Sabbath Riot by Settlers in Hebron

by ISM activists in Hebron

On the 26th of November in the West Bank, a large number of armed Israeli Settlers visiting Hebron for the commemoration of the Biblical character Abraham’s burial of Sarah broke Palestinian property and assaulted Palestinians. The rioting Settlers, numbering some one hundred and sixty people rioted in the ‘H2’ area of Hebron, so designated after the Oslo Two Peace Accord and the Hebron Protocol. ‘H2’ is that area of Hebron under Israeli civil control as opposed to the larger more populated ‘H1’ area which is under Palestinian Authority civil control. A large number of Palestinian families still remain in this Israeli controlled (and Settler occupied) ‘H2’ area and are subject to daily intimidation by local Settlers and Israeli military restrictions. International Human Rights Observers (HROs) remain in Tel Rumeida (H2) and daily escort Palestinian children to school and accompany the adults about daily errands.

Large numbers of Settlers began roaming the streets of H2 around midday. The majority were teenage youths. Initially, they shouted obscenities and spat at passing Palestinians. Around two thirty in the afternoon, a large fight broke out between the mob gathered at the top of Tel Rumeida street and the sons of several Palestinian families who were standing outside their house. One son received a fractured collarbone and another was badly beaten. The Israeli military had quickly arrived to keep Settlers away from the Palestinians, however they were greatly outnumbered by Settlers and were unable to break up the mob or prevent much of the stoning. After the Palestinians fled into their homes, attention then turned on the nearby home of the Human Rights Observers and for over two hours, five of them, with a German photojournalist remained locked indoors while their apartment was stoned and obscenities and death threats yelled at them. Another three HROs unaware that their nearby home was under siege tried to escort a single Palestinian student through this crowd and were beaten until the Israeli soldiers pulled them out.

Large numbers of the Settlers carried automatic weapons. Members of the Settler Militia were particularly aggressive toward the Western HRO’s throughout the day often shouldering and tripping them in an effort to provoke them. The HROs reported twelve separate incidents of physical assault including grabbing, pushing, shouldering, tripping and knocking one person to the ground. The mob toward evening moved along Tel Rumeida street entering Palestinian property, preventing returning Palestinians from entering their houses, breaking windows and beating on doors. The Israeli military closed a checkpoint which allows Palestinians from H2 to access H1 for over two hours while the mob paraded and Palestinians were also prevented from accessing their homes in H2 from the south. It was observed that television journalists were prevented by an Israeli soldier from entering the H2 area to film the riot and the Settlers that surrounded the soldier. Settlers remained on the street until sunset when the Sabbath fast ended.

Although the Israeli Police were called on over eight separate occasions during the day, their presence on the street was minimal and was of short duration when they did arrive. Only one Settler was seen to be detained. It was left to a small number of Israeli soldiers to hold back the Settlers. Nevertheless, many windows, doors and rooftop water heaters were smashed and Palestinians stoned, beaten and intimidated by Settlers. Despite repeated pleas, Police and army numbers remained minimal thus giving these armed Settlers free reign to roam the streets of ‘H2’ and continue the process of intimidation toward its Palestinian residents, a process which has the ultimate goal of evicting them from their homes. On Shuhaddah street adjacent to Tel Rumeida alone only eleven out of the fifty two families remain. One more family is currently trying to leave. Despite the recent high publicity Gaza pullouts, the remainder of the Settler community continues to use violence and intimidation to expand and consolidate unabated.

Settler Mobs Attack Palestinians and Besiege Internationals In Hebron


Between 2pm and 5pm today, a hostile mob of between 100 and 150 Israeli settlers visiting from outside Hebron besieged five Human Rights Observers (HROs) and one photo-journalist inside the HROs’ apartment in Tel Rumeida, Hebron. Palestinian families, who were the main target of the settler’s hate, were also besieged in their homes. Other settlers attacked Palestinians throughout the city on a day that was advertised as a “mass prayer” for Jews only in the Ibrahimi Mosque. ISM and Tel Rumeida project volunteers alone recorded six assaults on Palestinians and twelve assaults and five stonings on HROs. The police were called on eight separate occasions and the army/DCO 4 times, but most of the time they did not arrive.

