Land Day Actions

Since 1976 Land Day is marked by Palestinians on the 30th of March to protest against the grabbing of Palestinian lands by Israel. This year, thousands of Palestinians, along with Israeli and international activists held a series of large-scale peaceful protests against the ongoing occupation and continued theft of Palestinian land by Israel. Demonstrations took … Continue reading Land Day Actions

Digest: Normal Oppression

1. Thousands of olive trees are being planted on land day demonstrations March 30th 2. Human Rights Worker Attacked near Hebron Settlement March 27th 3. Border Police enter home And beat Palestinians and 75 year old Australian volunteer March 26th 4. Palestinians, U.S. citizen complain of Hebron settler violence from Haaretz March 27th 5. Normal … Continue reading Digest: Normal Oppression

Rachel Corrie is the new Anne Frank

1) Katharine Viner, co-editor of the play, “My Name is Rachel Corrie”, on the controversy over the postponement of her play. Link 2) Debate Between NY Theater Workshop and Katharine Viner. Transcript MP3 Download 3) Democracy Now, Rachel Corrie’s Parents Reaction to postponement. Transcript Mp3 download _____________ 1) Katharine Viner, co-editor of the play, My … Continue reading Rachel Corrie is the new Anne Frank