The Ceasefire Continues

by ISM Nablus On Tuesday 7th June, Electronic Intifada reported the extra-judicial killing of Muraweh Khaled Ekmayel in Jenin by Israeli forces, under the headline “Israel Resumes Assassinations of Palestinians”. Al Jazeera news reported six deaths on the same day. The violence has continued, with the attempted assassination of four Hamas members in Gaza on … Continue reading The Ceasefire Continues

Guardian Obituary: Tom Hurndall

An aspiring photojournalist and committed peace activist By Carl Arrindell Originally published in The Guardian In the spring of 2002, Tom Hurndall made a journey around Europe, which then took him on to Egypt and Jordan. He was young, a soon-to-be student, interested in philosophy – and most interested in the contrast between cultures. It … Continue reading Guardian Obituary: Tom Hurndall

Speculative Journalism: The making of “The Death of Rachel Corrie”

By Phan Nguyen Mother Jones demonstrated how low it could set its standards for investigative journalism when it hired Newsweek reporter Joshua Hammer to surf the web and write a 7000-word feature story on Rachel Corrie and the International Solidarity Movement (“The Death of Rachel Corrie”, Sept/Oct 2003). Indeed fact-checking and verification was not a … Continue reading Speculative Journalism: The making of “The Death of Rachel Corrie”

Freedom Summer

by Adam Shapiro Originally published in The Nation The International Solidarity Movement’s second Freedom Summer has begun, and much has changed since our last: the war on Iraq, which focused all eyes on the region; the much-hyped road map; full-blown construction on what Palestinians have come to call the Apartheid Wall. Sadly, though, much remains … Continue reading Freedom Summer