Defense of universal jurisdiction speech presented to conference in Madrid

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

22 June 2009

Dear friends, comrades, partners in civil society, and national and international human rights organizations, thank you all for coming, and for joining us here today.

Today, the Gaza Strip lies in ruins. Five months after Israel’s criminal offensive, which cost the lives of 1,414 Palestinians – 83% of whom were civilians – and injured 5,300 others, recovery is impossible. The siege of the Gaza Strip, an illegal form of collective punishment imposed on Gaza’s 1.5 million inhabitants, has now been in place for over two continuous years. Individuals are denied their rights to freedom of movement, people and goods cannot enter or leave. Israel has systematically suffocated the economic and social life of the Strip, and created a humanitarian crisis. In Gaza today there is not even the concrete with which to build a tombstone. Five months after the end of the war, the situation in Gaza is exactly the same as it was on 18 January. Only the weather has changed.

It is because of this illegal siege that I cannot be here with you today. However, I hope that through this speech my words can still reach you.

On 29 January 2009 we were happy and proud. The Spanish Audencia Nacional had asserted that it would launch an investigation into the events surrounding the Al-Daraj attack in Gaza in 2002. This war crime killed 14 civilians, wounded approximately 150 others, and completely or partially destroyed 38 apartment buildings. It was a proud day across the globe, for all those who seek to uphold the rule of law, and to pursue accountability. It was especially significant coming so close as it did after the end of Israel’s war on Gaza. The Spanish judiciary had shown their independence and their integrity, continuing the trail of accountability from Pinochet to Ben-Eliezer.

However, we were shocked to see the Spanish Foreign Minister apologizing to Israel, and promising to change the law. Spain and Europe should be proud of the independence and integrity of their judiciaries. This is something that should be promoted, not restrained.

On 19 May we were shocked once more, as the Spanish Parliament passed a resolution requesting that the government limit the scope of Spain’s universal jurisdiction legislation. Today, we are at risk of losing one of the most important bastions in the fight for universal justice.

The consequences could not be more severe. Simply, they are continued suffering, death, pain and misery, as those who commit international crimes will continue to be granted impunity and encouraged to continue committing atrocities. The effects will be felt throughout the world. We are scared, not only as Palestinians but as international citizens. Without the rule of law, and without accountability, how can we uphold our rights? Are we to be consigned to the rule of the jungle, is Guantanamo to become a model for the future? Is international law to be disregarded, and are human rights to be cast aside, fresh victims of international politics?

It is this shock that has provoked these events in Madrid. We are gathered here, from all strands of society, and all walks of life, to speak out for justice. The rule of law must be upheld. If this amendment passes we will lose one more place where war criminals can be held to account; one more place, where impunity can be combated.

This is not an academic or a legal issue. It affects each and every one of us. To this day Israel pursues those responsible for crimes committed during the holocaust. This is right, and just. Yet this same principle must be applied to all. All suffering is equal, justice cannot be selective. The powerful must be held to account along with the weak. Entire peoples cannot be consigned to the rule of the jungle for the sake of political expediency.

The siege of the Gaza Strip which I referred to earlier is pertinently relevant to the discussion here today. The siege and its effects, which have contributed to the complete economic and social suffocation of Gazaand the emergence of a humanitarian crisis, highlight the key importance of universal jurisdiction. For too long now, Israel has been allowed to violate international law with impunity. Until effective pressure is placed on the State of Israel, and on individuals accused of committing war crimes, until they are investigated and prosecuted in accordance with international legal standards, impunity will prevail. In order for the rule of law to be relevant, it must be enforced. As long as impunity persists, individuals and States will continue to violate international law. It is civilians, the protected persons of international humanitarian law (IHL) who continue to suffer the horrific consequences, as they are killed, maimed, and deprived of their basic human dignity. It is for them that we are gathered here today, and that is something we must never lose sight of. We must continue our fight for justice, on behalf of those to whom justice has been denied.

Universal jurisdiction only applies when States with a more traditional jurisdictional connection to the crime, such as the place of commission, or the nationality of the perpetrator, prove genuinely unwilling or unable to investigate and prosecute. In other words, it applies when national systems are unable to conduct an effective trial, or when they are unwilling to do so: when they attempt to shield those accused of international crimes from justice, to grant them impunity, and to effectively condone their acts. In such instances, universal jurisdiction allows foreign courts – acting as agents of the international community – to investigate and prosecute. Universal jurisdiction is established to ensure that justice is done. These crimes cannot go unpunished, victims legitimate rights to judicial remedy must be upheld. In the face of all that they have suffered, this fundamental principle of human rights cannot be neglected. It must be stressed that universal jurisdiction applies only to the most serious crimes. Crimes that include genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and torture.

