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Demonstration in Bil’in

On the first anniversary of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling that declared Israel’s Annexation Wall in the West Bank illegal, the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in Bil’in has organized a nonviolent demonstration on Friday the ...

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Update on Yonatan Pollack

Israeli activist Yonatan Pollack, member of Israeli Anarchists Against Walls was arrested in a non-violent demonstration against the Annexation Barrier in the town of Salfit in the West Bank on June 9th. Two activists who were arrested with him were ...

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B’tselem: Means of Expulsion

Violence, Harassment and Lawlessness Toward Palestinians in the Southern Hebron Hills Written by B’tselem. July 2005, Summary www.btselem.org/English/Publications/Summaries/ 200507_South_Hebron.asp In the southernmost West Bank , some one thousand Palestinians have maintained the way of life of their ancestors: living in ...

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Another child shot in Balata

ISM Nablus 2am, 7th July 2005 Israeli armed vehicles arrived at the camp late in the evening. Despite the presence of two large groups of civilians, including two internationals, the soldiers began firing live rounds directly into the camp. We ...

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Harassment of Palestinian Ghandi continues

Bil’in, 3.20 am Israeli Occupation Forces bang on the door of Abdallah Abu-Rahma, prominent member of the Popular Committee Against the Wall, demanding that he attends an interrogation session at Ofer Military Base at 12 o’clock midday with “Rizik”, or ...

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4,050 Palestinians killed during intifada

Report Source: Xinhua An official report said on Sunday that 4,050 Palestinians were killed and 44,848 others injured by the Israeli army since the beginning of the intifada, or uprising, against Israel’s occupation in September 2000. The report, issued by ...

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