ISM re-establish presence in the Gaza Strip

The International Solidarity Movement would like to announce the re-establishment of a presence in the Gaza Strip. International solidarity activists will be based in Rafah in efforts to show support for non-violent direct action against the Israeli occupation.

As activists from the Free Gaza Movement broke the siege on Gaza in their historic and hugely successful attempt to sail to Gaza from Cyprus, the re-establishment of ISM Rafah was made possible. A number of international solidarity activists aboard the boats made the decision to stay on in Gaza and re-activate an international presence in the area. Since 2003 and the Israeli murders of international activists Tom Hurndall and Rachel Corrie, the ability of internationals to travel into Gaza has been severely restricted, representing just one aspect of the open-air prison that the Israeli state has created in Gaza.

While working in Gaza, the ISM will be supporting non-violent direct action aimed at breaking the Israeli siege on the Strip. Planned actions include:

– Accompanying the fishermen at sea as they assert their right to fish beyond the Israeli imposed limits while documenting Israeli aggression towards these boats.

– Supporting farmers’ direct action to reclaim their lands within the buffer-zone along the green line.

– Supporting non-violent demonstrations at border crossings against the denial of freedom of movement.

– Reporting from the Gaza Strip, bringing human stories from people living under Israeli occupation and siege.

PCHR Narratives Under Siege: Deadline looms for another student trapped inside Gaza

In order to highlight the impact of the siege and closure of the Gaza Strip on the civilian population, PCHR is publishing a series of “Narratives Under Siege.” These short articles are based on personal testimonies and experiences of life in the Gaza Strip, and we hope they will serve to highlight the restrictions, and the violations, being imposed on the civilians of Gaza. To view all narrative articles click here

Nevin Abu Taima fears she will lose her university scholarship if she cannot reach the US within the next few days.

During the last two days of August, the Egyptian authorities permitted approximately 3,300 people to cross the Gazan border at Rafah into Egypt ‘for humanitarian reasons’.

Those who entered Egypt included Gazan patients, students, and an undisclosed number of Egyptians who had been stranded inside the Gaza Strip. The sight of more than fifty busloads of travelers heading out of Gaza may have given the impression that movement restrictions are finally easing inside the Gaza Strip. But almost 900 other Gazans on board the buses were turned back at the border. Amongst them was twenty year old Nevin Abu Taima from Rafah – who is still desperately trying to return to the US in order to resume her political science degree.

‘My family lives in the Brazil refugee camp, in [the south of] Rafah’ she says. ‘Our house was destroyed by the Israelis in 2005, and we spent the next six months living in a local UNRWA school. We are a big family of eleven children, and some of my brothers and sisters also have families of their own – all of us were living together in one classroom. Can you imagine that?’ Nevin left Gaza whilst her family was still being housed in the classroom. ‘I was only sixteen’ she says. ‘But I had very good grades at school, and I was offered a United World College Scholarship in Italy. I left my home and lived in Trieste [in northern Italy] for two years. I had to study Italian and English at the same time, and after two years I received my International Baccalaureate.’

Whilst she was living in Italy, Nevin traveled to Egypt each summer, to try to see her family in Gaza. ‘I traveled to Rafah on the Egyptian side of the border twice, and waited for almost three months each time, to see if the border would open’ she says. ‘All my family is inside Gaza and I badly wanted to see them. But I never managed to get across the border, and had to return to Italy without seeing them.’

Israel’s closure of the Gaza Strip has separated tens of thousands of Gazans from their immediate families. Individuals who travel outside of Gaza have often not been allowed to return for years, or else remain frightened of re-entering Gaza for fear of being trapped inside the Strip, as many subsequently have been. Many families are therefore forced to rely on photographs, telephones and the Internet to stay in touch with their parents, partners and siblings, though even Internet access is restricted to those who can afford it.

Nevin did not see her parents for three years. After receiving her Baccalaureate she was awarded a scholarship to study political science at St Lawrence University in upstate New York. The four-year scholarship, which covers her living expenses and tuition fees, is worth $50,000 per year. Nevin traveled from Italy to New York, and spent the 2007/8 academic year at St Lawrence, where she also worked part-time to pay for her return flight back to Egypt, determined to try and visit her family again. ‘I flew to Cairo on 9 May this year, went straight to Rafah and just waited for the border to open’ she says.