Ideally, the practice of universal jurisdiction would not be necessary. The establishment of the International Criminal Court in 2002 was an important step on the road to universal justice, whereby the protections of international law may extend to all individuals, without discrimination. However, to date, international politics have frustrated the development of the ICC. Due to the lack of universal ratification, there remain areas in the world to which enforceable international law does not extend; areas of the world where individuals continue to suffer war crimes, and torture, and where those who commit them are allowed to act with impunity. This situation cannot be allowed to prevail. Politics cannot be placed above individual’s human rights. International human rights law was established to protect individuals from the abuse of State power. It is inexcusable that today, when the fundamental importance of human rights are evident to all, that States be allowed to use their power to act outside the law. To act with impunity.

It is for this very reason, that universal jurisdiction is so important. In the absence of a universally ratified ICC, universal jurisdiction provides the only mechanism whereby international law can extend to all individuals. Today, in the fight against impunity and the fight for victims’ rights, universal jurisdiction represents the very foundation of our work. It is where we must make our stand. Today in Spain, universal jurisdiction cases are being pursued against the United States, against China, and against Israel, some of the most powerful and influential States in the world. Without universal jurisdiction, how can these States be held to account, how can we ensure that international law applies to all individuals, on the basis of their shared humanity and fundamental equality. The rule of law is essential; it is the basis from which human rights evolve. It is unacceptable that those in powerful countries be granted the benefit of the law’s protections, while those in weaker nations, all too often the victims of the powerful, are consigned to the rule of the jungle.

Universal jurisdiction offers hope to victims throughout the entire world, in many cases, it is their only hope. That is why the events of the next few days are of such profound importance. Spain enjoys a proud place in the fight for justice and equality. In the 1930s, international volunteers rallied behind Spain, fighting for freedom against oppression. In recent years, Spain has come to the forefront of the fight for universal justice, pursuing high profile cases such as Pinochet, Scilingo, and the Guatemal Generals. Yet the proposed amendment to Spain’s universal jurisdiction legislation would see this proud history undone. It would represent a serious setback not only for the international legal order, but for all those throughout the world who have been denied justice, those who have suffered at the hands of oppressive regimes, and those who continue to do so.

It is widely believed, that the Spanish proposal came about as a result of political pressure. The source of this political pressure must be acknowledged. It is exerted by States who have been accused of violating international law, of committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and torture. The political pressure placed on the Spanish people is being exerted by States who seek to shield war criminals from justice.

This pressure must be fought. Politics can not be allowed to trample over justice. Individuals’ fundamental human rights cannot be casually disregarded in the corridors of power. Today, and over the coming days we must make a stand. We must speak truth to power.

Justice is not something to be discarded at a whim. Human rights, the fundamental principles of humanity, are vital. They must be protected, promoted, and strengthened. Not denied as a result of political pressure from those States who would see human rights discarded in their own self-interest; those States who believe that human rights are for some, and not for all.

Although universal jurisdiction is a universal issue, relevant to all individuals throughout the world, I would like to speak briefly from a Palestinian perspective. For many reasons I have worked as a human rights lawyer and defender. I have seen continuous violations of international law, and their horrific consequences. As I noted earlier, the Gaza Strip lies in ruins, forced to remain exactly as the Israeli’s left it on the 18 January, over five months ago. The annexation of Jerusalem continues unabashed. Despite recent international attention the illegal expansion of settlements in the West Bank continues.

It is evident that in order for the rule of law to be relevant, it must be enforced. For many years now Israel has been allowed to act with impunity. The consequences have been continuing cycles of violence, and increased violations of international law. The recent offensive of the Gaza Strip frames the consequences of this impunity against a harsh reality. This situation cannot be allowed to persist. Those responsible for such crimes must be investigated and prosecuted in accordance with international legal standards; if they are guilty they must be punished, their victims must see justice done. Those who commit war crimes must know that there are consequences to their actions beyond medals, they must know that they will be punished. Otherwise, as has been proven, war crimes will continue to be committed, civilians will continue to suffer the consequences, denied their legitimate rights, their dignity, and the chance of a normal life.

We will continue to devote time and effort in the fight for the rule of law and accountability. This is our life’s mission. We cannot bring the dead back to life, or remove the physical scars of torture, but we can pursue those responsible. We can attempt to ensure that such atrocities do not happen again.

We must combine our forces. Justice is on our side, and that gives us strength. Yet we are a thousand times stronger with your support, with the support of free people. On behalf of all Palestinians, and the residents of the Gaza Strip, I thank you for your efforts to date, and urge you to continue the fight.

