Italian delegation denied entry to Gaza – Another soon to follow

(An Italian delegation left to visit Gaza. They were denied entry, but another delegation, working for the European Parliament, is coming soon. This was what they released beforehand.)

The initiative “Gaza must live – appeal to end a genocidal embargo” was launched at the end of September.

The appeal was promoted, among others, by a considerable number of representatives of personalities from the spheres of culture and academia. Among the most renowned names are the philosopher (and former member of the European Parliament) Gianni Vattimo, the astro-physicist Margherita Hack, the journalist and ex MP Lucio Manisco, the professor of philosophy of law Danilo Zolo, the historian Franco Cradini, the poet Edoardo Sanguineti as well as two important personalities of the Christian world, Giulio Girardi and Giovanni Franzoni. Others who signed include the European MP Giulietto Chiesa (who is at the same time one of the most outstanding Italian journalists) as well as three senators: Fernando Rossi (former Party of Italian Communists), Fosco Giannini (Communist Refoundation) and Mauro Bulgarelli (Greens). About one hundred academics who adhered to the campaign, as did several local committees supporting the Palestinian struggle.

The aim of this initiative is to create awareness in the public opinion about the appalling situation in Gaza, to pressure the Italian government to desist from the criminal embargo, to support humanitarian supplies to the starving people of Gaza, to remove Hamas from the “Black List” and to cancel it altogether and eventually to annul the military co-operation treaty with Israel.

The appeal has been signed so far by about 2.500 people and enjoyed a certain echo in the Italian media: it made the front page of “Corriere della Sera” and was the subject of a televised debate on RAI2.

The next step of the campaign will be a delegation to Gaza during the Christmas period. Invited by humanitarian organisations operating in the Gaza strip, the delegation will include some of the most prominent signers of the appeal including the MPs. The delegation is scheduled to meet humanitarian and political representatives in order to promote initiatives to counter the embargo and provide relief for the population.

But we do not want to conceal the difficulties: the Israeli government totally restricts access to the Gaza strip, thus creating a concentration camp.

Denouncing this barbarisation (it should be remembered that the embargo against Yugoslavia and Iraq covered the movement of goods, against Gaza it also includes persons) the promoters have asked for a meeting with the foreign ministry.

It is time for the Italian government to show colour. It has already rendered itself the accomplice of a devastating embargo. We will see in the forthcoming days whether it will also give in to the Israeli claim to impede any access to Gaza.

(They were denied entry into Gaza, and the Popular Committee against Siege (PCAS) later released this statement on their website,

PCAS expresses solidarity with Italian delegation

Popular Committee against Siege (PCAS) is very sorry for what happened to you but this is an indication of the false claims of our oppressors. Israelis claim that they are democratic, but you have seen that they are barbarous by denying your entry to Gaza strip. This shows how Israeli democracy is false.

It’s only a game to make the people believe that they are victims. Yet, you have seen that the are putting all Gaza residents in a big concentration camp to perish one by one. But, they will never succeed because we are supported by the real democratic like you, the real lovers of freedom who came from far places to say nay for Israeli’s crime.

Your attempt has debunked the Israeli allegation that they are the paragon of democracy. Imagine that what you have faced is always happening to patients! They are being killed in cold blood. Israelis are violating human rights laws, accords, charters and the four Geneva conventions. However, USA and EU are supporting them in a very flagrant way.

Even though you were not allowed in, but our children were very happy that you tried to come and help them. They keep clinging hope on people like yourselves. We express our heartily thanks. We invite you to make more attempts to get into Gaza Strip.

The Gaza strip is in bad conditions, so Israelis will do all steps to prevent others from seeing the real picture. The siege associated with Israeli media blackmail. Today, the number of death toll of Gaza patients under blockade has risen up to 50. So, again we stress on your visit to Gaza…. Or more people will die….!!!

PCAS is still determined that you come to Gaza Strip to interact with what’s going on. Your visit will make the world exposed to humanitarian crisis.

PCAS’s Chairman

MP. Jamal N. El Khoudary

Ha’aretz: From Bil’in to Madison Avenue: Demonstrations Outside the Leviev Jewelry Shop in New York over Danya Cebus’ Construction in the Territories

The Marker: Ha’aretz Daily’s business magazine

By: Nimrod Halperin

Dec. 25

(Translation by Adalah-NY )

The exclusive jewelry shop that Lev Leviev opened in New York became a focus for protests against the extensive construction of settlements in the territories that is being implemented by the construction company Danya Cebus, owned by the diamond and real estate magnate. The New York Post reported that currently, in addition to the protests outside Leviev’s jewelry shop on Madison Avenue in New York, calls are being made to famous people — celebrities, who are also supporters of human rights–to boycott the store, which opened last month.

