Photos: Palestinians rally in Gaza Red Cross against Israel’s detentions and Italy ties

3rd December 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Marco Varasio | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

(Photo by Silvia Todeschini)
(Photo by Silvia Todeschini)

Like every Monday morning, relatives and friends, as well as local and international activists, gathered at the International Committee of the Red Cross in solidarity with the Palestinian political prisoners.

The rally started with the protesters chanting slogans, especially about their homeland Palestine and the political prisoner Marwan Barghouti.

Wives and mothers of the detainees stood in the middle of the tent holding pictures and banners of their imprisoned relatives.

After the weekly ceremony in support of the prisoners, Isra W. Almodallal, spokeswoman of the Palestinian government in Gaza, and Italian ISM activist Rosa Schiano spoke against Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Italy.

In their speeches, they highlighted how the agreements signed in the day’s bilateral meeting between Italy and Israel are violations of human rights and international law. They warned against the dangers of the military and scientific cooperation between the two countries and called for BDS campaigns as alternatives to cooperation with war criminals.

BDS directly affects Israel’s detention of Palestinians, since one of the companies targeted by BDS, the British-Danish G4S, operates inside Israeli prisons and detention facilities.

Photos: Palestinians rally in Gaza to stop Prawer Plan on international “Day of Rage”

3rd December 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza Team | Gaza, Occupied Palestine 

An Intifada Youth Coalition activist waves the organization's banner from a sound truck. (Photo by Joe Catron)
An Intifada Youth Coalition activist waves the organization’s banner from a sound truck. (Photo by Joe Catron)

Dozens of Palestinians rallied in Gaza City’s Palestine Square (al-Saha) on Saturday, 30th November 2013, joining a “Day of Rage” against the Prawer-Begin Plan held throughout Palestine and across the world.

The Plan, a proposal in the Israeli Knesset, would displace tens of thousands of Palestinian  Bedouin from dozens of villages in the Naqab region, replacing their homes with new Jewish settlements.


BDS workshop draws dozens of farmers and agricultural officials in Gaza

28th November 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Maria del Mar Fernandez and Mohammed Abedullah | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

(Photo by Shadi al-Qarra)
(Photo by Shadi al-Qarra)

On Monday, 25th November 2013, a conference on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israeli apartheid, colonization and occupation was held in Gaza City by the Arab Center for Agricultural Development (ACAD) and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA).

Abeer Abu Shawish of ACAD coordinated the event.

About 43 people, 22 women and 21 men, attended. They were farmers and representatives of the civil society and national organizations in the agriculture sector in Gaza, NPA representatives, and BDS activists.

“This kind of boycott of Israel is historical in Palestine and has succeeded in making changes in the past,” said ACAD director Muhsen Abu Ramadan. “The South African anti-apartheid movement succeeded using a boycott strategy. We should boycott and also ask for divestment from Israel in general, and also settlements. We also need to promote local products and to encourage investments in Palestinian products, as this will complement the boycott. We have to use international replacements for Israeli products if we don’t have a Palestinian product. Boycott is not only about trade but also educational centers. Israeli universities are used for research to kill Palestinians. Experience of the boycott movements has shown that it is a good way to affect Israel. It is hard to boycott here in Gaza because of the limited options, but we have to encourage the culture of boycotting. We have also to boycott some of the facilities and traders who deal with Israelis, because Israel tries to show that the conflict is just between politicians and not popular among the people. So, they tell other countries, why are you boycotting us when even Palestinians are not boycotting us? Some farmers’ unions in Europe adopted the boycott movement, and we can have a huge influence by boycotting agricultural products. We have to take care about Israeli procedures that intend to create normalization between Palestinian and Israeli products. We demand more serious positions against importing products from Israel at all, not just from settlements. We have to defend the rights of our farmers and their right to import and export products.”

Acting NPA country director Mahmoud Hamada showed the summary and recommendations of his organization’s 2012 report, “Dangerous Liaisons: Norwegian ties to the Israeli Occupation.”

