Palestinian school children tear gassed by shameful Israeli forces

26th February 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Salaymeh checkpoint in occupied Al-Khalil (Hebron) is notorious for Israeli forces using live ammunition, tear gas and stun grenades to willfully wound, frighten, intimidate and demoralize Palestinan school children on a daily basis. In one of the most grotesque examples of this inhumane Zionist occupation, this checkpoint see’s scared Palestinian kids, many aged five years old and younger, cross through under the protection of their parents and international activists. Their presence is essential to desperately attempt to ensure the sacred lives of these innocent children are kept safe from aggressive Israeli forces. All those involved are regularly exposed to brutal acts of violence with Israeli soldiers almost never being held accountable. On Thursday the 25th of February, just 11 days after Yasmin al-Zarour was gunned down at the soon to be upgraded checkpoint, for Israeli ‘security purposes’, Palestinian children and woman were attacked by multiple units of the occupying forces as they attempted to get to where all children should have a right to peacefully enter, school.

Palestinian children submissively pass through the Salaymeh checkpoint under the protection of their mothers, fathers, older siblings or international activists. Collectively, these groups of individuals are there to ensure the safety of the children and to limit the dehumazing behaviour of the Israeli soldiers towards the young kids. After being herded through like sheep, a group of young kids decide to return from their school and express their objection towards this brutal occupancy. Much to the anger of the rest of the Palestinian community, the kids throw stones at the soldiers then quickly retreat to their school. This small act of defiance is met with an extreme show of power and violence from the Israeli military. A stun grenade is immediately hurled down the school street by a soldier, scaring off confused and unaware children. At this point, the Israeli forces rush to prepare their full combat gear, putting on their armoured helmets and collecting tear gas grenades and cannisters, all in an effort to pursue the already retreating school children.

Israeli soldiers rush to their full combat gear in preparation for invading the school zone
Israeli soldiers rush to their full combat gear in preparation for invading the school zone

As if the Israeli forces dominance over the stone throwing children is not already apparent by the extreme imbalance of force shown, fully armoured Israeli soldiers rush beyond the checkpoint into the busy school street. Waving guns in an attempt to scare any innocent bystanders in the process, the soldiers make their way to the Palestinian school. Carefully positioning themselves for the optimal angle, the Israeli commander of the unit teaches a fumbling soldier how to load his assualt rifle with tear gas, then proceeds to fire it towards woman and children. Tear gas soon fills the street and leaves many school children and their protective families struggling to see and breath.

Israeli commander instructs his soldier on how to fire a tear gas grenade at fleeing Palestinian children
Israeli commander instructs his soldier on how to fire a tear gas grenade at fleeing Palestinian children
Local Palestinian woman and children were the target of Israeli forces tear gas
Local Palestinian woman and children were the target of Israeli forces tear gas

This is our third day in a row at this checkpoint and each day its gotten progressively worse. First with stun grenades, then tear gas and assault rifles with the safety pins removed. The soldiers are out of control. It’s beyond shocking. Back home we wouldn’t even have a reference point for this craziness. It’s impossible to contemplate until you actually come here and witness occupation. No one in there would ever imagine that this happens to children in this day and age.” ISM activist on the scene.

Israeli forces continue to encroach into a school zone after already tear gassing the retreating children
Israeli forces continue to encroach into a school zone after already tear gassing the retreating children

A second unit of Israeli forces then enters from the adjacent street, pushing deeper into the school zone as the other unit pulls back. With their safety pins removed and their assault rifles darting from one innocent child to another, soldiers assert their dominance over the unarmed Palestinian people and even begin threatening local drivers in their cars at gun point.

At one point I thought the Palestinian driver was going to be killed for sure. The soldier was yelling at him in Hebrew whilst walking with the car back in reverse before the poor driver just eventually sped off for his life. An innocent driver… Madness.” Human rights defender.

Israeli soldier threatens to open fire on innocent Palestinian driver whilst soldiers continue to target the school children
Israeli soldier threatens to open fire on innocent Palestinian driver whilst soldiers continue to target the school children

“The children? Haha… I am a man… I am THE man.” An Israeli soldier’s response to an activist when questioned about his moral decision to throw a stun grenade at young Palestinian children.

