Members of French Parliament Attending Tomorrows Demonstration in Bil’in

For Immediate Release

Tomorrow 36 members of the French Parliament and regional mayors will join the people of Bil’in for their weekly protest against the apartheid wall and settlements. Palestinian, Israeli and international protestors will meet at 12pm by the mosque in Bil’in village to march to a site near the Modi’in Illit settlement.

The popular committee of Bil’in have been organizing weekly protests for almost three years now, culminating in an Israeli supreme court decision to reroute the apartheid wall further west to give Bilin 250 acres of its land back.

However, the protest continues as the supreme court also rejected a petition to stop the construction of another Israeli settlement, Mattiyahu East, on Bil’ins land even further to the west. Israel, with US support, appears determined to retain major West Bank settlement blocs, including one west of Bil’in, that carve the West Bank into bantustans.

The weekly protest started In December, 2004 when the Israeli army started bulldozing village land and uprooting olive trees to build the wall. Palestinians, Israelis and internationals suffered patiently together as the soldiers met the nonviolent actions with teargas, rubber-coated steel bullets, and clubs. Over 800 have activists have been injured in 200 demonstrations. An Israeli attorney and a Bil’in resident both suffered permanent brain damage from rubber-coated steel bullets shot from close range. Another Palestinian lost sight in one eye. 49 Bil’in residents, including some protest leaders have arrested, even had their houses raided by the army. Some people have spent months in prison.

Creative activities are a regular feature of the protests. One Friday, activists locked themselves inside a cage, representing the wall’s impacts. Another time, a Palestinian “outpost” was built on village land located behind the wall and next to an Israeli settlement, mimicking the Israeli strategy of establishing outposts to expand settlements.

Another Friday protestors handed the Israeli soldiers a letter saying, “Had you come here as guests, we would show you the trees that our grandfathers planted here, and the vegetables that we grow… There will never be security for any of us until Israelis respect our rights to this land.”

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Don’t Sign for Apartheid in Palestine

The French group “Two Peoples, Two States” calls the public for signing a petition (based on a “Two States Solution”, on the outlines of the Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abbed Rabbo’s “Geneva Initiative”, and the Ami Ayalon and Sari Nusseibeh’s “The Peoples Voice”), which “acknowledge the equal legitimacy of both liberation struggle movements”, and which, in a suspicious way, fails to call for Israel’s full compliance with its obligations under international law through ending its illegal military occupation, its denial of Palestinian refugee rights, and its system of racial discrimination against its own Palestinian citizens.

The unfortunate and harmful support to this petition by religious, secular, political, union, antiracist organizations, among others, at Zionists organizations side, reveals either ignorance of the hidden agenda inherent in the whole initiative, deceptively camouflaged as a collective call for peace, or willingness to forfeit the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in return for advancing selfish interests.

We ask the French audience and the supporters of a fair peace in Palestine not to be part of this public relations sham, which covers up a deceitful political agenda that falls significantly short of international law tenets and the Palestinian national program.

The “Two Peoples, Two States” group’s campaign poses many problems, among them, a lack of distinction between the occupier and the occupied, the implicit support to the maintenance of the Israelis settlement blocks, the obvious contempt to the right of return for the refugees, the non-mention to the Israeli illegal wall and the lack of any reference to the international law and/or to the human rights.

As the Oslo Agreements and the “Disengagement Plan from Gaza”, the peace process, currently mulled over, is an initiative aimed at enforcing the Israeli control on the whole historical Palestine, while allowing Israel to get rid of its responsibilities towards an important part of the Palestinian people.

The group “Two Peoples, Two States” quotes and upholds the fundamentals of the “Geneva Initiative” and “The Peoples Voice”:

“The State of Israel as Jewish People’s State, the State of Palestine as Palestinian People’s State, both derived from a legitimate national liberation movement, specifically:

the dismantling of most of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, territories swaps agreed by both parties on the basis of the 1967 borders”.

Israel will maintain its major population centres in the West Bank; known as settlement blocs, which, according to Perez, represent no more than 5% of the West Bank, and it does not include Occupied Jerusalem, where there are 250.000 Israeli settlers living.

Israel proposes to the Palestinians a swap according to which it would give the same amount of land Israel populated by Palestinians who hold Israeli citizenship. This will allow Israel to remove some of its Arab population, which most Jewish Israelis perceive as “demographic threat” to the nature of the Jewish state.

