Huge Destruction Suffered by Nur Shams Refugee Camp

*Tulkarm – Nur Shams Refugee Camp*
June 9, 2024
By Diana Khwaelid*

At midnight on June 9, occupation forces stormed the city of Tulkarm and stationed themselves in the Nur Shams camp, northeast of Tulkarm. A military operation that lasted for more than 13 continuous hours ensued, during which the Israeli occupation forces vandalized and destroyed the camp on the orders of Israeli military officials.

According to the residents of the camp, “this incursion was the most difficult and dangerous of the Israeli military incursions,” despite the exposure of the residents of Nur Shams camp to dozens of previous incursions.

Dozens of Israeli military vehicles stormed the camp and the Manshiyeh neighborhood. D9 and 5 bulldozers sabotaged and destroyed the main road of the camp, Nablus Street. They also destroyed the camp’s infrastructure, including the water network and power lines.

Dozens of shops were damaged, including a pharmacy, restaurants, and private shops for cellular devices. Many Palestinian homes were destroyed as a result of the vandalism and destruction of the camp.

The Israeli occupation forces conducted the destruction accompanied by military vehicles, especially bulldozers, while Palestinian civilians, including women and children, were inside their homes. The occupation forces did not ask or care about those inside the houses or whether they were physically harmed.

Medical and Palestinian Civil Defence crews rushed to the camp immediately after the withdrawal of military vehicles at around 3 pm, following more than 13 hours of continuous destruction. The medical staff stated that they had not received any reports or dealt with any injuries inside the camp. It was like a miracle that the occupation entered and left without causing physical injuries.

Palestinians inside the camp said: “في المال ولا في العيال”, good it happened “to the money and not to the families,” meaning that at least the destruction was only to material things (homes, streets, and camps) and no life was taken. 

After the Israeli Hebrew media published a special report on Tulkarm, especially the Nur Shams camp, Israeli news agencies, citing Israeli security sources, stated that the city of Tulkarm, particularly the refugee camps, must end. According to the statements of the Israeli army, “Tulkarm city is a city of terrorism.”

The people of the Nur Shams refugee camp refused to leave the camp. The majority decided to stay, no matter what happened. A Palestinian survivor whose house was destroyed said, “I will build a better house than the one destroyed by the occupation.”

The Israeli occupation forces continue to carry out incursions, destruction, murder, and arrests in the West Bank, especially in the city of Tulkarem.

Palestinians and international human rights observers arrested in Masafer Yatta, occupied West Bank

July 7, 2024


Israeli forces arresting 14 year old Palestinian child.


Israeli Occupation forces arrested three Palestinians, including a 14 year old child, together with three international (including a US citizen) and one Israeli human rights observers in at-Tuwani, Masafer Yatta, in the South Hebron Hills area.
This morning, armed Israeli settler shepherds invaded Palestinian land with their flocks, provoked the family that was working on their land and attempted to steal one of their donkeys. The Palestinians tried to prevent them from going on their land and were attacked by the settlers. They called the police to remove the settlers, but the army and police chose to arrest three Palestinians, one of whom is a 14 year old child, three international and one Israeli human rights observers. No settlers were detained. They have all been taken to an Israeli police station. As of 5.45 pm (Jerusalem time), the family has been released but the human rights observers remain under custody.
The family, including the child, was already detained for around 3 hours on their land a couple of weeks ago and they have suffered numerous attacks over the years from violent settlers and the army. A couple of weeks ago, settlers cut newly planted trees and destroyed the water connections.
Land theft and ethnic cleansing have spiralled since October 7 in Masafer Yatta, and in other areas of the occupied West Bank. Israeli settlers who live in illegal settlements have been heavily armed and have escalated harassment and threats towards Palestinian communities, with the backing of the Israeli occupation forces. Umm al-Khair, one of the villages in Masafer Yatta, has lately come under almost daily attack from settlers and the army. On June 26, occupation forces demolished a dozen structures in Umm al-Khair displacing dozens of residents, including children. Since then, settlers have raided the village, shot live ammunition, erected a tent in the village and destroyed the water system, leaving the whole community of Umm al Khair without access to water.
On July 4, settlers carried out a pogrom in the village of Khalet a Dabaa. About 200 settlers reached the village at midnight, set agricultural land and trees on fire and attacked villagers, shot live ammunition and kidnapped a villager. An Italian activist from the NGO Mediterranea was also badly beaten. There are daily incidents in Masafer Yatta, with settlers coming on what remains of Palestinian land to herd in order to harass and push Palestinians further away from their land.
These are not isolated incidents. They are a part of a bigger plan of annexation of the West Bank/Area C. Between October 7 and July 1, over 1,050 attacks from settlers on Palestinians have been recorded by OCHA. At the beginning of March, Israeli authorities approved the construction of almost 3,500 illegal housing units in settlements around the West Bank. More recently, almost 5,295 new illegal housing units have been approved. This all comes amidst the biggest land seizure in the West Bank in over 30 years. Far-right Finance minister Bezalel Smotrich has vowed to bring a million more settlers under his expansion plan.
In a quiet move, about a month ago, more control was moved from the Israeli army’s civil administration to the recently established governmental body “Settlement Administration”, led by Smotrich. Last Thursday, Orit Strock, Minister of Settlements and National Missions, was reported praising a master plan to build over 100 housing units in the South Hebron Hills area, saying this was “a miracle time” and “a sacred mission,” highlighting her efforts to invest in the area.
All of this is happening while the Israeli authorities are repressing human rights solidarity in the area, with at least six more international and three Israeli human rights observers banned from the area in the previous few weeks, with the aim of isolating Palestinian communities and promoting their propaganda unchecked.