The attrocities experienced by these young Palestinian children are not isolated. They are occurring every day. And they are occurring to Palestinian kids all over the occupied territories. Even with the presence of internationals to bring an element of desperately needed accountability to this horrific occupation, Israeli forces still show no mercy towards the Palestinian people. But with sorrow comes opportunity. An opportunity for the world to come together and bring about positive change. Regarding an issue that is unanimously regarded as sacred, the safety and wellbeing of children is something that no legitimate governing state would ever compromise. With the fragile lives of these children in the balance, it is up to the rest of the world to join together in unity and demand an end to this barbaric treatment and Israel’s apartheid regime.

Palestinian school children enjoying the safety of their class room
Palestinian school children enjoying the safety of their class room

Israeli forces continue policy of arbitrary and violent arrests in Hebron’s Old City

25th February 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On 25th February 2016, Israeli forces violently arrested two Palestinian men in the souq, the Palestinian market, in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron). Both of them were arbitrarily arrested and finally allowed to leave only after residents intervened.

Palestinian arrested by Israeli forces with arm twisted behind his back
Palestinian arrested by Israeli forces with arm twisted behind his back

Israeli forces entered a Palestinian house in the souq that is undergoing renovations already in the morning – as settlers from the nearby illegal settlements had repeatedly complained about the ongoing renovation work at the Palestinian house to the army. Following the orders of the settlers, the Israeli army entered the Palestinian market and the Palestinian family home in order to stop the renovations. Similarly, in the afternoon, Israeli forces climbed the staircase to the roof where they stayed for about an hour. International observers that arrived in the house were prevented by the Israeli forces from accessing the roof as soldiers pointed their guns at them to force them to stay at the bottom of the staircase.

When the soldiers finally left the family roof, it became clear that they had arrested two Palestinian men. They clearly dragged one of them, Yusef, down the staircase with his arm painfully twisted behind his back, even though he at no point resisted or fought back. Israeli forces also violently pushed him into a door. A second man, an engineer with the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee that is overseeing the renovations in the house, was forced to come with the soldiers. They briskly walked both of the men to the back entrance of the illegal settlements, where they were held in front of the door that directly leads into the settlement by the group of seven soldiers. The whole time, Yusef had his arm twisted behind his back by a soldier, that would not let go of him. When international observers asked the engineer for his name, in order to be able to inform his family about the arrest, soldiers forcefully instructed him not to talk to them.

Israeli forces dragging Yusef down the stairs
Israeli forces dragging Yusef down the stairs

Palestinian families living close to the entrance to the illegal settlement came out of their houses, trying to find out why the two men were arrested. Soldiers refused to give any information though, and only when two residents that were able to speak Hebrew talked to the soldiers, did they say what the problem was. According to the soldiers, Yusef was arrested as his ID was ‘old’, meaning it was worn out. As residents took out their own ID-cards and compared them with Yusef’s to show to soldiers that this does not mean that it is a mere photocopy of an ID-card, but how the green West Bank Palestinian ID-card actually looks like, they eventually let him go. The other man was also eventually allowed to leave.

Israeli forces photographing Palestinian ID with their private phones
Israeli forces photographing Palestinian ID with their private phones

The soldiers disappeared back through the door into the illegall settlement located in the historic city center of al-Khalil. The power the settlers living there wield over the soldiers is clearly illustrated by simple complaints by them resulting in soldiers stopping renovations in a Palestinian house that had previously been approved by the Israeli government, and the entirely arbitrary arrest of the two Palestinian men.

Wreath-laying in commemoration of Ibrahimi mosque massacre

25th February 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

25 February 2016 marks the 22nd anniversary of the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque massacre in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron). In commemoration of the Palestinians killed in this massacre, the Hebron Defense Committee (HDC) organised a wreath-laying at the martyrs cemetry.

Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli settler walked into the Ibrahimi mosque on 25th February during the Ramadan noon-prayer and opened fire on the worshippers, executing 29 and injuring more than 120 Palestinians. In the direct aftermath of this massacre, Israeli forces started cracking down on Palestinian basic human rights, freedom of movement and freedom of worship. The Ibrahimi mosque was divided into two parts and a synagogue installed in one part with exclusive use for Israeli settlers from the illegal Israeli settlers in al-Khalil. The once bustling Palestinian market in Shuhada Street was closed for Palestinians, their shops forced to close and doors welded shut – and has now become known as ‘ghost town’.

