Ezra’s Car

1. Ezra’s Car 2. Medical Workers Targeted by Israeli Army in Raid in Nablus 3. Israeli Occupation Forces Violently Suppress Peacefull Protest Over Right to Worship 4. Bil’in Protest: Journalists Targeted, Many Injured 5. The “Only Democracy in the Middle East” 6. Villagers fight West Bank Barrier 7. Israel should face sanctions —————————————————————————————————————– 1. Ezra’s … Continue reading Ezra’s Car

Guardian: “Israel should face sanctions”

by Ronnie Kasrils and Victoria Brittain. The Guardian, Friday May 19, 2006. The Palestine crisis is now more dramatic even than apartheid, but it is the victims who are punished. Western leaders are frustrating democratic elections in Palestine by withholding aid, and using collective punishment, an economic siege and starvation as political weapons in their … Continue reading Guardian: “Israel should face sanctions”

A Joint March of Palestinians and Israelis:

No to Walls and Checkpoints Yes to Negotiation- No to Unilateral “Convergence” A-Ram, Jerusalem, Saturday, May 13th, 11 am In contrast to the Israeli government’s assertion that “there is no partner”, and its program for unilateral annexation, the residents of A-Ram continue their joint activities with Israelis, against the occupation and for a peace that … Continue reading A Joint March of Palestinians and Israelis:

Settlers Attack

1. Soldiers Beat Non-violent Demonstrators, Arrest Three 2. Settlers Attack 3. Mary’s Journal: Daily Life in Tel Rumeida 4. Corporate Complicity in the Ethnic Cleansing of the Jordan Valley 5. Anamaria’s Journal: Not Welcome Anymore 6. Update on Nablus Incursions 7. Bil’in Demonstration Calls For Boycott of Israeli Products 8. Hamas forms new security branch … Continue reading Settlers Attack

Corporate Complicity in the Ethnic Cleansing of the Jordan Valley

I was convinced by a friend to take a trip to the Jordan Valley this week. This is my fourth trip to Palestine but I have never visited the region and have heard relatively little about it. This is symptomatic of the condition of the valley, it is largely forgotten by the international community and … Continue reading Corporate Complicity in the Ethnic Cleansing of the Jordan Valley