Nur Al Shams resident: the camp has become a ‘microcosm of Gaza’

By International Solidary Movement
Ramallah, July 4, 2024

Over the past three days, Nur Shams refugee camp has faced intense fear and sadness due to recent bombings and killings by Israeli forces. The latest raid targeted four Palestinian youths, marking the fourth consecutive day of violence.

On July 2nd, at around 10:30 p.m., Israeli forces carried out an airstrike in the camp, east of Tulkarm. Four palestinian fighters were killed. The attack involved a drone strike. The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed the deaths of Yazid Shafa (22), Nimr Hamarshah (25), Muhammad Shehada (20), and Muhammad Knuh (22). The camp is in mourning, with continued incursions aiming to suppress any form of resistance.

A resident described the situation as a microcosm of Gaza, with continuous incursions, demolitions, shelling, arrests, and killings over the past year and a half, escalating after the recent war on Gaza.

The camp has endured over 30 incursions to date. The death toll in Tulkarm has reached 122 since October 7. The residents of Nur Shams camp are in deep sorrow, feeling unsafe amid ongoing military operations.

This is a photo of the remains of the rocket or shell that was fired at Palestinians 4
This is a photo of the remains of the rocket or shell that was fired at palestinians

Violence Erupts in Massafer Yatta: Illegal Settlers Attack Villagers and Destroy Property


Violence Erupts in Massafer Yatta: Illegal Settlers Attack Villagers and Destroy Property

By Dottie Lux, International Solidary Movement
Masafer Yatta, July 4, 2024

— A wave of violence swept through the village of Khalet Al Daba’a in Masafer Yatta as settlers launched a series of attacks on local palestinians, culminating in severe injuries, destruction of property, and the abduction of a palestinian by israeli forces.

Around midnight, up to 200 settlers initiated their assault by setting fire to olive, grape, and fig trees, vital sources of livelihood for the villagers. The violence escalated rapidly as settlers began shooting live ammunition directly at local palestinians, creating a scene of chaos and fear. In a brutal display of aggression, settlers beat villagers with sticks and one palestinian was subsequently taken by israeli forces. The violence did not end in Khalet Al Daba’a.

The settlers moved to the nearby area of Um Fagarah, where they continued their rampage by destroying three vehicles including the fire truck sent there to control the damage. They physically assaulted more villagers and prevented ambulances from delivering aid.

These violent acts occurred under the supervision of the occupation police and army, who did not intervene to stop the onslaught. As a result of this aggression, several palestinians have been injured along with two international volunteers. With the community reeling from the impact of this unprovoked brutality the situation remains tense. Local leaders and concerned internationals are calling for immediate local and international attention. Most imporatantly they are asking for intervention to prevent further carnage and ensure the safety and security of the residents of Masafer Yatta. This press release highlights the urgency and gravity of the situation, calling for immediate attention and intervention. Further details are to follow.

Israeli Occupation Kills Two During Second Consecutive Raid in Tulkarem

By Diana Khwaelid

Tulkarem – July 1, 2024

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed two Palestinians, a woman and a child, during their second consecutive raid in the city of Tulkarem, on July 1.

According to the Palestinian Health Organization, a 46-year-old Palestinian woman and a 15-year-old child, Mohammed Sarhan, were killed during the raid on Tulkarem refugee camp. Mohammed was standing near the Shuwaika roundabout, far from the camp, when an Israeli sniper shot him as the army was withdrawing. The occupation also bombed a house in the camp.

Dozens of Israeli military vehicles, including D9 bulldozers, stormed the city of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank in the early hours of Monday. The siege was centred first in the Nur Shams refugee camp, northeast of the town, and the Tulkarm refugee camp.

Nur Shams camp was stormed for 10 hours, with the destruction of the main street leading to the camp and the main entrance to the camp. Occupation forces also destroyed water networks and infrastructures and dozens of shops overlooking the street near the camp were fully or partially destroyed.

The Israeli army also bombed another Palestinian house with an aerial bombardment: the house belonged to one of the most famous and largest families in the camp. Palestinian civil defence and medical teams only managed to enter the camp and reach the site after occupation forces withdrew, as the army prevented ambulances to reach the injured.

The Nur Shams refugee camp has been subjected to at least 30 raids since October 7 and is considered one of the most dangerous camps in the West Bank after the Jenin camp, according to Israeli media sites.

The fierce incursions carried out by the Israeli occupation in the camp, especially after October 7, made the residents of the camp feel constant fear, and dozens of Palestinian families who had grown up in the camp since childhood had to leave the camp to protect their children and women.

The death toll in the city of Tulkarm has risen to 118 since October 7.

Occupation forces storming Tulkarem