Bil’in: Land Grab thanks to the Wall

Bil’in is a small village located six km east of the green line, west of Ramallah. The village rests on 4,000 dunams (about 1,000 acres) and is home to 1,700 residents, whose livelihood depends on agriculture and work outside the village. Most of the villages land lies between two streams (the Modi’in stream in the south and the Dolev stream in the north); the western tip of the lands of Bil’in are covered with the houses of the Kiryat Sefer section of the Israeli settlement Modi’in Illit.

The barrier Israel is building confiscates about half of the lands of the village. According to the Israeli government, 1,700 dunams of Bil’in’s land will remain west of the wall. In addition, the route itself – whose width is between 50 and 150 meters – takes about 250 dunams. In sum, the wall confiscates from Bil’in at least 1,950 dunams (the actual figure is expected to be even higher). It stretches near the last house of the village, surrounding it from three sides.

A Real Estate Wall under the Guise of Security

The Modi’in Elite settlement outpost is currently under construction

As in other villages, the Israeli government argues that the route of the wall in Bil’in was determined purely for security reasons. However, a brief visit to the village shows this to be false. The fence is mostly down the hill, in a topographically low point, easily allowing shooting above it. It goes six km east of the Green Line and 1.8 km east of the built and populated area of Modi’in Illit. The route crosses two streams, which necessitated complex and very expensive engineering work.

Had the aim of the fence been to defend the residents of Israel, it would have been put along the Green Line. Had its aim been to protect the present residents of Modi’in Illit, it would have been erected in superior topographic conditions near the built and populated area of the settlement.

The only reason for the route chosen is the expansion plans for Modi’in Illit. Right now, two new sections are being built in the settlement: the Matityahu East (also known as Heftsiba and Green Park) area, on 870 dunams of the lands of Bil’in west of the barrier; and the Neot Ha’Pisga area, on 560 dunams belonging mostly to the nearby Palestinian village Kharbata, but also confiscating some land belonging to Bil’in north of the Dolev stream.

In Matityahu East, 3,008 housing units are being built, while in Neot Ha’Pisga, 2,748 flats are planned. According to the plan, the Matityahu East section will reach the route of the fence itself so that its outermost houses will be located meters from the barrier! A master plan prepared by the Israeli Ministry of Housing allocates the remaining 600 dunams of the lands of Bil’in west of the fence, between Matityahu East and the Dolev stream, for another new section in Modi’in Illit, in which 1,200 housing units will be built.

Hence, the route of the wall in Bil’in was determined in light of the various construction plans of the settlement Modi’in Illit. Recently, the Israeli Government admitted, in response to a High Court of Justice petition, that “the route of the fence on the lands of Bil’in was designed, among others, to safeguard two new neighborhoods of Modi’in Illit, one which is already in advanced building stages… and the other… where building, on the western side, already began.” In other words, the route of the fence was designed to protect the future settlers who will live in the future areas to be built on the confiscated lands of Bil’in west of the barrier.

From a Small Settlement into a City

The story of Modi’in Illit started in 1992, when the small ultra-orthodox settlement Kiryat Sefer was established on the lands of the villages Kharbata, Deir Qaddis and Ni’lin, as well as on the western tip of the lands of Bil’in. In 1996 the name of the settlement was changed into Modi’in Illit, and it began to expand. At present Modi’in Illit is a 5,800-dunam (more than 1450 acres) settlements, all located east of the Green Line.

According to the master plan prepared by the Ministry of Housing, 150,000 settlers will live in the area by 2020 – most of them in Modi’in Illit itself. The Central Bureau of Statistics reports that in September 2005, 29,300 people lived in Modi’in Illit – 12.7 percent more than in 2004. Modi’in Illit is the second largest settlement (with respect to its population) in the West Bank, following Ma’ale Edomim, and will soon become the most densely populated settlement.

Unlike most settlements, Modi’in Illit is not an ideological one. Its ultra-orthodox residents came here only since the Israeli government offered them cheap housing. In many respects, the residents of this settlement are a victim of the policy of the government, which decided to bring them here and to inevitably create a conflict between them and the Palestinian land owners. This process was greatly enhanced recently, with the expansion eastward of Modi’in Illit, outside the boundaries of its built area. This expansion also violates an explicit commitment, given by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to U.S. President George Bush on December 2003. According to that agreement all building outside the already built-up areas of the settlements will cease.

