Demonstration in Nabi Saleh attacked by settlers and Army

3rd March 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Nabi Saleh, occupied Palestine

Today on the 3rd March 2017 the popular resistance in Nabi Saleh village held a demonstration against the nearby illegal settlement which has stolen large amounts of the village lands, the road closures affecting their village and the occupation of Palestine. The demonstration started with a group of people going to a local spring which has been stolen by the illegal settlement. Here local settlers arrived with guns and began to assault the peaceful Palestinian protesters who were supported by Israelis and other internationals. After the settlers assaulted many people there, including members of the press, the army arrived and also started attacking the demonstrators and letting off multiple sound grenades. The demonstration moved back up the hill towards the village with settlers throwing stones, the Israeli forces firing tear gas, sound grenades, rubber bullets, and live ammunition at the demonstrators – this aggression was met with stones from the demonstration. Eventually the clashes moved into the village lasting a number of hours with the Israeli forces closing off the main entrance to the village.

Settler attacking people – photograph by ISM/Charlie Donnelly

Initially the demonstration walked down a hill to a local spring which belongs to Nabi Saleh but was stolen by the illegal settlement, upon arriving there banners were held and people were chanting. After around 10 minutes heavily armed settlers from the nearby illegal settlements arrived and began to assault people there, including small children and elderly people present at the demonstration. During this confrontation the Israeli army arrived and instead of keeping the settlers back, began to help them assault the demonstration. In this time at least one press photographer had his camera broken by a settler and multiple people received punches and kicks. The Israeli army started to let off sound grenades in the midst to demonstrators who began to move to the hill towards the village.

Army helping settlers – photograph by ISM/Charlie Donnelly

Whilst on the hill some people began to throw stones at the Army below. This was met by large amounts of tear gas, rubber coated metal bullets and live ammunition. The Army allowed the settlers to chase the demonstration attacking people with stones, assisting them by firing at the crowd. This attack was held off by the people of the demonstration with stones.

The clashes continued with the Israeli army more frequently using live ammunition and firing rubber coated metal bullets at head height towards the demonstration.

The Israeli army then invaded the town, they were met with strong resistance from the local people, eventually fleeing in their vehicles under heavy amounts of stones being thrown. But not before firing multiple times with live ammunition, rubber coated metal bullets and tear gas.

The soldiers fleeing the town  – photograph by ISM/Charlie Donnelly

During this time a checkpoint was set up at the main entrance to the town – a form of collective punishment to the villagers for their act of resistance. Afterwards the soldiers proceeded to invade the town multiple times sparking further clashes.

The residents of Nabi Saleh were holding weekly demonstrations since 2009 in protest of the zionist regimes illegal occupation of the village’s land along with the takeover of the village’s spring located near the illegal Israeli settlement of Halamish. However after a large amount of repression the weekly demonstrations stopped last year, with now occasional demonstrations.

16th October Group helds a seminar about the judaization of Jerusalem

3rd March 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza team | Gaza, occupied

16th October Group (the foreign Media Unit in Athorayya association for Media ) held a seminar about the judaization of Jerusalem, on Monday 27 of February in Gaza city. the seminar aims at shedding the light on the suffering of the Jerusalemites and the holy sites under the Israeli Occupation.

British journalist ,Ben White-via Skype- discussed Israel’s violations of international law, focusing on policies of land colonization and displacement in Occupied East Jerusalem.

Alaa Shaaban, a member of 16th October Group confirmed that The most important objective of the wall is to implement the plan of judaizing Jerusalem by confiscating its lands and surrounding it with rings of walls and settlements that strangle it and isolate it from its Arabic and Islamic environment Samah Abu Sharekh, university student, stated that ” Up to 2006, 76 Islamic worship sites were destroyed, and 18 were turned into synagogues, and other 17 were turned into barns for animals” “such seminars target the activists to educate them about the Israeli violations of international law”

Wafa Aludaini, the manager of the 16th October Group said 16th October is a group of mainly females that aims at presenting the Palestinian issues to Westerners scientifically and objectively. 16 October endeavors to correct the stereotypical images permeating western media about Palestinian people.


Kafr Qaddoum: Israeli forces shoot Palestinian journalist

3th of March, 2017 |  Popular Resistance Committee of Kafr Qaddum |  Occupied Palestine

Today, at the weekly Friday protest in Kafr Qaddoum, a large number of Israeli Forces raided the village and fired large amounts of live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun grenades and teargas at Palestinian protesters. One journalist, from Palestine TV, was shot in the head with a rubber coated steel bullet. A group of masked Israeli soldiers also took his telephone, and deleted all of his pictures and videos from the demonstration. The journalist is alive, but will be hospitalized over the night. Later a large number of masked Israeli Forces raided the village, trying to arrest Palestinians, and entering the house of a Palestinian family, scaring the crying children.


Palestinian protesters marching in Kafr Qaddoum, against the illegal closure of their road to Nablus
Palestinian protesters marching in Kafr Qaddoum, against the illegal closure of their road to Nablus


The protest started with a march at 12.30, after the Friday noon prayer in the local mosque of Kafr Qaddoum. A large group of Palestinians, journalists, and a few Israeli and international activists marched from the mosque towards the closed road that used to connect Kafr Qaddoum with the large city of Nablus.


