Ma’an: 17 Year old girl killed in Jenin refugee camp

Jenin in mourning for three miltary activists and a 17-year-old girl, all assassinated by the Israeli army Sunday
from Ma’an News, 23 April 2007

Jenin – Ma’an – Only a few hours separated the assassination of three Palestinian military activists and that of a high school student, a 17-year-old girl called Bushra Bargheish, from Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank.

The Israeli soldiers’ bullets penetrated her head while she was revising for her final school exams, the ‘tawjihi’. She had been dreaming of pursuing her higher education in political science in the hope of becoming an eminent Palestinian woman in the future. She was known amongst her peers as friendly and giving, and they were stunned to hear about her death.

The bereaved mother

Bushra’s mother, who is in her fifties, said: “At around 9:30 pm on Saturday evening, my daughter and I completed the evening prayer (‘Al-‘Isha’). After she finished, she sat down and began praying that she passes her exams, and then she kissed me. She said, ‘Mom, I need your prayers that I pass my exams.’ Then I kissed her for the last time in my life, and she continued with her studying.”

She added: “After a long day filled with bad news of deaths, I began thinking of my son Abdur-Rahman, who is being persecuted by the Israelis as a wanted resistance fighter. As I began worrying about all this, I heard a crack of bullets in my own home coming from Bushra’s room. I ran quickly, and saw the remains of bullets on the closet and the walls. I shouted at Bushra who was lying on the floor; I thought she got down to protect herself from the gunshots. However, I saw a pool of blood spilling out from her head, and then I realized that she had been hit. I called her several times, yet I received no answer because her soul had departed. I hurried to the door in order to call for help, but an Israeli soldier stopped me at the door and ordered me to evacuate everybody from the house. I yelled at him, ‘You are the cold-blooded killer of my daughter!'”

Ambulance denied entry

The mother added that the soldiers prevented the ambulance from approaching the house to transfer Bushra to hospital until a paramedic approached forcibly against the soldiers’ will.

“He told me that my daughter has departed [this world],” Mrs. Bargheish said, “and he carried her body after he wrapped it, and approached the soldiers yelling that she had been killed.”

“Nevertheless,” added the mother, “the soldiers insisted on seeing the victim’s face and body to make sure she was a female, before they let the paramedic take her to the ambulance.”

Mass funeral and calls for revenge

Thousands of Palestinian mourners took part on Sunday in the funeral procession for yesterday’s four fatalities in the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

Three Palestinian military activists had been assassinated by the Israeli forces and the high school student, 17-year-old Bushra Bargheish. The assassinated activists were Mahmoud Jalil, 21, an activist in the Al-Quds brigades, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad; Abbas Ad-Damj, 21; and Ahmad Al-‘Issa, 24, both activists in the Al-Aqsa brigades, the main military wing of Fatah.

The funeral started from the governmental hospital in Jenin. Thousands of local residents took part with brigades’ fighters in the lead, who fired gunshots in the air to express their anger at the Israeli criminal acts of assassination. The mourners condemned the Israeli practices and called for immediate retaliation.

The body of Ahmad Al-‘Issa was taken to his village of origin, Sanur, located south of Jenin city, where he was buried. Meanwhile, the funeral rally continued with the other three bodies taken to Jenin refugee camp for burial. Both the Al-Aqsa and the Al-Quds brigades pledged to take revenge.

Young girl killed in Jenin refugee camp, eight Palestinians killed by Israeli troops in 24 hours
by Saed Bannoura, IMEMC, Sunday April 22, 2007

Palestinian medical sources in Jenin, in the northern part of the West Bank, reported on Saturday evening that a 17-year old girl was shot and killed by Israeli military fire during an invasion of Jenin refugee camp. The invasion is the third in less than 24 hours. A total of eight Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army in 24 hours.

The sources identified the girl as Boshra Naji al Wash; she was hit by a round of live ammunition in the head causing instant death. At the time, Boshra was reportedly on the roof of her home revising for her final school examinations

She was at home in the Jenin refugee camp when the army randomly fired at dozens of houses. . The invasion was carried out by thirty armored vehicles and jeeps, and was concentrated in Jenin refugee camp and the western section of Jenin city close to the camp.