He pointed out that “boycott is a national strategy for taking our rights, especially in the absence of compliance with international law with regard to Palestinians. This is a way to punish Israel, which is using the Palestinian market to make it just a consumer market so they, Israel, can benefit from it. The Israelis intend to create normalization between the occupied and the occupier. We found that 51 Israeli and international companies invest their money in settlements. We have contacted these companies and we contacted the Norwegian pension fund to boycott these companies. One of the companies is G4S , the British/Danish security firm which has held a contract to provide equipment and services to the Israeli prison system and checkpoints since 2007. Caterpillar provides the Israeli military with weaponized bulldozers used to illegally destroy homes and orchards of Palestinian families. And they are the very same bulldozers as the one that killed a 23-year-old American peace activist, Rachel Corrie, in Rafah in 2003, when she tried to protect the home of the Nasrallah family. Hewlett Packard, HP, provides the technology for Israeli gunboats that kill Palestinian fishermen, and provide the tracking system that controls all movements of Palestinians at checkpoints throughout the West Bank. We demand to talk with the investment funds in Europe, and that they boycott all these companies. Sadly, some Arab countries invest in them.”

He asserted the importance of joining the BDS movement, refusing to buy any Israeli product from the local markets and encouraging the national products. “By that, we can support our economy and destroy the Israeli economy.”

“We don’t have real experience in BDS as UAWC, or any other civil society organizations in Gaza,” said Sa’ad Ziada, project coordinator for the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC). “We just have some activities boycotting the Israeli products.”

“We established the Palestinian Day for Agriculture, held on 9th February 2013. We have been discussing how we can export our products without the intervention of Israeli companies. We have to create a long-term strategy and we need to talk with all factions in order to encourage them to create a culture of boycotting Israel. We want to make pressure on the Palestinian government to support the idea. We know that it’s really hard to boycott Israel, especially in Gaza, because most of our basic goods are from them, but at least we can boycott the products for which we already have national alternatives. The Israeli occupation is establishing a new form of slow killing, such as with this closure, the lack of jobs, electricity, unclean water, bad education, and using poisons in agricultural materials such as fertilizers and pesticides. That leads to the killing of Palestinians slowly, over the long term, not directly with bombs, but in another way. 95 million dollars is the profit from Israeli goods imported into the Gaza Strip, more than four million dollars per year. So that means if we boycott Israel, we can really affect the Israeli economy and change their policy towards us.”

“Of course the boycott is an important type of resistance. Not all the people are going to do armed resistance, but they can do this kind of resistance.”

Zaid Shuabi, outreach officer of the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), gave a report by Skype from the West Bank.

He started his speech with a brief introduction to the BNC, its history, its start and its role and activities in Palestine.

The coalition reflects “the broad consensus among Palestinian civil society about the need for a broad and sustained campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS),” he said. “This resulted in the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel launched in July 2005, with the initial endorsement of over 170 Palestinian organizations. The signatories to this call represent the three major components of the Palestinian people: the refugees in exile, Palestinians under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the oppressed Palestinian citizens of the Israeli state.”

Efforts to coordinate the BDS movement, which began to grow rapidly after the 2005 call was announced, culminated in the first Palestinian BDS Conference held in Ramallah in November 2007. Out of this conference emerged the BDS National Committee (BNC) as the Palestinian coordinating body for the BDS movement worldwide.”

The BNC’s mandate and role is:

• To strengthen and spread the culture of boycott as a central form of civil resistance to Israeli occupation, colonialism and apartheid;
• To formulate strategies and programs of action in accordance with the 9 July 2005 Palestinian Civil Society BDS Call;
• To serve as the Palestinian reference point for BDS campaigns in the region and worldwide;
• To serve as the national reference point for anti-normalization campaigns within Palestine;
• To facilitate coordination and provide support and encouragement to various BDS campaign efforts in all locations.