An American Jewish human rights organization, Jewish Voice for Peace, posted an open letter on their website to the film actress Susan Sarandon, who attended the official opening of the store last month while a protest was taking place outside. In the letter, the Oscar winning actress was asked to “sever her connections” with the jewelry store. “As long time admirers of your work on social justice issues and as Jewish activists working to promote a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, we in Jewish Voice for Peace write to call your attention to the crimes of Lev Leviev and to urge you to announce publicly that you are severing all connections with him and his company” said the letter.

A representative on behalf of Sarandon responded that Sarandon’s attendance at one event in his shop does not constitute “ties.” He added that “she is not connected to any jewelry company.”

Sarandon is not the only celebrity who visited Leviev’s shop and was criticized for doing so by human rights activists. More than a month ago the famous attorney Alan Dershowitz, a prominent pro-Israel supporter in the United States, visited the store at a time when a demonstration outside had been organized. When Dershowitz left the store, in his hand a gift bag, demonstrators asserted that he was a supporter of apartheid.

The company Danya Cebus, which is a subsidiary of Leviev’s company Africa-Israel, is one of the partners spearheading the construction of Modi’in Illit and many other settlements. Modi’in Illit was built on the land of five Palestinian villages, among them the village of Bil’in.

A spokesman on behalf of Leviev stated in a response to the Post that: “the demonstrators are not accurate” in their claims against the Leviev diamond brand. In his words, “the Leviev diamond brand scrupulously follows the Kimberley Process, which follows the origins of diamonds in international markets with the goal of eliminating the trade of blood diamonds.”

The British newspaper “The Sunday Times” uncovered in September that Leviev’s diamond shop in London sold “blood” gems that originated in Burma [Myanmar], and thus contributed to the funding of the military junta government in that country.

The journalist for that newspaper, disguised as a customer, visited Leviev’s flagship boutique on Old Bond Street in London the week before. She requested jewelry that included rubies of Burmese origin. She was shown a ring worth 500,000 UK pounds sterling [approximately one million US dollars] in which was set a five carat ruby and diamonds.

The military junta in Burma receives tens of millions of pounds each year from the sale of precious gems by way of jewelry stores in London, among them Leviev’s boutique, as well as Cartier, Harrod’s and Asprey.

Upwards of 90% of rubies in the world are of Burmese origin, however, often stones are polished in other nearby states such as Thailand, and because of this the origin of the stone is not recorded by customs authorities.

Adalah-NY: Susan Sarandon exploring request that she cut ties with Leviev over Israeli settlement construction

A colorful convoy of Burmese solidarity activists drives by Adalah-NY’s protest at Leviev’s Manhattan Jewelry store on Dec. 8

Adalah-NY: Two Palestinian Villages Ask Susan Sarandon to Repudiate Leviev over Israeli Settlements

For the original article, click here:

An Open Letter by Mohammed Khatib and Sharif Omar

December 26, 2007

Dear Ms. Sarandon,

We felt sorrow when we learned that you accepted Lev Leviev’s invitation to attend the opening night event for his new jewelry store in New York City on November 13 while our friends protested outside, because we respect you for your support for human rights, for your courage in speaking since 2002 against the US war on Iraq, and for your many other honorable public positions.

Lev Leviev is building Israeli settlements on Bil’in and Jayyous’ land, and is also building in the settlements of Har Homa and Maale Adumim around Jerusalem, in violation of international law. Leviev is destroying the olive groves and farms that have sustained our villages for centuries, and is profiting from human rights abuses.

We were reassured to learn from our colleagues in New York City that you expressed interest in learning more about these issues. We still hope that you will also speak in support peace and justice in Palestine. We invite you and would be very pleased to welcome you to visit Palestine, specifically Jayyous and Bil’in, in order to witness what Leviev’s settlements are doing to our communities.

Bil’in: The olive is a symbol of our land and of the Palestinian people. We are connected to the land. We were born in Bil’in like our fathers and grandfathers and their fathers. We belong here. Our mothers took us to harvest olives before we could speak. We remember playing under the olive trees which have since been uprooted by Israeli settlers who have come to live here. There is now a huge and growing settlement called Modi’in Illit where we played as children. It is hard for us to understand that our children cannot play in the same places where we played.

As a result, for the last three years in Bil’in we have engaged in a nonviolent campaign of creative protests with the support of Israeli and international activists to prevent the seizure by Israeli of 50% of our village’s land for the construction of Israel’s wall and the expansion of Modi’in Illit. The Israelis want to control the Palestinians, push us off our land and seize it for themselves. In Bil’in, we have chosen a strategy which makes clear who is the victim and who is the victimizer. We know the Israeli army can choose to deal with us in two ways. If they choose violence, we make sure to get photographs for the media so that everyone sees what we were up against. And if they don’t use violence then we achieve our aim of stopping their bulldozers and delaying construction of their Wall and settlements. But even if the soldiers put down their weapons, which they have not, that would not make us equals in the field. We would always be the stronger because we have the power of justice on our side. We want all the other Palestinians to see this and understand that this is the basis of our strategy.