Eyewitnesses reported that dozens of fighters exchanged fire with the invading forces. Several residents suffered after inhaling gas fired by the army, and several houses were hit by live rounds; damage was reported.

On Saturday evening, soldiers assassinated three fighters of the Al Aqsa brigades, the armed wing of Fateh and the Al Quds brigades the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad during an invasion of Kafer Dan town, west of Jenin.
Also in Jenin, one resident was killed on Saturday at dawn after the army invaded Kafer Dan village, west of the city. The resident was identified as Mohammad Abed, 22; he was hit by several rounds of live ammunition as he was standing on the rooftop of his house.

Two other fighters were assassinated on Saturday night after midnight in the northern West Bank city of Nablus. The two were identified as Amin Abu Lubbada and Fadel Nour. They were killed after the army invaded Al Qasaba neighborhood and exchanged fire with resistance fighters.

Also on Saturday, one resident was killed and two others were injured after the Israeli air force fired missiles at a vehicle they were driving in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The resident was identified as Kamal Anan, 37.

The army claims that the fighters fired homemade shells at the Israeli Negev town of Sderot. Israeli sources reported that three homemade shells were fired at Sderot after the army assassinated three fighters in Jenin.

Two Israelis were reportedly injured and damage was reported to some houses.

Several armed groups said that these assassinations and attacks put an end to the fragile truce, and vowed fierce retaliation.

Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya, slammed the military escalation and said that these “crimes show the brutality of the occupation and the clear Israeli intentions of escalation in the area”. The Palestinian legislative council also slammed the attacks and the assassinations.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson of the Al Quds Briagdes stated that fighters of the brigades along with fighters of the Al Aqsa brigades carried out several attacks against military targets near Jenin.

He added that these attacks come in retaliation “to the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.”

PCHR: Las IOF (FUERZAS DE OCUPACION ISRAELIES) Ejecutan Extra Judicialmente a un Palestino Despues de Arrestarle en Jenin

Las IOF (FUERZAS DE OCUPACION ISRAELIES) Ejecutan Extra Judicialmente a un Palestino Despues de Arrestarle en Jenin.
from PCHR, 19 Abril 2007

El Martes por la tarde, 17 Abril 2007, las Fuerzas de Ocupacion Israeliees (IOF) ejecutaron extra-judicialmente a un miembro de las Brigadas de los Martires de al-Aqsa (brazo armado del movimiento de Al Fatah) cerca de la ciudad de Jenin en el norte de Cisjordania. Las IOF le dispararon causandole la muerte, despues de haberle arrestado.

De acuerdo con las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por el PCHR, (Centro Palestino pro Derechos Humanos) aproximadamente a las 12.30 del Martes, una unidad movil camuflada de las IOF llegaron a la interseccion de Shuhada en la carretera de Jenin – Nablus, viajando en un vehiculo civil con placa de matricula Palestina. El vehiculo se detuvo cerca de un complejo de tratamiento de piedras que pertenece a Fayez ‘Alawna. Dos soldados de las IOF salieron del vehiculo e interceptaron un coche Palestino que circulaba por el area. El conductor salio del coche con las manos en alto. Los dos soldados se dirigieron a el, y uno de ellos le dio un puntapie en el abdomen. El conductor cayo de espaldas. Los dos soldados entonces le cogieron y le golpearon contra un arbol de la carretera. Cuando cayo al suelo, uno de los soldados de las IOF se acerco a el y le disparo un tiro mortal a la cabeza y otro al abdomen a bocajarro. La victima fue identificada mas tarde como Ashraf Mahmoud ‘Aaref Hanaisha, de 24 anos del pueblo de Qabatya cerca de Jenin. Las IOF manifiestan que estaba en busca y captura.

El Centro Palestino Pro Derechos Humanos, PCHR condena firmemente este odioso crimen, y :
1) Reitera su condena de las ejecuciones extra-judiciales cometidas por las Fuerzas de Ocupacion Israelies (IOF), y senala que unicamente pueden servir para incrementar la tension de la zona y amenazar las vidas de los Palestinos civiles.

2) Hace un llamamiento a las Principales Partes Contratantes de la Cuarta Convencion de Ginebra de 1949 a que cumplan sus obligaciones de acuerdo con la Convencion y aseguren la proteccion de los civiles Palestinos en el Territorio Palestino Ocupado.