In the interests of justice, and on behalf of the victims whose rights we have been mandated to fight for, this amendment cannot pass. I urge you to do all that you can, to lobby, to agitate, and to demonstrate. The fight against impunity cannot be lost.

PCHR and Spanish civil society organize conferences in Madrid In defense of universal jurisdiction

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

21 June 2009

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), in cooperation with Spanish civil society partners and national and international human rights organizations, are organizing two events in Madrid, Spain, on 22 and 24 June 2009. The events will take place in the Spanish Cultural Centre and the Spanish Congress.

These events are being organized in opposition to a proposed amendment to Spain’s universal jurisdiction legislation. On 19 May 2009, the Spanish Parliament requested that the government draft legislation limiting the scope of Spain’s universal jurisdiction legislation, this amendment will be presented to the Lower House on 26 June. Spain has long been an advocate of universal jurisdiction; it is widely believed that the current amendments are introduced consequent to concerted political pressure on behalf of States intent on shielding alleged war criminals from justice.

PCHR, and Spanish and international civil society and human rights organizations, are united in opposition to the amendment. Universal jurisdiction is an essential component in the international legal order. Crucially, it is also of critical importance in the fight against impunity. International law grants explicit protection to civilian populations. However, in order for the law to be relevant – to be capable of protecting civilians – it must be enforced. As long as States and individuals are allowed to act with impunity, they will continue to violate international law: innocent civilians will continue to suffer the horrific consequences.

PCHR wish to emphasize that universal jurisdiction is not merely a Palestinian issue. It is a legal mechanism intended to ensure that all those responsible for international crimes – which include genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and torture – are brought to justice. Universal jurisdiction is only enacted when States with a more traditional jurisdictional nexus to the crime (related, inter alia, to the place of commission, or the perpetrator’s nationality) prove unwilling or unable to genuinely investigate and prosecute: when they shield those accused of international crimes from justice.

In the interests of victims throughout the world, and all those who continue to suffer at the hands of oppressive regimes, universal jurisdiction must be pursued and strengthened. Universal jurisdiction is a fundamental component in upholding the rule of law. It is a key tool in the fight for universal justice, whereby the protections of international law may be extended to all individuals without discrimination, and victims’ rights ensured through the legal punishment of guilty parties.

PCHR’s Director, Mr. Raji Sourani, was due to present key-note speeches in Madrid. However, owing to the illegal siege of the Gaza Strip – a form of collective punishment which has now been in place for 24 continuous months – he has been denied permission to travel.

On 19 May 2009, the Spanish Parliament passed a resolution requesting that the government limit the scope of Spain’s universal jurisdiction legislation. The proposal calls for the existing legislation to be modified so that cases may only be pursued if they involve Spanish victims or if the accused are present on Spanish soil. The government’s amendment will be presented to Parliament on 26 June. If passed, the legislation will then be passed to the Upper House, before being returned to the Lower House for final approval.

This move represents a regression for Spain, a country that has long acknowledged the fundamental importance of universal jurisdiction. In recent years, a number of high profile universal jurisdiction cases have been pursued in Spanish courts, including Pinochet, Scilingo, and Guatemalan Generals. The Spanish Audencia Nacional (National Court) is currently investigating a case brought by PCHR and Spanish partners in relation to the al-Daraj attack of 2002. This war crime resulted in the deaths of 16 Palestinians, including 14 civilians. Approximately 150 people were injured.

On 4 May 2009, Judge Fernando Andreu of the Spanish Audencia Nacional (National Court) announced his decision to continue the investigation into the events surrounding the al-Daraj attack. The Spanish Court explicitly rejected the arguments of the Spanish Prosecutor and the State of Israel, claiming that Israel had adequately investigated the crime. The judge has confirmed that this position is incorrect, and contrary to the rule of law.
The victims and their legal team have placed their trust in the criminal justice system, believing that this is the only mechanism whereby accountability can be pursued and impunity combated. This trust must not be denied on the basis of political pressure. Politics cannot be placed above the rights of individuals.

On 22 June a roundtable discussion will be held in the Circulo de Bellas Artes room of the Valle Incan. On 24 June an information and advocacy conference will be held in Spanish congress. Both events are themed “In Defense of Universal Jurisdiction.” The events, which will be accompanied by press conferences, will be attended by members of Spanish civil society, Spanish parliamentarians and judges, and representatives of national and international human rights organizations.

