Hebron solidarity demonstration with Gaza

27th December 2008

Students from Hebron University gathered at 11:45 Saturday in a spontaneous march in show of sympathy and solidarity with the people of Gaza.

When they reached the Manara many more people joined the demonstration, mainly from Al-Quds Open University and the Polytechnic University. Around 500 demonstrators were carrying banners asking for an Arab and international reaction towards Israel’s crimes. They chanted “Gaza we are coming” and “We are with you”.

A big group of the demonstrators moved on in the direction of Bab Azawie to confront the Israeli soldiers at Checkpoint 56. They reached the checkpoint around 1pm and the popular resistance continued until sunset.

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) responded violently to the demonstrators by shooting huge amounts of teargas cannisters, rubber-coated steal bullets and sound grenades directly at the crowd.

Five soldiers occupied a roof top next to the checkpoint and 15 soldiers hid behind concrete blocks from where they could easily shoot at the demonstrators.

Fifty people were treated in hospital for gas inhalation or being directly hit by gas cannisters. An international solidarity activist hit by a canister shot directly at her, fracturing her toe.

14 years old Ya’qub Al-Qasrawi was shot in the head by the same soldiers only two weeks ago. He could not be saved by the doctors at Hadasa ain el Karem and was declared brain-dead from his head wound.

Two sisters killed by Israeli air-strike in Beit Hanoun

30th December 2008: Two International Human Rights Activists witnessed the killing of two young girls in Beit Hanoun this morning. A young boy was also seriously injured in the attack.

The two girls, one four years old, the other twelve years old were killed as they took out garbage from their home. The deaths came as Israeli missiles destroyed an agricultural co-operative, a PFLP community centre and a police station in the Beit Hanoun area.

“It is impossible to avoid civilian casualties in a densely populated area. No one is safe from the Israeli air strikes. I saw two girls, ages 4 and 12 get hit by a bomb from an F16. They were outside clearing some rubbish around their homes. The 4 year old girl died and the 12 year old girl was being taken to the hospital on a donkey cart. The people of Gaza have nothing left from the ongoing siege: there is not even an ambulance to take a child to the hospital. There is no excuse in dropping bombs on Gaza, as civilian deaths are unavoidable. The reality for the children of Gaza will not change until there is international pressure on Israel to end the bombings and the ongoing siege.” – Ewa Jasiewicz – Free Gaza Movement

“Bombs do not discriminate. I saw two girls, ages 4 and 12 get hit by a bomb from an F16. They were outside clearing some rubbish around their homes. The 4 year old girl died and the 12 year old girl was being taken to the hospital on a donkey cart. Israel is striking Gaza after leaving the population with nothing because of the ongoing siege. There is not even an ambulance to take a child to the hospital. Until there is a strong voice from the international community demanding that Israel end the siege and bombings, everyone is in danger.” – Alberto Arce – International Solidarity Movement

Free Gaza Movement: Israeli Navy attacks and wounds Dignity in International Waters

(Larnaca, Cyprus, 10:00 am) On Tuesday, December 30, at 5 a.m., several Israeli gunboats intercepted the Dignity as she was heading on a mission of mercy to Gaza. One gunboat rammed into the boat on the port bow side, heavily damaging her. The reports from the passengers and journalists on board is that she is taking on water and appears to have engine problems. When attacked, the Dignity was clearly in international waters, 90 miles off the coast of Gaza.

The gunboats also fired their machine guns into the water in an attempt to stop the mercy ship from getting to Gaza.

As the boat limps toward Lebanon, passengers have been in contact with the Lebanese government who have said the captain has permission to dock and are willing lend assistance if needed. Cyprus sea rescue has also been in touch, and has offered assistance as well. The Dignity clearly flies the flag of Gibraltar, is piloted by an English captain and has a passenger manifest that includes Representative Cynthia McKinney from the U.S. The attack was filmed by the journalists, and the crew and passengers will report on Israel’s crime at sea once they arrive in Lebanon.

On board the boat are doctors traveling to this impoverished slice of the Mediterranean to provide badly-needed relief at the hospitals there. The crew and passengers were also hoping to take wounded out for treatment, since the hospitals are not coping. In addition, the Dignity was carrying 3 tons of medical supplies at the request of the doctors in Gaza.