In one such incident on Tel Rumeida street, two HROs were present when settlers threw stones at Palestinians on the roofs of their houses, as well as at the HROs. Local Palestinian Basem Rajeb Abu-Aisha’s solar panels were broken by the stone throwers. In another incident, an HRO was violently pushed by one of a group of three settler girls who were trying to attack a Palestinian school girl the HRO was accompanying.

The HROs spent the morning spread along Tel Rumeida street and Shuhaddah street ready to observe the situation in anticipation of settler violence. Many were doing their usual accompaniment of Palestinian children returning home from school. Palestinian children in Hebron are regularly attacked by settlers with stones and other forms of violence.

They heard of a disturbance near to their apartment which is about 100m from Tel Rumeida settlement. They arrived to find a mob of about 150 settlers nearby throwing stones at a small group of Palestinian youth on the street. Israeli soldiers prevented the settlers from following the Palestinians. Police and soldiers picked one settler out of crowd to arrest him. He was detained for about five minutes before he escaped into the crowd of settlers. The soldiers ran after him but the crowd surrounded them and scuffles broke out between the settlers and soldiers. One of the HROs tried to take pictures of this confrontation but was met with hostility from the settlers and soldiers. The HROs were still trying to accompany Palestinians despite the hostile mob. One settler with an M16 automatic rifle threateningly followed one of the HROs, so he decided to come inside. Others from the small group of HROs also sought refuge in their apartment, fearing for their safety if they were to leave. At first they retreated to the roof where they could continue their observations, but were soon driven down when the settlers began throwing stones up at them. The settlers stayed outside singing in Hebrew and chanting slogans like “No Arabs” in English.

Other quotes from settlers throughout the day: “death to the Arabs”, “we hate all the Arabs”, “Palestinians are animals who should be in cages”, “they shouldn’t be caged just in Hebron but everywhere”, “I hope that God burns all the Arabs in hell… they are not men but dogs”.

According to Israeli Police and military, around 3000 Israeli settlers from around the West Bank and Israel have come to the Palestinian city of Hebron today to show “solidarity with the pioneers of Hebron” as they stated in their advertising for the day.

For more information:
David: 054 651 7234
ISM Media office: 02 297 1824

Settlers Attack Olive Pickers in Tel Rumeida

Armed settlers from Tel Rumeida today repeatedly attacked 4 Palestinian families as they tried to harvest their olives in Tel Rumeida today.

The Palestinians, accompanied by 4 members of the Christian Peacemaker Teams and 3 ISMers were initially attacked in the morning, by a group of settler kids throwing stones.

By the afternoon, Baruch Marzel and three other adult settlers with assault rifles arrived. One of the settlers (wearing plain clothes) produced a military I.D. and demanded that the Palestinians and internationals left the olive groves and one of the families’ houses near which some of them were standing. They began yelling, throwing stones at, and pushing the internationals. Meanwhile three soldiers arrived and forced the Palestinians to leave the olive groves, whilst ignoring the violence of the settlers. During this, several people were hit with stones and an Australian woman from the ISM was pushed and slapped.

Once the settlers had forced everyone to retreat behind the house of one of the Palestinian families, they broke into the house and started to destroy it. They began throwing its contents and the rubble they created at the Palestinians and internationals outside.

Eventually 10 police and border police officers arrived (who had been called to the scene by one of the Palestinian men). The Palestinians then complained about the attacks they had suffered and at the failure of the soldiers present to even attempt to protect them. Once told that there was also video evidence to support these complaints, the police promptly arrested the Palestinian lawyer who was speaking with them. The settlers were not arrested.

Human Rights Observers Face Deportation


The four human rights observers who were arrested yesterday, are today appearing before and Israeli judge in the “Peace Court”, Jerusalem. The Ministry of the Interior is seeking an extension to their detention, and are starting the process that will lead to their deportation. On the evening of Tuesday November the 8th at 21:15, the Israeli occupation forces stopped one of the human rights observers while he was trying to enter the international apartment in Tel Rumeida, in the old city of Hebron.

At that time he contacted his fellow observers who were inside the apartment. Four other observers went outside to assist him and were arrested at 21:30. They were all taken to the police station in Hebron where they were accused of obstructing the Israeli occupation forces from implementing their orders.


