Tear gas and roadblocks are becoming routine in Azzoun

Azzoun village was again subject to curfew on Sunday, December 2. The Israeli army invaded the village at 3pm, with approximately 8 vehicles, including a large armored personnel carrier, a hummer, and several jeeps. For the next three hours, the army vehicles circled the village, unleashing a multitude of sound bombs and firing rubber bullets … Continue reading Tear gas and roadblocks are becoming routine in Azzoun

Complaint submitted to the United Nations concerning the military detention of Palestinian human rights defender under Israel’s repressive protest law

3rd July 2014 | Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association | Kufr Qaddum, Occupied Palestine Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) and Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer) submitted a joint complaint today to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders (UNSR) concerning the arrest and continued pre-trial Israeli … Continue reading Complaint submitted to the United Nations concerning the military detention of Palestinian human rights defender under Israel’s repressive protest law

Foreign Press Association demands investigation of incident in which soldiers beat journalists

By Emily Greenzweig 20 August 2012 | Haaretz The Foreign Press Association (FPA) is demanding an investigation of the incident in which soldiers beat journalists. The FPA contacted the Prime Minister’s Office and the Israeli army following the incident in which journalists were beaten with sticks. Minister of Public Diplomacy: Expresses doubt concerning journalists who … Continue reading Foreign Press Association demands investigation of incident in which soldiers beat journalists

Israeli military beats and arrests journalists, suppresses Kufr Qaddoum demonstration

By Marshall Pinkerton and Alma Reventos 18 August | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank On Friday, August 17, 5 were injured and 8 arrested during the weekly protest in Kufr Qaddoum. Israeli soldiers fired tear-gas canisters, rubber-coated steel bullets, and beat protesters with wooden sticks. The village experienced an unprecedented amount of violence during the peaceful … Continue reading Israeli military beats and arrests journalists, suppresses Kufr Qaddoum demonstration