PCHR stress that politics cannot be allowed to prevail over the rule of law. Victims’ rights to an effective judicial remedy must be upheld, and those accused of international crimes must be investigated and prosecuted in accordance with the demands of international law. The fight against impunity cannot be lost.

For further information, please see the universal jurisdiction section of PCHR’s website:

Support Sheikh Jarrah: International day of actions against house demolitions in Palestine

The community of Shiekh Jarrah calls on the international community to set up tents outside of Israeli embassies worldwide in solidarity with the neighborhoods threatened with eviction or demolition in occupied East Jerusalem.

Tents have become a powerful symbol of the struggle of Palestinian people living in occupied East Jerusalem. They have been set up as centres of protest in neighbourhoods threatened by numerous eviction and demolition orders, part of Israel’s wider policy to ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of its Palestinian population. Ultimately this would destroy any hope of East Jerusalem becoming the capital of a future Palestinian state. A number of the tents, notably the one in Sheikh Jarrah, have been built by Palestinian residents forcibly evicted from their homes as a result of Israel’s racist policy. Palestinians, who became refugees in 1948 & 1967 are, once again, facing dispossession from their homes and land as our governments stand by and do nothing.

The neighbourhoods most severely affected are Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Ras Khamiis, Al Tur and Sur Beher however house evictions and demolitions are not uncommon in the Old City itself. In Silwan, 88 homes in the al Bustan quarter are facing immediate destruction in order to create space for a planned national park. In addition, two apartment buildings housing 34 families in the adjacent al Abbasiyya quarter have also received demolition orders. When completed, up to 2,000 Palestinians will be uprooted from their homes.

The local communities are calling for international activists to organise symbolic protests and set up tents outside of Israeli embassies or Zionist organisations worldwide to stand in solidarity with the protest tents in the neighbourhoods of Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Ras Khamiis, Al Tur and Sur Beher.

The case of Sheikh Jarrah

The neighbourhood consists of 28 families, and is facing a number of eviction orders which are part of a plan to implant a new Jewish settlement in the area, close to the Old City. After the Al Kurd family has been forcibly removed from their home in November 2008, it is now the turn of the al-Ghawe and Hannoun families to face imminent eviction, while others are awaiting further eviction orders.

The families have gone through 37 years of legal battles, fighting for the right to stay in their houses where many of them have been born and which they legally own. To date, the Israeli courts, including the High Court, decided in favour of the Jewish settler organisations, which claim the ownership of the land based on falsified documents. The courts have not only ignored all the documents produced by the Sheikh Jarrah community which clearly prove their legal status and the ownership of the land, they have also shown that their decisions are not based on law and justice, but are clearly political decisions, serving the goal of cleansing the Palestinian people from Jerusalem.

The latest court hearing, held on the 17th May, ordered the families to sign a guarantee for 50,000 NIS and present a further guarantee for $50,000 from the bank. The court has ruled for this money to be taken if the families refuse to hand in their keys and leave their houses voluntarily by noon on the 19th July. After this date, the settler organisations have permission to enter the houses and the fathers of the families will be sent to prison, charged with contempt of court.
Now that all legal avenues have been exhausted, the families last hope is that media attention & international pressure can help stop the evictions taking place

Maher Hannoun, resident from Sheikh Jarrah faced by imminent eviction order and imprisonment, said:
As refugees and people living under occupation, we are asking people to help us with our struggle for our rights. It is unbelievable that in the 21st century, Israel’s authorities can get away with demolishing the homes of Palestinians in order to build settlements or national parks. The price we and our neighbours have to pay is too high, we are faced with two impossible choices – either we throw our kids out on the street or we go to prison. If we lose our homes, there is nowhere else for us to go, the only option we have is to live in tents.

International solidarity gives us more power and strength to continue in our struggle and stay in our homes. We need support from people around the world to let everybody know about our story and pressure their goverments to help stop this racist policy of house evictions and demolitions.

What you can do – suggestions for further actions:

  • Contact your MPs and other political representatives to tell them about this story. Ask them to raise the issue of East Jerusalem in the Parliament and Government meetings and put diplomatic pressure on the Israeli authorities.
  • Contact media representatives in your countries and ask them to cover the story of Sheikh Jarrah and the ongoing ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem.
  • Organise demonstrations, talks, film nights or photo exhibitions in your countries. Email to receive updates, tell us about your ideas for actions, events and the co-ordination of an international day of actions.
  • Set up a contigency plan with your organization or affinity group in the event that these evictions are carried out or Maher Hannoun is arrested. Send your email to to recieve alerts and co-ordinate your actions.

We ask for people to stand in solidarity with the residents of Sheikh Jarrah and support their fight for justice.