“. a dignified and realistic solving of the Palestinians refugees issue governed by the respect of the Israeli sovereignty,”

In his letter sent to Sharon in 2004, Bush stated: ” It seems clear that an agreed, just, fair and realistic framework for a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue as part of any final status agreement will need to be found through the establishment of a Palestinian state, and the settling of Palestinian refugees there, rather than in Israel.”

Consequently, in the Israel’s offer, the right of return will be granted to the Palestinian refugees, not in their homes, but in some small parts non adjacent to their original homeland and divided in separated territorial units (walled up ghettos), without any opportunity to maintain a long-lasting economy and without any control on water, energy or on any other essential resources. They will be allowed to come back in a cage whose door will be controlled by Israel.

“. (…) and a partition of Jerusalem as capital for both States.”

According to several reports, ” There will be two capitals in Jerusalem, one for Israel and one for Palestine. The Israeli neighbourhoods will be under Israeli sovereignty and the Arab neighbourhoods under Palestinian sovereignty. There will be cooperation between both authorities which will allow for better administration of people’s lives. Special arrangements will be prepared to secure access to Holy places for all religions “
Therefore, on September 24, the Israeli military commander of the West Bank has issued an expropriation order for about 120 hectares of land located in the Jerusalem area, in order to build 3.500 new houses as part of Project E1 and in extension of the huge settlement Maale Adumin, where 30,000 Israeli settlers are already living, the Wall and a road for Palestinian use. Then the city of Jerusalem will be completely surrounded by Israeli settlements, and no Palestinian living in the West Bank will have access to it.

Furthermore, it is obvious that Israel is insisting on arrogating large parts of occupied East Jerusalem on the ground that Jewish neighborhoods go to Israel and Arab neighborhoods go to a “future” Palestinian state.

That would be disastrous for the Palestinian cause since it would entail the whitewashing of decades of theft of Palestinian property in Palestine’s holy capital, as there are not “mere neighborhoods.” These are illegal settlements built on confiscated Arab land for the sole purpose of obliterating East Jerusalem’s Arab (Muslim-Christian) identity.

We denounce and oppose to these efforts to violate the Palestinians’ human rights, and we assert that the only solution to the Israelo-Palestinian “conflict” should be based on the International Law and the Human Rights, references which do not appear in the call of the “Two Peoples, Two States”’s campaign.

We maintain that the new Israelis generous offer, a two-states solution promoted by G. Bush and C. Rice, will not actually establish two states, and must not be seen as a solution. It will only be the establishment of Apartheid, with the support of the international community.

We call for the 129 organizations and 7815 individuals that have already endorsed this petition, to withdraw their support to this movement that does not promote, at any time, the right of the Palestinian people to justice, equality and freedom.

We also ask those that have not been engaging yet in this call to help us in asking Israel to respect the international law and to put pressure on our governments, particularly the European Union as member of the Quartet, to implement their own decisions in order to apply the international humanitarian law (2005 / C 327/04), and the imposition of sanctions and restrictive measures.

Jalud Olive Harvest Stopped by Armed Settlers and the Israeli Army

The Ibrahim family of the West Bank village of Jalud, accompanied by international and Israeli Human Rights Workers (HRWs), were forcibly prevented from harvesting their land yesterday by both armed settlers and the Israeli Army. Jalud, a community of about 500 people in the district of Nablus, regularly faces harrassment from nearby settlements and settlement outposts. Of the 16,000 dunums that belonged to the village, 10,000 dunums has been illegally confiscated for settlements whilst another 2,000 has been declared a military closed zone.

At approximately 10 am, several dozens farmers, joined by around 20 international and Israeli HRWs, began to pick olives on village land to the west of an outpost from Shilo settlement. Three Israeli soldiers immediately came down from the outpost and ordered the villagers to stop their harvest. The soldiers were quickly followed by around 20 settlers, armed with handguns, machine guns and a large attack dog, who attempted to steal the farmers’ equipment along with the few olives that had already been picked.

One HRW saw a Palestinian woman roughly pushed by a settler, who then proceeded to dump everything out of the bags she was carrying. Army reinforcements soon arrived on the scene and aggressively forced the farmers into a corner of the grove. At approximately 11.30am the army threatened the farmers with teargas and rubber bullets, forcing the party to leave with only one bag of olives picked. No attempts were made by the army or police to remove the settlers from the land, despite it being declared a Closed Military Zone.