Over three years of protests in Bil’in more than 800 activists were injured in more than 200 demonstrations in Bil’in. An Israeli attorney and a Bil’in resident both suffered permanent brain damage from rubber-coated steel bullets shot by Israeli soldiers from close range. Another Palestinian lost sight in one eye. 49 Bil’in residents, including some protest leaders, were arrested. Some spent months in prison.

As a result of our protests and in response to our legal petition, in September, 2007, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that Israel’s wall must be rerouted to return half of our land that was being seized, but the Supreme Court also legalized the settlement that Leviev is building on the remaining 25% of our land, though the wall is being built in violation of even Israeli law.

In response, we vowed to continue our nonviolent struggle to save the olive groves that our families have cultivated for centuries, and we have put our experience at the service of other communities struggling against the wall and settlements.

Jayyous: In October, 1988 the Israeli military governor of our district, Qalqilya, gave Jayyous’ mayor a military declaration saying that nearly 500 acres of Jayyous’ agricultural land was “state land.” The declaration granted us 45 days to prepare our landownership documents and maps to appeal that decision to an Israeli military court. 79 farmers from Jayyous appealed. The Israeli government has used British mandate laws, Ottoman laws, and the absentee landlord law to confiscate Palestinians’ land. If this is not enough the Israeli army confiscates our land for “security reasons.” Jayyous’ farmland includes some of the most fertile and water-rich land in the West Bank.

In May, 1996, the Israeli court decided on our 1988 appeal. 18 farmers from Jayyous lost all their land, some lost part of their land, while others kept their land. In 1993 LIDAR – a real state enterprise owned by the businessman Lev Leviev – established a quarry on some of Jayyous’ land that we were appealing to keep, three years before the Israeli court decision which took that land away.

During this period it became clear that LIDAR was an enemy of the people of Jayyous. LIDAR used bulldozers to prepare our land for houses for Israeli settlers, and TNT to detonate more than 16 acres for a quarry. They uprooted all the olive trees on that land. As a direct result of the quarry work, all the neighboring vegetables and fruit around have been covered with dust. LIDAR also uprooted the olive trees on two other plots. Many olive trees died because sewage from Zufim ran for many years through other plots. Other plots were annexed to Zufim.

LIDAR then announced that it would build 1500 new homes in a large area located 1.2 miles north of Zufim for “North Zufim.” Finally, in 2002 the Israel government began building its wall in Jayyous, up to 3.5 miles from the border with Israel, so as to annex 75% of Jayyous’ land (1700 acres) and six underground wells for Zufim. The land to be cut off was used to grow fruits and vegetables which sustain our village’s economy. According to the respected Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem’s 2005 report “Under the Guise of Security”, “the primary consideration in determining the route of the barrier around Zufin was to leave areas planned for the settlement’s expansion and for a nearby industrial zone on the ‘Israeli’ side of the barrier”, thus increasing “the number of Palestinians who are separated from their farmland, infringing their right to freedom of movement, their right to work and gain a livelihood, and their right of property.”

Despite more than 60 nonviolent protests organized by Jayyous’ people, and supported by Israeli and international activists, the wall has been built here, destroying 130 acres of Jayyous’ land, uprooting 4,000 trees and cutting off 75% of our land. 419 residents from Jayyous have been denied permits to pass through the gate in the Wall to reach their farmland. More than 70% of Jayyous’ farmers are now denied access to their land, many to the area where Leviev plans to expand Zufim. Hundreds of Israeli activists helped us to harvest our olives this fall because so many people from Jayyous could not reach their land.

* * *

We are engaged in a struggle for justice, for our freedom – indeed, for our very lives. We call on you, Ms. Sarandon, to end your relationship with Lev Leviev and stand with us in our struggle to save our land and our communities. We want you to see the facts here, and see what Leviev’s companies LIDAR and Danya Cebus are doing to our land. We would also be pleased to arrange meetings for you with Israeli and international peace activists who participate in our peaceful activities against the construction of settlements and the wall on our land.

As one option, we invite you to join us for Bil’in’s 3rd annual International Conference on Popular Struggle from April 30th- May 2, 2008. In 2007, our conference was attended by participants from around the world, including Irish Nobel Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire, activists from South Africa, and Israeli participants like Nobel prize nominee Jeff Halper, the Coordinator of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions (ICAHD).

But whenever you choose to come – as a supporter of human rights for all peoples, regardless of ethnicity, religion, class or gender – you will be most welcome in Bil’in and Jayyous.