Please call the following numbers and politely ask why the state of Israel is afraid of international observers recording and documenting their military and police operations in Hebron, as well as abuses by Israeli settlers:

Israeli Ministry of the Interior: +972 (0) 2 670 1400
Kyriat Arba Settlement Police Station: +972 (0) 2 996 9400

Their “crime” was to question the right of Israeli soldiers in Hebron to indefinitely confiscate their passports. The incident follows weeks of harassment of ISM and other international Human Rights Observers in Hebron, including an illegal attempt at eviction from the international apartment there by the Israeli military.

See the Hebron region category of the ISM website for more background:

For more information on the Tel Rumeida Project see:

For more information:

Gabi Laski (lawyer):+972 544418988
ISM Media office: +972 2 2971824

Eyewitness Account: Human Rights Observers Arrests in Hebron

On the 8th of November, an international Human Rights Observer (HRO) from Scotland accompanied by two European journalists was stopped by approximately eight Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) soldiers on Shaddah street, Tel Rumida in occupied Hebron. They were asked to show their passports for inspection, which they did but the soldiers tried to take them away. They were not told when and if the passports would be returned. They informed the soldiers that it was illegal for them to take their passports away indefinitely. While the passports were being displayed for the soldiers, they were snatched out of two people’s hands including from the HRO. The HRO again made the point that it was not allowed for his passport to be taken away from him. After several minutes of inspection, the passports were returned one by one. Soon after, in the same place, these passports were again snatched from the hands of the HRO and the journalists. Again, they were inspected and after a period of time were returned. It was not observed that the IOF made any radio contact with their identification registers. The passports were returned after several minutes. The volunteers contacted the local police station and requested their presence. The passports were snatched and returned a third time without any apparent reason. The HRO surrendered his passport again but continued to protest. He then had his arms placed behind his back and was bound by handcuffs. He was bundled into a military jeep with IOF soldiers and the doors were shut.

At this point other HROs arrived and asked the superior officer why the first Observer was being detained. They were told that they would be told “in a few minutes”. An HRO from Scandanavia who was filming the events was dragged to the rear of the military vehicle and held there.

The Police then arrived and despite being requested to intervene on behalf of the detained HROs, began to ask for passports from the two volunteers who where being held by the IOF. The police informed the HROs that they had now taken charge of the operation: “this is a police operation, we are in charge”.

These HROs, from Scandinavia and from Canada both showed their passports but informed the police officer that it was not permitted for them to be taken away. The police man said they “could be taken here” or the two HROs could be taken to the station and inspected there. The police then snatched the passports from the hands of both HROs. Tthe observers refused either of these options and were then informed that they were being placed under arrest and both were forcibly dragged to the Police vehicle, the HRO from Canada being dragged along the ground. They were both locked inside this vehicle. They were both informed that they were being arrested for interrupting a military operation (not a police one).

The Police were asked to address the issue of the first HRO from Scotland who was still being detained in the military vehicle. They were asked on what grounds he was being detained. A Police officer walked over to this vehicle and opened the door and shouted in, ‘you are arrested.’ When asked again on what grounds, he said for refusing to give his passport. It was pointed out that the IOF had his passport and had previously inspected it three times. The police officer appeared not to have been aware of this and explained that he had been told that the HRO had refused to hand over his passport and still held it. The police officer then said he would take the HRO to the police station ‘for a chat’. It was pointed out to him that this was against his will and he was handcuffed; and furthermore, that this was not grounds for arrest. A discussion took place between the superior officer and the police man. The police man then said he was to remain under arrest. He would not explain why.

A female HRO from the US who was filming the proceedings, and had already been manhandled by an IOF soldier, prevented from filming and had her handbag torn from her shoulder, was informed that she too was under arrest. She had been informing the police that it was illegal to transport a person arrested by the police in an IOF vehicle and that she would be concerned for his safety in an IOF vehicle.

She was charged with obstructing a military operation and was instructed to enter the military vehicle. A police officer said he would ride in the IOF military vehicle and this “would make it” a police vehicle. She refused and was physically forced into the vehicle. This was the fourth and final arrest. Other HROs were intimidated, pushed, had arms twisted and on several occasions had attempts at their cameras being snatched and pulled by the IOF.