The Ibrahim family have not been able to harvest their olives since 2004. Every year Fawzi Ibrahim has sent the land ownership documents to the DCO for permission to work the land, but has received no response. He estimates that the family loses roughly $40,000 a year in olive oil production and another $50,000 in chick peas and wheat. He is now forced to rely on his 2,000 NIS a month salary from his teaching work in Hawara and can no longer afford the legal fees required to fight for his land through the Israeli courts. The last time he went to court over his land, when a settler from Shilo had harvested $20,000 worth of his wheat, the court agreed that the land was his and the settler had illegally harvested the wheat, but only awarded Fawazi Ibrahim 80 NIS in compensation, whilst sentencing the convicted settler to 140 hours community service to be completed within the settlement.

Al-Haq: Open Letter to Quartet Members: Israel’s Recent Land Confiscations East of Occupied Jerusalem


1 November 2007

Dear Quartet Member,

As a Palestinian non-governmental organisation dedicated to the protection and promotion of international human rights and humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Al-Haq is gravely concerned at the planned land confiscations in the vicinity of East Jerusalem, and requests that the Quartet assert itself as a relevant actor in defending the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.

On 24 September 2007 the Israeli military commander of the West Bank signed a land expropriation order targeting occupied Palestinian land to the east of Jerusalem, in the West Bank. The immediate aim of these expropriations is to begin the construction of a road, for Palestinian use, linking the southern, eastern and northern areas of the West Bank at the expense of Palestinian property rights, territorial contiguity and ultimately, self-determination.

According to the map attached to the military expropriation order, the new road will circumvent the Israeli settlement of Ma’ale Adumim and other adjacent settlements, and run near the southern and eastern edge of the planned route of the Annexation Wall surrounding these settlements. The recent confiscations cannot therefore be viewed in isolation, but must be seen as forming an integral part of both the Wall’s associated infrastructure and Israel’s territorial ambitions around occupied East Jerusalem. Once constructed, the wall around the ‘Adumim bloc’ will enclose some 61 square kilometres of the occupied West Bank, and jut across some 45 % of the width of the West Bank at its narrowest point. Under a longstanding Israeli development plan, the land between Ma’ale Adumim and occupied East Jerusalem, an area referred to by the Israeli authorities as “E-1,” will be used for the construction of some 3,500 Israeli housing units, driving a contiguous wedge of illegal settlements and their associated infrastructure through the centre of the West Bank. The primary road arteries used by Palestinians to access East Jerusalem and to travel between the north, south and east of the West Bank currently run in close proximity to the “E-1” area. The recent confiscation of land and planned road represent a clear intention to limit and prevent Palestinian access to this area, further consolidating Israel’s control over East Jerusalem’s immediate surroundings and fracturing the West Bank.

Land Confiscation

Israel, as the occupying power in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, is prohibited under international humanitarian law from destroying private or public property unless such destruction is “rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.” Further, the “extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly,” amounts to a ‘grave breach’ of the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Fourth Geneva Convention)Fourth Geneva Convention, entailing individual criminal responsibility for those committing, ordering or knowingly allowing such a breach to be committed.

The requirement of ‘military necessity’ grants an occupying power substantial discretion in determining a course of action. However, this discretion is not unlimited. First, the action must serve a military purpose. Second, military necessity cannot justify the violation of other rules of international humanitarian law, and third, the expected military advantage flowing from the action must not be disproportionate to the harm caused to the civilian population.

As already noted, the planned road will provide an alternative to Palestinian use of the road network in the “E-1” area. In combination with access restrictions imposed by the route of the Wall and its associated infrastructure, Palestinians travelling in the West Bank will be forced around the Ma’ale Adumim settlement ‘bloc,’ facilitating the construction of further settlement infrastructure in the E-1 area, including 3,500 new housing units. These intended developments and the settlements already present stand in clear violation of international humanitarian law. Article 49(6) of the Fourth Geneva Convention states that an occupying power “shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”

In addition, the fragmentation of the West Bank inherent in Israel’s territorial ambitions, manifested clearly by Israel’s settlement construction and land confiscation in and around East Jerusalem, renders the meaningful exercise of the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to right to self-determination impossible. As noted by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967,

The right to self-determination is closely linked to the notion of territorial sovereignty. A people can only exercise the right of self-determination within a territory. The amputation of Palestinian territory by the Wall seriously interferes with the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people as it substantially reduces the size of the self-determination unit (already small) within which that right is to be exercised.

Israel has repeatedly stated its intention to retain control over the most populous settlements in any future negotiated solution. This would amount not only to a violation of the right to self-determination as described above, but would also constitute the annexation of territory by force, a practice absolutely prohibited under contemporary international law.