‘I was sleeping outside under some trees with other Palestinians who were also trying to enter Gaza: there were old people and sick people. There was no-one to help us. We waited for almost two months, and I reached the point where I was knocking on doors asking for food.’

At the beginning of July this year, the Egyptian authorities agreed to re-open the Rafah Crossing for three days for humanitarian cases to enter and leave Gaza. Nevin fought her way through the crowds surging to the border, and finally crossed into Gaza on 3 July.

‘I had been away for three years, and the change was shocking’ she says. ‘I didn’t even recognise the way back to my own house – there had been so much destruction since I left. It was wonderful to go home, but our land had also been bulldozed. I really didn’t expect the situation to be so bad.’ She knew that leaving Gaza would probably be very difficult, so she began making enquiries within a week. She needed to be back in the US at the end of August in order to start her second year at St Lawrence.

When rumours started circulating that Rafah would open for the two days before Ramadan, she went straight to nearby Khan Yunis to wait to board one of the Egypt-bound buses. After two days she was allowed on board and the bus joined the queue at Rafah. ‘My passport was stamped [at Rafah] by the Palestinian officials, and I really thought we would cross’ she says, ‘but after waiting in the bus for four hours, stuck between Gaza and Egypt, the driver was ordered to turn the bus around and drive back to Gaza, because no else could cross. People were crying and screaming all the way back’.

During those two days that Rafah was partially re-opened, approximately 200 Gazan students studying at foreign universities managed to cross into Egypt. However, another two hundred, like Nevin, remain stranded inside Gaza. In addition, up to 1,200 Gazan school leavers are in the process of applying to study at foreign universities, and are also completely dependent on being issued exit permits by Israel, or else managing to cross to Egypt. Rafah Crossing does not have regular opening hours, and even when it is open, there are no guarantees that Gazan civilians can enter Egypt. More than two months after the Egypt brokered Tahdiya between Israel and Gaza came into force, Gazans still do not have the basic human right of freedom of movement.

The bitter irony for Nevin is that St Lawrence has now emailed her, informing her that her scholarship is too expense to maintain in her absence: unless she can manage to somehow travel to the US by Monday, she understands that her scholarship will be either suspended or canceled. She will also have to re-submit all of her documentation in order to re-enter the US, and may have her student visa canceled, leaving her in complete limbo. ‘My university doesn’t understand about life in Gaza’ she says. ‘My family live in a refugee camp, and they can’t afford to send me to university in Gaza. I am now trying to travel via Erez [into Israel] and then from Jordan to the US. But I have very little time left.’

Israeli army open fire of Gazan fishermen and international activists

On the 1st September 2008, the first day of Ramadan, several volunteers with the Free Gaza Movement and the International Solidarity Movement accompanied a small fleet of seven fishing vessels from Gaza City port.

The fishermen exercised their right to fish in Gazan territorial waters, providing them with a livelihood and providing food for the besieged people of Gaza. The fishing fleet reached approximately nine miles offshore and began trawling along the Gazan coast, well within international limits. Usually the Israeli Navy prevents Gazan fishing vessels from accessing beyond six miles and in many cases only three miles, by attacking the boats, sometimes lethally, or by arresting the fishermen. However, this day’s fishing resulted in a highly successful catch due to the ability to access richer fishing grounds further offshore.

Two Israeli Naval gunboats approached the fleet soon after leaving port and began firing “warning shots” shortly afterwards. They were aware that internationals were on some of the boats. The Israeli Navy continued shooting multiple times at the fishing vessels, one of which was fired upon at least seven times. They also deployed explosive charges in the water and attempted to de-stabilise some of the boats by creating a strong wake. Communication was established with the Israeli Navy via VHF radio, informing them that everyone onboard were unarmed civilians and requesting that the Israeli Navy stop shooting.

The volunteers will continue to join Gazan fishing expeditions on a regular basis and will monitor Israeli aggressions towards the fishermen. Video and written documentation will be posted publicly and made available to journalists. The Israeli Navy will not be informed as to when the volunteers will join the fishermen, nor the ports they will sail from, since this is not within their jurisdiction. Also no indication will be made as to which vessels have internationals onboard.

Maan: Two injured in Israeli attacks on Palestinian fishermen in Gaza

To view original article, published by Maan News Agency on the 2nd September, click here

Two Gazan fishermen were injured when Israeli naval vessels fired on Palestinian fishing boats on Monday.