Brick by brick

Free Gaza Movement

18 June 2009

On June 25th, the Free Gaza movement will set sail on its eighth mission to break Israel’s horrific siege and collective punishment of 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza strip.

“The Israelis violated international law by ramming the boat I was on which was carrying medical supplies to Gaza. Therefore, I never got to Gaza. Especially after Operation Cast Lead, I want to go to Gaza, and if I’m lucky, one day, I’ll also get to visit a free Palestine,” said former Representative Cynthia McKinney, one of the passengers coming back.

Along with McKinney, 36 others will board the FREE GAZA , a fishing boat, and the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, a small ferry loaded with building supplies such as cement, only a token of what is needed in Gaza, but a prelude to larger shipments the Free Gaza movement expects to take throughout the summer.

Mairead Maguire, the Nobel Peace Prize winner from Ireland is also going back, “I am going to Gaza to show my love and support for the people of Gaza who continue to suffer under Israeli siege and occupation, yet whose spirit of nonviolent resistance inspires all who believe in equality, freedom and justice,” she stated.

“It is crucial that we continue sending boats to Gaza to challenge Israel’s criminal closure on the Strip,” said Huwaida Arraf, delegation leader of the June 25th voyage. “Gaza does not need our charity but needs us to stand up against the forces that continue to deliberately deny an entire people their human rights. International donors pledged over $4 billion to rebuild Gaza, and yet none of them are doing anything about the fact that Israel is not allowing any building supplies into Gaza, not to mention thousands of other items such as anesthetic, oxygen and cancer treatments, chlorine to treat the water supply as well as paper, books and toys for children, even tea and coffee have been banned.”

This voyage will be the first attempt to challenge Israel’s naval blockade on the Gaza Strip since an Israeli gunship brutally rammed the DIGNITY in December, and nearly sank the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY with all on board in January. This 8th trip will also be the first of a series of boats we intend to send to Gaza as part of our Summer of Hope campaign.

The Free Gaza Movement, a human rights group, sent two boats to Gaza in August 2008. These were the first international boats to land in the port in 41 years. Since August, four more voyages were successful, taking Parliamentarians, human rights workers, and other dignitaries to witness the effects of Israel’s draconian policies on the civilians of Gaza. On December 30, their boat, the DIGNITY was rammed three times while 90 nautical miles out, in international waters, on its way to deliver emergency medical supplies to the people of Gaza, while they were under the infamous attack by Israel.

Help Israeli human rights activist Ezra Nawi

Without international intervention Israeli human rights activist Ezra Nawi will most likely be sent to jail.

Ezra Nawi has been active for years in the area known as South Mt. Hebron. The Palestinians in this small desolate area in the very south of the West Bank have been under Israeli occupation for almost 42 years; they still live without electricity, running water and other basic services, and are continuously harassed by the Jewish settlers who constantly violate both Israeli and International law, and are backed by a variety of Israeli military forces, all of which operate in an effort to rid the area of its Palestinian inhabitants and create a new demographic reality in it.

Nawi`s persistent NON VIOLENT activity in the area is aimed both at aiding the local population in its plight to stay on their lands, but also at exposing the situation in the area to both the Israeli and international public eye. The latter is very much not in the interest of the Israeli settlers who complain that Nawi is disturbing the “status quo” in the area. Nawi has received threats on his life from the settlers in the past. The chief of the investigations in the Hebron Israeli Police once admitted that what Nawi is doing in the area is “exposing the dirt laying under the rug…”

Ezra Nawi`s efforts have been fruitful in the sense that the attempt to rid the South Mt. Hebron from its Palestinian inhabitants has become a visible, internationally acknowledged issue.

The settlers, army and Israeli police have a strong interest to restrict his movement and ban him from the area. Therefore they constantly falsely accuse him of violating the law. Lately he has been pronounced guilty of assaulting a police officer who was demolishing a Palestinian house on July 22, 2007. He will be sentenced this coming July.

As chance would have it, the demolition and the resistance to it were captured on film and broadcast on Israeli news. As depicted on the film (a must see), Nawi, the man dressed in a green jacket, not only courageously protests the demolition, but after the bulldozer destroys the buildings he also tells the border policemen what he thinks of their actions. Sitting handcuffed in a military vehicle following his arrest, he exclaims: “Yes, I was also a soldier, but I did not demolish houses… The only thing that will be left here is hatred…”

Nawi`s case is not only about Nawi. It is also about Israel and Israeli society, if only because one can learn a great deal about a country from the way it treats its human rights and pro-democracy activists.

To support Ezra, please write a letter or email to the Israeli embassy in your country, and send us a copy to