Israeli army shoot resident of Ni’lin in back of the neck with live ammunition

A 20 year old resident of the village of Ni’lin was shot in the back of the neck by Israeli forces at around 5:30am.

Mohammed Srour was shot in the neck with live ammunition as Israeli forces invaded the village, coming from the construction site. He is
currently in Sheikh Zaide hospital where his condition is not severe. Another resident, Nabil Nafar, was beaten by Israeli forces who broke his upper arm. Two more residents were hit by rubber-coated steel bullets and were treated in the village.

7 Israeli jeeps and around 70 soldiers invaded the village at around 3am, firing live ammunition, tear-gas, rubber-coated steel bullets. Confrontations between residents and the invading army around the village mosques occurred as residents awoke to pray.

The army invaded the house of Akil Nafar, causing much damage to his house. However, no arrests were made.

Three more residents of Ni’llin arrested by Israeli forces

Three more people from the village of Ni’lin were arrested in the early morning of the 25th September Israeli forces.

Moumin Abed Shadah Flror (17), Ibrahim Khalil Mussleh (19) and Said Attalah Amira (23) were all abducted from their homes at around 1am on the 25th September. Israeli forces entered the village, where large- scale demonstrations against the construction of the apartheid wall
have been taking place for several months, at around 1am, firing sound bombs and tear-gas.

These latest arrests mark a continuation of the Israeli policy of arrests of those involved in demonstrating the wall. In the last week 6 residents of Ni’lin have been arrested during night invasions of the village.

Member of the Ni’lin Popular Committee shot in the head with tear-gas cannister

On the 23rd September at about 11:00 Ahed Khawajeh, Salah Khawajeh, Mohammed Amira, 5 EU Parliament representatives and the head of the municipality Ayman Nefeah went to the fields to show the Parliament members the impact of the apartheid wall before a planned demonstration.

Photo by Iyad Haddad

The Israeli army approached them and told them to go back to the village because they were not allowed on their land. They showed them an order for the area to be a ‘Closed Military Zone’, and threatened to use rubber-coated steel bullets. As they were walking back, a soldier shot a tear gas canister from about 25 metres hitting Ahed and breaking the bone between his eyes. As the others helped Ahed the soldiers barraged them with more tear gas. Luckily no one else was seriously hurt and Ahed reached the Ni’lin medical clinic. He was transferred to Sheikh Zaid Hospital in Ramallah where he remains in a stable condition, but with eyes swollen to an extent that he can not open them at this moment.

Photo by Iyad Haddad

At about 13:00 a group of about 50 protesters both Palestinian and international walked to the fields to protest the construction of the wall, which will annex another 40% of Ni’lin’s land accumulating a loss of around 85% of it’s land since 1948. As the protesters reached the road, (prepared for the wall) on the village’s side of the valley, unprovoked, the army started shooting tear gas directly at the demonstrators from the road on the opposite side of the valley. Some people suffered from gas inhalation but amazingly no one was hit by the cannisters. The demonstration spread around the fields with significant activity in the fields close to the medical clinic. Many rubber bullets were fired along with more tear gas and sound grenades. At about 15:30 the soldiers, who numbered around 20, left by foot and by hummer. People were later treated for injuries from rubber bullets, contact with metal gas cannisters, tear gas inhalation.

Demonstration in Ni’lin holds up construction of the apartheid wall

At 12.30pm on Wednesday September 17th, approximately 250 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals gathered in Ni’lin to protest against the construction of the illegal apartheid wall and in memory of the victims of the massacre in Shabra and Shatila in 1982.

Photos courtesy of Activestills

The Israeli army attempted to stop the non violent protesters before they got out of the village by shooting tear gas and sound bombs directly without provocation.

Five Palestinians were injured by rubber coated steel bullets, 2 hit by tear gas canisters and one Israeli was badly beaten up and hit in his bag with a sound bomb.

5 Israelis were detained, but all of them are now released.

Before today’s demonstration the Neturei Karta held a speech to the villagers of Ni’lin condemning the annexation of their land and praising their resistance. They ended their speech by giving flowers to the village in memory of those killed during the massacre in Shabra and Shatila in 1982.

The Israeli army blocked the protesters in a field directly outside the village. They shot tear gas, rubber coated steel bullets and sound bombs at the non violent protesters who were pressured back into the village.

Two groups of protesters managed to get around the soldiers and ran to the construction site of the illegal apartheid wall where they stopped the bulldozers for 10 minutes.

The aggression from the army increased after this and they immediately started shooting rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas cannisters directly at the protesters from a close distance. Five Palestinians were hit by rubber coated steel bullets and two by tear gas cannisters.

The soldiers beat up one Israeli man who protested in solidarity with the villagers. When he finally escaped their brutality they threw a sound bomb at his back.