The three physicans on board who were sailing to Gaza are: Dr. Halpin (UK), an experienced orthopaedic surgeon, medical professor, and ship’s captain. He has organized humanitarian relief efforts in Gaza on several occasions with the Dove and Dolphin. He is traveling to Gaza to volunteer in hospitals and clinics. Dr. Mohamed Issa (Germany), a pediatric surgeon from Germany is traveling to Gaza to volunteer in hospitals and clinics. Dr. Elena Theoharous (Cyprus), MP Dr. Theoharous is a surgeon and a Member of the Cypriot Parliament. She is traveling to Gaza to assess the ongoing conflict, assist with humanitarian relief efforts, and volunteer in hospitals.

Yet Israel thumbs its nose in the face of maritime law by attacking a human rights boat in international waters and has put all of these human rights observers at risk. At no time was the Dignity ever close to Israeli waters. They clearly identified themselves and the Israeli attack was willful and criminal.

The Dignity is still in international waters, 40 miles off Haifa. Everybody on board is safe at the moment as the boat slowly makes its way to safety in Lebanon.

For more information, please contact:

(Gaza) Ewa Jasiewicz, +972 598 700 497 / freelance@mailworks.org

(Cyprus) Lubna Masarwa +357 99 081 767 / lubnna@gmail.com

(U.S.) Greta Berlin, +1 310 422 7242 / iristulip@gmail.com

Free Gaza Movement: URGENT! Israeli Navy Attacking Civilian Mercy Ship! TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY!

Video report from CNN

Press Release by the Free Gaza Movement:

The Dignity, a Free Gaza boat on a mission of mercy to besieged Gaza, is being attacked by the Israeli Navy in international waters. The Dignity has been surrounded by at least half-a-dozen Israeli warships. They are firing live ammunition around the Dignity, and one of the warships has rammed the civilian craft causing an unknown amount of damage. Contrary to international maritime law, the Israelis are actively preventing the Dignity from approaching Gaza or finding safe haven in either Egypt or Lebanon. Instead, the Israeli navy is demanding that the Dignity return to Cyprus – despite the fact that the ship does not carry enough fuel to do so. Fortunately, no one aboard the ship has yet been seriously injured.

There are 15 civilian passengers representing 11 different countries (see below for a complete list). At approximately 5am (UST), well out in international waters, Israeli warships began surrounding the Dignity, threatening the ship. At 6:45am (UST) we were able to establish brief contact with the crew and were told that the ship had been rammed by the Israeli Navy in international waters, and that the Israelis were preventing the ship from finding safe harbor. We heard heavy gunfire in the background before all contact was lost with the Dignity.

It is urgent that you TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!

CALL the Israeli Government and demand that it immediately STOP attacking the Dignity and endangering the lives of its passengers!

CALL Mark Regev in the Prime Minister’s office at:
+972 2670 5354 or +972 5062 3264

CALL Shlomo Dror in the Ministry of Defence at:
+972 33697 5339 or +972 50629 8148

The Dignity departed from Larnaca Port in Cyprus at 7pm (UST) on Monday 29 December, bound for war-devastated Gaza with a cargo of over 3 tons of desperately needed medical supplies donated by the people of Cyprus. At our request, the ship was searched by Cypriot Port authorities prior to departure, to certify that there was nothing “threatening” aboard – only emergency medical supplies.

Interviews with residents of Rafah

This is a longer video report, including interviews, of the aftermath of the bombing of the pharmacy in Hi Alijnina on the 28th December.

Video by ISM Gaza Strip

Shortly before 7:00am on Sunday 28th December, yet another Israeli missile strike hit the residential neighbourhood of Hi Alijnina in the southern Gaza town of Rafah. This time a pharmacy was targeted, totally destroying the building and causing severe damage to surrounding homes. Electricity lines were torn down during the blast and the street was littered with medicines. This footage was filmed within minutes of the attack as fire fighters battled to control the blaze. Shocked residents poured into the streets, some still wearing pyjamas.