(Traduccion del Ingles desde Palestina, por amdelmar, de ISM Catalunya)

IOF Extra-Judicially Execute a Palestinian After Arresting Him in Jenin

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
18 April 2007

On Tuesday afternoon, 17 April 2007, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) extra-judicially executed a member of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (an armed wing of Fatah movement) near Jenin town in the northern West Bank. IOF shot him dead after having arrested him.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 12:30 on Tuesday, an IOF undercover unit moved arrived at al-Shuhada intersection on Jenin – Nablus road, traveling in a civilian vehicle with a Palestinian registration plate. The vehicle stopped near a stone treatment compound belonging to Fayez ‘Alawna. Two IOF soldiers got out of the vehicle and intercepted a Palestinian car that was traveling in the area. The driver got out of the car with his hands up. The two soldiers moved towards him, and one of them kicked him to the abdomen. The driver fell on his back. The two soldiers then carried him and then left him hitting a tree at the roadside. When he fell onto the ground, one of the IOF soldiers moved towards him and shot him dead to the head and the abdomen from a zero range. The victim was later identified as Ashraf Mahmoud ‘Aaref Hanaisha, 24, from Qabatya village near Jenin. IOF claim that he was wanted.

PCHR strongly condemns this hideous crime, and:

1) Reiterates its condemnation for extra-judicial executions committed by IOF, and stresses that they serve to increase tension in the region and threaten the lives of Palestinian civilians.

2) Calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 to fulfill their obligations under the Convention and ensure protection for Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Women’s Demonstration Unlocks Prisoner’s Day in Jenin


JENIN – Tomrrow, in commemoration of Palestinian Prisoner’s Day, prisoner solidarity events will emerge throughout the West Bank. Every year in Jenin, a women’s demonstration initiates the Prisoner’s Day activities. Palestinian mothers and daughters, sisters and friends, will be joined by international and Israeli solidarity activists, demonstrating against Israel’s brutal Occupation and unjust prison system. An estimated 11,000 Palestinian political prisoners are behind bars in Israel jails.

The women of Jenin have invited international and Israeli solidarity activists to join them in their struggle this Prisoner’s Day. The Public Committee for the Freedom of Prisoners, along with 18 other local committees and establishments of Jenin, are expected to participate in the events.

The non-violent demonstrators will meet near the Red Cross building in the center of Jenin at 10 am. A bus will be waiting to send media representatives to the Salim checkpoint. The demonstrators will then march to the checkpoint where the women and committee members will give speeches regarding the conditions of the prisoners and demanding their release.

Palestinian Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti recently held a press conference where he highlighted the case of Palestinian political prisoners. He said that 10,400 Palestinians are currently being held in Israeli jails in contravention of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. 4,575 prisoners (46 %) have not undergone trial and 950 (10%) are being held in administrative detention which means that prisoners have not been charged, can be held for up to 6 months, which can then be renewed indefinitely. 376 children under the age of 18 and 118 women are currently in Israeli jails. 95 percent of Palestinian prisoners have reported being subjected to various forms of torture and 183 prisoners have died in Israeli jails.
For more information, contact:

Akram, 0599-318-530
ISM Media Office, 02-297-1824, 0599-943-157

Israeli Army Invading Jenin town of Zababdeh

Israeli Army Invading Jenin town of Zababdeh

31 March, 01:40

Update, March 31 As of noon today, the Israeli military has left Zababdeh. There have been no reported injuries or arrests. The army destroyed a wire leading from the main generator, leaving the village without electricity. This same wire was repaired after the army damaged it on Wednesday.


The Israeli army is currently invading the town of Zababdeh, in the Jenin district of the West Bank.

Just hours ago, an Israeli hummer exploded when a Palestinian threw a Molotov cocktail inside the vehicle. According to a source in Zababdeh, the Israeli soldiers escaped the hummer before the explosion.

The source has stated that more Israeli jeeps and soldiers are entering the town, and are searching for suspects. The Israeli army is shooting in Zababdeh but there have been no reported injuries or arrests.

For more information, contact:

Refai (in Zababdeh), 0599-557-196
ISM Media Office, 0599-943-157, 054-237-8609