The BNC’s main activities include:

• Campaigning with BDS activists locally and worldwide by preparing and disseminating BNC statements; public speaking; organizing the annual Global BDS Action Day on 30 March (Palestinian Land Day);
• Advocacy by briefing and lobbying policy makers;
• Monitoring and Rapid Response by means of BNC calls for action against projects and initiatives which amount to recognition of or cooperation with Israel’s regime of apartheid, colonialism and occupation (i.e., normalization);
• Media Outreach in Palestine and abroad, based on a professional media strategy;
• Coordination with BDS activists locally and worldwide, including preparation of regional and international organizing meetings and conferences;
• Awareness Raising and Training for activists and organizations about BNC analysis, standards and BDS campaign work; through workshops, BNC information materials and the BDS campaign website;
• Developing the BDS movement in Arab countries;
• Research and BDS Strategy Development.

In the West Bank, they have made some progress boycotting Israel, although they have faced many problems with the Israelis. Shuabi talked about the boycott in many countries and how Palestinian traders are forced to buy Israeli goods, sometimes from settlements, so Israel can argue with Western audiences that Palestinians themselves buy from Israel.  He explained efforts to export goods through companies boycotting Israel. This project has made good progress outside Palestine.

After the speeches, there was an animated debate among organizers and participants.

“I’m very happy now beside my family,” newly freed prisoner says at Gaza rally

26th November 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Marco Varasio | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

On Monday morning, relatives and friends of Palestinian detainees, as well as Palestinian and solidarity activists, rallied at the International Committee of the Red Cross’ Gaza office to demonstrate their support of the Palestinian prisoners.

Families and supporters of Palestinian detainees sit in the Gaza Red Cross. (Photo by Rosa Schiano)
Families and supporters of Palestinian detainees sit in the Gaza Red Cross. (Photo by Rosa Schiano)

The rally started with the chanting of slogan about the need of freedom for the Palestinian prisoners.

Omar Massoud greets Um Ibrahim Baroud, a co-founder of Gaza’s Monday protest for detainees, and other supporters outside his home in Gaza's al-Shati ("Beach") refugee camp on 31 October. (Photo by Gal·la López)
Omar Massoud greets Um Ibrahim Baroud, a co-founder of Gaza’s Monday protest for detainees, and other supporters outside his home in Gaza’s al-Shati (“Beach”) refugee camp on 31 October. (Photo by Gal·la López)

Omar Massoud, an ex-Palestinian prisoner released earlier this month after more than 20 years in Israeli jails, attended the rally this week. “Life in Israeli jail is very hard, but we don’t care,” he said. “Freedom is more important. I’m very happy now beside my family and I hope all Palestinian prisoners will get their freedom as soon as possible.”

A rally organized by the Wa’ed Society took place outside, with women and political representatives speaking.

Like every Monday, all attenders asked for the liberation of Palestinian political prisoners detained in the Israeli jails.

Palestinians hold solidarity vigil to remember prisoners in Israeli jails

25th November 2013 | Corporate Watch, Tom Anderson and Therezia Cooper | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

Palestinians hold their weekly vigil at the ICRC in Gaza City in solidarity with prisoners in Israeli jails. (Photo by Corporate Watch)
Palestinians hold their weekly vigil at the ICRC in Gaza City in solidarity with prisoners in Israeli jails. (Photo by Corporate Watch)

Palestinians held a demonstration at the offices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza City today in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. The demonstration has been held every week since 1995 to remember the prisoners and is a focal point for organising prisoner solidarity campaigns.

The weekly vigils were initiated by Um Jaber and Um Ibrahim, two women who both had sons imprisoned by Israel and wanted to do something to act in solidarity. To read more about the weekly vigil click here.

International companies are profiting from providing services to the Israeli prison system. One such company is G4S, the British/Danish security firm which has held a contract to provide services to the Israeli Prison Service since 2007.

For more information on G4S see Corporate Watch’s company profile.

Hussam Association, a Gaza based organisation of current and former Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails, has recently released a statement calling for the prosecution of G4S.

(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)
(Photo by Corporate Watch)