Palestinian medical sources told Ma’an that 32-year-old Husam Sultan was hit in the head with shrapnel. His wounds were described as serious. Ninteen-year-old Muhammad Sultan was lacerated by shrapnel in various places on his body.

The Israeli navy opened fire at the fishermen off the Gaza shore near the former site of the Israeli settlement Dugeit, west of the Palestinian town of Beit Lahiya, in the northern Gaza Strip.

This Israeli attack is an apparent violation of the ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip which went into effect on 19 June. The violation came on the first day of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan.

Another Israeli naval assault was reported earlier in the day in the day by international human rights activists accompanying Palestinian fishermen.
The Free Gaza movement reported live bullets fired near Gaza City, where five internationals were accompanying fishing boats during daily work in Gaza territorial waters. The group said the boats were “several miles offshore” when Israeli ships opened fire.

Activists from the Free Gaza boats who have remained in the Strip joined Gazan fishermen Monday morning as they launched their boats in order to monitor Israeli Naval aggressions.

There have been repeated reports of warning shots, arrests and boat shadowing by the Israeli navy patrolling Gazan waters.

Israel enforces a “Fishing Limit” that is 6 nautical miles (11.1 km) from the Gaza shore. The international waters boundary and the 1996 Oslo accords boundary both state that Gaza waters extend 20 nautical miles from the Gaza coast, and the 2002 Bertini agreement (signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority) has the boundary lying 12 nautical miles or 22.2 km from the Gaza coast. The current “Fishing Limit” has been imposed by the Israeli navy since October 2006.

The Israeli navy began limiting traffic going in or coming out if the Gaza Strip starting in the mid-1990s when the Oslo accords were signed. All traffic was halted since 2007, when Hamas took over the Gaza Strip.

The Free Gaza activists will be joined by others from the International Solidarity movement in Gaza, who will record and document all instances of Israeli naval aggression and harassment.

The activists announced Monday that they would be present on any fishing boat at any time along the entire Gaza coast from Monday morning onwards. They said that they hoped the presence of internationals would deter further Israeli aggression.

The fishing industry employs some 3,000 individuals, who rely on traveling deep enough into the Mediterranean to catch sardine as they migrate from the Nile delta northwards every spring.

The Free Gaza movement has focused its efforts this year on exposing and halting what they call the illegal Israeli control of Gazan coastal waters. Since Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, and claims not to be an occupying force in the area, the movement attests that Gazans should have control over their own ports.

The movement successfully landed two boats in the closed Gaza port on Saturday 23 August. Israeli army and government officials had initially planned on preventing the ships from landing, but made a last minute decision to allow them to pass. The government later called the event a “one-time” deal, and promised it would not allow other ships through into Gaza.

When all but 9 of the Free Gaza activists left the Gaza port for Cyprus in Thursday 28 August, they brought with them seven Palestinians, who for the first time in years did not have to ask Israeli or Egyptian permission to leave the Strip. The Palestinian government in Gaza stamped the passports and travel documents of those leaving, who arrived in Cyprus the following day by ship.

Free Gaza Movement: Israeli naval vessels firing on unarmed fishing boats and Human Rights Workers

For Immediate Release

(OFF THE COAST OF GAZA) 1 September 2008 – Israeli Naval vessels are currently firing on unamrmed Palestinian fishing boats and international
human rights workers off the coast of the Gaza Strip. The fishing boats are several miles off the coast of Gaza City, in Palestinian territorial
waters. As of 11am (4am EST) no one had been injured, but live ammunition is still being fired in the direction of the civilian boats.

The unarmed boats went to sea at dawn this morning, in an attempt to fish in their own water. Six international human rights workers from five different countries accompanied the fishermen in the hopes that their presence would deter the Israeli military from firing on the fishermen. In the past the Israeli military has shot and killed unarmed Palestinian fishermen for trying to fish in their own waters.

Accompanying the fishermen are:
Vittorio Arrigoni, Italy
Georgios Karatzas, Greece
Adam Qvist, Denmark
Andrew Muncie, Scotland
Donna Wallach, USA
Darlene Wallach, USA


The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Tel. +972 2 530 3111
The British Embassy in Tel Aviv – +972 3 725 1222
The US Embassy in Tel Aviv – +972 2 625 5755