After marching for around 30 meters, three Israeli Military jeeps and large numbers of Israeli forces arrived. They opened fire on the Palestinian protesters, who retreated back further into the village. Between 1 PM and 3 PM, Israeli forces continuously fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun grenades and teargas at the Palestinian protesters.


At several points, masked Israeli soldiers stormed the village, in an attempt to arrest the protesters. At one point, a large group of masked Israeli soldiers, entered the house of a Palestinian family, who were not participating in the demonstration. From outside the house, Palestinian children were heard screaming and crying, and Israeli soldiers were yelling intensely at the people inside the house.


Large number of Israeli Forces invading the Palestinian village Kfar Qaddoum
Israeli Forces invading the Palestinian village Kfar Qaddoum


Large number of Israeli Forces invading the Palestinian village Kfar Qaddoum
Israeli Forces invading the Palestinian village Kfar Qaddoum

Ahmad, a journalist from Palestine TV, was shot in the head by Israeli forces with a rubber coated steel bullet, and was bleeding heavily from his forehead. Israeli soldiers also took his private telephone, and deleted all of the pictures and videos he had made of Israeli soldiers firing live ammunition at Palestinian protesters. The journalist is now hospitalized, where he will stay under supervision over the night.

Palestinian journalist shot in the face by Israeli Forces with rubber coated steel bullets.
Palestinian journalist shot in the face by Israeli Forces with rubber coated steel bullets.

A local organizer of the protest described the situation as the feeling of “… a real war, with constant bullets being fired from 1 PM to 3 PM. Children crying and screaming. The situation was so terrifying.”

Israeli Forces fired large amount of live ammunition and rubber coated steel bullets at civilian palestinian protesters
Israeli Forces fired a large amount of live ammunition and rubber coated steel bullets at civilian palestinian protesters

Prior to the protest, Israeli Forces had also set up a roadblock at the entrance to the village, pulling cars over and checking people’s IDs, as an act of collective punishment.

For five years the people of Kafr Qaddum have been holding weekly demonstrations, protesting the closure of their main road to Nablus and the expansion of the illegal Israeli settlement of Kedumim, which surrounds the village. In 2003, the road was sealed permanently by an Israeli roadblock, extending the fifteen minute commute to Nablus to about forty minutes. The roadblock has had severe economic consequences for the people of Kafr Qaddum, as many who once worked in nearby Nablus have had to seek alternatives. The United Nations estimates that movement restrictions imposed by the Israeli Occupation, such as the situation in Kafr Qaddum, cost Palestine about 185 million USD each year.

After more than five years of weekly demonstrations, Kafr Qaddum continues to resist.

Hebron’s eighth annual demonstration to open Shuhada Street: in pictures

2nd March 2017  |  International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team  |  Hebron, occupied Palestine 

The eighth annual demonstration against the closure of the Tel Rumeida and Shuhada Street districts of Hebron was dispersed by Israeli violence within five minutes of setting off this year.  Nearly a thousand attended from all over Palestine, and included Israeli and international activists.  Many were injured by tear gas.  Here are the pictures of the day:

Dismantle the Ghetto banner in Bab al-Zawiya, near entrance to the closed zone

The demo sets off peacefully with hundreds of demonstrators chanting and marching towards the military base

Israeli forces begin to shower protesters with teargas and stun grenades

Palestinian protester enveloped in teargas

In an act of collective punishment, Israeli forces bring out a skunkwater truck, and spray houses in the old city with foul smelling chemical water

After the protest is disrupted, clashes erupt in Bab al-Zawiya between Palestinian youth and Israeli forces

Susya continues to await demolition as Israeli government hesitates

3rd March 2017  |  International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team  |  Susya, occupied Palestine

The village of Susya in the south Hebron hills is still waiting for news of its imminent demolition at the hands of the Israeli military.  On Sunday 26th the Israeli court was expecting the government to make clear its plans to execute the existing demolition order, but the government asked for another 48 hours of delay.  Yesterday as that 48 hours came to an end the government again asked for 48 hours to make up its mind.

Meanwhile the villagers of Susya wait daily for what is nearly certain to be a demolition at some point.  There are two reasons for the delays.  The first is simple and happens all over Palestine: delays play into the sense of uncertainty and tension that Palestinians are placed under.  Some villages and houses have been living under demolition orders for years.  The second is more complex: Susya is one of the most successful villages in Palestine in harnessing international support against the continuing persecution they face from the Israeli government.  Until the arrival of Trump in the White House this winter, demolishing Susya would have brought down the disapproval of the international community and the US on the Israeli government, and that pressure is still strong.  However, the government is under equal or greater pressure from the settlers in the region to demolish the village, which inconveniently stands between the ‘Jewish archeological site’ of Susya (which used to be the village) and the illegal settlement of Susya. And the current Israeli administration requires the votes of the most right wing settler parties to maintain a majority in the Knesset.

Meanwhile, the villagers of Susya stand in the middle of this battle, calling in all the support they can globally and locally.  But the ultimate outcome of this fight lies outside their hands and will involve the loss of homes and livelihoods this spring and summer.