Invitation – Join us!

Below is the program of Tulkarem’s solidarity actions for all the intenationals and Israeli activists who are against the Occupation Freedom summer to resist the Wall and Occupation Program in Tulkarem Sunday July 3rd: Arrival of solidarity group at 6pm in the municipality park. Monday July 4th: Protest in front of the Red Crescent in … Continue reading Invitation – Join us!

Freedom Summer 2005

Give Voice To The Palestinian Call For Freedom A message from Mansour: It is a very hot day today… in fact the last two months have been very hot here in Palestine, yet we continue to have a strong desire to resist the Occupation, especially the Annexation Wall. Every day that we have a nonviolent … Continue reading Freedom Summer 2005

About ISM

Who We Are The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the long-entrenched and systematic oppression and dispossession of the Palestinian population, using non-violent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded in August 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popular resistance by being immediately alongside Palestinians in olive groves, on … Continue reading About ISM

NYC Activists Take Message Against Caterpillar to “Business and Sustainability” Conference at Waldorf

One Arrested Later at CAT Presentation For photos, visit NEW YORK – NYC activists on behalf of Palestinian rights brought their message to the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel this morning, where an executive from Caterpillar was scheduled to appear on a panel about social responsibility and sustainability. The spirited rally excited police attention but no arrests. … Continue reading NYC Activists Take Message Against Caterpillar to “Business and Sustainability” Conference at Waldorf

The Caves of Last Resort

The Stories of Quawawis and Massafer Yatta On Tuesday, June 8, the Israeli civil administration told the villagers of Quawawis to remove the roofless structures built in front of the caves where they are living. If they don’t tear the structures down themselves, the civil administration will bulldoze them into the ground. Last week, Israeli … Continue reading The Caves of Last Resort