to physically block the marchers’ progress. The residents’ leaders asked the Border Police commander why they could not pass and complained about the denial of a basic human right. Unprovoked by any aggression on the part of the demonstrators, the Israeli forces resorted to using sound bombs and tear gas.

Scared but undaunted, the Camp residents continued to press their right to worship and accompanied by Israelis and Internationals over 60 people were able to make their way past the checkpoint, despite continued harassment by the Border Police

Local resident Ibrahim said: “I am grateful for the people who joined with us today. It’s a first step and we will continue to demonstrate as long as they treat us this way. Today, they held back because of the presence of press and internationals, normally they are asking 10 yr old boys for documents or will not let them pass [documentation is not issued by Israeli authorities to Palestinian children until age 13] and they always treat worshippers brutally. They refuse to let buses through so the people have to go by foot whether it is hot or raining. It’s real suffering every day”

For further information contact:

Ibrahim on 0547372185
Lee on 0547385754

Jerusalem in Exile


From: PLO Mission – Washington, DC
A book in the making, help write it

An Invitation to Palestinians Across the World

Work started on the preparation of an exceptional book with a new concept “Jerusalem in exile – tangible memories” by artist Steve Sabella. The book seeks to explore the visual images of Jerusalem in the minds of Palestinians who live in the Diaspora, as well as Palestinians who live in Palestine but are incapable of reaching their city. The project will photographically materialize the various mental images Palestinians have of Jerusalem in their memories and imagination.

These participations will be presented on the “Jerusalem in exile” web site, and this art experience will be documented in a book which will be edited by poet Najwan Darwish. The book will compile various testimonies and texts on Jerusalem and other related subjects by a number of distinguished Palestinians artists, intellectuals and participants.

The work will also be inaugurated in Jerusalem in the form of an exhibition and will subsequently tour various cities globally. Go to http://www.sabellaphoto.com/sky.htm for Steve Sabella’s art statement, which presents the art project’s idea and includes an invitation to participate in the art project.

Please forward this invitation.

Your contributions will be published on the web site that will create a visual bridge through imaginings and memories that will connect Palestinians from all over the world with Jerusalem. Some of these contributions will form the book Jerusalem in exile tangible memories.


Residents of Shofat Refugee Camp Demonstrate for Freedom of Movement and Religion: Friday 5th May, 10am


Residents of the Shofat refugee camp will demonstrate at the checkpoint at the camp’s entrance, protesting the brutal behavior against the residents by the Border Police stationed there and particularly against Palestinians attempting to pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque on Fridays.

Residents of the camp have been complaining for many months about the behavior of the Border Police in the camp, which included cursing, pushing, beating and throwing concussion grenades. These are common procedures at the checkpoint at the entrance to the camp. The situation deteriorates in particular on Fridays when many worshipers try to go to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Border Police attack those waiting in line with particularly harsh violence. The violence of the Border Police in the camp is not limited only to the checkpoint. In the previous months Border Policemen have injured dozens of residents, mostly children. Among them is Abdel Malek Zalbani, an 8 year old child, who was critically wounded by a concussion grenade thrown during a demonstration against the wall.

The violent behavior of the Border Police in the Jerusalem area is not a new phenomenon. In East Jerusalem the last year alone, Samir Dhari from Essawiya and Mahmood Swara from Noaaman have been murdered by Border Policemen. This violence would not be possible without the agreement of silence by all the parties involved, primarily Marhash (the department for investigating Police), which is not attempting even to pretend to have an investigation in response to the many complaints that have been filed in the last year.

In the demonstration, Israeli and international activists that have been invited by the Camp will also participate.

For more information:

Yossi Bartal 054 770 5048
Ibrahim 054 737 2185

Three Anti-Anexation barrier protests Friday 24 of February


All the protests will begin at 12:00

Villagers of Beit Sira will hold the Friday prayers on their land being annexed along with the Makabim settlement to Israel. Beit Sira has been demonstrating continuously since the destruction work restarted in their village on Wensday.

Bil’in who’s land is being annexed together with the Modi’in elite settlement and the illegal Metityahu Mizrah to Israel will hold it’s weekly demonstration.

Abud who’s land’s are being annexed to the Offarim and Beit Aryhe settlements.

For more information call:
ISM media office at 02-2971824