In order to remember and commemorate the Palestinians killed in the massacre, the Hebron Defense Committee, representatives of the families of the martyrs of the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, the governor of Hebron amongst others attended the wreath-laying at the martyrs cemetry in al-Khalil, where those killed by Israeli forces and settlers are laid for their last rest. In a speech, Hisham Sharabati, the coordinator of the HDC, stressed the importance of the ‘freedom of worship’ that is so often infringed on by the Israeli forces, and the duty to protect this freedom. As direct results of the heinous massacre committeed by Baruch Goldstein, Israeli forces imposed restrictions and closures on the whole Palestinian population – a collective punishment that is illegal under international law – in an attempt to force Palestinians out. According to Hisham Sharabati, thus it is even more important to remember and continue the struggle for their rights, under the motto ‘Dismantle the Ghetto, take the settlers out of Hebron‘ with the aim of ending the illegal Israeli occupation.


The representative of the families of those murdered in the Ibrahimi mosque massacre asked for more attention for the victims families. Whereas the grave of Baruch Goldstein in the biggest illegal settlement right on the outskirts of occupied al-Khalil, Kiryat Arba, has become a shrine that is worshipped by settlers not only from al-Khalil but throughout the occupied West Bank and Israel; while the families of the Palestinian victims are asking for more attention. Instead, they are suffering from the Israeli forces violence, harassment and closures that are violently enforced on the whole Palestinian population in al-Khalil.

Wreaths in the martyrs cemetery

22 years after the Ibrahimi mosque massacre, Palestinians still suffer consequences

25th February 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On the 25th of February 1994, a US citizen residing in the illegal Kiryat Arba settlement entered the Ibrahimi mosque in the early morning during the month of Ramadan. Baruch Goldstein, dressed in his army uniform, opened fire on the Palestinians that were crammed inside for the prayer. He killed 29 men and boys and injured dozens before people overpowered him and beat him to death.

That day, many more Palestinians were killed in Hebron during riots protesting the massacre that had occurred, in front of the mosque and the hospital where the injured were treated, as well as in the cemetery were the dead were being buried. In the next few days, protests and marches happened all over the West Bank and across historic Palestine. It is believed that in total, in these few days, 50 to 70 Palestinians were killed, and over 250 were injured.

Immediately after the attack, the Israeli government released a statement condemning this act and affirming that Goldstein was acting on his own behalf. The Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin called Goldstein a “degenerate murderer, a shame on Zionism and an embarrassment to Judaism.” Rabin always affirmed that Goldstein acted on his own behalf and that the Israeli military had no knowledge of his plans. Though his act was condemned, it resulted in many measures that mostly impacted on Palestinians. Instead of evacuating the settlements of Hebron, only a few of the most extreme settlers were temporarily disarmed.

A round-the-clock curfew was imposed. Shops in Shuhada Street were forced shut by the Israeli army, on the pretext of keeping settlers safe on this commercial artery. Many other shops also had to close due to lack of supplies and customers. New checkpoints were installed. Palestinians were first banned from driving and then simply from accessing most of Shuhada Street. Much of these measures resulted in the displacement of many Palestinian families.

In 1997, a protocol was signed between Israel and the PLO, dividing Hebron into two areas: “H1”, controlled by Israeli forces, and “H2”, under Palestinian control. It called for the withdrawal of Israeli soldiers from the H1, which represented 80% of the city. To this day, even though H1 is officially controlled by the Palestinian Authority, it remains under overall Israeli control, while H2 is now the home to many violent and extremist settlers. Some of them still go every year to the tomb of Baruch Goldstein to celebrate his treacherous act of murder.

22 years later, all measures that were declared in Hebron on the 25th of February, 1994 are still enforced, except for the curfew. And settlers are more than ever taking over the city, with the compliance of the Israeli government.

The last tiny bit of Shuhada Street, that was not (yet) declared a ‘sterile zone’ and thus been completely barred for Palestinians, has been under repeated ‘closed military zone’ orders since 1st November 2015. Whereas the majority of Shuhada Street has been completely unaccessible for Palestinians, the tiny strip leading from the recently ‘renovated’ Shuhada checkpoint up to the illegal Beit Hadassah settlement, is slowly resembling a ‘ghost street’ more and more, as only Palestinians registered with the Israeli army are allowed to go there.