We hope that you will accept our invitation.

Awaiting your kind reply we remain,

Mohammed Khatib for Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements
Sharif Omar for Jayyous’ Land Defense Committee

For background on Susan Sarandon and Lev Leviev:
-November 17 news report on Sarandon attendance at LEVIEV New York opening event
-November 20 letter to Sarandon from Adalah-NY
-December 13 letter to Sarandon from US group Jewish Voice for Peace

Apartheid Masked: Settlements being built and Palestinian homes demolished under the shadow of “peace” talks.

For information, pictures, and video evidence, please contact:
Ronald 0548195210 or 0598254517 or 02-2971829

Peace Now Settlement Watch says: “Although Olmert declared a settlement freeze, we see that on the ground there is construction in settlements all over the West Bank, in all kinds of settlements, and as long as the Government does not stop settlement activity on the ground, the negotiations cannot succeed.”

A group of activists documented this continued construction in several settlements. They also documented the demolition of Palestinian houses which has continued after the peace conference, eight homes having been destroyed since Annapolis. They filmed construction in Nof Zion and Har Homa last week, and also took pictures of construction going on in Modi’in Illit, Ma’ale Adumim, Karnei Shomron, Alfei Menashe, and the Barkan industrial area.

Activists also documented the construction that is taking place on the train being built to run through occupied East Jerusalem villages of Shuafat and Beit Hanina. This train will link settlements like Givat Ze’ev to Jerusalem, and with the settlements inside and around Jerusalem, create facts on the ground which will make a future Palestinian state, with Al-Quds as its capital, impossible.

The Israeli Cabinet recently instructed the Israel Antiquities Authority to continue excavations at the Mugrabi walkway, the former site of the Mugrabi neighbourhood which was demolished in 1967, near the Western Wall in occupied East Jerusalem. A team of Turkish experts who had examined the excavations recommended that Israel stop work immediately. Their findings were published in a report which said that Israel was attempting to disrupt Jerusalem’s history by stressing the Jewish aspect of Jerusalem, and that the excavations were part of a “systematically implemented effort to destroy values associated with cultural assets of the Ayyubid, Mameluke and Ottoman periods.”

The 2003 Roadmap to Peace that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas agreed at Annapolis to resume says unequivocally that Israel must “freeze all settlement activity, including the “natural growth” of existing settlements.”

PNGO: Palestinian Delegation Withdraws from Madrid Just Peace Forum

For immediate release

13 December 2007

Protesting Serious Violations

The Palestinian civil society delegation to the Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East, planned for December 14 to 16 in Madrid, has decided not to participate in the Forum due to serious last-minute violations. Coordinators of the delegation, which was to be led by the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), learned last night that due to unprecedented pressure from the Israeli establishment, a substantial Israeli delegation (different from the progressive civil society Israeli delegation led by the Alternative Information Center, AIC, scheduled to participate in the Forum) was undemocratically and underhandedly “invited” to participate in the Forum without endorsing the Forum’s Reference Document [1]. This is not only a significant breach of the key rule of participation; it is a contravention of the express will of the overwhelming majority of the International Committee, the decision-making steering committee of the conference.

The International Committee, which includes representatives of PNGO, AIC, and other key Arab and international civil society networks, decided as far back as July that any group that wishes to take part in the Forum must first endorse the Reference Document as a necessary condition of participation. This Reference Document articulates the consensus principles agreed upon by the diverse international groups organizing the Forum, and projects an alternative vision for justice and peace based on international law and universal human rights. We, and virtually all of our partners, view the violation of this basic criterion as an undemocratic, unprofessional and utterly unacceptable attempt by some to impose governmental will on a distinguished civil society initiative. Protesting this infringement of democratic principles and recognizing that it effectively opens the door to the possibility of imposing an agenda at odds with the Forum’s vision, several of our local and international partners have also decided to withdraw. These include the Israeli delegation led by AIC, the Occupied Syrian Golan-Heights delegation, as well as many Arab and international figures and institutions.

We are deeply disappointed, saddened and surprised by this not-so-innocently-timed turn of events. We sincerely regret that an otherwise truly inspiring and democratically-organized initiative advocating peace based on justice and solidarity between nations has been hijacked by outside groups that, after failing to influence the progressive and visionary political platform of the Forum, resorted to an undemocratic coup to impose their will. Their political agenda essentially contradicts the basic principle that only peace built on justice, international law and human rights, as outlined in the Forum’s Reference Document, can be viable, equitable and sustainable.

We deeply appreciate the Spanish civil society organizations’ noble and untiring efforts in organizing this Forum in the most professional, progressive and inclusive way. They are our partners for the long haul in the struggle against the forces of occupation, racism and imperial hegemony. We share with them our aspirations for a just peace.