Matityahu East: the Largest Illegal Outpost in the Territories

In the midst of procedures at the High Court of Justice, it was revealed that the Matityahu East section – the main reason for the route of the fence in Bil’in – is being constructed in violation of Israeli planning laws and without legal permits. In addition, the section violates international law in general, and the Fourth Geneva Convention that forbids the settlement of the occupying population in the occupied areas in particular.

The Matityahu East section is being built according to plan number 210/8/1, which was not approved yet by the Israeli planning authorities in the West Bank. The section has an approved building plan from 1999, plan number 210/8. However, the later allows only 1,532 housing units to be built (compared with 3,008 according to the new plan), and the division of lands therein (public areas, streets etc) is different than in the new plan. In reality, the construction in Matityahu East is being done according to plan number 210/8/1, which has no validity under Israeli law. According to the Israeli government, 750 housing units have already been illegally built in Matityahu East.

A letter written by the Comptroller of the Local Council Modi’in Illit in March 14, 2005 shows that the Comptroller sent warnings against the illegal building in Matityahu East already in January 2004, to both Council members and the Ministry of the Interior – but nothing was done to stop it. Following the complaints of the Comptroller, the local Council decided to fire him rather than address the violations.

While the authorities allow large-scale illegal building to continue in Matityahu East, the Civil Administration was quick to issue a warrant against building in the Bil’in Center for the Joint Struggle for Peace – a small building, sized seven square meters, which the residents of Bil’in and Israeli peace activists erected near Matityahu East on December 25th, 2005. Just a few hours after the walls of the building were completed, a warrant was delivered to the people of Bil’in forbidding any further building there and summoning them to a hearing at a planning committee of the Civil Administration. In addition, the army forcefully evacuated two caravans put in the place – one on December 22nd and the second on December 25th. This is a clear example of double standard in the enforcement of the law in the West Bank.

The High Court Petition

The issue of the fence in Bil’in is now in the High Court of Justice, where a hearing on the subject is to be held on February 1st, 2006. A petition against the fence was issued in September, by attorney Michael Sfard; it includes an extensive discussion of the future building plans of Modi’in Illit, some of which were only recently exposed.

In the petition, attorney Sfard claims that the route of the fence in Bil’in was not determined by security considerations, but rather by the interests of the settlement and of real estate companies. The route carefully follows the existing and future construction plans of Modi’in Illit, and was designed to allow unscrupulous real estate developers operating in the settlement (among them the companies Heftsiba and Green Park) to collect huge profits, on the backs of the people of Bil’in, whose lands are being stolen from them before their very eyes.

West Bil’in Outpost exposes truth behind the Wall-Press conference Tomorrow

The Palestinian outpost of “West Bil’in”, deemed illegal by Israeli authorities, has dramatically highlighted the true nature of the Wall as a means to expand illegal outposts and allow settlement expansion confirming the findings of a report to be released today.

A small building erected at the outpost this week has been threatened with demolition while nearby settler structures built without plans or permits continue to rise. This selective use of the law starkly illustrated at West Bil’in will be at the heart of a petition to the Supreme Court by Attorney Michael Sfard which could leave the Government embarrassed for so blatantly turning a blind eye to illegal construction by settlers.

A press conference to be held at the West Bil’in outpost tomorrow will highlight this inconsistency with new research from planning organization, Bimkon which reveals unequivocally that the route of the Wall is based on settlement master plans rather than the often quoted ‘security’ concerns.

The research shows that the construction of the Wall has been altered in various locations such as Bil’in, Jayyous and Jerusalem by municipal master plans for the sole reason of settlement expansion.

It also shows that 750 new housing units have been built in the settlement of Modi’in Ilit on land confiscated from the village of Bil’in, without the required necessary legal authorization. More than 2000 housing units are planned to be constructed in the near future.