Based on the above, it is clear that Israel cannot avail itself of ‘military necessity’ as a justification for its recent land confiscation and planned destruction. The confiscation and destruction of the land does not serve a military purpose, but rather is part and parcel of Israel’s illegal settlement policy and the construction of the Annexation Wall. The inherent and resulting denial of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the de facto annexation of territory by force, causes massive and disproportionate harm to the occupied civilian population. As such, the land confiscation and planned road not only constitutes a violation of international humanitarian law in its own right, but also serves to entrench other egregious violations of international law.

International Legal Obligations

Under Article 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the High Contracting Parties “undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances.” This requires that states must not only avoid taking action that would contribute to or recognise situations arising from the violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, but that they must also actively seek to bring violations committed by other states to an end.

Further, under the terms of General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV),

Every State has the duty to promote, through joint and separate action, realization of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, and to render assistance to the United Nations in carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to it by the Charter

While not the object of specific international legal obligations the Quartet must, if it is to serve any other purpose than providing tacit consent to Israel’s violations of international law, explicitly affirm fundamental international legal norms, including the right to self-determination, the prohibition on the annexation of territory by force and the illegality of Israel’s settlement policy. As an immediate first step towards this, the Quartet should demand the immediate cancellation to the most recent confiscation orders, the cessation of all settlement construction and the construction of the Annexation Wall in the OPT, and that these structures be dismantled. As already recognised by the Quartet the settlements and Annexation Wall are serious obstacles to achieving a just and durable peace.

Additionally, participation in the Quartet does not shield its members from their individual international legal obligations. Al-Haq therefore calls upon:

* The European Union to implement its own guidelines on promoting compliance with international humanitarian law (2005/C 327/04), including the imposition of sanctions and restrictive measures.

* The United Nations, and in particular Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, to explicitly demand Israel’s compliance with fundamental principles of the United Nations, in particular self-determination and the prohibition on the annexation of territory by force.

* The United States and Russian Federation to uphold their obligations under Article 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and adopt immediate and unflinching diplomatic and other measures to ensure Israel’s compliance with the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention.


Shawan Jabarin
General Director

*For a map of the planned road, settlements and route of the Annexation Wall referred to in the above document click here:

Settlers burn olive trees in Jamma’in

The West Bank village of Jamma’in has 10 000 residents, most of them farmers, and is close to the biggest illegal settlement in the west bank, Ariel, and another smaller one, Tapua. Often the villagers are harassed by settlers, most recently a few days ago when an old man was mugged whilst harvesting his olive field. Two weeks ago settlers also burnt down 50-60 olive trees and refused the fire brigade access to the site of the fire, ensuring the entire field was burnt. The army and settlers also regularly prevent farmers planting new trees on their land.

Last year the villagers from Jamma’in, with the assistance of internationals, built a simple stone road to get a better access to their olive field. Before long the army installed a roadblock rendering it inaccessible by motor vehicle.

Israeli military invasions are frequent in the village, often it is alleged that the village is harboring terrorists or one of its residents has attacked a settler. A few days ago a settler from Ariel was actually shot, and although the attacker’s origin is unknown, the army blocked the road connecting Jamma’in with the main road, forcing the villagers to travel extensive distances to reach the village. This is an example of collective punishment, which is illegal under the Geneva Convention, but all too frequent in West Bank and Gaza.

A fence separates the village from the main road. In no way does it provide any extra security to either of the settlements but merely serves to impede villagers access to their fields.

The population of Jamma’in is growing. Opportunities to build new houses, however, are extremely limited as building is only allowed in area A, and the village is closely bound by area B. House demolitions are frequent along the area A/B boundary, worsening the housing crisis and devastating families. Class sizes in the village school now exceed 50 children in one small room as the school building has no room to expand.

In contrast, Ariel is expanding. Currently there is only a fence along the proposed route of the apartheid wall and it is feared that the route of the wall will be diverted upon completion to annex the villages water source. The annexation of Palestinian water sources by the apartheid wall is an under-reported but integral aspect to the occupation. This process, along with the incursions into the West Bank the wall makes around Salfit and Jerusalem, greatly undermines the chance of setting up of a viable Palestinian state.

Ten years ago the villagers set up a womens center, staffed by local volunteers. Activities include coaching children through their exams and helping them with any problems they may have at school. They also have a library and are going to give several workshops, including computer lessens. Another initiative is a campaign against violence towards women, the center organises demonstrations and actions to raise public awareness of this issue. They are looking for other womens organisations around the world to work with, if you are involved with one and are interested in becoming a partner organisation to the Jamma’in womens center the e-mail addres is: