Invitation to ISM’s Spring Campaign

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is inviting volunteers to come to Palestine for a conference on Joint Nonviolent Struggle in Bil’in and for ISM’s Spring campaign The Bil’in Conference will take place February 20 & 21, 2006. ISM’s spring campaign will take place between March 1st and April 23rd, 2006. Come for a week, a … Continue reading Invitation to ISM’s Spring Campaign

The Palestinian Elections

1. The Palestinian Elections 2. The Struggle of Bilíin Continues 3. Life in Tel Rumeida; “It is clear who are the terrorists around here.” 4. HRW Released from Israeli Detention 5. Democracy in the Middle East 6. A Statement From J.A.G 7. Jerusalem Post on Kalandia Grafiti 8. Christmas in Israeli Detention 1. The Palestinian … Continue reading The Palestinian Elections

The Occupation Will Not Be Sugar-Coated

1. Thousands Challenge Israeli Apartheid in Bil’in by Henry 2. IOF Evacuated Human Rights Workers Instead of Illegal Settlers 3. Carmel Agrexico on Trial in Britain 4. A Gun in one hand and the Torah in the other by Caroline 5. 15 hurt in fence protest – from the Israeli press by Ali Waked 6. … Continue reading The Occupation Will Not Be Sugar-Coated

Frequently Asked Questions

What am I expected to do as a volunteer with ISM? ISM is a Palestinian led organisation. That means that we respond to Palestinians calls for protective presence. This could be being present at demonstrations, i.e. take photos and videos, be visible to Israel forces to let them know their actions are recorded. It could … Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions

Electorial Candidates Unite Against the Wall

1. Human Rights Workers: IDF Claims a “Zero Tolerance” for Violent Settlers, But Not in Tel Rumeida 2. Despite Injunction from Israeli Supreme Court – Illegal Construction in Metityahu Mizrah Continues 3. Electoral candidates unite against the Apartheid Wall 4. Sharon, a Man of Peace or a Man of Pacification 5. Pissing on the Graves … Continue reading Electorial Candidates Unite Against the Wall