The West Bil’in outpost, built on Bil’in’s land with a permit issued by the village, sits only a few hundred meters away from the new Israeli settlement housing units that even the Israeli government views as illegal. The establishment of the outpost is the latest step in Bil’in’s year long nonviolent struggle against the confiscation of their land.

Established by Palestinians from Bil’in, with their Israeli and international supporters, the outpost has been called “The Center for Joint Struggle.”

The Press Conference will be held in Bil’in Center on Thursday, December 29 at 12noon with representatives from B’Tselem, Bimkom and the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements.

The Speakers in the Press Conference who will elaborate upon the above issues will be:
Arch. Alon Cohen-Lifshitz – Bimkom, Mohammad Al-Hatib – Popular Committee of Bil’in, Attorney Michael Sfard and Adar Grayevski – Anarchists Against the Wall

When: Thursday December 29th 12:00AM
Where: Center for joint struggle, Bil’in West

For more information contact:
Yonatan Polak – 054-6327736
Neta Golan – 057-5720754
Mohammad Hatib – 054-5851893
Michael Sfard 0544-713030
ISM Media Office: 022971824

Bil’in Turns the Tables on the Occupation

The people of Bil’in are using the symbols and language employed by Israel for the theft of Palestinian land in a bid to hold onto village land that Israel is attempting to annex for the Wall and settlements. Last week Palestinians from Bil’in, with their Israeli and international supporters, established the Palestinian “outpost” of “West Bil’in” which they are calling “The Center for Joint Struggle.” The Palestinian “outpost”, built on Bil’in’s land with a permit issued by the village, sits only a few hundred meters away from new Israeli settlement housing units that even the Israeli government views as illegal. The establishment of the outpost is the latest step in Bil’in’s year long nonviolent struggle against the confiscation of their land.

Israeli government efforts to swiftly remove the Palestinian outpost contrast starkly with Israeli government support for the establishment of hundreds of illegal Israeli settlements and outposts throughout the West Bank. The construction of Israel’s wall in Bil’in and other villages is being used as an excuse to annex Palestinian land throughout the West Bank to Israel.

The Center for Joint Struggle in Bil’in: Educational Program and Press Conference

Wednesday 28th of December

10:00: Guided Tour of Bil’in’s lands with explanations by the village’s Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements

13:00: Lunch and a meeting with Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists

16:00: Screening of video materials about the joint struggle against the annexation barrier
followed by discussion

19:00: candle lighting

Thursday 29th of December

Press conference with Attorney Michael Sfard and representatives from B’Tselem, Bimkom and the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements. Details forthcoming.

For more information:

Mohammed 0545-851893
Abdullah 0547-258210
Attorney Michael Sfard 0544-713030
ISM Media Office: 022971824

Christmas lights in Bil’in

By Maria and Anna
Bilin 26/12/05

On Christmas day, a day representing love and hope for millions of people around the world, the brave people of Bilin brought a new caravan on their land that has been unrightfully cut off by the Israeli authorities for the construction of the annexation barrier and the expansion of the Modi’in Ilit and Matityahu settlements ( the first caravan was evacuated by the Israeli military and police on Thursday 22 December, only a day after it was erected ).

This time the people of Bilin decided to build a “house” ( literary a single room ) near the caravan during the night. Nine people, members of the Bilin Popular Committee against the Wall and the Settlements and Israeli activists spent the cold and rainy night in this little Palestinian
“outpost”, a few metres away from the settlements.

This morning, 26 Dec, the Israeli military and police evacuated and removed the new caravan, in the presence of settlers’ security personnel, just like the previous one. Two ISM volunteers -us- who were inside had to get out before it was lifted by a crane. As for the “house”, it has been given a 10-day notice by the Israeli military and police before they demolish it on 5 January.
During these 10 days (and cold nights!) there will be locals, israelis and international
activists in and around the house, and it looks like the Bilin Popular Committee are determined to keep on building a new house every time the previous one gets demolished. It is really a great irony that the Israeli authorities are going to demolish the tiny Bilinian house built on Bilinian land when, at the same time, they allow massive construction in the settlements nearby against international and even israeli law.

Bilin 27/12/05

Luckily the weather got better and the rain stopped (rain is good for farmers but uncomfortable for activists!) A welcoming fire kept on burning in front of the “house” of Bilin and we had a good time telling jokes and eating nuts and sweets around it. All this time an Israeli army jeep was very close with its headlights on, straight to us, making a very loud noise from time to time in order to scare us or just annoy us.The settlements have so many lights!

Four articles on Bil’in In the Israeli press

1) There’s a system for turning Palestinian property into Israel’s state land
By Akiva Eldar, Haaretz

2) Bilin: Illegal outpost may become school
By Ali Waked, Ynet

3) Bil’in demonstrators return to outpost
By Erik Schechter, Jerusalem Post

4) Palestinians, left-wing activists rebuild ‘outpost’ in village of Bil’in
By Jonathan Lis and Meron Rappaport, Haaretz Correspondents


1) There’s a system for turning Palestinian property into Israel’s state land
By Akiva Eldar, Haaretz

Ehud Barak likes to compare the State of Israel to a villa in a jungle. It would be interesting to know whether he means that the areas of the settlements in the territories are a legal veranda of the villa or part of the jungle.

Right under the noses, in the best case, of prime ministers, chiefs of staff and GOCs of the Central Command, who are responsible for “Judea and Samaria” (the West Bank), among them Barak himself, the State of Israel has imposed the law of the jungle on those territories. The Civil Administration, with the blessing of the State Prosecutor’s Office, has been a key partner in a system of real estate deals, of which the description “dubious” would be complimentary.

Building companies owned and managed by settler leaders and land dealers acquire lands from Palestinian crooks and transfer them to the Custodian of Government Property in the Israel Lands Administration. The custodian “converts” the lands to “state lands,” leases them back to settler associations that then sell them to building companies. In this way it has been ensured that the Palestinians (under the law in the territories, the onus of proof is on them) will never demand their lands back.

A year and a half ago, when this became known to him, Brigadier General Ilan Paz, then the commander of the Judea and Samaria district, issued a written order to shut down the lands laundry. He reasoned that even if this was legally correct, it smelled bad. These lands have already served for the establishment of dozens of Jewish settlements and others are awaiting purchasers. Some of these lands, for example the lands of the village of Bil’in – now known thanks to the determined struggle against the separation fence – are adjacent to the 1967 border. The Defense Ministry has seen to it that the route of the fence will “annex” them to the “Israeli” side and the entrepreneurs are hastening to establish facts in concrete.

Two weeks ago it was first published here that adjacent to Bil’in, in the Jewish settlement of Matityahu East, a new neighborhood of Upper Modi’in, hundreds of apartments are going up without a permit. The lawyer for the inhabitants of Bil’in, attorney Michael Sfard, sent the State Prosecutor’s Office a copy of a letter that Gilad Rogel, the lawyer for the Upper Modi’in local council, wrote to the council’s engineer. Rogel warned that entrepreneurs are building “entire buildings without a permit, and all this with your full knowledge and with planning and legal irresponsibility that I cannot find words to describe.”

In a report that he sent to the Interior Ministry, the council’s internal comptroller, Shmuel Heisler, wrote that the construction in the new project was being carried out contrary to the approved urban construction plan and deviates from it “extensively.”

The Justice Ministry has confirmed that “apparently illegal construction is underway in the jurisdiction of the locale Upper Modi’in, and that the Civil Administration in the area of Judea and Samaria has been asked to send its statement on the matter.”

The Civil Administration spokesman has said that “in light of the fact that at this stage, too, construction work is being carried out there, it is the intention of the head of the Civil Administration to examine as soon as possible the legal means of enforcement at his disposal, in order to bring about the stoppage of the building that is being carried out in this area.”

On the ground, the work is proceeding as usual. Documents in the possession of Haaretz show that building violations are just the very tip of an affair that is many times more serious. The first document is a sworn statement by attorney Moshe Glick, the lawyer for a settlers’ association called The Society of the Foundation of the Land of Israel Midrasha, Ltd.” On June 16, 2002, Glick declared to attorney Doron Nir Zvi: “I hereby submit this sworn statement in the place of the mukhtar [headman] of Bil’in. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Muhammad `Ali Abed al Rahman Bournat is the owner of the plot known as Bloc 2 Plot 134 in the village of Bil’in.”

Never set foot

On November 16, 2003, Glick signed another sworn statement. The new statement was aimed at explaining the strange phenomenon of an Israeli attorney swearing under oath, a procedure that is parallel to sworn testimony in a court, in the place of the mukhtar of an Arab village. From the new statement it emerges that Glick has never set foot on the lands to which his statement relates. “This sworn statement comes in place of a statement by the mukhtar of the village of Bil’in, as because of the security situation there is a real danger to the life of any Jew who tries to enter the village of Bil’in (and needless to say when it is a matter of the issue of the purchase of land). Moreover, there is a prohibition by the authorities that forbids citizens of Israel to enter Areas A and B.”

The spokesman of the Civil Administration confirmed yesterday that the village of Bil’in
is located in Area B, which is under Israel’s full security control, and that Israeli citizens are allowed to visit there.

On the same day that Glick signed the sworn statement, the well-known land dealer Shmuel Anav appeared before him and also signed a sworn statement pertaining to that same plot. Anav, too, explained that the reasons it was impossible to bring an authorization by the mukhtar are the “security situation” and the prohibition on entering areas A and B.

In the section for “detailing the evidence” on which the Land of Israel Midrasha Foundation is basing its demand to register the plot in its name, Anav declared that “the owner sold it to his son and the son sold it to the Society of the Foundation.” The owner died several years ago. His son, Sami, who according to inhabitants of Bil’in forged their signatures, was murdered in Ramallah at the beginning of 2005. Had the police taken the claim of the Bil’in inhabitants seriously and examined the propriety of the sworn statements given in their mukhtar’s name, with a dubious security excuse, the police would have found that the name of Anav has been linked to land deals that have turned out to be land theft.

He starred in the affair of Nebi Samuel, the neighborhood that hit the headlines 10 years ago during former minister Aryeh Deri’s trial. Plia Albeck, for years was the director of the civil department at the Justice Ministry, testified that a building company owned by settlers called Moreshet Binyamin had purchased from Anav 200 dunams of the land in the area of northern Jerusalem, and that he had purchased them from an Arab named Shehada Barakat, who testified that he owned the lands – but it turned out that he had sold lands that belonged to his relatives. Three years earlier Anav was convicted of soliciting donations from land dealers for the Likud’s election campaign, “with the condition and expectation that in return the donors would receive benefits.”

The Justice Ministry has responded that “property will be considered government property as long as the opposite has not been proven. Hence, it is possible to declare that privately owned land is government property, only if the owners of the land have asked the Custodian of Government Property to manage the property.”

Michael Ben Yair, who was the attorney general in Yitzhak Rabin’s government, has told Haaretz that he never approved turning private lands into government lands, and that this is the first time he has heard of this procedure.

Attorney Talia Sasson was also surprised to hear that the Civil Administration has served as the settlers’ land laundry. This is not to say that the author of the report on the illegal outposts does not know that the Civil Administration serves the settlement project in the territories. In a lecture at University of Haifa, which dealt with the non-implementation of the recommendations of the outposts report (the chairman of the committee for implementing the recommendations, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, has not yet found time to submit its recommendations to the government), Sasson related yesterday to the contribution of the Israel Defense Forces and the Civil Administration in particular to the establishment of the settlements in the territories.

“The Civil Administration was established because under the international law that applies in the territories, the commander of the area is obligated to take care of the `protected’ population in the area, that is to say the Palestinians who were there when the IDF entered the territory,” the attorney explained. “Over the years the Civil Administration became the main body that dealt with all the matters of the Israeli settlement in the territories, not mainly the Palestinians, but in fact the Israelis,” she said. It allocates lands to settlers, declares lands to be state lands, approves the connecting of water and electricity to the settlements and more.

Sasson said: “In effect, it is the Civil Administration that enables in practice the acts of the Israeli settlement in the territories.”

Sasson emphasized that the Civil Administration is subordinate to the IDF – on the one hand to the GOC and on the other to the Coordinator of Activities in the Territories, who wears a uniform. “It emerges that the body by means of which the governments have been acting over the years concerning the implementation of settlements is a body that is subordinate to and run by the IDF (and at its head is a brigadier general). This mingling of the IDF and the settlement project is a bad and damaging mingling.”

All according to a master plan

In the process of preparing a new report that deals with the expansion of settlements under cover of the separation fence, researchers from B’Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, and from Bimkom, Planners for Planning Rights were able to lay their hands on the map of “The Master Plan of the Upper Modi’in Area” for the year 2020. The map confirms that it is not only security issues that interested the planners of the route of the fence in the area of the battles for Bil’in. They were so hungry they “forgot” that security needs make it essential to keep a suitable distance between the fence and the nearest Jewish locale. It turns out that in addition to the usual master plans, at the initiative of the Construction and Housing Ministry and in cooperation with the planning bureau of the Civil Administration, in 1998 the Upper Modi’in local council and the Matteh Binyamin regional council drew up a master plan for the whole bloc. The plan does not have statutory validity, but it is a guiding document in the framework of which the planning policy is determined for a given area, and in the light of which the master plans are formulated. The report points out that under the master plan about 600 dunam adjacent to the plan for Matityahu East, which are owned by families from the village of Bil’in, are slated for the construction of 1,200 new housing units. Less than two months ago inhabitants of Bil’in discovered that a new road had been cut through from the Matityahu East neighborhood to a large grove of olive trees that is located in the area.

The village council filed a complaint with the Shai (Samaria-Judea) police about the uprooting of about 100 trees and their theft. The cutting through of the road reinforces the suspicion that under cover of the fence, there is a plan for a takeover of the land adjacent to the East Matityahu neighborhood, which is already in the process of construction.

Similarly, cultivated lands owned by the villagers of Dir Qadis and Ni’alin on an area of about 1,000 dunams, adjacent to the plan for Matityahu North C, have been added in the framework of the master plan to the plan for the neighborhood.

The authors of the report note that the master plan for Upper Modi’in arouses a strong suspicion that one of the covert aims of the fence is to cause Palestinian inhabitants to stop cultivating lands that are intended for the expansion of the Jewish settlements, to enable the declaration of them as state lands. Hence, as described above, the way to the building companies is very short.

2.Bilin: Illegal outpost may become school
By Ali Waked
Ynet, December 26, 2005

Leftwing activists and Palestinians have plans to set up a makeshift school on lands Israel plans to expropriate from the village of Bilin to construct the security fence; school to teach Palestinians `citizenship` After lighting Hanukkah candles Sunday evening for the “liberation from the occupation” near the West Bank village of Bilin, leftwing activists and Palestinians built a small structure Monday near a caravan along the security fence.

Last week the IDF evacuated an outpost set up by activists on land Israel plans to expropriate from villages to construct the fence and expand the Modiin Elit settlement.

The evacuation lasted two hours as tens of activists and Palestinians huddled near the caravan and confronted security forces.

The permanent structure offers a glimpse of future plans to set up a youth center and a makeshift school to hold lessons about citizenship in Arabic.

The Civil Administration has given activists a deadline to present construction permits by January 5, threatening to demolish the structure should the activists fail to prove
its legality. Security forces suspect activists will use the time limit to prepare for another confrontation with security forces, seek legal advice, and construct more buildings.

Activist Yonatan Pollak said the building was set up to prove Israel’s discriminating construction policy. “The land of the villagers has been expropriated to expand the illegal settlement of Modiin Elit. Authorities are not lifting a finger to stop the expansion which is taking place at the expense of land belonging to Bilin,” Pollak said. “The caravan is a statement that the state of Israel is an apartheid state. The settlers are allowed to build illegally and the Palestinians who are requesting to build legally are being forbidden from doing so, and are evacuated by force,” Pollak added.

On Sunday Palestinians and activists lit Hanukkah candles to celebrate the Jewish festival which they said commemorates the end of foreign occupation. “The building on liberated Palestinian land is a statement against imperialism,” activists said.

3. Bil’in demonstrators return to outpost
By Erik Schechter, Jerusalem Post
December 25, 2005

A group of 22 Israeli and Palestinian demonstrators lit Hannuka candles Sunday night at an illegal caravan erected for a second time near the West Bank settlement of Modi’in Elite.

The lighting of the first candle at this spot, said Yossi Bartal, an activist from Anarchists against the Wall, represented “the fight for freedom from occupation.”

The group’s choice in symbols was a provocative one given that the Maccabean revolt that Hannukah commemorates broke out in ancient Judean town of Modi’in. Likewise, the caravan was located adjacent to the new neighborhood of East Mattityahu, named after the rebellion’s famed patriarch priest. But protesters contended that the victims nowadays were the Palestinian residents of the village of Bil’in, a half a kilometer away. The route of the security fence blocks villagers from their farm land and protects ever-expanding settlements, they said.

“The barrier cuts off Bil’in from one-half to two-thirds of its agricultural land and is meant to protect the settlements of Kiryat Sefer and Modi’in Elite,” said Rabbi Arik Ascherman. Ascherman, who heads Rabbis for Human Rights, a left-wing association that has also trumpeted the cause of Bil’in, said that the caravan was illegal – but so were the new settlement neighborhoods. Both were set up without government permits, he said.

Last Thursday, about 50 activists barricaded themselves in a similar outpost at the same location, but soldiers removed the caravan, and police briefly detained seven demonstrators.

The expansion in the East Mattityahu neighborhood went unhindered. “The quick evacuation of the first outpost, within 24 hours of it being set up, exposes the blatant policies of Apartheid and selective enforcement going on in the Occupied Territories,” said Yonatan Pollack, another anarchist.

Pollack promised that Sunday’s caravan “will become the foundation stone for a West Bil’in.”

At the last outpost demonstration, soldiers fired tear gas to keep additional protesters from reaching the caravan, but this time around, a police and IDF jeep passed by without responding.

Military sources said the outpost, like the last one, “would be removed by the police and the IDF Civil Administration.”

4. Palestinians, left-wing activists rebuild ‘outpost’ in village of Bil’in
By Jonathan Lis and Meron Rappaport, Haaretz Correspondents

Palestinian residents of the West Bank town of Bil’in, along with left-wing activists, have rebuilt an “outpost” Sunday two days after the Israel Defense Forces removed the container from the identical spot west of the separation fence route near the settlement of Upper Modi’in.

The caravan was situated on land adjacent to the Matityahu East neighborhood of Upper Modi’in, where 750 housing units have been built illegally. The mobile home, which arrived yesterday from inside Israel, is standing approximately 100 meters away from the Matityahu East construction site.

Last week, the Palestinians erected the outpost as part of their plan to establish a “center for the joint struggle for peace.” They even brought cement to the site, adding that they intend to build “the western neighborhood of Bil’in.”

The separation fence cuts off village residents from approximately half of their lands. The placement of the caravan is meant to serve as a protest against the fence and against illegal settlement construction.

Bil’in has become the symbol of the struggle against the separation fence, serving as the site of dozens of joint Palestinian-Israeli demonstrations in the past year. Some of the demonstrations have ended in violent clashes with security forces.

An IDF spokesperson that the army evacuated the container because it was placed in a closed military zone and that “it is forbidden to transport caravans” in the territories.

“Private Palestinian land is in question here, not state land. The village council approved setting up a caravan and thus this is a legal structure,” Attorney Michael Sfard, who represents the Bil’in residents, said last week.

“This will be blatant proof of the fact that there is selective law enforcement if they deal with the poor caravan before the hundreds of housing units built illegally in Upper Modi’in,” he added.

Sfard submitted a letter in the name of Peace Now to the Civil Administration demanding a halt to the construction within a week. At the end of this time, Sfard wrote in the letter, he will turn to the Supreme Court.

“After what happened today in Bil’in, there is no reason that the state should defend its decision to continue the construction” in Matitiyahu, Sfard said.

“Now the truth is out, and the truth is that Jews are allowed to break the law and Palestinians are not.

“This,” Sfard continued, “is called apartheid.”