The closed military zone order is an illegal collective punishment on the whole Palestinian population of this area, that was forced to register in order to be allowed to live in their own houses whereas settlers in the adjacent illegall settlements can walk the roads freely and completely undisturbed. This clearly is just another step in the Israeli policy of making life for Palestinians as hard and humiliating as possible in an attempt to make them leave the area and eventually drive all of them out and connect the settlements.

Every year, Palestinians in occupied al-Khalil commemorate the Ibrahimi mosque massacre and protest against the closure of Shuhada Street and the illegal Israeli occupation. The week, leading up to the 22nd anniversary of the massacre, has seen and will continue to see creative activities and demonstrations. This past week there were also many commemorations of Palestinians, most of whom have been gunned down by Israeli forces and left to bleed to death without any medical help.

Children harassed yet again at Salaymeh checkpoint

24th February 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Today, like any other day, the children of Palestine prepared for their grim and demoralising walk to school through the Salaymeh checkpoint. The notorious checkpoint where Yasmin al-Zarour  was shot down by Israeli occupying forces just 10 days ago. The current situation is one that is hard to imagine but is what has become an unwanted yet regrettably accepted reality for the people of Palestine under the Zionist occupation.

Following the same tedious and demoralising procedure as the day before and as far back as one cares to remember. The people crossing through the metal detectors at the Salaymeh checkpoint are made to remove (at soldiers requests) any metallic objects; be it cell phones, coins, wallets, shoes, belts, be susceptible to body searches, have their bags searched, have ID’s checked and can even be detained for hours without reason.

An Israeli soldier prepares a tear gas grenade to be shot at children
An Israeli soldier prepares a tear gas grenade to be shot at children

As is one of the only acts of defiance that children can show to this heinous occupation, young children gather at the base of the road to throw stones uphill at heavily combat and armour clad soldiers. The reaction of the occupying forces is swift. Like it was the day before only this time the threat of using more force is clearly evident and documented by the onlooking ISM activists.

A soldier was quick to hurl a stun grenade at the children below following the stone throwing. Ignoring the fellow Palestinian’s passing by the grenade falls well short, like it did the day before only this time no damage was done or was at least seeable to the parked cars that it landed between. Following the initial grenade the soldiers adorn their combat helmets and pass through the checkpoint. A remaining soldier on the other side of the checkpoint adjusts his M16 assault rifle to prepare a tear gas canister to be fired from it.


As the soldiers passed through the checkpoint and were waiting by nearby shops and houses, a soldier passes another a tear gas grenade. Other young children on their way to school can be seen walking through the checkpoint but after assessing the situation and coming into close vicinity of the soldiers they make the decision to turn around and go back.

An elderly Palestinian man ushers the stone throwing children away and is clearly seen to not be happy with them. However little impact the stones may have had, the sound of the grenades going off and tear gas inhalation at 7:30am or any time of the day in a suburban area is not what any local Palestinian wishes for.

As the children dispersed the soldiers remain. It’s during this time that we notice an ambulance parked up next to the checkpoint. This ambulance belongs to the infamous Israeli settler Ofer who is supposed to be a medic. He is generally always on scene at most reported stabbing attempts and is notorious for never administering the required first aid to assist in keeping the critically wounded Palestinians alive after they’ve been shot by occupying Israeli forces. Instead he opts to instil fear into the young soldiers like in the case of Yasmin al-Zarour by claiming that bags may contain bombs or to check rooftops for snipers. While the settler Ofer may seem an unimaginable person or however far out the scenario described may seem, it is one of the very real and very horrible situations that Palestinian people are faced with.

The notorious settler Ofer and his ambulance taking personal footage
The notorious settler Ofer and his ambulance taking personal footage

Since the shooting of Yasmin after the reported stabbing attack she is yet to be charged with, the Salaymeh checkpoint has been scheduled for maintenance. This maintenance will now see it become upgraded to appear more like the current Shuhada street checkpoint that resembles a large metal fortress. This will undoubtedly lead to longer waiting times at the checkpoint, more thorough searches and more de-humanising of the Palestinian people while settlers walk freely and have the full protection of the Israeli army.

While the spirit of the Palestinian people remains strong, nothing will change without international acknowledgment of this apartheid regime and the genocidal actions being implemented by the zionist state of Israel.