The attacks continued all the way back into the village where the soldiers shot tear gas directly at any one who moved in the streets.

The completion of the illegal apartheid wall will leave the villagers of Ni’lin with only 4% of the land they owned before 1948. In addition to the apartheid wall Israel plans to build a tunnel under the apartheid road leading to the nearby settlements. The tunnel will be the only way in and out of Ni’lin. It will close every night at 7pm and is possible to close of with only one military jeep. This will have huge economic as well as social consequences for the villagers of Ni’lin.

In 1982 September 16, Israeli army in co-operation with Lebanese terrorists were instrumental in a massacre on the Palestinian refugee camps Shabra and Shatila in Lebanon that killed thousands of Palestinians.

12 year old arrested in Ni’lin brought before military court

On Sunday 14th September, Mohammad Saleh Khawaje, aged 12 years and two months, from the village of Ni’lin will spend a fourth night in Ofer prison near Ramallah, as he awaits release on bail for the charges of stone-throwing and disturbance of public order. His co-defendant, 13 year old Abdul Ahman is not so lucky; he will be kept in jail until his indictment on Tuesday 16th September, when military prosecutors will request that the judge refuse bail, forcing the child to remain incarcerated for the period of his trial – a process that takes up to six months. The difference in their treatment, according to their lawyer, is based on the slight age difference. If convicted, however, both children face approximately ten to twelve months in jail, advised their lawyer.

A clear indication of the apartheid nature of the Israeli legal system, Mohammad and Abdul will be tried and punished as adults, despite their young ages because Palestinian children are defined as adults at 12 years old; while Israeli children are treated as such until they reach 18 years of age.

Sitting shackled in the dock of the military court, their heads barely reaching above the railing, the boys wore brave faces, chatting excitedly when Mohammad’s father entered belatedly after being held-up pointlessly at the Ofer checkpoint – Mohammad showing his father his bandaged wound, sustained when Israeli soldiers dragged him from his family home at 2:30am on Thursday 11th September.

Mohammad’s father, Abd Saleh, believes his son has been arrested as an act of revenge visited upon him and his family by Israeli soldiers, following Abd Saleh’s complaints to both Israeli police and military about attacks on him at the behest of Israeli military Lt. Col. Omri Burberg – now notorious as the commander who ordered Israeli soldiers to shoot the bound and blindfolded Palestinian arrestee Ashraf Abu Rama in the foot after a demonstration in Ni’lin.

In a testimony given to the human rights group B’tselem, Abd Saleh detailed the abuse he suffered on 13th July 2008, when, as a volunteer paramedic for Medical Relief, he was present at a demonstration in Ni’lin. Abd Saleh has testified that at this demonstration Omri ordered another commander “Miki” to shoot tear gas directly at him. The gas landed between his feet, quickly overwhelming him. Abd Saleh was then violently arrested, and dragged along the ground, despite protests from witnesses that he needed medical attention. After two hours Abd Saleh was taken by military ambulance to Makabeem military camp where Omri refused to allow hospital transfer for Abd Saleh, despite a military doctor insisting it was imperative, and then proceeded, with other soldiers, to beat Abu Saleh severely for ten minutes, kicking and punching his entire body until he was unconscious. Upon awakening, Abu Saleh was taken to a military ambulance and tied to the bed, whereupon he saw and heard commanders Omri and Miki order a female soldier to take photos of him, in a practice eerily echoing torture photos of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Grahib. In the following hours Abd Saleh was again punched in the face; refused water; left for two hours; and then put back in an ambulance only to be violently picked up and thrown on to the ground.

Abed Saleh wasn’t home when Israeli soldiers invaded the village of Ni’lin on Thursday night and raided his house. “The soldiers came to the house to take me again,” he explained. “They asked where I was. When they found out I wasn’t there they took my son instead.”

This is the second time in recent history that such allegations have been laid against Israeli soldiers under Lt. Col. Omri’s command. One month ago Jamal Amira, father of Salam Amira, the teenager who shot the infamous video in which Omri ordered the aforementioned shooting of Ashraf Abu Rama, was arrested as “Salam’s father” by self-proclaimed “friends of Omri”, and subjected to abuse strikingly similar to that Abd Saleh describes in his testimony.

This ethos of revenge is not however, limited just to soldiers under Lt. Col. Omri’s command, rather, it goes right to the heart of Israeli military policy, where it is standard practice to demolish the house of the family of any Palestinian who commits an attack on Israeli citizens. More than 628 houses have been demolished in accordance with this policy since the beginning of the second intifada.

Indeed, actions such as the arrest of Mohammad would also not be possible without a legal system that can try a 12 year old child as an adult.