Freedom Summer 2005

Give Voice To The Palestinian Call For Freedom

A message from Mansour:

It is a very hot day today… in fact the last two months have been very hot here in Palestine, yet we continue to have a strong desire to resist the Occupation, especially the Annexation Wall. Every day that we have a nonviolent demonstration or action the sweat of Palestinians, internationals, and Israeli activists proves the reality of solidarity and the possibility of coexistence between people.

Force is not the language for peace. Unlike the coalition forces who claim to create democracy and global justice through their weapons and destructive technology, in Palestine, simple human beings with empty hands and full hearts face one of the strongest armies in the world, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). We won’t react towards the IOF by using the same means of violence that they use against us.

We are not teachers or lecturers, but we have the experience of 57 years of resisting the Israeli Occupation. By our continuous resistance and the hope we have maintained, we prove that force and violence is the weapon of the loser. We need you, our friends, side by side with us to work for that peace. We await you in Palestine.

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005
(June 25 – August 21, 2005)

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 is a Palestinian nonviolent campaign against Israeli occupation. This summer, with the participation of international supporters, Palestinians will continue their long-standing mobilization for nonviolent direct action against the Israeli occupation and draw the world’s attention to what is really happening in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

While the world is hearing that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is being resolved and that Sharon has become “a herald of peace,” apartheid continues to be reinforced each day in Occupied Palestine. It is more important than ever to come to Palestine this summer to join Palestinian nonviolent resistance to the Israeli military occupation!

Palestinian communities are asking ISM activists to support their nonviolent demonstrations against the continued construction of the illegal Annexation Wall, the demolitions of Palestinian homes, and their various efforts to remain steadfast on the soil of their ancestors. All this despite the continuing land theft and the constant violence perpetuated by the Israeli military and illegal settlers.

Freedom Summer, beginning June 25th and continuing 57 days, one day for every year of displacement and dispossession since 1948, is a mobilization of the Palestinian people for justice, basic human rights and freedom.

Like the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, India’s National Liberation Movement and the Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa, Palestinian communities utilise nonviolent strategies to counter oppression.

This is not an issue of “Palestinian against Israeli” or “Arab against Jew.” It is a struggle of humanity and freedom against injustice and oppression.

How It Works
Two-day training sessions will be conducted by ISM trainers every Sunday and Monday of Freedom Summer in Ramallah. The first training of the campaign will be June 24 and 25. On completion of training, groups of internationals will be dispatched to various regions to join local nonviolent resistance activities.

Freedom Summer actions will be directed at Israeli occupation measures that deny Palestinians basic freedom: The Annexation Wall, checkpoints, roadblocks, settlement expansion, and political prisoners.

Bring the world’s eyes to Palestine! Teams of international civilians will be hosted by Palestinians communities and will work directly with Palestinian coordinators and local peace activists.

At the local level, Palestinians are organizing, training and coordinating a summer program of activities and actions to involve all elements of Palestinian society and international supporters.

Obviously not everyone is comfortable taking the same risks or participating in direct confrontations with soldiers, police and settlers. Therefore, local committees will determine various roles and levels of participation for all, so that there is something to do for everyone.

Activists are required to make a commitment to nonviolence principles, adherence to the group process and respect for Palestinian culture and Palestinian community leadership for the duration of their stay in Palestine.

Click here to see the Freedom Summer 2005 Campaign Program. [disabled]
Click here for Travel Information & Tips when planning to join us this summer. [disabled]
Click here for information on Training Dates and Logistics. [disabled]

For more information email us here.

Upon arrival contact:
02-2971824, ISM media office


Freedom Summer 2005 Campaign Program

The following Palestinian communities have requested ISM support for their non-violent actions in July and August:

Tulkarem, July 3rd – 9th

Non-violent actions against:

  • The Israeli chemical factories built on stolen Palestinian land. These factories contaminate the air and water in ways that are illegal within Israel. They now have their own security fence that annexes yet more land.
  • Settlements expanding on Palestinian land rendered inaccessible by the Annexation Barrier.
  • Road blocks that separate one Palestinian area from another.
  • The checkpoint and Annexation Barrier that isolate the village of Jbara from the rest of the West Bank that restricts access to the village to permit holders, and makes the lives of the villagers unsustainable.

There will also be solidarity and support visits to outlying villages that suffer frequent invasions and others that fences and walls isolate.

Jenin, July 10th – 16th

Non-violent actions against:

  • Jalame checkpoint that separates Jenin from the villages to it’s north since 2001.
  • Barta’a checkpoint that isolates Barta’a and two other villages from the neighbouring villages and Jenin city.
  • The unmanned road block that separates Jenin and the villages to its east since 2002.
  • Home demolitions and denial of access to agricultural land in Arab as Suweitat near land annexed by the illegal settlement of Kadim.

There will also be events in support of Palestinian political prisoners and a solidarity visit to Jenin refugee camp.

Salfit, July 17th – 21st

  • A five day march along the route of the `Ariel Loop’ of the Annexation Barrier that carves up the region 22 kilometres east of the Green Line.

The march passes through six villages in the area. In each village, a direct action draws attention to a local problem, such as settlement expansion, road blocks, and homes isolated from their villages by the Annexation Barrier.

Nablus, July 22rd – 28th

Four non-violent actions in the Nablus area against:

  • The roadblock on the main road separating Nablus and the village of Asira since 2001.
  • The Huwara checkpoint and military base. The checkpoint is one of several that strangle the city of Nablus. The base is a detention center for Palestinian political prisoners.
  • Denial of access to agricultural land. Villagers will plant trees on their land beyond the settler-only roads. Settlers from Elon Moreh settlement claim this land as their own, and attack the Palestinian owners when they try to tend to it.
  • The isolation of Palestinian homes and denial of access to agricultural land in Asira. Villagers will remove the roadblock that renders five families and a large of amount of agricultural land inaccessible.

Also, a tour of the Old City of Nablus and Balata Refugee Camp, and solidarity visits with families of prisoners and martyrs. Also, marches to show solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners.

Bil’in, Beit Surik, Budrus, and others, July 29th – August 7th

Join the villages in the Ramallah region for their ongoing imaginative campaign of nonviolent resistance to the Annexation Barrier that is threatening to turn their villages into open air prisons.

Jerusalem, August 8th – 15th

A series of non-violent actions and rallies against the theft of Jerusalem. Jerusalem remains the physical, spiritual, cultural, and economic heart of the West Bank. Israel has illegally annexed the city, and denies the native Palestinian population access to the city and freedom of worship.

Non violent actions against:

  • The Qalandia checkpoint
  • The Ar Ram section of the Annexation Barrier.

Hebron, August 16 to the 23rd

A small number of fanatical settlers are established in the old city of Hebron. Protected and aided by the Israeli military, they intimidate the Palestinian population, which vastly outnumbers them. Under the Gaza withdrawal plan, settler attacks and home demolitions have intensified.

Non-violent actions against:

  • The Israeli settlement in the heart of the old city of Hebron.
  • The Annexation Barrier in the villages in the villages of Ar Ramdin and Imneizeil.

Most of the actions above feature evening events. These include discussions with prisoners’ families, refugees, children’s groups and representatives from long-suffering villages that have been repeatedly invaded.

Nation Wide

July 9th

Actions all over Palestine to mark one year since the International Court of Justice ruled the Annexation Barrier illegal, and ordered it dismantled immediately. The Israeli government continues to ignore this judgment, and the international community fails to enforce it.