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In the Media

Gaza: Rebuilding from rubble

by Ruqaya Izzidien 29 November 2011 | Al Akhbar English Despite Israel’s blockade on building materials entering the Gaza Strip, local entrepreneurs have come up with a way to turn destruction into reconstruction by recycling rubble into construction material. The ...

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Gaza lives on

16 November 2011 | Al Jazeera English The Israeli blockade may have taken a heavy toll on Gazans, but this film reveals life and hope among the devastation. Since 2007, most of the approximately 1.5 million Palestinians living in the ...

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Prisoner release: Palestinian narratives

Fadi Kawasmi 9 November 2011 | PASSIA Below is an abridged transcript of a talk given at PASSIA (Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs ) Round table on ‘Prisoner Release – Palestinian Narratives’ on 31 October 2011 ...

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Activists react to Gaza flotilla assault

by Ruqaya Izzidien 4 November 2011 | Al Akhbar English Palestine activists call on the international community to keep pressuring Israel to end the blockade of Gaza after the Freedom Waves flotilla was assaulted by Israel in international waters. Gaza ...

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